Changes the logo, tab name, and naming of "tweets" on Twitter
// ==UserScript==// @name Twitter: bring back old name and logo// @name:de Twitter: alten Namen und Logo zurückbringen// @name:nl Twitter: oude naam en logo terugbrengen// @name:es Twitter: recupera el nombre y el logotipo antiguos// @namespace @version 30.12// @description Changes the logo, tab name, and naming of "tweets" on Twitter// @description:de Ändert das Logo, den Tab-Namen und die Benennung von „Tweets“ auf Twitter// @description:nl Wijzigt het logo, de tabbladnaam en de naamgeving van "tweets" op Twitter// @description:es Cambia el logo, nombre de la pestaña y denominación de los "tweets" en Twitter// @author Andrei Rybak// @license MIT// @match*// @match*// @icon @grant GM_addStyle// @run-at document-body// ==/UserScript==/** Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Andrei Rybak** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all* copies or substantial portions of the Software.** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE* AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,* OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE* SOFTWARE.*//** Things which surprisingly don't need replacing/renaming as of 2023-08-26:** 1. "Scheduled Tweets" are still called "Tweets"* 2. "Based on your Retweets" in the "For you" tab. (not sure, needs rechecking)** Things deliberately left with the new name:** 1. "Post" in "Post Analytics" -- a rarely used feature, don't care.* 2. "X Corp." in the copyright line of the "footer" (it's in the right sidebar on the web version)* 3. Anything on subdomains:,, etc.* 4. Tweets counters in "What's happening". It's algorithmic trash, hide it with*/(function() {'use strict';/** This is needed to replace the very first "X" in <title>, because* proper renaming and the MutationObserver for <title> are going* to be too late to fix it.*/document.title = "Twitter";const TWITTER_2012_ICON_URL = '';const LOG_PREFIX = "[old school Twitter]";const FAVICON_SELECTOR = 'link[rel="icon"], link[rel="shortcut icon"]';const DIALOG_TWEET_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'button[data-testid="tweetButton"] > div > span > span';const RETWEETED_SELECTOR = '[data-testid="socialContext"]';const SHOW_N_TWEETS_SELECTOR = 'main div div section > div > div > div > div button[role="button"] > div > div > span';const DEBUG = false;function error(...toLog) {console.error(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);}function warn(...toLog) {console.warn(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);}function info(...toLog) {, ...toLog);}function debug(...toLog) {if (DEBUG) {console.debug(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);}}const waitingObservers = new Map();class Ignorer {#selector;constructor(selector) {this.#selector = selector;}then() {// warn("Ignoring " + this.#selector);}}function uniqueWaitForElement(selector, needReplacing) {const oldObserver = waitingObservers.get(selector);if (oldObserver) {if (!needReplacing) {return new Ignorer(selector);} else {warn("Replaced waiting observer for ", selector);oldObserver.disconnect();waitingObservers.delete(selector);}}return new Promise(resolve => {const queryR###lt = document.querySelector(selector);if (queryR###lt) {return resolve(queryR###lt);}const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {const queryR###lt = document.querySelector(selector);if (queryR###lt) {/** Disconnect first, just in case the listeners* on the returned Promise trigger the observer* again.*/observer.disconnect();waitingObservers.delete(selector);resolve(queryR###lt);}});waitingObservers.set(selector, observer);observer.observe(document.body, {childList: true,subtree: true});});}function replaceLogoOnLoadingScreen() {/** Fill is only for the light mode.*/GM_addStyle(`#placeholder > svg path {d: path("M23.643 4.937c-.835.37-1.732.62-2.675.733.962-.576 1.7-1.49 2.048-2.578-.9.534-1.897.922-2.958 1.13-.85-.904-2.06-1.47-3.4-1.47-2.572 0-4.658 2.086-4.658 4.66 0 .364.042.718.12 1.06-3.873-.195-7.304-2.05-9.602-4.868-.4.69-.63 1.49-.63 2.342 0 1.616.823 3.043 2.072 3.878-.764-.025-1.482-.234-2.11-.583v.06c0 2.257 1.605 4.14 3.737 4.568-.392.106-.803.162-1.227.162-.3 0-.593-.028-.877-.082.593 1.85 2.313 3.198 4.352 3.234-1.595 1.25-3.604 1.995-5.786 1.995-.376 0-.747-.022-1.112-.065 2.062 1.323 4.51 2.093 7.14 2.093 8.57 0 13.255-7.098 13.255-13.254 0-.2-.005-.402-.014-.602.91-.658 1.7-1.477 2.323-2.41z");}#placeholder svg.r-18jsvk2 path {fill: #1DA1F2;}`);}/** Replace soul-less regular house icon with a birdhouse icon.*/function replaceBirdhouseHomeIcon() {const svgPathDark = 'M12 9c-2.209 0-4 1.791-4 4s1.791 4 4 4 4-1.791 4-4-1.791-4-4-4zm0 6c-1.105 0-2-.895-2-2s.895-2 2-2 2 .895 2 2-.895 2-2 2zm0-13.304L.622 8.807l1.06 1.696L3 9.679V19.5C3 20.881 4.119 22 5.5 22h13c1.381 0 2.5-1.119 2.5-2.5V9.679l1.318.824 1.06-1.696L12 1.696zM19 19.5c0 .276-.224.5-.5.5h-13c-.276 0-.5-.224-.5-.5V8.429l7-4.375 7 4.375V19.5z';// const svgPathLight = 'M12 1.696L.622 8.807l1.06 1.696L3 9.679V19.5C3 20.881 4.119 22 5.5 22h13c1.381 0 2.5-1.119 2.5-2.5V9.679l1.318.824 1.06-1.696L12 1.696zM12 16.5c-1.933 0-3.5-1.567-3.5-3.5s1.567-3.5 3.5-3.5 3.5 1.567 3.5 3.5-1.567 3.5-3.5 3.5z';const linkSelector = 'nav > a[href="/home"]';GM_addStyle(`${linkSelector} svg path {d: path("${svgPathDark}");}`);}/** Adapted from* by sapondanaisriwan. License: MIT.*/function replaceLogoInHeader() {GM_addStyle(`h1 svg path,[data-testid="TopNavBar"] div > div > div > div > div > div > div > svg path {d: path("M23.643 4.937c-.835.37-1.732.62-2.675.733.962-.576 1.7-1.49 2.048-2.578-.9.534-1.897.922-2.958 1.13-.85-.904-2.06-1.47-3.4-1.47-2.572 0-4.658 2.086-4.658 4.66 0 .364.042.718.12 1.06-3.873-.195-7.304-2.05-9.602-4.868-.4.69-.63 1.49-.63 2.342 0 1.616.823 3.043 2.072 3.878-.764-.025-1.482-.234-2.11-.583v.06c0 2.257 1.605 4.14 3.737 4.568-.392.106-.803.162-1.227.162-.3 0-.593-.028-.877-.082.593 1.85 2.313 3.198 4.352 3.234-1.595 1.25-3.604 1.995-5.786 1.995-.376 0-.747-.022-1.112-.065 2.062 1.323 4.51 2.093 7.14 2.093 8.57 0 13.255-7.098 13.255-13.254 0-.2-.005-.402-.014-.602.91-.658 1.7-1.477 2.323-2.41z");}h1 svg.r-18jsvk2 path,div.r-6026j[data-testid="TopNavBar"] div > div > div > div > div > div > svg path {fill: #1DA1F2;}`);}function replaceLogo() {replaceLogoOnLoadingScreen();replaceLogoInHeader();replaceBirdhouseHomeIcon();}/** Replaces all tab icons, shortcut icons, and favicons* with given `newUrl`.*/function setFavicon(newUrl) {const faviconNodes = document.querySelectorAll(FAVICON_SELECTOR);if (!faviconNodes || faviconNodes.length == 0) {error("Cannot find favicon elements.");return;}info("New URL", newUrl);faviconNodes.forEach(node => {info("Replacing old URL =", node.href);node.href = newUrl;});}function renameTwitterInTabName() {let t = document.title;if (t == "X") {t = "Twitter";}if (t.endsWith("/ X")) {t = t.replace("/ X", "/ Twitter");}if (t.includes(" on X: ")) {t = t.replace(" on X: ", " on Twitter: ");}if (t.startsWith("Compose new post")) {t = t.replace("Compose new post", "Compose new tweet");}if (t.startsWith("Posts with ")) {t = t.replace("Post", "Tweet");}if (t.startsWith("Quotes of this post ")) {t = t.replace("Quotes of this post ", "Quotes of this tweet ");}if (t != document.title) {document.title = t;}}/** Replaces text "123 posts" with "123 tweets" on user profile pages.*/function renameProfileTweetsCounter() {// Debug code for figuring out CSS selectors for mobile version/*const allDivs = document.querySelectorAll('div');for (const div of allDivs) {if (div.innerHTML.endsWith('posts')) {prompt('Classes ', div.classList);return;}}return;*//** Tweets/Posts counters in user profiles are weird. Their nesting/wrapping* depends on the theme and on mobile vs desktop.* By "theme" I mean "More > Settings and Support > Display > Background".*/// <h2> tag = user's name in the header, right above the tweet counterconst commonDesktopSelector = 'h2 + div:not(#layers)';// mobile selector wasn't updated in v27.3 and in v29.4const commonMobileSelector = '.css-901oao.css-1hf3ou5.r-37j5jr.r-1b43r93.r-16dba41.r-14yzgew.r-bcqeeo.r-qvutc0';const POSTS_SELECTOR = `${commonDesktopSelector}, ${commonMobileSelector}`;uniqueWaitForElement(POSTS_SELECTOR).then(postsElement => {try {const s = postsElement.innerText;if (s.includes('tweets')) {return;}const m = s.match('([0-9.,KMB]+) posts');if (m == null) {warn("Cannot match posts string", s);return;}if (m.length < 2) {error("Cannot match posts string", s, ". Got " + m.length + " elements in the match");return;}postsElement.innerHTML = m[1] + " tweets";} catch (e) {error("Cannot rename posts to tweets", e);}});}function renameNavTabTweets() {uniqueWaitForElement('main nav [data-testid="ScrollSnap-List"] > div:first-child span').then(tweetsTabName => {if (tweetsTabName.innerText == "Posts") {tweetsTabName.innerHTML = "Tweets";}});}/** Renames existing "Tweet" buttons in popup dialogs on desktop.*/function doRenameDialogTweetButton() {const newTweetButton = document.querySelector(DIALOG_TWEET_BUTTON_SELECTOR);if (newTweetButton == null) {return;}if (newTweetButton.innerText == "Post all") {newTweetButton.innerText = "Tweet all";} else if (newTweetButton.innerText == "Post") {newTweetButton.innerText = "Tweet";}debug("DIALOG_TWEET_BUTTON_SELECTOR", newTweetButton);}/** Button "Tweet" needs to change dynamically into "Tweet all" when* more than two tweets are added to the "draft".** This observer detects changes in its text, because the button* actually gets recreated inside the popup dialog.*/let tweetButtonObserver = null;/** Renames various oval blue buttons used to send a tweet, i.e. "to tweet".*/function renameTweetButton() {uniqueWaitForElement('a[data-testid="SideNav_NewTweet_Button"] > div > span > div > div > span > span').then(tweetButton => {if (tweetButton.innerText == "Post") { // avoid renaming "Reply"tweetButton.innerHTML = "Tweet";debug("SideNav", tweetButton);}});uniqueWaitForElement(DIALOG_TWEET_BUTTON_SELECTOR).then(tweetButton => {tweetButton.innerHTML = "Tweet";if (tweetButtonObserver != null) {return;}tweetButtonObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {doRenameDialogTweetButton();});/** Separate observer is needed to avoid leaking `tweetButtonObserver`* and to reconnect `tweetButtonObserver` onto new buttons, when* they appear.*/const dialogObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {if (document.querySelector('[role="dialog"]') == null) {tweetButtonObserver.disconnect();tweetButtonObserver = null;info("Disconnected tweetButtonObserver");dialogObserver.disconnect();}});tweetButtonObserver.observe(document.querySelector('[role="dialog"]'), { childList: true, subtree: true });info("Connected tweetButtonObserver");dialogObserver.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });});// button near the text input at the top of the home pageuniqueWaitForElement('button[data-testid="tweetButtonInline"] > div > span > span').then(tweetButton => {// sometimes this button has the correct text "Reply"if (tweetButton.innerText == "Post") {debug("tweetButtonInline", tweetButton);tweetButton.innerHTML = "Tweet";}});}/** Renames tabs "Retweets" and "Quote Tweets" on an individual tweet's "Tweet engagements" subpage.* E.g. on*/function renameTweetEngagementsSubpageTabs() {const pathParts = document.location.pathname.split('/');if (pathParts.length < 5) {return;}if (pathParts[2] !== 'status') {return;}if (!['quotes', 'retweets', 'likes'].includes(pathParts[4])) {return;}uniqueWaitForElement('a[href$="/retweets"] span').then(retweetsTabHeader => {retweetsTabHeader.replaceChildren(document.createTextNode("Retweets"));});/** Renames tab "Quotes" → "Quote Tweets"* A bunch of old screenshots for confirmation:**/uniqueWaitForElement('a[href$="/quotes"] span').then(quotesTabHeader => {quotesTabHeader.replaceChildren(document.createTextNode("Quote Tweets"));});}/** Renames "Add another tweet" button (for continuing your own existing thread).*/function renameAddAnotherTweetButton() {uniqueWaitForElement('main section > div > div > div > div > div > a[href="/compose/post"] span > span').then(addAnotherTweetButton => {if (addAnotherTweetButton.innerText == "Add another post") {addAnotherTweetButton.innerHTML = "Add another tweet";}});}/** Renames the header on a page for a singular tweet.*/function renameTweetHeader() {uniqueWaitForElement('h2[role="heading"] > span').then(tweetHeader => {if (tweetHeader.innerText == "Post") {tweetHeader.innerHTML = "Tweet";} else if (tweetHeader.innerText == "Reposted by") {tweetHeader.innerHTML = "Retweeted by";} else if (tweetHeader.innerText == "Quotes") {/** Source, confirming that they were indeed called that:**/tweetHeader.innerHTML = "Quote Tweets";} else if (tweetHeader.innerText == "Post engagements") {tweetHeader.innerHTML = "Tweet engagements";}});}/** Note: works only for desktop.*/function renameDraftEditorPlaceholder(argss) {uniqueWaitForElement('.public-DraftEditorPlaceholder-inner').then(placeholder => {for (const args of argss) {const targetText = args[0], replacementText = args[1], debugMessage = args[2];if (placeholder.innerText == targetText) {placeholder.replaceChildren(document.createTextNode(replacementText));debug("Renamed placeholder in", debugMessage);break;}}});}/** Note: works only for mobile.*/function renameTextAreaAttributePlaceholder(argss) {for (const args of argss) {const targetText = args[0], replacementText = args[1];uniqueWaitForElement(`textarea[placeholder="${targetText}"]`).then(textarea => {textarea.setAttribute('placeholder', replacementText);});}}function renameTweetPlaceholders() {const argss = [["Post your reply!", "Tweet your reply!", "renameTweetYourReplyPlaceholder 1"],["Post your reply", "Tweet your reply", "renameTweetYourReplyPlaceholder 2"],["Add another post!", "Add another tweet!", "renameAddAnotherTweetPlaceholder 1"],["Add another post", "Add another tweet", "renameAddAnotherTweetPlaceholder 2"]];renameDraftEditorPlaceholder(argss);renameTextAreaAttributePlaceholder(argss);/** TODO: is there some way to detect desktop vs mobile?*/}function doRenameRetweeted() {const allRetweeted = document.querySelectorAll(RETWEETED_SELECTOR);debug(`doRenameRetweeted: renaming ${allRetweeted.length} of "... reposted" to "... retweeted"`);let counter = 0;for (const retweeted of allRetweeted) {if (retweeted.childNodes.length === 1 && retweeted.childNodes[0].textContent === "You reposted") {retweeted.childNodes[0].remove();retweeted.append("You retweeted");counter++;continue;}// debug(retweeted.childNodes);if (retweeted.childNodes.length < 2) {continue;}const retweetedText = retweeted.childNodes[1];if (retweetedText.textContent === " reposted") {retweetedText.remove();retweeted.append(" retweeted");counter++;}}if (counter > 0) {debug(`Renamed fresh ${counter} retweeted text nodes.`);}}/** Whenever timeline gets recreated/replaced on-the-fly,* we need to wait a bit, until the retweets actually* appear in the document.*/function renameRetweetedGently() {uniqueWaitForElement(RETWEETED_SELECTOR).then(ignored => {doRenameRetweeted();});}let showTweetsObserver;/** Clickable link at the top of the timeline.* "Show 42 tweets"*/function renameShowTweets() {const showTweetsArray = document.querySelectorAll(SHOW_N_TWEETS_SELECTOR);for (const showTweets of showTweetsArray) {let t = showTweets.childNodes[0].textContent;if (t.includes('posts')) {if (showTweetsObserver != null) {showTweetsObserver.disconnect();showTweetsObserver = null;}t = t.replace('posts', 'tweets');showTweets.childNodes[0].textContent = t;info("doRenameShowTweets: replaced", t);showTweetsObserver = new MutationObserver(ignored => {renameShowTweets();});showTweetsObserver.observe(showTweets, { characterData: true });return;}}}let timelineObserver = null;/** Reconnects the observer to the timeline node.* This is needed when the page changes completely and a new timeline* node appears in the DOM.*/function renewTimelineObserver() {/** Renaming "Jane Doe retweeted" when you know where these nodes are is easy.* That's the function `doRenameRetweeted()` above. But keeping track of them* appearing in the timeline is difficult, if you also don't want to waste* CPU unnecessarily.** The code below kinda works, but the user still sees "reposted" from time* to time. Any suggestions for improvements are welcome.** We wait for the <section> that the user sees to appear.*/uniqueWaitForElement('main [data-testid="primaryColumn"] section.css-175oi2r').then(timeline => {if (timelineObserver !== null) {timelineObserver.disconnect();timelineObserver = null;info("Disconnected timeline observer");}if (document.querySelector('main [data-testid="primaryColumn"] nav') == null) {info('renewTimelineObserver: Not on a timeline view. Aborting.');return;}renameRetweetedGently();renameShowTweets();timelineObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationsList => {doRenameRetweeted();renameShowTweets();});/** And we observe all <section> tags:*/const allSections = document.querySelectorAll('main section.css-175oi2r');info("Renewing timeline observer for", allSections.length, "tags");if (allSections.length == 0) {error("Cannot find the timeline <section> tag");}for (const section of allSections) {timelineObserver.observe(section, { subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: true });info("Added timeline observer", section);}});doRenameRetweeted();}function renameRetweetLink() {uniqueWaitForElement('[data-testid="retweetConfirm"] span.css-901oao.css-16my406.r-poiln3.r-bcqeeo.r-qvutc0').then(retweetLink => {/** TODO: on desktop, this gets called twice, unfortunately.*/if (retweetLink.innerText == "Repost") {retweetLink.innerHTML = "Retweet";debug("Renamed 'Retweet' in renameRetweetLink");}});}function renameRetweetTooltip() {uniqueWaitForElement('[data-testid="HoverLabel"] span').then(retweetTooltip => {if (retweetTooltip.innerText == "Repost") {retweetTooltip.innerText = "Retweet";debug("Renamed 'Retweet' in renameRetweetTooltip");} else if (retweetTooltip.innerText == "Undo repost") {retweetTooltip.innerText = "Undo retweet";debug("Renamed 'Undo retweet' in renameRetweetTooltip");}});}/** There are at least two affected dropdowns:* 1. "More" under the three dots button in the top right of a tweet* 2. "Share" under the button with "Send" icon (desktop) or* "Share" icon (mobile) in the bottom right of a tweet.*/function renameDropdownItems() {// Desktop: [data-testid="Dropdown"]// Mobile : [data-testid="sheetDialog"]uniqueWaitForElement('#layers [role="menu"]').then(dropdown => {/** TODO: on desktop, this gets called twice, unfortunately.*/dropdown.querySelectorAll('[role="menuitem"] span').forEach(span => {if (span.innerText.includes("post")) {span.innerHTML = span.innerText.replace("post", "tweet");debug("Renamed 'tweet' in renameDropdownItems");}});});}function renameRetweetedByPopupHeader() {uniqueWaitForElement('#layers h2 > .css-901oao.css-16my406.r-poiln3.r-bcqeeo.r-qvutc0').then(tweetHeader => {if (tweetHeader.innerText == "Reposted by") {tweetHeader.innerHTML = "Retweeted by";}});}function doRenameYourTweetWasSent() {const maybeToast = document.querySelector('#layers [data-testid="toast"] > div > span');if (maybeToast) {const t = maybeToast.innerText;if (t.includes(' post ')) {maybeToast.innerHTML = t.replace(' post ', ' tweet ');debug("doRenameYourTweetWasSent", t);}}}function doRenameDeletePostQuestion() {const maybeHeader = document.querySelector('#layers [data-testid="confirmationSheetDialog"] > h1');if (maybeHeader) {if (maybeHeader.innerText == "Delete post?") {maybeHeader.innerHTML = "Delete tweet?";debug("doRenameDeletePostQuestion");}}}let layersObserver;/** #layers is the element where tooltips, dropdown menues, and* popup replies (as opposed to inline replies) are shown.*/function renewLayersObserver() {uniqueWaitForElement('#layers').then(retweetDropdownContainer => {if (layersObserver != null) {layersObserver.disconnect();layersObserver = null;info("Disconnected layersObserver");}layersObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationsList => {renameRetweetLink();renameRetweetTooltip();renameDropdownItems();/** There are both inline and popup "Reply" fields with placeholders.*/renameTweetPlaceholders();doRenameDialogTweetButton();renameRetweetedByPopupHeader();doRenameYourTweetWasSent();doRenameDeletePostQuestion();});layersObserver.observe(retweetDropdownContainer, { subtree: true, childList: true });info("Added layersObserver");});}let pillObserver;function renameSeeTweetsPill() {/** Several types of "pills":* - "X, Y, Z tweeted"* - "See new tweets"*/uniqueWaitForElement('[data-testid="pillLabel"] span span span.css-901oao.css-16my406.r-poiln3.r-bcqeeo.r-qvutc0').then(pill => {if (pill.innerText == "posted") {if (pillObserver != null) {pillObserver.disconnect();pillObserver = null;}pill.innerHTML = "tweeted";debug('Renamed "tweeted" pill');} else if (pill.innerText == "See new posts") {pill.innerHTML = "See new tweets";debug('Renamed "See new tweets" pill');/** FIXME: A dirty hack to sync the pill with the clickable link* can't figure out how to make `renewTimelineObserver()`* detect the clickable link properly.*/renameShowTweets();/** If a user keeps the timeline open long enough, pill "See new tweets"* turns into "X, Y, Z posted". This observer will make sure to rename* it to "X, Y, Z tweeted".*/pillObserver = new MutationObserver(() => {renameSeeTweetsPill();});pillObserver.observe(pill, { characterData: true });}});}function renameTweetInNotifications() {/** This mess of a selector tries to minimize the amount of `spanNodes` that match.*/const spanNodes = document.querySelectorAll('article div > div > div > span > span');debug(`renameTweetInNotifications: renaming ${spanNodes.length} nodes (shouldn't be too high!)`);spanNodes.forEach(spanNode => {if (spanNode.innerText.includes("post") || spanNode.innerText.includes("Post")) {let s = spanNode.innerText;s = s.replaceAll(" repost", " retweet");s = s.replaceAll(" post", " tweet");s = s.replaceAll(" Post", " Tweet");s = s.replaceAll(" Repost", " Retweet");spanNode.innerText = s;}});}let notificationsObserver;function renewNotificationsObserver() {if (document.location.pathname != '/notifications') {if (notificationsObserver != null) {notificationsObserver.disconnect();info("Disconnected notificationsObserver");}return;}uniqueWaitForElement('[aria-label="Timeline: Notifications"]').then(notificationsContainer => {notificationsObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationsList => {renameTweetInNotifications();});notificationsObserver.observe(notificationsContainer, { subtree: true, childList: true });info("Added notificationsObserver");});}/** "This Tweet is from an account you muted."* "This Tweet is from an account you blocked."* "You’re unable to view this Tweet because this account owner limits who can view their Tweets."* "This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author."* "This Tweet is from an account that no longer exists."*/function doRenameHiddenTweets() {const spanNodes = document.querySelectorAll('section article > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > span > span > span');spanNodes.forEach(spanNode => {if (spanNode.innerText.includes("post") || spanNode.innerText.includes("Post")) {let s = spanNode.innerText;s = s.replaceAll(" repost", " retweet");s = s.replaceAll(" post", " tweet");s = s.replaceAll(" Post", " Tweet");s = s.replaceAll(" Repost", " Retweet");spanNode.innerText = s;}});}function renameHiddenTweets() {uniqueWaitForElement('main section article > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > span > span > span').then(() => {doRenameHiddenTweets();});}function renameTranslateTweet() {const translateButtonSelector = 'section > div > div > div[data-testid="cellInnerDiv"] div[role="button"] span.css-1qaijid.r-bcqeeo.r-qvutc0.r-poiln3';uniqueWaitForElement(translateButtonSelector).then(button => {const spanNodes = document.querySelectorAll(translateButtonSelector);spanNodes.forEach(spanNode => {if (spanNode.innerText.includes("post")) {spanNode.innerText = spanNode.innerText.replaceAll(" post", " tweet");}});});}function renameSourcedFromAcrossTwitter() {const selector = 'section > div > div > div[data-testid="cellInnerDiv"] > div > div > div > div > span';uniqueWaitForElement(selector).then(subheading => {info("renameSourcedFromAcrossTwitter", subheading, subheading.innerText);if (subheading.innerText == "Sourced from across X") {subheading.replaceChildren(document.createTextNode("Sourced from across Twitter"));}});}function isAProfilePage() {const pathParts = document.location.pathname.split('/');if (pathParts.length < 2) {return false;}return document.title.includes("(@" + pathParts[1] + ")");}/** There are four layers to the userscript:** 1. Big rename in `rename()`, i.e. this function. It gets called* whenever we suspect that an on-the-fly change of the whole* page happened. It calls functions from layers 2 and 3.* See function `setUpRenamer()` for details.* 2. `MutationObserver`s for stuff that gets updated on-the-fly.* These observers are set up by various `renew...Observer()`* functions. These observers call functions from layers 3 and 4.* 3. Various `rename<this and that>()` functions, that wait for their* target element.* 4. Various `doRename<this and that>()` functions, that assume that* their target element already exists in the document.*/function rename() {// "Tweet" button and tab's <title> are ubiquitousrenameTweetButton();renameTwitterInTabName();// targets for renaming on a singular tweet pagerenameTweetHeader();renameTweetEngagementsSubpageTabs();renameTweetPlaceholders();renameTranslateTweet();// targets for renaming on a user's profileif (isAProfilePage()) {renameProfileTweetsCounter();renameNavTabTweets();}// adding to your own threadrenameAddAnotherTweetButton();// timeline + tweets on a timelinerenewLayersObserver();renameSeeTweetsPill();renameHiddenTweets();renameSourcedFromAcrossTwitter();renewNotificationsObserver();}function setUpRenamer() {let title = document.title;const titleObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationsList => {const maybeNewTitle = document.title;if (maybeNewTitle != title) {info('Title changed:', maybeNewTitle);title = maybeNewTitle;if (!title.includes("Twitter") || title.endsWith("/ X")) {info("Big renaming: starting...");rename();renewTimelineObserver();info("Big renaming: done ✅");}}});uniqueWaitForElement('title').then(elem => {titleObserver.observe(elem, { subtree: true, characterData: true, childList: true });});rename();}replaceLogo();rename();uniqueWaitForElement(FAVICON_SELECTOR).then(ignored => {setFavicon(TWITTER_2012_ICON_URL);setUpRenamer();});})();