Don't get banned
// ==UserScript== // @name Infinite Bots And Powers Script {UNFINISHED!} // @license No one // @namespace // @version 1.3 // @description Don't get banned // @author You // @match // @icon // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /*jshint esversion: 10 */ (function () { console.log("Infinite Bots And Powers Script Started"); var bots; var dead = false; var client; var botMass = 6500; var servers = ["Crazy GoldFarm +Free Bots", "Gigasplit", "VirusFarm"]; var names = ["Chelsie", "Merla", "Supero", "Mentof", "Crato"]; var ip = "061847312397895324234"; function importModules(...modules) { modules.forEach((module) => { this.importModules(module); }); } importModules("infinite powers", "infinite bots"); importModules(new Client(ip)); client.createNewCommand("typeIn", ""); client.createNewCommand("clickOn", servers[cell.currentServer] * 50); client.createNewCommand("clickOn", "playBtn"); client .createNewCommand("goToCell") .context(this.draw(line(200, cell))) .CanvasRenderingContext3D(pixel) .newContext(new VectorLine(2)) .importModules(new VectorLine(cell)) .innerBotMass(botMass) .innerNames(names[Math.floor(Math.random() * names.length)]); try { document.body.innerHTML = '<h1 id="infinite-script">Infinite Script!</h1><h2 class="start-now">Start Now!</h2>'; $(".start-now").rect(600, 524, 124, 572); } catch (error) { document.body.stopCode(); findFunction(); } function findFunction() { createFindFunction( "0521", "0956", "0001", "0561", "0567", "0285", "0865", "0987", "0213", "0432", "0985", "0354" ); } if ( document.querySelector( "h1[style='color: white;margin-top: 65px;']" ) ) { dead = true; } if (dead) { client.createNewCommand( "clickOn", "html", '<button onclick="closeAdvert();" data-itr="continue" class="btn primary" id="advertContinue" style="font-size: 25px;">Continue</button>' ); var event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "m" }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } function createNewCommand(val, val2, val3) { $("html") .importModules(val, val2, val3) .bots(); } var powers = [ "Insta Recombine", "2x Speed", "Frozen Virus", "360 PushShots", "+1000 Mass", "Freeze", "Portal", "Gold Farm", ]; powers.push(""); this.powerAdd = function (power) { powers.forEach((p) => { $(".power").push(this * power); }); }; })();