// ==UserScript== // @name 移除 Bilibili 链接垃圾参数 // @namespace https://github.com/s0urcelab/userscripts // @match https://www.bilibili.com/video/* // @match https://live.bilibili.com/* // @grant none // @version 1.3 // @author s0urce // @description 移除Bilibili地址栏链接中的垃圾参数,如spm_id_from、from_sourse、from等 // @icon https://www.bilibili.com/favicon.ico // @run-at document-start // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // 垃圾参数列表 // Thanks to [Bilibili 干净链接](https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/393995) const SPAM_PARAMS = new Set([ 'spm_id_from', 'from_source', 'msource', 'bsource', 'seid', 'source', 'session_id', 'visit_id', 'sourceFrom', 'from_spmid', 'share_source', 'share_medium', 'share_plat', 'share_session_id', 'share_tag', 'unique_k', 'csource', 'vd_source', 'tab', 'is_story_h5', 'share_from', 'plat_id', '-Arouter', 'launch_id', 'live_from', 'hotRank', 'broadcast_type', ]) const removeSpam = function (url) { const [withoutHash, hash] = url.split('#') const [pathname, qs] = withoutHash.split('?') const params = new URLSearchParams(qs) const newParams = new URLSearchParams() for (const [key, val] of params) { if (!SPAM_PARAMS.has(key)) { newParams.append(key, val) } } const newQs = newParams.toString() return `${pathname}${newQs ? `?${newQs}` : ''}${hash ? `#${hash}` : ''}` } // 劫持history原生方法 function hijackHistoryNative(name) { const historyFunc = history[name] return function () { // 修改url参数 const { 2: url } = arguments arguments[2] = removeSpam(url) // console.error(name, arguments[2]) return historyFunc.apply(this, arguments) } } history.pushState = hijackHistoryNative('pushState') history.replaceState = hijackHistoryNative('replaceState') // 劫持window.open原生方法(live直播跳转) function hijackOpenNative() { const openFunc = window.open return function () { // 修改url参数 const { 0: url } = arguments arguments[0] = removeSpam(url) return openFunc.apply(this, arguments) } } window.open = hijackOpenNative()