Removing a certain evil number to prevent calculation errors
// ==UserScript== // @name 去除邪恶数字 // @name:en Remove A Certain Evil Number // @name:zh 去除邪恶数字 // @namespace // @namespace // @version // @description 去除邪恶数字,防止口算出错 // @description:en Removing a certain evil number to prevent calculation errors // @description:zh 去除邪恶数字,防止口算出错 // @author KumaTea // @match* // @match* // @license GPLv3 // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 8 */ // "use strict"; let delay = 10*1000; const TwitterTextTag = 'span'; const evilNum = '\u0038\u0039\u0036\u0034'; /* 备用 中文数字、全角数字、上标数字等 性能原因暂不启用 const evilNumList = [ '\u0038\u0039\u0036\u0034', ] */ const goodNum = '\u0038\u0039\u0037\u0032'; function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } function replaceStrings() { let count = 0; var textNodes = document.querySelectorAll(TwitterTextTag); for (var i = 0; i < textNodes.length; i++) { var textNode = textNodes[i]; var originalText = textNode.textContent; var modifiedText = originalText; /* for (var j = 0; j < evilNumList.length; j++) { var pattern = evilNumList[j]; modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(pattern, goodNum); } */ modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(evilNum, goodNum); if (modifiedText !== originalText) { textNode.textContent = modifiedText; count += 1; } } if (count) { console.log("replaced " + count + " string(s) in a total of " + textNodes.length + "!"); } } async function main() { while (1) { await sleep(delay); replaceStrings(); delay = Math.min(delay*2, 5*60*1000); } } main();