// ==UserScript== // @name DelugeRPG PokeFinder 2023 // @namespace Pokemon // @version 2.0 // @description Tools // @author Elijah Watson // @Updated by Monarcaxd // @require // @match ** // @grant none // @email [email protected] // ==/UserScript== /*********Information*************/ // To use this script you need to install TamperMonkey/GreaseMonkey ( EXTENSIONS ) on your web browser (e.g. Chrome/Firefox) // Select add script and paste all of this script and enable it // For this one i already set up a Legendary Catcher only so you can just go to any map and wait until a notification pops up saying 'Found Something' and you just got yourself a legendary. Have fun ! /**********LOGIN SETTING**********/ var autoLogin = false; //auto-login when logged out var username = "example1990"; var password = "QwertY12345"; /**********ON/OFF SETTINGS**********/ var doBattle = false; //enable battles same battle over and over again var forceBattle = true; //enable being sent to the battle url when at dashboard var findPokemon = true; //enable finding pokemon alerts var findLevels = false; //enable find specific pokemon levels var findLevelsAndUp = false; //enable finding pokemon levels and up var autoWalkFind = true; //enable walking+finding without you doing work /**********FINDING SETTINGS**********/ // Normal, Shiny, Metallic, Ghost, Dark, Shadow, Mirage, Chrome, Negative, Retro. //Must include capital letters at the start of each pokemon AND the modifier name. //For a normal pokemon just type the name with no additional tags. var pokemonToFind = [ // Custom 'shiny', 'Moltres', 'Mewtwo', 'Mew', 'Articuno', 'Raikou', 'Entei', 'Suicune', 'Lugia', 'Ho-Oh', 'Celebi', 'Regirock', 'Regice', 'Registeel', 'Latias', 'Latios', 'Blacephalon', 'Buzzwole', 'Calyrex', 'Celesteela', 'Cosmoem', 'Cosmog', 'Enamorus', 'Eternatus', 'Glastrier', 'Guzzlord', 'Kartana', 'Kubfu', 'Magearna', 'Marshadow', 'Meltan', 'Poipole', 'Nihilego', 'Pheromosa', 'Silvally', 'Spectrier', 'Stakataka', 'Type: Null', 'Xurkitree', 'Zarude', 'Zeraora', 'Kyogre', 'Groudon', 'Rayquaza', 'Jirachi', 'Deoxys', 'Uxie', 'Mesprit', 'Azelf', 'Dialga', 'Palkia', 'Heatran', 'Regigigas', 'Giratina', 'Cresselia', 'Phione', 'Manaphy', 'Shaymin', 'Arceus', 'Victini', 'Cobalion', 'Terrakion', 'Virizion', 'Tornadus', 'Thundurus', 'Reshiram', 'Zekrom', 'Landorus', 'Kyurem', 'Keldeo', 'Meloetta', 'Genesect', 'Xerneas', 'Yveltal', 'Tapu Koko', 'Tapu Lele', 'Tapu Bulu', 'Tapu Fini', 'Zacian', 'Miraidon', 'Koraidon', 'Zamazenta', 'Regieleki', 'Regidrago', 'Wo-Chien', 'Chien-Pao', 'Ting-Lu', 'Great Tusk', 'Scream Tail', 'Brute Bonnet', 'Flutter Mane', 'Slither Wing', 'Sandy Shocks', 'Iron Treads', 'Iron Bundle', 'Iron Hands', 'Iron Jugulis', 'Iron Moth', 'Iron Thorns', 'Roaring Moon', 'Iron Valiant', 'Walking Wake', 'Iron Leaves', 'Metallic Moltres', 'Metallic Mewtwo', 'Metallic Mew', 'Metallic Articuno', 'Metallic Raikou', 'Metallic Entei', 'Metallic Suicune', 'Metallic Lugia', 'Metallic Ho-Oh', 'Metallic Celebi', 'Metallic Regirock', 'Metallic Regice', 'Metallic Registeel', 'Metallic Latias', 'Metallic Blacephalon', 'Metallic Buzzwole', 'Metallic Calyrex', 'Metallic Celesteela', 'Metallic Cosmoem', 'Metallic Cosmog', 'Metallic Enamorus', 'Metallic Eternatus', 'Metallic Glastrier', 'Metallic Guzzlord', 'Metallic Kartana', 'Metallic Kubfu', 'Metallic Magearna', 'Metallic Marshadow', 'Metallic Meltan', 'Metallic Poipole', 'Metallic Nihilego', 'Metallic Pheromosa', 'Metallic Silvally', 'Metallic Spectrier', 'Metallic Stakataka', 'Metallic Type: Null', 'Metallic Xurkitree', 'Metallic Zarude', 'Metallic Zeraora', 'Metallic Latios', 'Metallic Kyogre', 'Metallic Groudon', 'Metallic Rayquaza', 'Metallic Jirachi', 'Metallic Deoxys', 'Metallic Uxie', 'Metallic Mesprit', 'Metallic Azelf', 'Metallic Dialga', 'Metallic Palkia', 'Metallic Heatran', 'Metallic Regigigas', 'Metallic Giratina', 'Metallic Cresselia', 'Metallic Phione', 'Metallic Manaphy', 'Metallic Shaymin', 'Metallic Arceus', 'Metallic Victini', 'Metallic Cobalion', 'Metallic Terrakion', 'Metallic Virizion', 'Metallic Tornadus', 'Metallic Thundurus', 'Metallic Reshiram', 'Metallic Zekrom', 'Metallic Landorus', 'Metallic Kyurem', 'Metallic Keldeo', 'Metallic Meloetta', 'Metallic Genesect', 'Metallic Xerneas', 'Metallic Yveltal', 'Metallic Tapu Koko', 'Metallic Tapu Lele', 'Metallic Tapu Bulu', 'Metallic Tapu Fini', 'Metallic Zacian', 'Metallic Zamazenta', 'Metallic Regieleki', 'Metallic Regidrago', 'Metallic Miraidon', 'Metallic Koraidon', 'Metallic Wo-Chien', 'Metallic Chien-Pao', 'Metallic Ting-Lu', 'Metallic Chi-Yu', 'Metallic Great Tusk', 'Metallic Scream Tail', 'Metallic Brute Bonnet', 'Metallic Flutter Mane', 'Metallic Slither Wing', 'Metallic Sandy Shocks', 'Metallic Iron Treads', 'Metallic Iron Bundle', 'Metallic Iron Hands', 'Metallic Iron Jugulis', 'Metallic Iron Moth', 'Metallic Iron Thorns', 'Metallic Roaring Moon', 'Metallic Iron Valiant', 'Metallic Walking Wake', 'Metallic Iron Leaves', 'Ghostly Moltres', 'Ghostly Blacephalon', 'Ghostly Buzzwole', 'Ghostly Calyrex', 'Ghostly Celesteela', 'Ghostly Cosmoem', 'Ghostly Cosmog', 'Ghostly Enamorus', 'Ghostly Eternatus', 'Ghostly Glastrier', 'Ghostly Guzzlord', 'Ghostly Kartana', 'Ghostly Kubfu', 'Ghostly Magearna', 'Ghostly Marshadow', 'Ghostly Meltan', 'Ghostly Poipole', 'Ghostly Nihilego', 'Ghostly Pheromosa', 'Ghostly Silvally', 'Ghostly Spectrier', 'Ghostly Stakataka', 'Ghostly Type: Null', 'Ghostly Xurkitree', 'Ghostly Zarude', 'Ghostly Zeraora', 'Ghostly Mewtwo', 'Ghostly Mew', 'Ghostly Articuno', 'Ghostly Raikou', 'Ghostly Entei', 'Ghostly Suicune', 'Ghostly Lugia', 'Ghostly Ho-Oh', 'Ghostly Celebi', 'Ghostly Regirock', 'Ghostly Regice', 'Ghostly Registeel', 'Ghostly Latias', 'Ghostly Latios', 'Ghostly Kyogre', 'Ghostly Groudon', 'Ghostly Rayquaza', 'Ghostly Jirachi', 'Ghostly Deoxys', 'Ghostly Uxie', 'Ghostly Mesprit', 'Ghostly Azelf', 'Ghostly Dialga', 'Ghostly Palkia', 'Ghostly Heatran', 'Ghostly Regigigas', 'Ghostly Giratina', 'Ghostly Cresselia', 'Ghostly Phione', 'Ghostly Manaphy', 'Ghostly Shaymin', 'Ghostly Arceus', 'Ghostly Victini', 'Ghostly Cobalion', 'Ghostly Terrakion', 'Ghostly Virizion', 'Ghostly Tornadus', 'Ghostly Thundurus', 'Ghostly Reshiram', 'Ghostly Zekrom', 'Ghostly Landorus', 'Ghostly Kyurem', 'Ghostly Keldeo', 'Ghostly Meloetta', 'Ghostly Genesect', 'Ghostly Xerneas', 'Ghostly Yveltal', 'Ghostly Tapu Koko', 'Ghostly Tapu Lele', 'Ghostly Tapu Bulu', 'Ghostly Tapu Fini', 'Ghostly Zacian', 'Ghostly Zamazenta', 'Ghostly Regieleki', 'Ghostly Regidrago', 'Ghostly Wo-Chien', 'Ghostly Chien-Pao', 'Ghostly Ting-Lu', 'Ghostly Chi-Yu', 'Ghostly Great Tusk', 'Ghostly Scream Tail', 'Ghostly Brute Bonnet', 'Ghostly Flutter Mane', 'Ghostly Slither Wing', 'Ghostly Sandy Shocks', 'Ghostly Iron Treads', 'Ghostly Iron Bundle', 'Ghostly Iron Hands', 'Ghostly Iron Jugulis', 'Ghostly Iron Moth', 'Ghostly Iron Thorns', 'Ghostly Roaring Moon', 'Ghostly Iron Valiant', 'Ghostly Walking Wake', 'Ghostly Iron Leaves', 'Dark Moltres', 'Dark Mewtwo', 'Dark Mew', 'Dark Articuno', 'Dark Raikou', 'Dark Entei', 'Dark Suicune', 'Dark Lugia', 'Dark Ho-Oh', 'Dark Celebi', 'Dark Regirock', 'Dark Regice', 'Dark Registeel', 'Dark Latias', 'Dark Latios', 'Dark Kyogre', 'Dark Groudon', 'Dark Rayquaza', 'Dark Jirachi', 'Dark Deoxys', 'Dark Uxie', 'Dark Mesprit', 'Dark Azelf', 'Dark Dialga', 'Dark Palkia', 'Dark Heatran', 'Dark Regigigas', 'Dark Giratina', 'Dark Cresselia', 'Dark Phione', 'Dark Manaphy', 'Dark Shaymin', 'Dark Arceus', 'Dark Blacephalon', 'Dark Buzzwole', 'Dark Calyrex', 'Dark Celesteela', 'Dark Cosmoem', 'Dark Cosmog', 'Dark Enamorus', 'Dark Eternatus', 'Dark Glastrier', 'Dark Guzzlord', 'Dark Kartana', 'Dark Kubfu', 'Dark Magearna', 'Dark Marshadow', 'Dark Meltan', 'Dark Poipole', 'Dark Nihilego', 'Dark Pheromosa', 'Dark Silvally', 'Dark Spectrier', 'Dark Stakataka', 'Dark Type: Null', 'Dark Xurkitree', 'Dark Zarude', 'Dark Zeraora', 'Dark Victini', 'Dark Cobalion', 'Dark Terrakion', 'Dark Virizion', 'Dark Tornadus', 'Dark Thundurus', 'Dark Reshiram', 'Dark Zekrom', 'Dark Landorus', 'Dark Kyurem', 'Dark Keldeo', 'Dark Meloetta', 'Dark Genesect', 'Dark Xerneas', 'Dark Yveltal', 'Dark Tapu Koko', 'Dark Tapu Lele', 'Dark Tapu Bulu', 'Dark Tapu Fini', 'Dark Zacian', 'Dark Zamazenta', 'Dark Regieleki', 'Dark Regidrago', 'Dark Miraidon', 'Dark Koraidon', 'Dark Wo-Chien', 'Dark Chien-Pao', 'Dark Ting-Lu', 'Dark Chi-Yu', 'Dark Great Tusk', 'Dark Scream Tail', 'Dark Brute Bonnet', 'Dark Flutter Mane', 'Dark Slither Wing', 'Dark Sandy Shocks', 'Dark Iron Treads', 'Dark Iron Bundle', 'Dark Iron Hands', 'Dark Iron Jugulis', 'Dark Iron Moth', 'Dark Iron Thorns', 'Dark Roaring Moon', 'Dark Iron Valiant', 'Dark Walking Wake', 'Dark Iron Leaves', 'Shadow Moltres', 'Shadow Mewtwo', 'Shadow Mew', 'Shadow Articuno', 'Shadow Raikou', 'Shadow Entei', 'Shadow Suicune', 'Shadow Blacephalon', 'Shadow Buzzwole', 'Shadow Calyrex', 'Shadow Celesteela', 'Shadow Cosmoem', 'Shadow Cosmog', 'Shadow Enamorus', 'Shadow Eternatus', 'Shadow Glastrier', 'Shadow Guzzlord', 'Shadow Kartana', 'Shadow Kubfu', 'Shadow Magearna', 'Shadow Marshadow', 'Shadow Meltan', 'Shadow Poipole', 'Shadow Nihilego', 'Shadow Pheromosa', 'Shadow Silvally', 'Shadow Spectrier', 'Shadow Stakataka', 'Shadow Type: Null', 'Shadow Xurkitree', 'Shadow Zarude', 'Shadow Zeraora', 'Shadow Lugia', 'Shadow Ho-Oh', 'Shadow Celebi', 'Shadow Regirock', 'Shadow Regice', 'Shadow Registeel', 'Shadow Latias', 'Shadow Latios', 'Shadow Kyogre', 'Shadow Groudon', 'Shadow Rayquaza', 'Shadow Jirachi', 'Shadow Deoxys', 'Shadow Uxie', 'Shadow Mesprit', 'Shadow Azelf', 'Shadow Dialga', 'Shadow Palkia', 'Shadow Heatran', 'Shadow Regigigas', 'Shadow Giratina', 'Shadow Cresselia', 'Shadow Phione', 'Shadow Manaphy', 'Shadow Shaymin', 'Shadow Arceus', 'Shadow Victini', 'Shadow Cobalion', 'Shadow Terrakion', 'Shadow Virizion', 'Shadow Tornadus', 'Shadow Thundurus', 'Shadow Reshiram', 'Shadow Zekrom', 'Shadow Landorus', 'Shadow Kyurem', 'Shadow Keldeo', 'Shadow Meloetta', 'Shadow Genesect', 'Shadow Xerneas', 'Shadow Yveltal', 'Shadow Tapu Koko', 'Shadow Tapu Lele', 'Shadow Tapu Bulu', 'Shadow Tapu Fini', 'Shadow Zacian', 'Shadow Zamazenta', 'Shadow Regieleki', 'Shadow Regidrago', 'Shadow Miraidon', 'Shadow Koraidon', 'Shadow Wo-Chien', 'Shadow Chien-Pao', 'Shadow Ting-Lu', 'Shadow Chi-Yu', 'Shadow Great Tusk', 'Shadow Scream Tail', 'Shadow Brute Bonnet', 'Shadow Flutter Mane', 'Shadow Slither Wing', 'Shadow Sandy Shocks', 'Shadow Iron Treads', 'Shadow Iron Bundle', 'Shadow Iron Hands', 'Shadow Iron Jugulis', 'Shadow Iron Moth', 'Shadow Iron Thorns', 'Shadow Roaring Moon', 'Shadow Iron Valiant', 'Shadow Walking Wake', 'Shadow Iron Leaves', 'Mirage Moltres', 'Mirage Mewtwo', 'Mirage Mew', 'Mirage Articuno', 'Mirage Raikou', 'Mirage Entei', 'Mirage Suicune', 'Mirage Lugia', 'Mirage Ho-Oh', 'Mirage Celebi', 'Mirage Regirock', 'Mirage Regice', 'Mirage Blacephalon', 'Mirage Buzzwole', 'Mirage Calyrex', 'Mirage Celesteela', 'Mirage Cosmoem', 'Mirage Cosmog', 'Mirage Enamorus', 'Mirage Eternatus', 'Mirage Glastrier', 'Mirage Guzzlord', 'Mirage Kartana', 'Mirage Kubfu', 'Mirage Magearna', 'Mirage MarMirage', 'Mirage Meltan', 'Mirage Poipole', 'Mirage Nihilego', 'Mirage Pheromosa', 'Mirage Silvally', 'Mirage Spectrier', 'Mirage Stakataka', 'Mirage Type: Null', 'Mirage Xurkitree', 'Mirage Zarude', 'Mirage Zeraora', 'Mirage Registeel', 'Mirage Latias', 'Mirage Latios', 'Mirage Kyogre', 'Mirage Groudon', 'Mirage Rayquaza', 'Mirage Jirachi', 'Mirage Deoxys', 'Mirage Uxie', 'Mirage Mesprit', 'Mirage Azelf', 'Mirage Dialga', 'Mirage Palkia', 'Mirage Heatran', 'Mirage Regigigas', 'Mirage Giratina', 'Mirage Cresselia', 'Mirage Phione', 'Mirage Manaphy', 'Mirage Shaymin', 'Mirage Arceus', 'Mirage Victini', 'Mirage Cobalion', 'Mirage Terrakion', 'Mirage Virizion', 'Mirage Tornadus', 'Mirage Thundurus', 'Mirage Reshiram', 'Mirage Zekrom', 'Mirage Landorus', 'Mirage Kyurem', 'Mirage Keldeo', 'Mirage Meloetta', 'Mirage Genesect', 'Mirage Xerneas', 'Mirage Yveltal', 'Mirage Tapu Koko', 'Mirage Tapu Lele', 'Mirage Tapu Bulu', 'Mirage Tapu Fini', 'Mirage Zacian', 'Mirage Zamazenta', 'Mirage Regieleki', 'Mirage Regidrago', 'Mirage Miraidon', 'Mirage Koraidon', 'Mirage Wo-Chien', 'Mirage Chien-Pao', 'Mirage Ting-Lu', 'Mirage Chi-Yu', 'Mirage Great Tusk', 'Mirage Scream Tail', 'Mirage Brute Bonnet', 'Mirage Flutter Mane', 'Mirage Slither Wing', 'Mirage Sandy Shocks', 'Mirage Iron Treads', 'Mirage Iron Bundle', 'Mirage Iron Hands', 'Mirage Iron Jugulis', 'Mirage Iron Moth', 'Mirage Iron Thorns', 'Mirage Roaring Moon', 'Mirage Iron Valiant', 'Mirage Walking Wake', 'Mirage Iron Leaves', 'Chrome Moltres', 'Chrome Mewtwo', 'Chrome Mew', 'Chrome Articuno', 'Chrome Raikou', 'Chrome Entei', 'Chrome Suicune', 'Chrome Lugia', 'Chrome Ho-Oh', 'Chrome Celebi', 'Chrome Regirock', 'Chrome Regice', 'Chrome Registeel', 'Chrome Latias', 'Chrome Latios', 'Chrome Kyogre', 'Chrome Groudon', 'Chrome Rayquaza', 'Chrome Jirachi', 'Chrome Deoxys', 'Chrome Uxie', 'Chrome Mesprit', 'Chrome Azelf', 'Chrome Dialga', 'Chrome Palkia', 'Chrome Heatran', 'Chrome Regigigas', 'Chrome Giratina', 'Chrome Cresselia', 'Chrome Phione', 'Chrome Manaphy', 'Chrome Shaymin', 'Chrome Arceus', 'Chrome Victini', 'Chrome Cobalion', 'Chrome Terrakion', 'Chrome Blacephalon', 'Chrome Buzzwole', 'Chrome Calyrex', 'Chrome Celesteela', 'Chrome Cosmoem', 'Chrome Cosmog', 'Chrome Enamorus', 'Chrome Eternatus', 'Chrome Glastrier', 'Chrome Guzzlord', 'Chrome Kartana', 'Chrome Kubfu', 'Chrome Magearna', 'Chrome MarChrome', 'Chrome Meltan', 'Chrome Poipole', 'Chrome Nihilego', 'Chrome Pheromosa', 'Chrome Silvally', 'Chrome Spectrier', 'Chrome Stakataka', 'Chrome Type: Null', 'Chrome Xurkitree', 'Chrome Zarude', 'Chrome Zeraora', 'Chrome Virizion', 'Chrome Tornadus', 'Chrome Thundurus', 'Chrome Reshiram', 'Chrome Zekrom', 'Chrome Landorus', 'Chrome Kyurem', 'Chrome Keldeo', 'Chrome Meloetta', 'Chrome Genesect', 'Chrome Xerneas', 'Chrome Yveltal', 'Chrome Tapu Koko', 'Chrome Tapu Lele', 'Chrome Tapu Bulu', 'Chrome Tapu Fini', 'Chrome Zacian', 'Chrome Zamazenta', 'Chrome Regieleki', 'Chrome Regidrago', 'Chrome Miraidon', 'Chrome Koraidon', 'Chrome Wo-Chien', 'Chrome Chien-Pao', 'Chrome Ting-Lu', 'Chrome Chi-Yu', 'Chorme Great Tusk', 'Chorme Scream Tail', 'Chorme Brute Bonnet', 'Chorme Flutter Mane', 'Chorme Slither Wing', 'Chorme Sandy Shocks', 'Chorme Iron Treads', 'Chorme Iron Bundle', 'Chorme Iron Hands', 'Chorme Iron Jugulis', 'Chorme Iron Moth', 'Chorme Iron Thorns', 'Chorme Roaring Moon', 'Chorme Iron Valiant', 'Chorme Walking Wake', 'Chorme Iron Leaves', 'Negative Moltres', 'Negative Mewtwo', 'Negative Mew', 'Negative Articuno', 'Negative Raikou', 'Negative Entei', 'Negative Suicune', 'Negative Lugia', 'Negative Ho-Oh', 'Negative Celebi', 'Negative Regirock', 'Negative Regice', 'Negative Registeel', 'Negative Latias', 'Negative Latios', 'Negative Kyogre', 'Negative Groudon', 'Negative Rayquaza', 'Negative Jirachi', 'Negative Deoxys', 'Negative Uxie', 'Negative Mesprit', 'Negative Azelf', 'Negative Dialga', 'Negative Palkia', 'Negative Heatran', 'Negative Regigigas', 'Negative Giratina', 'Negative Cresselia', 'Negative Phione', 'Negative Manaphy', 'Negative Shaymin', 'Negative Arceus', 'Negative Victini', 'Negative Cobalion', 'Negative Terrakion', 'Negative Blacephalon', 'Negative Buzzwole', 'Negative Calyrex', 'Negative Celesteela', 'Negative Cosmoem', 'Negative Cosmog', 'Negative Enamorus', 'Negative Eternatus', 'Negative Glastrier', 'Negative Guzzlord', 'Negative Kartana', 'Negative Kubfu', 'Negative Magearna', 'Negative MarNegative', 'Negative Meltan', 'Negative Poipole', 'Negative Nihilego', 'Negative Pheromosa', 'Negative Silvally', 'Negative Spectrier', 'Negative Stakataka', 'Negative Type: Null', 'Negative Xurkitree', 'Negative Zarude', 'Negative Zeraora', 'Negative Virizion', 'Negative Tornadus', 'Negative Thundurus', 'Negative Reshiram', 'Negative Zekrom', 'Negative Landorus', 'Negative Kyurem', 'Negative Keldeo', 'Negative Meloetta', 'Negative Genesect', 'Negative Xerneas', 'Negative Yveltal', 'Negative Tapu Koko', 'Negative Tapu Lele', 'Negative Tapu Bulu', 'Negative Tapu Fini', 'Negative Zacian', 'Negative Zamazenta', 'Negative Regieleki', 'Negative Regidrago', 'Negative Miraidon', 'Negative Koraidon', 'Negative Wo-Chien', 'Negative Chien-Pao', 'Negative Ting-Lu', 'Negative Chi-Yu', 'Negative Great Tusk', 'Negative Scream Tail', 'Negative Brute Bonnet', 'Negative Flutter Mane', 'Negative Slither Wing', 'Negative Sandy Shocks', 'Negative Iron Treads', 'Negative Iron Bundle', 'Negative Iron Hands', 'Negative Iron Jugulis', 'Negative Iron Moth', 'Negative Iron Thorns', 'Negative Roaring Moon', 'Negative Iron Valiant', 'Negative Walking Wake', 'Negative Iron Leaves', 'Retro Moltres', 'Retro Mewtwo', 'Retro Mew', 'Retro Articuno', 'Retro Raikou', 'Retro Entei', 'Retro Suicune', 'Retro Lugia', 'Retro Ho-Oh', 'Retro Celebi', 'Retro Regirock', 'Retro Regice', 'Retro Registeel', 'Retro Latias', 'Retro Latios', 'Retro Kyogre', 'Retro Groudon', 'Retro Rayquaza', 'Retro Jirachi', 'Retro Deoxys', 'Retro Uxie', 'Retro Mesprit', 'Retro Azelf', 'Retro Dialga', 'Retro Palkia', 'Retro Heatran', 'Retro Regigigas', 'Retro Giratina', 'Retro Cresselia', 'Retro Phione', 'Retro Manaphy', 'Retro Shaymin', 'Retro Arceus', 'Retro Victini', 'Retro Cobalion', 'Retro Terrakion', 'Retro Virizion', 'Retro Tornadus', 'Retro Thundurus', 'Retro Reshiram', 'Retro Zekrom', 'Retro Landorus', 'Retro Kyurem', 'Retro Keldeo', 'Retro Meloetta', 'Retro Genesect', 'Retro Blacephalon', 'Retro Buzzwole', 'Retro Calyrex', 'Retro Celesteela', 'Retro Cosmoem', 'Retro Cosmog', 'Retro Enamorus', 'Retro Eternatus', 'Retro Glastrier', 'Retro Guzzlord', 'Retro Kartana', 'Retro Kubfu', 'Retro Magearna', 'Retro MarRetro', 'Retro Meltan', 'Retro Poipole', 'Retro Nihilego', 'Retro Pheromosa', 'Retro Silvally', 'Retro Spectrier', 'Retro Stakataka', 'Retro Type: Null', 'Retro Xurkitree', 'Retro Zarude', 'Retro Zeraora', 'Retro Xerneas', 'Retro Yveltal', 'Retro Tapu Koko', 'Retro Tapu Lele', 'Retro Tapu Bulu', 'Retro Tapu Fini', 'Retro Zacian', 'Retro Zamazenta', 'Retro Regieleki', 'Retro Regidrago', 'Retro Miraidon', 'Retro Koraidon', 'Retro Wo-Chien', 'Retro Chien-Pao', 'Retro Ting-Lu', 'Retro Chi-Yu', 'Retro Great Tusk', 'Retro Scream Tail', 'Retro Brute Bonnet', 'Retro Flutter Mane', 'Retro Slither Wing', 'Retro Sandy Shocks', 'Retro Iron Treads', 'Retro Iron Bundle', 'Retro Iron Hands', 'Retro Iron Jugulis', 'Retro Iron Moth', 'Retro Iron Thorns', 'Retro Roaring Moon', 'Retro Iron Valiant', 'Retro Walking Wake', 'Retro Iron Leaves', ]; //the pokemon you want to be alerted of //make sure you get the right spelling //TIP: You can also use the above setting as //a general keyword searcher in the pokemon you see //e.g. "shiny", "dark" var levelsToFind = ["1"]; //The specific levels you want to be alerted for //keep this a string array var levelsAndUpToFind = 100; //level and up to alert about pokemon //dont make this a string or array var scanFreq = 40; //time to wait between every time the script checks if you saw what you wanted (in milliseconds) var isDoneLoadingFreq = 350; //time to wait between checking if looking for pokemon has finished loading (in milli) //dont make this too low (keep it how it is, it works fine) unless you have very super speedy internet //THE LOWER THIS IS THE HIGHER CHANCE YOU HAVE OF LOSING A LEGEND /**********FIGHTING SETTINGS**********/ var battle = "/S-Flying"; //change this to your battle url, but make sure you remove everything up to the /battle.php?jglasd=dfjklgdfj //Even though it does automatically :P var firstPokemonPrefAtt = 0; // 0 = don't pick var seconPokemonPrefAtt = 0; // 0 = don't pick var thirdPokemonPrefAtt = 0; // 0 = don't pick var fourtPokemonPrefAtt = 0; // 0 = don't pick var fifthPokemonPrefAtt = 0; // 0 = don't pick var sixthPokemonPrefAtt = 0; // 0 = don't pick var firstPokemonName = ""; // These names just need to be unique var seconPokemonName = ""; // Capitalization is ignored var thirdPokemonName = ""; // if empty it will be skipped var fourtPokemonName = ""; // if not found it will be skipped var fifthPokemonName = ""; // Make sure you spell right :p var sixthPokemonName = ""; // var attackFreq = 500; //time to wait between every click while fighting (in milliseconds) /**********IGNORE EVERYTHING PAST THIS**********/ var pokeNames = [firstPokemonName, seconPokemonName, thirdPokemonName, fourtPokemonName, fifthPokemonName, sixthPokemonName]; var pokeAtts = [firstPokemonPrefAtt, seconPokemonPrefAtt, thirdPokemonPrefAtt, fourtPokemonPrefAtt, fifthPokemonPrefAtt, sixthPokemonPrefAtt]; var battleUrl = ". "; var findUrl = ""; var loginUrl = ""; var dashboardUrl = ""; var attTimes = 0; var moveTimes = 0; if(battle.indexOf(".com")>-1){ battle = battle.split(".com")[1]; } if (doBattle && window.location.href.indexOf(battleUrl) > -1) { function startBattle() { for(var d = 0; d < 6; d++) // if(pokeAtts[d] !== 0 && $("h3:contains('Your')").text().toLowerCase().indexOf(pokeNames[d].toLowerCase()) > -1 && pokeNames[d] !== "") // $("input#attack"+pokeAtts[d]).click(); // if($("input[value*='Start Battle']").length) $("input[value*='Start Battle']").click(); $("input[value*='Start Battle']").submit(); if($("input[value*='Attack']").length) $("input[value*='Attack']").submit(); if($("a:contains('Rebattle Opponent')").length) $("a:contains('Rebattle Opponent')").click(); } if (window.location.href.indexOf(battle) >-1) { setInterval(function () { if($("#loading").css("visibility") == "hidden"){ startBattle(); attTimes = 0; }else{ attTimes++; } if(times >= 100) location.reload(true); }, attackFreq); } else { window.location.href = battle; } }else if ((findPokemon || findLevels || findLevelsAndUp) && window.location.href.indexOf(findUrl) > -1) { var a; var b; var finderOn = true; var whichMove = 1; function fireKey(el, key) { //Set key to corresponding code. This one is set to the left arrow key. //37 = left, 38 = up, 39 = right, 40 = down; if (document.createEventObject) { var eventObj = document.createEventObject(); eventObj.keyCode = key; el.fireEvent("onkeydown", eventObj); } else if (document.createEvent) { var eventObj = document.createEvent("Events"); eventObj.initEvent("keydown", true, true); eventObj.which = key; el.dispatchEvent(eventObj); } } function found(thing){ if($('#showpoke').first().html().toLowerCase().indexOf(thing.toLowerCase()) > -1){ $('input[type="submit"][id="catch"]').click(); setTimeout(function(){$('input[type="submit"][value="Start Battle"]').click();}, 5000); setTimeout(function(){$('input[type="radio"][value="masterball"]').click();}, 5069); $('input[type="submit"][value="Throw Pokeball"]').click(); finderOn = true; clearInterval(a); if(autoWalkFind){ clearInterval(b); } return true; }else{ return false; } } function setFinder(){ finderOn = true; if(autoWalkFind){ b = setInterval(function(){ var isLoading = $("#showpoke").text().indexOf("Searching...") > -1; if(!isLoading){ switch(whichMove){ case 1: fireKey(document,37); whichMove = 2; break; case 2: fireKey(document,38); whichMove = 3; break; case 3: fireKey(document,39); whichMove = 4; break; case 4: fireKey(document,40); whichMove = 1; break; } moveTimes=0; }else{ moveTimes++; } if(moveTimes >= 100) location.reload(true); },isDoneLoadingFreq); } a = setInterval(function () { if(findPokemon) for (var i = 0; i < pokemonToFind.length; i++) found(pokemonToFind[i]); if(findLevels) for (var i = 0; i < levelsToFind.length; i++) found("Level: " + levelsToFind[i] + " "); if(findLevelsAndUp) for(var l = levelsAndUpToFind; l<101;l++) if (found("Level: " + l + " ")) break; }, scanFreq); } setFinder(); $(document).keydown(function(event) { switch (event.keyCode) { case 37: case 38: case 39: case 40: case 87: case 65: case 83: case 68: if(!finderOn)setFinder(); break; } }); }else if(autoLogin && window.location.href.indexOf(loginUrl) > -1){ $("input[name*='username']").val(username); $("input[name*='password']").val(password); $("input[value*='Login']").click(); $("input[value*='Login']").submit(); }else if(forceBattle && window.location.href.indexOf(dashboardUrl) > -1){ window.location.href = battle; }