
Confluence: copy link buttons

Adds buttons to copy a link to the current page directly into clipboard. Two buttons are supported: Markdown and Jira syntax. Both buttons support HTML for rich text editors.

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// ==UserScript==// @name         Confluence: copy link buttons// @namespace    https://github.com/rybak// @version      5// @description  Adds buttons to copy a link to the current page directly into clipboard. Two buttons are supported: Markdown and Jira syntax. Both buttons support HTML for rich text editors.// @author       Andrei Rybak// @license      MIT// @homepageURL  https://github.com/rybak/atlassian-tweaks// @include      https://confluence*// @match        https://confluence.example.com// @icon         https://seeklogo.com/images/C/confluence-logo-D9B07137C2-seeklogo.com.png// @grant        none// ==/UserScript==/** Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Andrei Rybak** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all* copies or substantial portions of the Software.** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE* AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,* OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE* SOFTWARE.*/(function() {'use strict';const LOG_PREFIX = '[Confluence copy link buttons]:';function log(...toLog) {console.log(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);}function error(...toLog) {console.error(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);}function cloudCopyIcon() {// icon similar to the achnor "Copy link" under the button "Share"return '<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" role="presentation"><path d="M12.654 8.764a.858.858 0 01-1.213-1.213l1.214-1.214a3.717 3.717 0 015.257 0 3.714 3.714 0 01.001 5.258l-1.214 1.214-.804.804a3.72 3.72 0 01- 0 011.214-1.214c.781.782 2.05.78 2.836-.005l.804-.803 1.214-1.214a1.998 1.998 0 00-.001-2.831 2 2 0 00-2.83 0l-1.215 1.213zm-.808 6.472a.858.858 0 011.213 1.213l-1.214 1.214a3.717 3.717 0 01-5.257 0 3.714 3.714 0 01-.001-5.258l1.214-1.214.804-.804a3.72 3.72 0 015.263-.005.858.858 0 01-1.214 1.214 2.005 2.005 0 00-2.836.005l-.804.803L7.8 13.618a1.998 1.998 0 00.001 2.831 2 2 0 002.83 0l1.215-1.213z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg>';}/** Calls one of the parameters, based on the version of Confluence running.* This is needed to account for the differences in HTML and CSS.** Tested on versions:* - Confluence Server 7.13.** - Confluence Server 7.19.** - Confluence Cloud 1000.0.0-22300355ddad (a free version on https://atlassian.net as of 2023-06-19)*/function onVersion(selfHostedFn, cloudFn) {if (document.querySelector('meta[name=ajs-cloud-id]')) {// It would seem that all Cloud instances of Confluece have this <meta> tag.return cloudFn();}/** Try to parse version number hidden in the <meta> tags.* Assume Confluence Cloud, if can't parse.*/const maybeVersionElem = document.querySelector('meta[name=ajs-version-number]');if (maybeVersionElem) {const majorVersion = parseInt(maybeVersionElem.content);if (isNaN(majorVersion)) {log("Cannot parse major version", maybeVersionElem.content);return cloudFn();}if (majorVersion >= 1000) {return cloudFn();} else {return selfHostedFn();}} else {log("Couldn't find meta tag with version");return cloudFn();}}function addLinkToClipboard(event, plainText, html) {event.stopPropagation();event.preventDefault();let clipboardData = event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;clipboardData.setData('text/plain', plainText);clipboardData.setData('text/html', html);}function copyClickAction(event, plainTextFn) {event.preventDefault();try {let pageTitle = null;try {pageTitle = document.querySelector('meta[name="ajs-page-title"]').content;} catch (ignored) {}if (!pageTitle) {try {// `AJS` is defined in Confluence's own JSpageTitle = AJS.Data.get('page-title');} catch (e) {error('Could not get the page title. Aborting.', e);return;}}const url = document.location.href;/** Using both plain text and HTML ("rich text") means that the copied links* can be inserted both in plain text inputs (Jira syntax – for Jira, Markdown* syntax – for Bitbucket, GitHub, etc) and in rich text inputs, such as* Microsoft Word, Slack, etc.*/const plainText = plainTextFn(url, pageTitle);const html = htmlSyntaxLink(url, pageTitle);const handleCopyEvent = e => {addLinkToClipboard(e, plainText, html);};document.addEventListener('copy', handleCopyEvent);document.execCommand('copy');document.removeEventListener('copy', handleCopyEvent);} catch (e) {error('Could not do the copying', e);}}// adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/35385518/1083697 by Mark Ameryfunction htmlToElement(html) {const template = document.createElement('template');template.innerHTML = html.trim();return template.content.firstChild;}function selfHostedButtonHtml(text, title) {const icon = '<span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-copy"></span>';return `<a href="#" class="aui-button aui-button-subtle" title="${title}"><span>${icon}${text}</span></a>`;}function cloudButtonHtml(text, title) {const icon = cloudCopyIcon();// Custom CSS is needed to make the ${text} readable.const customCss = 'font-size: 16px; line-height: 26px;';// HTML & CSS classes from the "Watch this page" buttonconst watchThisPageButton = document.querySelector('[data-id="page-watch-button"]');const buttonClasses = watchThisPageButton.className;const innerSpanClasses = watchThisPageButton.children[0].className;const innerInnerSpanClasses = watchThisPageButton.children[0].children[0].className;return htmlToElement(`<button class="${buttonClasses}" type="button"><span class="${innerSpanClasses}" title="${title}"><span class="${innerInnerSpanClasses}" role="img" style="--icon-primary-color: currentColor; --icon-secondary-color: var(--ds-surface, #FFFFFF); ${customCss}">${icon}${text}</span></span></button>`);}function copyButton(text, title, plainTextFn) {const onclick = (event) => copyClickAction(event, plainTextFn);return onVersion(() => {const copyButtonAnchor = htmlToElement(selfHostedButtonHtml(text, title));copyButtonAnchor.onclick = onclick;const copyButtonListItem = htmlToElement('<li class="ajs-button normal"></li>');copyButtonListItem.appendChild(copyButtonAnchor);return copyButtonListItem;},() => {const button = cloudButtonHtml(text, title);button.onclick = onclick;return button;});}function htmlSyntaxLink(url, pageTitle) {const html = `<a href="${url}">${pageTitle}</a>`;return html;}function markdownSyntaxLink(url, pageTitle) {return `[${pageTitle}](${url})`;}function jiraSyntaxLink(url, pageTitle) {return `[${pageTitle}|${url}]`;}function insertBefore(newElem, oldElem) {oldElem.parentNode.insertBefore(newElem, oldElem);}// from https://stackoverflow.com/a/61511955/1083697 by Yong Wangfunction waitForElement(selector) {return new Promise(resolve => {if (document.querySelector(selector)) {return resolve(document.querySelector(selector));}const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {if (document.querySelector(selector)) {resolve(document.querySelector(selector));observer.disconnect();}});observer.observe(document.body, {childList: true,subtree: true});});}function createButtons() {onVersion(() => waitForElement('#action-menu-link'),() => waitForElement('button[aria-label="Share"]').then(shareButton => {// HTML of Cloud version is weird, lots of nesting and wrappingreturn shareButton.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;})).then(target => {/** Buttons are added to the left of the `target` element.*/log('target', target);const markdownListItem = copyButton("[]()", "Copy Markdown link", markdownSyntaxLink);const jiraListItem = copyButton("[&#124;]", "Copy Jira syntax link", jiraSyntaxLink);insertBefore(markdownListItem, target);insertBefore(jiraListItem, target);log('Created buttons');});}try {createButtons();} catch (e) {error('Could not create buttons', e);}})();