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Automatic Quetre Redirect

Uses Farside to automatically redirect to working instance of Quetre

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Automatic Quetre Redirect
// @namespace    https://kolektiva.social/@helios97
// @version      1.0
// @description  Uses Farside to automatically redirect to working instance of Quetre
// @author       Helios97
// @license      GNU GPLv3
// @match        https://quetre.iket.me/*
// @match        https://quora.vern.cc/*
// @match        https://quetre.pussthecat.org/*
// @match        https://quetre.tokhmi.xyz/*
// @match        https://quetre.projectsegfau.lt/*
// @match        https://quetre.odyssey346.dev/*
// @match        https://quetre.privacydev.net/*
// @match        https://ask.habedieeh.re/*
// @match        https://quetre.blackdrgn.nl/*
// @match        https://quetre.lunar.icu/*
// @match        https://que.wilbvr.me/*
// @match        https://quora.femboy.hu/*
// @match        https://questions.whateveritworks.org/*
// @match        https://quetre.fascinated.cc/*
// @match        https://quetre.frontendfriendly.xyz/*
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==
// Credit to https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/470863-automatic-libreddit-quota-redirector where automatic redirection is implemented for libreddit.
// Credit to https://farside.link/ for all the heavy lifting of identifying a working instance
function main() {
const errorlength = document.getElementsByClassName("error__code").length
if (errorlength == 0) return;
console.log('Redirecting to new Quetre Instance')
location.replace('https://farside.link/quetre/' + window.location.pathname);