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AniHIDE - Hide Unrelated Episodes

Filter animes in the Home/New-Episodes pages to show only what you are watching or plan to watch based on your anime list on MAL or AL.

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You may also like AniCHAT - Discuss Anime Episodes.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        AniHIDE - Hide Unrelated Episodes
// @namespace   https://greasyfork.org/en/users/781076-jery-js
// @version     2.3.4
// @description Filter animes in the Home/New-Episodes pages to show only what you are watching or plan to watch based on your anime list on MAL or AL.
// @icon        https://image.myanimelist.net/ui/OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAiC8a86sHufn_jOI-JGtoCQ
// @author      Jery
// @license     MIT
// @match       https://yugenanime.*/*
// @match       https://yugenanime.tv/*
// @match       https://yugenanime.sx/*
// @match       https://anitaku.*/*
// @match       https://anitaku.pe/*
// @match       https://gogoanime.*/*
// @match       https://gogoanime.tv/*
// @match       https://gogoanime3.*/*
// @match       https://gogoanime3.co/*
// @match       https://animepahe.*/
// @match       https://animepahe.ru/
// @match       https://anim###ge.to/*
// @match       https://anim###ge.*/*
// @match       https://*anim###ge.cc/*
// @match       https://www.miruro.*/*
// @match       https://www.miruro.tv/*
// @match       https://miruro.to/*
// @match       https://miruro.online/*
// @match       https://animekai.to/*
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_notification
// @grant       GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @require     https://unpkg.com/axios/dist/axios.min.js
// @require     https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@trim21/[email protected]
// ==/UserScript==
* Notify new Update
if (GM_getValue("version") != GM_info.script.version) {
// refreshList();
GM_setValue("version", GM_info.script.version);
const msg = `
This scipt has been updated!!\n
What's new:
-Better handling of dynamic sites [improved detection]
-Now skips unhiding manually added animes if they are in animelist [fix]
-Support for alternative titles [Improved detection]
// alert(msg);
/* Preferred Format sample-
What's new:
-Added AnimePahe [website]
-Added Timeout for certain sites [workaround]
-Notification shown for list refresh [feature]
-Bug Fixes + Code Cleanup`
const userSettingsKey = 'userSettings';
const animeListKey = 'animeList';
const manualListKey = 'manualList';
* -----------
* the timeout variable is a workaround for sites like
* AnimePahe which generate episodes page dynamically.
const animeSites = [
name: 'yugenanime',
url: ['yugenanime.tv', 'yugenanime.sx', 'yugenanime'],
item: '.ep-grid > li',
title: '.ep-origin-name',
thumbnail: '.ep-thumbnail > img'
name: 'gogoanime',
url: ['gogoanime3', 'gogoanimehd', 'gogoanime', 'anitaku'],
item: '.items > li',
title: '.name > a',
thumbnail: '.img > a > img'
name: 'animepahe',
url: ['animepahe.ru', 'animepahe.com', 'animepahe'],
item: '.episode-wrap > .episode',
title: '.episode-title > a',
thumbnail: '.episode-snapshot > img',
observe: '.episode-list-wrapper',
timeout: 100
name: 'anim###ge',
url: ['anim###ge.to'],
item: '.item',
title: '.name > a',
thumbnail: '.poster img'
name: 'anim###ge',
url: ['anim###ge.cc'],
item: '.itemlist > li',
title: '.name a',
thumbnail: '.poster > img'
name: 'anim###ge',
url: ['anim###ge.su'],
item: '.bs',
title: '.tt',
thumbnail: 'img'
name: 'miruro',
url: ['miruro'],
item: 'a[color][title][href^="/watch"]',
title: 'h5[title^="Title: "]',
thumbnail: 'img[alt^="Play "]',
observe: 'section[aria-labelledby*="continueWatching"] + div',
timeout: 1200
name: 'animekai',
url: ['animekai.to'],
item: '.aitem',
title: '.title',
thumbnail: 'img',
observe: '.tab-body',
const services = [
name: "MyAnimeList",
icon: "https://image.myanimelist.net/ui/OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAiC8a86sHufn_jOI-JGtoCQ",
statuses: ['watching', 'plan_to_watch', 'on_hold', 'dropped', 'completed', ''],
apiBaseUrl: 'https://api.myanimelist.net/v2/users',
_clientId: "cfdd50f8037e9e8cf489992df497c761",
async getAnimeList(username, status) {
const url = `${this.apiBaseUrl}/${username}/animelist?fields="alternative_titles"&status=${status}&limit=1000`;
const response = await GM_fetch(url, { headers: { 'X-MAL-CLIENT-ID': this._clientId } });   // using GM_fetch to bypass CORS restrictions
const data = (await response.json()).data;
return data.map(entry => {
const titles = [entry.node.title, ...Object.values(entry.node.alternative_titles).flat()].filter(title => title != '');
return new AnimeEntry(titles);
name: "AniList",
icon: "https://anilist.co/img/icons/android-chrome-512x512.png",
apiBaseUrl: 'https://graphql.anilist.co',
async getAnimeList(username, status) {
let page = 1, entries = [], hasNextPage = true;
while (hasNextPage) {
const query = `
query {
Page(page:${page}, perPage:50) {
pageInfo { hasNextPage, currentPage },
mediaList(userName:"${username}", type:ANIME, status:${status}) {
media { title { romaji, english, native, userPreferred } }
const response = await axios.post(this.apiBaseUrl, { query });
const data = response.data.data.Page;
entries = entries.concat(data.mediaList);
hasNextPage = data.pageInfo.hasNextPage;
page = data.pageInfo.currentPage + 1;
return entries.map(entry => {
const titles = Object.values(entry.media.title).filter(title => title != null)
return new AnimeEntry(titles)
name: "YugenAnime",
icon: "https://yugenanime.tv/static/img/logo__light.png",
statuses: [1, 2, 4, 5, 3],
apiBaseUrl: 'https://yugenanime.tv/api/mylist',
async getAnimeList(username, status) {
const url = `${this.apiBaseUrl}/?list_status=${status}`;
const response = await axios.get(url);
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response.data.query, 'text/html');
const list = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('.list-entry-row'), row => {
return new AnimeEntry([row.querySelector('.list-entry-title a').textContent.trim()]);
return list;
* Classes for handling various data like settings, lists,
* services and websites
// User settings
class UserSettings {
constructor(usernames = {}) {
this.usernames = usernames;
static load() {
return GM_getValue(userSettingsKey, new UserSettings());
// Anime entry
class AnimeEntry {
constructor(titles) {
this.titles = titles;
this.skip = false;
// Anime list
class AnimeList {
constructor(key) {
this.entries = GM_getValue(key, []);
clear() {
this.entries = [];
removeEntry(entry) {
this.entries = this.entries.filter(e => !entry.titles.some(title => e.titles.includes(title)));
addEntry(entry) {
// Use jaro-winkler algorithm to compare whether the given title is similar present in the animelist
isEntryExist(title) {
const threshold = 0.8;
const a = title.toLowerCase();
return this.entries.some(e => {
return e.titles.some(t => {
const b = t.toLowerCase(), m = a.length, n = b.length;
if (n == 0 || m == 0) return false;
const max = Math.floor(Math.max(n, m) / 2) - 1, ma = Array(n).fill(false), mb = Array(m).fill(false);
let mtc = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const s = Math.max(0, i - max), e = Math.min(m, i + max + 1);
for (let j = s; j < e; j++) {
if (!mb[j] && b[i] == a[j]) {
ma[i] = true, mb[j] = true, mtc++;
if (mtc == 0) return false;
let tr = 0, k = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (ma[i]) {
while (!mb[k]) k++;
if (b[i] !== a[k]) tr++;
const sim = (mtc / n + mtc / m + (mtc - tr / 2) / mtc) / 3;
// if (sim >= threshold) console.log(`jaro-winkler: ${b} - ${a} = ${sim}`);
return sim >= threshold;
// Website class
class Website {
constructor(site) {
this.site = site;
// Apply initial CSS styles
/* Show eps on Hover */
${site.item} ${site.thumbnail}:hover {
opacity: 1 !important;
filter: brightness(1) !important;
transition: .2s ease-in-out !important;
// Gets all the anime items on the page
getAnimeItems() {
return document.querySelectorAll(this.site.item);
// Gets the anime title from the anime item
getAnimeTitle(animeItem) {
const titleEl = animeItem.querySelector(this.site.title);
// Get only text content, excluding child elements
return titleEl ? Array.from(titleEl.childNodes)
.filter(node => node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE)
.map(node => node.textContent.trim())
.join('').trim() : '';
undarkenRelatedEps(animeList) {
this.getAnimeItems().forEach(item => {
const thumbnail = item.querySelector(this.site.thumbnail);
thumbnail.style.cssText = animeList.isEntryExist(this.getAnimeTitle(item))
? 'opacity:1;   filter:brightness(1);   transition:.2s ease-in-out'
: 'opacity:0.5; filter:brightness(0.3); transition:.4s ease-in-out';
* Initialize all data and setup menu commands
// User settings
let userSettings = UserSettings.load();
// Anime list and manual list
const animeList = new AnimeList(animeListKey);
const manualList = new AnimeList(manualListKey);
// Service instance
let service = null;
chooseService(parseInt(GM_getValue('service', 1)));
// Register menu commands
GM_registerMenuCommand('Show Options', showOptions);
* Functions for working of script
// Show menu options as a prompt
function showOptions() {
let options = { 'Refresh Anime List': refreshList, 'Change Username': changeUsername, 'Manually Add/Remove Anime': modifyManualAnime, 'Choose Service': chooseService }
let opt = prompt(
`${GM_info.script.name}\n\nChoose an option:\n${Object.keys(options).map((key, i) => `${i + 1}. ${key}`).join('\n')}`, '1'
if (opt !== null) {
let index = parseInt(opt) - 1
let selectedOption = Object.values(options)[index]
// Refresh the anime list from MAL and store it using GM_setValue
async function refreshList() {
GM_setValue('lastRefreshTime', new Date().getTime());
try {
const username = userSettings.usernames[service.name]
if (!username) {
alert(`Please set your ${service.name} username to continue.`);
GM_notification("Refreshing your list...", GM_info.script.name, service.icon)
const entriesWatching = await service.getAnimeList(username, service.statuses[0]);
const entriesPlanned = await service.getAnimeList(username, service.statuses[1]);
const entriesManual = manualList.entries;
const oldAnimeList = animeList.entries.map(entry => entry.titles);
entriesWatching.forEach(entry => animeList.addEntry(entry));
entriesPlanned.forEach(entry => animeList.addEntry(entry));
entriesManual.forEach(entry => manualList.addEntry(entry));
console.log('animeList', animeList.entries);
const newAnimeList = animeList.entries.map(entry => entry.titles);
GM_setValue(animeListKey, animeList.entries);
const removedAnime = oldAnimeList.filter(oldAnime => !newAnimeList.some(newAnime => oldAnime[0] === newAnime[0]));
const addedAnime = newAnimeList.filter(newAnime => !oldAnimeList.some(oldAnime => newAnime[0] === oldAnime[0]));
const unchangedAnime = newAnimeList.filter(newAnime => oldAnimeList.some(oldAnime => newAnime[0] === oldAnime[0]));
let msg = '';
if (removedAnime.length > 0) msg += `-${removedAnime.map(a=>a[0]).join('\n-')}\n`;
if (addedAnime.length > 0) msg += `+${addedAnime.map(a=>a[0]).join('\n+')}\n`;
msg += `${unchangedAnime.map(a=>a[0]).join('\n')}`;
alert(`Anime list refreshed (${newAnimeList.length - oldAnimeList.length}/${newAnimeList.length}):\n\n${msg}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error('An error occurred while refreshing the anime list:', error);
alert(`An error occurred while refreshing the anime list:\n\n${error}\n\n\nAlternatively, you can try to refresh the list from any other supported site and return here.\n\nSupported sites: ${animeSites.map(site => site.name).join(', ')}`);
// Change MAL username
function changeUsername() {
const newUsername = prompt(`Enter your ${service.name} username:`);
if (newUsername) {
userSettings.usernames[service.name] = newUsername;
GM_setValue(userSettingsKey, userSettings);
// Manually add anime
function modifyManualAnime() {
const animeTitle = prompt('This is a fallback mechanism to be used when the anime is not available on any service.\nFor both- Adding and Removing an anime, just enter the anime name.\n\nWith exact spelling, Enter the anime title:').trim();
if (animeTitle == 'clear') { manualList.clear(); GM_setValue(manualListKey, manualList.entries); alert('Manual List Cleared'); return; }
if (animeTitle) {
const animeEntry = new AnimeEntry([animeTitle]);
if (manualList.isEntryExist(animeTitle)) {
alert(`Anime Removed Successfully:\n\n${animeEntry.titles}`);
} else {
animeEntry.skip = animeList.isEntryExist(animeTitle); // Mark to be skipped if already present in the animeList
alert(`Anime Added Successfully:\n\n${animeEntry.titles[0]}`);
GM_setValue(manualListKey, manualList.entries);
// Prompt the user to choose a service
function chooseService(ch) {
let choice = typeof ch == 'number' ? ch : parseInt(GM_getValue('service', 1));
if (typeof ch !== 'number') {
const msg = `${GM_info.script.name}\n\nChoose a service:\n${services.map((s, i) => `${i + 1}. ${s.name}`).join('\n')}`;
choice = prompt(msg, choice);
if (choice == null) { return } else choice = parseInt(choice);
let newService = services[choice - 1];
if (!newService) {
console.log('Invalid choice. Switch to a different service for now.');
return chooseService(parseInt(GM_getValue('service', 1)));
} else service = newService;
GM_setValue('service', choice);
if (typeof ch !== 'number') {
GM_notification(`Switched to ${service.name} service.`, GM_info.script.name, service.icon);
console.log(`Switched to ${service.name} service.`);
return service;
// Undarken related eps based on the anime titles
function executeAnimeFiltering() {
const animeSite = getCurrentSite();
if (!animeSite) return console.error('No matching website found.');
const thisSite = new Website(animeSite);
console.log('animeList', animeList);
const entriesList = Object.create(animeList);
entriesList.entries = animeList.entries.concat(manualList.entries);
manualList.entries.forEach(e => {if (e.skip) entriesList.removeEntry(e)});
setTimeout(() => {
if (document.querySelector(animeSite.observe)) {
let timeoutId;
new MutationObserver(() => {
clearTimeout(timeoutId); // Debounce the callback
timeoutId = setTimeout(() => thisSite.undarkenRelatedEps(entriesList), 100);
}).observe(document.querySelector(animeSite.observe), { childList: true, subtree: true, attributeFilter: ['src'] });
}, animeSite.timeout || 0);
// Get the current website based on the URL
function getCurrentSite() {
const currentUrl = window.location.href.toLowerCase();
return animeSites.find(website => website.url.some(site => currentUrl.includes(site)));
// Workaround for SPA sites like Miruro for which the script doesn't auto reload on navigation
function initScript() {
// Handle SPA navigation
let lastUrl = location.href;
new MutationObserver(() => {
const url = location.href;
if (url !== lastUrl) {
lastUrl = url;
console.log('URL changed, re-running AniHIDE');
}).observe(document.querySelector('body'), { subtree: true, childList: true });
// Also watch for History API changes
window.addEventListener('popstate', executeAnimeFiltering);
window.addEventListener('pushstate', executeAnimeFiltering);
window.addEventListener('replacestate', executeAnimeFiltering);
// Initialize the script
// Refresh the anime list if it has been more than a week since the last refresh
const lastRefreshTime = GM_getValue('lastRefreshTime', 0);
const currentTime = new Date().getTime();
const refreshInterval = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 7 days in milliseconds
if (currentTime - lastRefreshTime > refreshInterval || GM_getValue("version") != GM_info.script.version) {