Automatically skip content warnings before playing a stream on Twitch
// ==UserScript== // @name Twitch - Skip content warnings // @namespace // @version 1.2 // @description Automatically skip content warnings before playing a stream on Twitch // @author @CommanderRoot // @match* // @run-at document-start // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== // Hide overlay warning in the top left when you hover over the stream GM_addStyle('.disclosure-card{display: none !important;}'); function getCookie(name) { const value = '; ' + document.cookie; const parts = value.split('; ' + name + '='); if (parts.length === 2) return parts.pop().split(';').shift(); } function getcurrentUserID() { const userCookie = getCookie('twilight-user'); console.log(userCookie); if (typeof userCookie !== 'undefined') { let user = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(userCookie)); if (typeof user === 'object' && typeof user['id'] !== 'undefined') { return user['id'].toString(); } } } (function () { 'use strict'; const localStorageKey = 'content-classification-labels-acknowledged'; const acknowledgedDuration = + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // Now + 365 days const acknowledgedMaxAge = + (1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // Now + 1 day try { // Get current setting let currentSetting = window.localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey); if (currentSetting !== null) { currentSetting = JSON.parse(currentSetting); } else { currentSetting = {}; } const currentUserID = getcurrentUserID(); let targetSetting = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentSetting)); if (typeof targetSetting['loggedIn'] === 'undefined') { targetSetting['loggedIn'] = {}; } if (typeof targetSetting['loggedOut'] === 'undefined') { targetSetting['loggedOut'] = { 'DrugsIntoxication': acknowledgedDuration, 'Gambling': acknowledgedDuration, 'MatureGame': acknowledgedDuration, // "Significant Profanity or Vulgarity" (selectable but doesn't trigger anything atm) 'SexualThemes': acknowledgedDuration, 'ViolentGraphic': acknowledgedDuration, }; } else { if (typeof targetSetting['loggedOut']['DrugsIntoxication'] === 'undefined' || targetSetting['loggedOut']['DrugsIntoxication'] < acknowledgedMaxAge) { targetSetting['loggedOut']['DrugsIntoxication'] = acknowledgedDuration; } if (typeof targetSetting['loggedOut']['Gambling'] === 'undefined' || targetSetting['loggedOut']['Gambling'] < acknowledgedMaxAge) { targetSetting['loggedOut']['Gambling'] = acknowledgedDuration; } if (typeof targetSetting['loggedOut']['MatureGame'] === 'undefined' || targetSetting['loggedOut']['MatureGame'] < acknowledgedMaxAge) { targetSetting['loggedOut']['MatureGame'] = acknowledgedDuration; } if (typeof targetSetting['loggedOut']['SexualThemes'] === 'undefined' || targetSetting['loggedOut']['SexualThemes'] < acknowledgedMaxAge) { targetSetting['loggedOut']['SexualThemes'] = acknowledgedDuration; } if (typeof targetSetting['loggedOut']['ViolentGraphic'] === 'undefined' || targetSetting['loggedOut']['ViolentGraphic'] < acknowledgedMaxAge) { targetSetting['loggedOut']['ViolentGraphic'] = acknowledgedDuration; } } if (typeof currentUserID === 'string' && currentUserID !== '') { if (typeof targetSetting['loggedIn'][currentUserID] === 'undefined') { targetSetting['loggedIn'][currentUserID] = []; } if (!targetSetting['loggedIn'][currentUserID].includes('DrugsIntoxication')) { targetSetting['loggedIn'][currentUserID].push('DrugsIntoxication'); } if (!targetSetting['loggedIn'][currentUserID].includes('Gambling')) { targetSetting['loggedIn'][currentUserID].push('Gambling'); } if (!targetSetting['loggedIn'][currentUserID].includes('MatureGame')) { targetSetting['loggedIn'][currentUserID].push('MatureGame'); } if (!targetSetting['loggedIn'][currentUserID].includes('SexualThemes')) { targetSetting['loggedIn'][currentUserID].push('SexualThemes'); } if (!targetSetting['loggedIn'][currentUserID].includes('ViolentGraphic')) { targetSetting['loggedIn'][currentUserID].push('ViolentGraphic'); } } // Set new setting window.localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(targetSetting)); } catch (e) { // Browser blocks localStorage access so we can't get or set any setting return; } })();