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// ==UserScript==
// @name        YouTube EXPERIMENT_FLAGS Tamer
// @namespace   UserScripts
// @match       https://www.youtube.com/*
// @version     1.6.12
// @license     MIT
// @author      CY Fung
// @icon        https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyfung1031/userscript-supports/main/icons/yt-engine.png
// @description Adjust EXPERIMENT_FLAGS
// @grant       none
// @unwrap
// @run-at      document-start
// @allFrames   true
// @inject-into page
// @require     https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/475632/1361351/ytConfigHacks.js
// ==/UserScript==
(() => {
// Purpose 1: Remove Obsolete Flags
// Purpose 2: Remove Flags bring no visual difference
// Purpose 3: Enable Flags bring performance boost
const DISABLE_CINEMATICS = false; // standard design
const NO_SerializedExperiment = false;
const KEEP_PLAYER_QUALITY_STICKY = true; // see https://greasyfork.org/scripts/471033/
const DISABLE_serializedExperimentIds = true;
const DISABLE_serializedExperimentFlags = true;
const NO_REFRESH = true;
const ENABLE_BADGE_STYLE = false;
const NO_ANIMATED_LIKE = false;
const KEEP_MIDDLEWAVE = true;
const NO_CINEMATIC_LIGHTING_LABEL = false; // set true to show "Ambient Mode" label instead of "Cinematic lighting" Label
const KEEP_unified_player = true; // for YouTube Audio Only
const SET_POLYMER_FLAGS = true;
const FLAG_STRATEGY_01 = true; // ignore ads related flags
const FLAG_STRATEGY_02 = true; // ignore player related flags
const FLAG_STRATEGY_03 = true; // ignore adblock related flags
const FLAG_STRATEGY_20240413 = true; // ignore adblock related flags
const FLAG_STRATEGY_20240503 = true; // AD FLAG
const NO_DEBUG_FLAG = true;
const ALLOW_FLAGS_202404 = true;
defaultValue: true, // performance boost
useExternal: () => typeof localStorage.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_STABLE_LIST !== 'undefined',
externalValue: () => (+localStorage.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_STABLE_LIST ? true : false)
defaultValue: true, // not sure
useExternal: () => typeof localStorage.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_REUSE_COMPONENTS !== 'undefined',
externalValue: () => (+localStorage.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_REUSE_COMPONENTS ? true : false)
defaultValue: true, // not sure
useExternal: () => typeof localStorage.ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_DEFER_DETACH !== 'undefined',
externalValue: () => (+localStorage.ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_DEFER_DETACH ? true : false)
defaultValue: false, // true to remove autoplay toggle button
useExternal: () => typeof localStorage.ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_NO_AUTOPLAY_TOGGLE !== 'undefined',
externalValue: () => (+localStorage.ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_NO_AUTOPLAY_TOGGLE ? true : false)
const COMMENTS_NO_DELAY = true;
const SPACEBAR_CONTROL = -1; // 0 - only scroll down; 1 - global pause; 2 - speed control pause;
// -1 = by pass
const USE_byPassConditionAnalyzer = false;
// ----------------------------- FOR FINDING OUT THE NEW FLAG -------------------------------
const byPassConditionAnalyzer = (() => {
// This is to find the flags disabled by this script would cause your issue.
// Goal: find the flag name to whitelist
const testFn = (key, isVideoPlayerParams) => {
const kl = key.length;
const kl7 = kl % 7;
const kl5 = kl % 5;
const kl3 = kl % 3;
const kl2 = kl % 2;
// ture for by pass
const byConditions = [
kl3 <= 1,
kl5 >= 3,
kl7 >= 4,
kl >= 20,
kl <= 40,
// const byConditions = [
//   !kl2,
//   kl3 <= 1,
//   kl5 >= 3,
//   kl7 >= 4,
//   kl >= 20,
//   kl <= 40,
//   [
//     "clean_up_manual_attribution_header",
//     "empty_attributed_string_killswitch",
//     "enable_profile_cards_cairo_updates",
//     "enable_teaser_framework_web_client",
//     "enable_tectonic_ad_ux_for_halftime",
//     "enable_web_shorts_save_audio_pivot",
//     "kevlar_clear_duplicate_pref_cookie",
//     "kevlar_disable_background_prefetch",
//     "kevlar_transcript_engagement_panel",
//     "kevlar_watch_flexy_theater_manager",
//     "mdx_load_cast_api_bootstrap_script",
//     "web_collab_playlist_thumbnail_size",
//     "web_fix_back_button_player_loading",
//     "web_fix_dynamic_metadata_diacritic",
//     "web_kevlar_enable_adaptive_signals",
//     "web_move_autoplay_video_under_chip",
//     "web_player_small_hbp_settings_menu",
//     "web_rendererstamper_event_listener",
//     "web_shorts_skip_loading_same_index",
//     "web_shorts_suggested_action_no_bvm",
//     "web_use_updated_icon_for_oac_badge",
//     "wiz_prevent_watched_double_logging"
//   ]
// ];
return byConditions;
let u = 0;
let cache1 = new Set();
let cache2 = new Set();
const disp = () => {
const q = cache1.size < 50 ? [...cache1] : [];
const a = [];
const b = [];
for (const m of q) {
if (cache2.has(m)) b.push(m); else a.push(m);
console.log('[yt-flags-tamer]', 'filtered keys {eflags}', a.length, a);
console.log('[yt-flags-tamer]', 'filtered keys {vflags}', b.length, b);
const res = {
testFn_: (key, isVideoPlayerParams) => {
if (!u) {
u = 1;
u = setTimeout(disp, 400);
let q = testFn(key, isVideoPlayerParams).every(e => {
if (typeof e === 'object' && Symbol.iterator in Object(e)) {
return e.includes(key);
} else if (typeof e === 'string') {
return e.includes(key);
} else {
return !!e
if (q) {
return true;
return false;
return res;
// ----------------------------- FOR FINDING OUT THE NEW FLAG -------------------------------
// TBC
// kevlar_tuner_should_always_use_device_pixel_ratio
// kevlar_tuner_should_clamp_device_pixel_ratio
// kevlar_tuner_clamp_device_pixel_ratio
// kevlar_tuner_should_use_thumbnail_factor
// kevlar_tuner_thumbnail_factor
// kevlar_tuner_min_thumbnail_quality
// kevlar_tuner_max_thumbnail_quality
// kevlar_tuner_should_test_visibility_time_between_jobs
// kevlar_tuner_visibility_time_between_jobs_ms
// kevlar_tuner_default_comments_delay
// kevlar_tuner_run_default_comments_delay
// cinematic feature is no longer an experimental feature.
// It has been officially implemented.
// To disable cinematics, the user shall use other userscripts or just turn off the option in the video options.
const getSettingValue = (fm) => fm.useExternal() ? fm.externalValue() : fm.defaultValue;
const win = this instanceof Window ? this : window;
// Create a unique key for the script and check if it is already running
const hkey_script = 'jmimcvowrlzl';
if (win[hkey_script]) throw new Error('Duplicated Userscript Calling'); // avoid duplicated scripting
win[hkey_script] = true;
/** @type {globalThis.PromiseConstructor} */
const Promise = ((async () => { })()).constructor;
let isMainWindow = false;
const mzFlagDetected1 = new Set();
const mzFlagDetected2 = new Set();
let zPlayerKevlar = false;
try {
isMainWindow = window.document === window.top.document
} catch (e) { }
const fOperAccept = Symbol();
const fOperReject = Symbol();
// h5 flags
const fOperAcceptList = new Set([
'web_player_use_cinematic_label', // fallback
'web_player_use_cinematic_label_0', // fallback
'web_player_use_cinematic_label_1', // fallback
'web_player_use_cinematic_label_3', // fallback
] : []),
...(FLAG_STRATEGY_03 ? [
// do it with your separate script please
'ab_pl_man', // https://www.uedbox.com/post/69238/
'ab_fk_sk_cl', // https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/28b0985e/jsbin/desktop_polymer.vflset/desktop_polymer.js
'service_worker_enabled', // https://gist.github.com/BrokenGabe/51d55a11c2090d9402e40f12a6ece275
'ab_deg_unex_thr', // https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/28b0985e/jsbin/desktop_polymer.vflset/desktop_polymer.js
'ab_net_tp_e', // https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/28b0985e/jsbin/desktop_polymer.vflset/desktop_polymer.js
'ad_net_pb_ab', // https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/28b0985e/jsbin/desktop_polymer.vflset/desktop_polymer.js
'ab_mis_log_err', // https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/28b0985e/jsbin/desktop_polymer.vflset/desktop_polymer.js
] : []),
...(FLAG_STRATEGY_01 ? [
] : []),
] : []),
// see https://github.com/cyfung1031/userscript-supports/issues/27
// see https://greasyfork.org/scripts/470428/discussions/216363
// 'disable_new_pause_state3',
// 'enable_cast_on_music_web',
// 'gcf_config_store_enabled',
// 'gel_queue_timeout_max_ms',
// 'network_polling_interval',
// 'polymer_bad_build_labels',
// 'skip_invalid_ytcsi_ticks',
// 'use_player_cue_range_set',
// 'woffle_used_state_report',
const fOperMapFn = (o) => new Map(Object.entries({
// 1 true 2 false 3
...((o.no_autoplay_toggle !== true) ? {
// 'player_allow_autonav_after_playlist',
'web_player_autonav_toggle_always_listen': 1,
// 'web_player_offline_playlist_auto_refresh',
// 'allow_live_autoplay',
// 'allow_poltergust_autoplay',
// 'autoplay_time',
// 'autoplay_time_for_fullscreen',
// 'autoplay_time_for_music_content',
'client_respect_autoplay_switch_button_renderer': 1,
// 'embeds_enable_muted_autoplay',
// 'embeds_web_enable_autoplay_not_supported_logging_fix',
// 'embeds_web_enable_log_splay_as_autoplay',
// 'embeds_web_enable_mobile_autoplay',
// 'html5_autoplay_default_quality_cap',
// 'mweb_muted_autoplay_animation',
// 'html5_player_autonav_logging',
// 'web_player_always_enable_auto_translation',
// 'web_player_autonav_empty_suggestions_fix',
// 'web_player_autonav_use_server_provided_state',
'web_player_decouple_autonav': 1,
'web_player_move_autonav_toggle': 1,
} : {}),
'html5_live_use_alternate_bandwidth_window_sizes': 1,
'html5_live_ultra_low_latency_bandwidth_window': 1,
'html5_live_low_latency_bandwidth_window': 1,
'html5_live_normal_latency_bandwidth_window': 1,
// 'html5_skip_slow_ad_delay_ms': 1,
'html5_player_preload_ad_fix': 1,
// if (key.includes('_ad_') || key.includes('_ads_')) {
'html5_ssdai_adfetch_dynamic_timeout_ms': 2,
'html5_log_ssdai_fallback_ads': 2,
'html5_deprecate_adservice': 2,
// !key.includes('deprecat')) keep = true;
//  if (key.startsWith('enable_h5_player_ad_block_')) keep = false;
'fix_h5_toggle_button_a11y': 1,
'h5_companion_enable_adcpn_macro_substitution_for_click_pings': 2,
'h5_enable_generic_error_logging_event': 2,
'h5_enable_unified_csi_preroll': 1,
'h5_reset_cache_and_filter_before_update_masthead': 1,
'web_player_enable_premium_hbr_in_h5_api': 1,
// !key.includes('deprecat')) keep = true;
} : {}),
html5_onesie_sticky_server_side: 2,
html5_perf_cap_override_sticky: 1,
html5_ustreamer_cap_override_sticky: 1,
html5_exponential_memory_for_sticky: 1
} : {}),
'html5_streaming_xhr_time_based_consolidation_ms': 1,
'html5_bypass_contention_secs': 1,
'vp9_drm_live': 1,
'html5_log_rebuffer_reason': 2,
'html5_enable_audio_track_log': 2,
'html5_safari_desktop_eme_min_version': 1,
'html5_disable_av1': 1,
'html5_disable_av1_hdr': 1,
'html5_disable_hfr_when_vp9_encrypted_2k4k_unsupported': 1,
'html5_account_onesie_format_selection_during_format_filter': 1,
'html5_prefer_hbr_vp9_over_av1': 1,
'web_cinematic_watch_settings': 1
} : {}),
'html5_apply_start_time_within_ads_for_ssdai_transitions': 2,
'html5_enable_ads_client_monitoring_log_tv': 2,
'html5_ignore_interruptive_ads_for_server_stitched': 1,
'html5_no_video_to_ad_on_preroll': 1,
'html5_no_video_to_ad_on_preroll_reset': 1,
'html5_rebase_video_to_ad_timeline': 1,
'html5_report_slow_ads_as_error': 1,
'html5_default_ad_gain': 1, // just keep
'html5_min_startup_buffered_ad_media_duration_secs': 1, // just keep
'html5_skip_slow_ad_delay_ms': 7,
'check_navigator_accuracy_timeout_ms': 8,
'html5_ad_timeout_ms': 8,
'html5_ads_preroll_lock_timeout_delay_ms': 9,
'html5_slow_start_timeout_delay_ms': 8,
'variable_buffer_timeout_ms': 9,
'h5_expr_b9Nkc': 1,
var fOperMap;
const valur = (value, k) => {
if (+value === 0) value = k;
else if (+value > +k) value = k;
return value;
function fOper(key, value) {
if (fOperAcceptList.has(key)) return fOperAccept;
if (USE_byPassConditionAnalyzer && byPassConditionAnalyzer.testFn_(key, true)) return fOperAccept;
if (key.length === 22 || key.length === 27 || key.length === 32) {
if (key === 'disable_space_scroll_fix' || key === 'global_spacebar_pause' || key === 'web_speedmaster_spacebar_control') {
return fOperAccept;
if (key.includes('speedmaster')) return fOperAccept;
if (SPACEBAR_CONTROL === 2 && key.includes('speedmaster')) {
return fOperAccept;
// if(key.length < 30)continue;
// const kl = key.length;
let keep = false;
let nv = undefined;
const no_autoplay_toggle = ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_NO_AUTOPLAY_TOGGLE.currentValue;
fOperMap = fOperMap || fOperMapFn({ no_autoplay_toggle });
const fm1 = fOperMap.get(key);
switch (fm1) {
case 1:
keep = true;
case 2:
keep = false;
case 7:
const kv = typeof value === 'string' && +value > 2;
keep = kv;
if (kv && +value > 4) nv = '4';
case 8:
nv = valur(value, '4');
keep = true;
case 9:
keep = false;
if (FLAG_STRATEGY_20240413 && key.includes('network')) keep = true;
else if (FLAG_STRATEGY_20240413 && key.includes('less')) keep = true;
else if (FLAG_STRATEGY_20240413 && key.includes('latency')) keep = true;
else if (FLAG_STRATEGY_20240413 && key.includes('slow')) keep = true;
else if (FLAG_STRATEGY_20240413 && key.includes('steam')) keep = true;
else if (key.includes('deprecat')) {
keep = false;
} else if (IGNORE_VIDEO_SOURCE_RELATED && key.includes('html5_') && !key.includes('_ad_') && !key.includes('_ads_')) {
keep = true;
} else if (IGNORE_VIDEO_SOURCE_RELATED && key.includes('h5_')) {
keep = true;
} else if (key.includes('_timeout') && typeof value === 'string') {
if (+value > 3000) nv = '3000';
keep = true;
} else if (KEEP_PLAYER_QUALITY_STICKY && key.includes('_sticky')) {
keep = true;
} else if (key.startsWith('h5_expr_')) {
// by userscript
keep = true;
if (!keep) {
return fOperReject;
// vRes.delete(key);
} else if (nv !== undefined && nv !== value) {
return nv;
// vRes.set(key, nv)
} else {
return fOperAccept;
function deSerialized(str, fOper) {
const map = new Map();
let start = 0;
while (start < str.length) {
// Find the next '&' or the end of the string
const nextAmpersand = str.indexOf('&', start);
const end = nextAmpersand === -1 ? str.length : nextAmpersand;
// Extract the key-value pair
const equalsSign = str.indexOf('=', start);
if (equalsSign !== -1 && equalsSign < end) {
const key = str.substring(start, equalsSign);
const value = str.substring(equalsSign + 1, end);
const r = fOper(key, value);
if (typeof r !== 'symbol') {
map.set(key, r)
} else if (r === fOperAccept) {
map.set(key, value);
// Move to the next key-value pair
start = end + 1;
map.toString = function () {
const res = new Array(map.size);
let i = 0;
this.forEach((value, key) => {
res[i++] = `${key}=${value}`;
return res.join('&');
return map;
function fixSerializedExperiment(conf) {
const supportAV1 = window.MediaSource.isTyp###pported('video/webm; codecs=av01.0.05M.08');
const supportVP9 = window.MediaSource.isTyp###pported('video/webm; codecs=vp09.');
if (DISABLE_serializedExperimentIds && typeof conf.serializedExperimentIds === 'string') {
let ids = conf.serializedExperimentIds.split(',');
let newIds = [];
for (const id of ids) {
let keep = false;
if (keep) {
conf.serializedExperimentIds = newIds.join(',');
const mez = (mRes) => {
mRes.set('html5_disable_low_pipeline', 'false');
mRes.set('html5_min_startup_buffered_ad_media_duration_secs', '0')
if (supportAV1 === false && localStorage['yt-player-av1-pref'] === '-1') {
mRes.set('html5_disable_av1', 'true');
mRes.set('html5_disable_av1_hdr', 'true');
mRes.set('html5_prefer_hbr_vp9_over_av1', 'true');
} else if (supportAV1 === true && supportVP9 === true && localStorage['yt-player-av1-pref'] === '8192') {
mRes.set('html5_disable_av1', 'false');
mRes.set('html5_disable_av1_hdr', 'false');
mRes.set('html5_prefer_hbr_vp9_over_av1', 'false');
// html5_perf_cap_override_sticky = true;
// html5_perserve_av1_perf_cap = true;
mRes.set('html5_enable_server_format_filter', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_use_ump', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_live_defrag_only_h264_playbacks', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_live_defrag_only_h264_formats', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_disable_protected_hdr', 'false')
mRes.set('html5_disable_vp9_encrypted', 'false')
mRes.set('html5_ignore_h264_framerate_cap', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_allow_asmjs', 'true')
// mRes.set('html5_defer_modules_on_ads_only', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_use_drm_retry', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_delta_encode_fexp', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_only_send_cas_health_pings', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_modify_caption_vss_logging', 'true')
// mRes.set('html5_allow_zero_duration_ads_on_timeline', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_reset_daistate_on_audio_codec_change', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_enable_safari_fairplay', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_safari_fairplay_ignore_hdcp', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_enable_vp9_fairplay', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_eme_loader_sync', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_enable_same_language_id_matching', 'true');
mRes.set('html5_enable_new_hvc_enc', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_enable_ssap', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_enable_short_gapless', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_enable_aac51', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_enable_ssap_entity_id', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_high_res_logging_always', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_local_playsinline', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_disable_media_element_loop_on_tv', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_native_audio_track_switching', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_format_hybridization', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_disable_encrypted_vp9_live_non_2k_4k', 'false')
// mRes.set('html5_default_ad_gain', 'false')
mRes.set('html5_use_sabr_requests_for_debugging', 'false')
// mRes.set('html5_enable_sabr_live_streaming_xhr', 'true')
// mRes.set('html5_sabr_live_ultra_low_latency', 'true')
// mRes.set('html5_sabr_live_low_latency', 'true')
// mRes.set('html5_sabr_live', 'true') // sabr_live for audio only
mRes.set('html5_sabr_post_live', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_sabr_premiere', 'true')
// mRes.set('html5_enable_sabr_live_streaming_xhr', 'true')
// mRes.set('html5_enable_sabr_live_non_streaming_xhr', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_enable_subsegment_readahead_v3', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_ultra_low_latency_subsegment_readahead', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_disable_move_pssh_to_moov', 'true')
mRes.set('html5_modern_vp9_mime_type', 'true')
if (DISABLE_serializedExperimentFlags && typeof conf.serializedExperimentFlags === 'string') {
const fg = conf.serializedExperimentFlags;
const vRes = deSerialized(fg, fOper);
const kg = vRes.toString();
conf.serializedExperimentFlags = kg;
let brc = 1000;
if (typeof AbortSignal !== 'undefined') {
document.addEventListener('yt-action', function () {
if (brc > 8) looperFn();
brc = 0;
}, { capture: true, passive: true, once: true });
// yt flags
const cachedSetFn = (o) => {
const { use_maintain_stable_list, use_maintain_reuse_components, use_defer_detach } = o;
const BY_PASS = [
] : []),
...(ALLOW_FLAGS_202404 ? [
// 'enable_native_bridge_view_saved_playables',
// 'enable_skippable_ads_for_unplugged_ad_pod',
// 'html5_enable_ads_client_monitoring_log_tv',
// 'kevlar_chapters_list_view_seek_by_chapter',
// 'kevlar_enable_shorts_prefetch_in_sequence',
// 'kevlar_resolve_command_for_confirm_dialog',
// 'kevlar_shorts_seedless_retry_initial_load',
// 'live_chat_enable_send_button_in_slow_mode',
// 'live_chat_web_use_emoji_manager_singleton',
// 'web_deprecate_service_ajax_map_dependency',
// 'web_player_always_enable_auto_translation',
// 'web_player_enable_cultural_moment_overlay',
// 'ytidb_fetch_datasync_ids_for_data_cleanup',
// 'trigger_impression_pings_on_view_search_desktop',
] : []),
] : []),
...(KEEP_unified_player ? [
] : []),
...(FLAG_STRATEGY_03 ? [
// do it with your separate script please
'ab_pl_man', // https://www.uedbox.com/post/69238/
'ab_fk_sk_cl', // https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/28b0985e/jsbin/desktop_polymer.vflset/desktop_polymer.js
'service_worker_enabled', // https://gist.github.com/BrokenGabe/51d55a11c2090d9402e40f12a6ece275
'ab_deg_unex_thr', // https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/28b0985e/jsbin/desktop_polymer.vflset/desktop_polymer.js
'ab_net_tp_e', // https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/28b0985e/jsbin/desktop_polymer.vflset/desktop_polymer.js
'ad_net_pb_ab', // https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/28b0985e/jsbin/desktop_polymer.vflset/desktop_polymer.js
'ab_mis_log_err', // https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/28b0985e/jsbin/desktop_polymer.vflset/desktop_polymer.js
] : []),
...(FLAG_STRATEGY_02 ? [
// do it with your separate script please
] : []),
] : []),
...(FLAG_STRATEGY_01 ? [
] : []),
] : []),
'desktop_keyboard_capture_keydown_killswitch', // TBC
'kevlar_autofocus_menu_on_keyboard_nav', // TBC
'kevlar_keyboard_button_focus', // TBC
'kevlar_macro_markers_keyboard_shortcut', // required
// 'kevlar_appbehavior_attach_startup_tasks'
// 'kevlar_clear_non_displayable_url_params'
'kevlar_command_handler_formatted_string', // see https://github.com/cyfung1031/userscript-supports/issues/20
// 'kevlar_watch_focus_on_engagement_panels'
// playlist related flags
// not sure
// "check_user_lact_at_prompt_shown_time_on_web",
"enable_names_handles_account_switcher", // TBC
// "fill_single_video_with_notify_to_lasr",
// "is_part_of_any_user_engagement_experiment",
// "rich_grid_resize_observer",
// "rich_grid_resize_observer_only",
] : []),
'kevlar_rendererstamper_event_listener', // https://github.com/cyfung1031/userscript-supports/issues/11
] : []),
'kevlar_rendererstamper_event_listener', // https://github.com/cyfung1031/userscript-supports/issues/11
// kevlar_enable_up_arrow - no use
// kevlar_help_use_locale - might use
// kevlar_refresh_gesture - might use
// kevlar_smart_downloads - might use
// kevlar_thumbnail_fluid
...(!use_maintain_stable_list ? [
'kevlar_tuner_should_maintain_stable_list', // fallback
] : []),
...(!use_maintain_reuse_components ? [
'kevlar_should_reuse_components' // fallback
] : []),
// 'kevlar_prefetch_data_augments_network_data' continue;
// home page / watch page icons
'kevlar_use_vimio_behavior', // home page - channel icon
// collapsed meta; no teaser, use latest collapsed meta design
'kevlar_watch_js_panel_height', // affect Tabview Youtube
'web_darker_dark_theme', // it also affect cinemtaics
// modern menu
// full screen -buggy
// minimize menu
// Tabview Youtube - multiline transcript
// Notification Menu
// Live ChatRoom Visibility
// 'kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_no_old_secondary_data', // for Tabview Youtube
// 'clean_up_manual_attribution_header',
// 'empty_attributed_string_killswitch',
// 'enable_profile_cards_cairo_updates',
// 'enable_teaser_framework_web_client',
// 'enable_tectonic_ad_ux_for_halftime',
// 'enable_web_shorts_save_audio_pivot',
// 'kevlar_clear_duplicate_pref_cookie',
// 'kevlar_disable_background_prefetch',
// 'kevlar_transcript_engagement_panel',
// 'mdx_load_cast_api_bootstrap_script',
// 'web_collab_playlist_thumbnail_size',
// 'web_fix_back_button_player_loading',
// 'web_fix_dynamic_metadata_diacritic',
// 'web_kevlar_enable_adaptive_signals',
// 'web_move_autoplay_video_under_chip',
// 'web_player_small_hbp_settings_menu',
// 'web_rendererstamper_event_listener',
// 'web_shorts_skip_loading_same_index',
// 'web_shorts_suggested_action_no_bvm',
// 'web_use_updated_icon_for_oac_badge',
// 'wiz_prevent_watched_double_logging',
] : []),
const s = new Set(BY_PASS);
return s;
let cachedSet = null;
const hExperimentFlagsFn = () => {
if (brc > 4) brc = 4;
const use_maintain_stable_list = getSettingValue(ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_STABLE_LIST);
const use_maintain_reuse_components = getSettingValue(ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_REUSE_COMPONENTS);
const use_defer_detach = getSettingValue(ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_DEFER_DETACH);
const no_autoplay_toggle = getSettingValue(ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_NO_AUTOPLAY_TOGGLE);
ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_NO_AUTOPLAY_TOGGLE.currentValue = no_autoplay_toggle;
if (use_maintain_stable_list) Promise.resolve().then(() => console.debug("use_maintain_stable_list"));
if (use_maintain_reuse_components) Promise.resolve().then(() => console.debug("use_maintain_reuse_components"));
if (use_defer_detach) Promise.resolve().then(() => console.debug("use_defer_detach"));
if (no_autoplay_toggle) Promise.resolve().then(() => console.debug("no_autoplay_toggle"));
cachedSet = cachedSet || cachedSetFn({ use_maintain_stable_list, use_maintain_reuse_components, use_defer_detach, no_autoplay_toggle });
const mps = [];
setTimeout(async () => {
if (!mps.length) return;
let ezz = new Set();
let e1 = 999;
let e2 = -999;
for (const mp of mps) {
for (const k of mp) {
const kl = k.length;
if (kl < e1) e1 = kl;
if (kl > e2) e2 = kl;
mps.length = 0;
if (!ezz.size) return;
await new Promise(r => window.setTimeout(r, 1));
let qt = Date.now();
console.log('EXPERIMENT_FLAGS', [e1, e2, ezz.size]);
let mf = false;
const obj = JSON.parse(localStorage['bpghn02'] || '{}');
for (const e of ezz) {
if (obj[e]) continue;
obj[e] = qt;
mf = true;
if (mf) {
localStorage['bpghn02'] = JSON.stringify(obj);
// await new Promise(r => window.setTimeout(r, 1));
const getEFT = function (after, offset) {
after = typeof after === 'string' ? new Date(after) : after;
let afterValue = +after;
let arr = Object.entries(obj).map(e => {
return { key: e[0], date: e[1], len: e[0].length };
}).sort((a, b) => {
return a.date < b.date ? 1 : a.date > b.date ? -1 : a.len < b.len ? 1 : a.len > b.len ? -1 : `${a.key}`.localeCompare(`${b.key}`);
if (afterValue > 0) {
arr = arr.filter(e => {
return e.date >= afterValue + offset;
return [arr, after, afterValue];
window.log_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_Tamer = function (after, toString) {
let [arr, after_, afterValue] = getEFT(after, -86400000);
const r = {
"!log": arr,
after: afterValue > 0 ? new Date(afterValue) : null
console.log("log_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_Tamer", toString ? JSON.stringify(r) : r);
window.kl_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_Tamer = function (after, kl) {
let [arr, after_, afterValue] = getEFT(after, -86400000);
arr = arr.filter(e => {
return e.len === kl
return arr.map(e => e.key).join('|')
}, 800);
// I don't know why it requires to be extracted function.
const mex = (EXPERIMENT_FLAGS, mzFlagDetected, fEntries) => {
let ezz = new Set();
for (const [key, value] of fEntries) {
if (value === true) {
// if(key.indexOf('modern')>=0 || key.indexOf('enable')>=0 || key.indexOf('theme')>=0 || key.indexOf('skip')>=0  || key.indexOf('ui')>=0 || key.indexOf('observer')>=0 || key.indexOf('polymer')>=0 )continue;
if (mzFlagDetected.has(key)) continue;
if (cachedSet.has(key)) continue; // const BY_PASS = [
if (SPACEBAR_CONTROL < 0 && key.includes('speedmaster')) continue;
if (FLAG_STRATEGY_20240413 && key.includes('network')) continue;
if (FLAG_STRATEGY_20240413 && key.includes('less')) continue;
if (FLAG_STRATEGY_20240413 && key.includes('latency')) continue;
if (FLAG_STRATEGY_20240413 && key.includes('slow')) continue;
if (FLAG_STRATEGY_20240413 && key.includes('steam')) continue;
// const kl = key.length;
// const kl7 = kl % 7;
// const kl5 = kl % 5;
// const kl3 = kl % 3;
// const kl2 = kl % 2;
if (USE_byPassConditionAnalyzer && byPassConditionAnalyzer.testFn_(key, false)) continue;
if (key.startsWith('html5_')) {
//   if(key ==='html5_enable_vp9_fairplay') continue;
//   if(key ==='html5_disable_av1_hdr') continue;
//   if(key ==='html5_disable_hfr_when_vp9_encrypted_2k4k_unsupported') continue;
//   if(key ==='html5_account_onesie_format_selection_during_format_filter') continue;
//   if(key ==='html5_prefer_hbr_vp9_over_av1') continue;
// }
} else if (key.startsWith('kevlar_')) {
} else {
// console.log(key)
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS[key] = false;
ezz = null;
const mey = (EXPERIMENT_FLAGS, mzFlagDetected) => {
// return;
if (FLAG_STRATEGY_20240503) {
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.disable_enf_isd = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.ab_det_el_h = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.ks_det_gpbl = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.ks_get_o_pp = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.ab_deg_unex_thr = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.ab_det_sc_inj_enf = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.debug_sk_em_precheck = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.debug_forward_web_query_parameters = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.debug_handle_relative_url_for_query_forward_killswitch = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.debug_web_ve_data = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_shadydom_free_scoped_node_methods = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_shadydom_free_scoped_query_methods = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_shadydom_free_scoped_readonly_properties_batch_one = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_shadydom_free_parent_node = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_shadydom_free_children = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_shadydom_free_last_child = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.disable_space_scroll_fix = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.global_spacebar_pause = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_speedmaster_spacebar_control = false;
} else if (SPACEBAR_CONTROL === 1) {
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.disable_space_scroll_fix = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.global_spacebar_pause = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_speedmaster_spacebar_control = false;
} else if (SPACEBAR_CONTROL === 2) {
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.disable_space_scroll_fix = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.global_spacebar_pause = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_speedmaster_spacebar_control = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.use_cfr_monitor = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.skip_network_check_if_cfr = false;
if (FLAG_STRATEGY_20240413) {
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_grid = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_grid_hide_chips = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_grid_reduced_top_margin_rich_grid = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_grid_top_companion = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_fixie = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_grid_auto_open_playlist = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.action_companion_center_align_description = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.action_companion_truncate_domain = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_supports_animations_api = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.smartimation_background = true;
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.register_web_smartimations_component = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_native_live_chat_on_kevlar = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.live_chat_enable_qna_replay = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.live_chat_aggregation = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.live_chat_web_use_emoji_manager_singleton = true;
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_docked_chat_messages = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.live_chat_mention_regex_update = true;
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.live_chat_taller_emoji_picker = true;
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.live_chat_web_input_update = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.live_chat_emoji_picker_restyle = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.live_chat_emoji_picker_restyle_remain_open_on_send = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.live_chat_taller_emoji_picker = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_html5_teal_ad_badge = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_ytb_live_badges = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.live_chat_enable_new_moderator_badge = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.live_chat_prepend_badges = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.live_chat_bold_color_usernames = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.render_custom_emojis_as_small_images = true;
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_wiz_prototype_enable_all_components = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.html5_allow_asmjs = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.html5_honor_caption_availabilities_in_audio_track = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_player_hide_nitrate_promo_tooltip = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.html5_enable_vod_slar_with_notify_pacf = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.html5_recognize_predict_start_cue_point = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_player_logging_lr_home_infeed_ads = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.log_gel_compression_latency = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.log_gel_compression_latency_lr = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.log_jspb_serialize_latency = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_standardized_body_typography = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_refresh_gesture = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.desktop_delay_player_resizing = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_animated_like = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_animated_like_lazy_load = false;
if (use_maintain_stable_list) {
if (USE_MAINTAIN_STABLE_LIST_ONLY_WHEN_KS_FLAG_IS_SET ? EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list === true : true) {
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_test_maintain_stable_list = true; // timestamp toggle issue
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list = true;
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_maintain_stable_list = true; // fallback // timestamp toggle issue
if (use_maintain_reuse_components) {
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_test_reuse_components = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_reuse_components = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_should_reuse_components = true; // fallback
if (use_defer_detach) {
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_defer_detach = true;
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_prefetch_data_augments_network_data = true; // TBC
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_clear_non_displayable_url_params = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_clear_duplicate_pref_cookie = true;
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_unified_player_clear_watch_next_killswitch = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_player_playlist_use_local_index = true;
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_non_watch_unified_player = true;
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_player_update_killswitch = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_secure_pref_cookie_killswitch = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.ytidb_clear_optimizations_killswitch = true;
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.defer_overlays = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_default_comments_delay = 0;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_run_default_comments_delay = false;
const setterFn = (EXPERIMENT_FLAGS, mzFlagDetected) => {
const fEntries = Object.entries(EXPERIMENT_FLAGS);
mex(EXPERIMENT_FLAGS, mzFlagDetected, fEntries);
mey(EXPERIMENT_FLAGS, mzFlagDetected);
return setterFn;
let _setterFn = null;
const setupConfig = (config_) => {
if (config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS) {
const setterFn = _setterFn || (_setterFn = hExperimentFlagsFn());
setterFn(config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS, mzFlagDetected1);
if (config_.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS) setterFn(config_.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS, mzFlagDetected2);
if (playerKevlar && !zPlayerKevlar) {
zPlayerKevlar = true;
if (NO_SerializedExperiment && typeof playerKevlar.serializedExperimentFlags === 'string' && typeof playerKevlar.serializedExperimentIds === 'string') {
const looperFn = (config_) => {
if (--brc < 0) return;
if (!config_) {
try {
config_ = yt.config_ || ytcfg.data_;
} catch (e) { }
if (config_) setupConfig(config_);
window._ytConfigHacks.add((config_) => {
if (isMainWindow) {
"background-color: #EDE43B ; color: #000 ; font-weight: bold ; padding: 4px ;"
console.log("Script is loaded.");
console.log("This might affect the new features when YouTube rolls them out to general users.");
console.log("If you found any issue in using YouTube, please disable this script to check whether the issue is due to this script or not.");