// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube EXPERIMENT_FLAGS Tamer (Basic) // @namespace UserScripts // @match* // @version // @license MIT // @author CY Fung // @icon // @description Adjust EXPERIMENT_FLAGS // @grant none // @unwrap // @run-at document-start // @allFrames true // @inject-into page // ==/UserScript== ((__CONTEXT__) => { // Purpose 1: Remove Obsolete Flags // Purpose 2: Remove Flags bring no visual difference // Purpose 3: Enable Flags bring performance boost const DISABLE_CINEMATICS = false; // standard design const NO_SerializedExperiment = false; const KEEP_PLAYER_QUALITY_STICKY = true; // see const DISABLE_serializedExperimentIds = true; const DISABLE_serializedExperimentFlags = true; // const ALLOW_FLAGS_202404_flags11 = new Set([ // // 'use_core_sm', // // 'use_new_cml', // // 'web_api_url', // ]); const ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_STABLE_LIST = { defaultValue: true, // performance boost useExternal: () => typeof localStorage.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_STABLE_LIST !== 'undefined', externalValue: () => (+localStorage.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_STABLE_LIST ? true : false) }; const ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_REUSE_COMPONENTS = { defaultValue: true, // not sure useExternal: () => typeof localStorage.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_REUSE_COMPONENTS !== 'undefined', externalValue: () => (+localStorage.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_REUSE_COMPONENTS ? true : false) }; const ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_DEFER_DETACH = { defaultValue: true, // not sure useExternal: () => typeof localStorage.ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_DEFER_DETACH !== 'undefined', externalValue: () => (+localStorage.ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_DEFER_DETACH ? true : false) }; const ALLOW_ALL_LIVE_CHATS_FLAGS = true; // TBC // kevlar_tuner_should_always_use_device_pixel_ratio // kevlar_tuner_should_clamp_device_pixel_ratio // kevlar_tuner_clamp_device_pixel_ratio // kevlar_tuner_should_use_thumbnail_factor // kevlar_tuner_thumbnail_factor // kevlar_tuner_min_thumbnail_quality // kevlar_tuner_max_thumbnail_quality // kevlar_tuner_should_test_visibility_time_between_jobs // kevlar_tuner_visibility_time_between_jobs_ms // kevlar_tuner_default_comments_delay // kevlar_tuner_run_default_comments_delay let settled = null; // cinematic feature is no longer an experimential feature. // It has been officially implemented. // To disable cinematics, the user shall use other userscripts or just turn off the option in the video options. const getSettingValue = (fm) => fm.useExternal() ? fm.externalValue() : fm.defaultValue; const win = this instanceof Window ? this : window; // Create a unique key for the script and check if it is already running const hkey_script = 'jmimcvowrlzl'; if (win[hkey_script]) throw new Error('Duplicated Userscript Calling'); // avoid duplicated scripting win[hkey_script] = true; /** @type {globalThis.PromiseConstructor} */ const Promise = ((async () => { })()).constructor; let isMainWindow = false; let mzFlagDetected = new Set(); let zPlayerKevlar = false; try { isMainWindow = window.document === } catch (e) { } function fixSerializedExperiment(conf) { if (DISABLE_serializedExperimentIds && typeof conf.serializedExperimentIds === 'string') { let ids = conf.serializedExperimentIds.split(','); let newIds = []; for (const id of ids) { let keep = false; if (keep) { newIds.push(id); } } conf.serializedExperimentIds = newIds.join(','); } if (DISABLE_serializedExperimentFlags && typeof conf.serializedExperimentFlags === 'string') { const fg = conf.serializedExperimentFlags; const rx = /(^|&)(\w+)=([^=&|\s\{\}\[\]\(\)?]*)/g; let res = []; for (let m; m = rx.exec(fg);) { let key = m[2]; let value = m[3]; let keep = false; if (KEEP_PLAYER_QUALITY_STICKY) { if (key === 'html5_exponential_memory_for_sticky' || key.startsWith('h5_expr_')) { keep = true; } } if (!DISABLE_CINEMATICS) { if (key === 'web_cinematic_watch_settings') { keep = true; } } if (keep) res.push(`${key}=${value}`); } conf.serializedExperimentFlags = res.join('&'); } } const cachedSetFn=(o) => { const { use_maintain_stable_list, use_maintain_reuse_components, use_defer_detach } = o; const BY_PASS = [ 'enable_profile_cards_on_comments', 'suppress_error_204_logging', ...(!DISABLE_CINEMATICS ? [ 'kevlar_measure_ambient_mode_idle', 'kevlar_watch_cinematics_invisible', 'web_cinematic_theater_mode', 'web_cinematic_fullscreen', 'enable_cinematic_blur_desktop_loading', 'kevlar_watch_cinematics', 'web_cinematic_masthead', 'web_watch_cinematics_preferred_reduced_motion_default_disabled' ] : []), 'live_chat_web_enable_command_handler', 'live_chat_channel_activity', 'live_chat_web_input_update', ...(ALLOW_ALL_LIVE_CHATS_FLAGS ? [ 'live_chat_banner_expansion_fix', 'live_chat_enable_mod_view', 'live_chat_enable_qna_banner_overflow_menu_actions', 'live_chat_enable_qna_channel', 'live_chat_enable_send_button_in_slow_mode', 'live_chat_filter_emoji_suggestions', 'live_chat_increased_min_height', 'live_chat_over_playlist', 'live_chat_web_use_emoji_manager_singleton', 'live_chat_whole_message_clickable', 'live_chat_emoji_picker_toggle_state', 'live_chat_enable_command_handler_resolver_map', 'live_chat_enable_controller_extraction', 'live_chat_enable_rta_manager', 'live_chat_require_space_for_autocomplete_emoji', 'live_chat_unclickable_message', ]:[]), 'kevlar_rendererstamper_event_listener', // // kevlar_enable_up_arrow - no use // kevlar_help_use_locale - might use // kevlar_refresh_gesture - might use // kevlar_smart_downloads - might use // kevlar_thumbnail_fluid 'kevlar_ytb_live_badges', ...(!use_maintain_stable_list ? [ 'kevlar_tuner_should_test_maintain_stable_list', 'kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list', 'kevlar_tuner_should_maintain_stable_list', // fallback ] : []), ...(!use_maintain_reuse_components ? [ 'kevlar_tuner_should_test_reuse_components', 'kevlar_tuner_should_reuse_components', 'kevlar_should_reuse_components' // fallback ] : []), 'kevlar_system_icons', // 'kevlar_prefetch_data_augments_network_data' continue; // home page / watch page icons 'kevlar_three_dot_ink', 'kevlar_use_wil_icons', 'kevlar_home_skeleton', 'kevlar_fluid_touch_scroll', 'kevlar_watch_color_update', 'kevlar_use_vimio_behavior', // home page - channel icon // collapsed meta; no teaser, use latest collapsed meta design 'kevlar_structured_description_content_inline', 'kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh', 'kevlar_watch_js_panel_height', // affect Tabview Youtube 'shorts_desktop_watch_while_p2', 'web_button_rework', 'web_darker_dark_theme_live_chat', 'web_darker_dark_theme', // it also affect cinemtaics // modern menu 'web_button_rework_with_live', 'web_fix_fine_scrubbing_drag', // full screen -buggy 'external_fullscreen', // minimize menu 'web_modern_buttons', 'web_modern_dialogs', // Tabview Youtube - multiline transcript 'enable_mixed_direction_formatted_strings', // Notification Menu "kevlar_service_command_check", // Live ChatRoom Visibility "live_chat_cow_visibility_set_up", ].concat( [ ] ) const s = new Set(BY_PASS); return s; }; let cachedSet = null; const hLooper = ((fn) => { let nativeFnLoaded = false; let kc1 = 0; const setIntervalW = setInterval; const clearIntervalW = clearInterval; let microDisconnectFn = null; let fStopLooper = false; const looperFn = () => { if (fStopLooper) return; let config_ = null; let EXPERIMENT_FLAGS = null; try { config_ = yt.config_; EXPERIMENT_FLAGS = config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS } catch (e) { } if (EXPERIMENT_FLAGS) { fn(EXPERIMENT_FLAGS, config_); if (microDisconnectFn) { let isYtLoaded = false; try { isYtLoaded = typeof ytcfg.set === 'function'; } catch (e) { } if (isYtLoaded) { microDisconnectFn(); } } } let playerKevlar = null; try { playerKevlar = ytcfg.data_.WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIGS.WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIG_ID_KEVLAR_WATCH; } catch (e) { } if (playerKevlar && !zPlayerKevlar) { zPlayerKevlar = true; if (NO_SerializedExperiment && typeof playerKevlar.serializedExperimentFlags === 'string' && typeof playerKevlar.serializedExperimentIds === 'string') { fixSerializedExperiment(playerKevlar); } } }; const controller = { start() { kc1 = setIntervalW(looperFn, 1); (async () => { while (true && !nativeFnLoaded) { looperFn(); if (fStopLooper) break; await (new Promise(requestAnimationFrame)); } })(); looperFn(); }, /** * * @param {Window} __CONTEXT__ */ setupForCleanContext(__CONTEXT__) { const { requestAnimationFrame, setInterval, clearInterval, setTimeout, clearTimeout } = __CONTEXT__; (async () => { while (true) { looperFn(); if (fStopLooper) break; await (new Promise(requestAnimationFrame)); } })(); let kc2 = setInterval(looperFn, 1); const marcoDisconnectFn = () => { if (fStopLooper) return; Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (kc1 || kc2) { kc1 && clearIntervalW(kc1); kc1 = 0; kc2 && clearInterval(kc2); kc2 = 0; looperFn(); } fStopLooper = true; }); document.removeEventListener('yt-page-data-fetched', marcoDisconnectFn, false); document.removeEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', marcoDisconnectFn, false); document.removeEventListener('spfdone', marcoDisconnectFn, false); }; document.addEventListener('yt-page-data-fetched', marcoDisconnectFn, false); document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', marcoDisconnectFn, false); document.addEventListener('spfdone', marcoDisconnectFn, false); function onReady() { if (!fStopLooper) { setTimeout(() => { !fStopLooper && marcoDisconnectFn(); }, 1000); } } Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { onReady(); } else { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onReady, false); } }); nativeFnLoaded = true; microDisconnectFn = () => Promise.resolve(marcoDisconnectFn).then(setTimeout); } }; return controller; })((EXPERIMENT_FLAGS, config_) => { if (!EXPERIMENT_FLAGS) return; if (!settled) { settled = { use_maintain_stable_list: getSettingValue(ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_STABLE_LIST), use_maintain_reuse_components: getSettingValue(ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_MAINTAIN_REUSE_COMPONENTS), use_defer_detach: getSettingValue(ENABLE_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_DEFER_DETACH), } if (settled.use_maintain_stable_list) Promise.resolve().then(() => console.debug("use_maintain_stable_list")); if (settled.use_maintain_reuse_components) Promise.resolve().then(() => console.debug("use_maintain_reuse_components")); if (settled.use_defer_detach) Promise.resolve().then(() => console.debug("use_defer_detach")); } const { use_maintain_stable_list, use_maintain_reuse_components, use_defer_detach } = settled; cachedSet = cachedSet || cachedSetFn({ use_maintain_stable_list, use_maintain_reuse_components, use_defer_detach }); let mps = []; setTimeout(async ()=>{ if(!mps.length) return; let ezz = new Set(); let e1 = 999; let e2 = -999; for(const mp of mps){ for(const k of mp){ ezz.add(k); const kl= k.length; if(kl<e1) e1=kl; if(kl>e2) e2=kl; } } mps.length = 0; if(!ezz.size) return; await new Promise(r => window.setTimeout(r, 1)); let qt =; console.log('EXPERIMENT_FLAGS', [e1,e2, ezz.size]); let mf = false; const obj = JSON.parse(localStorage['bpghn01'] || '{}'); for(const e of ezz){ if(obj[e])continue; obj[e] = qt; mf= true; } if(mf){ localStorage['bpghn01'] = JSON.stringify( obj); } // await new Promise(r => window.setTimeout(r, 1)); const getEFT = function(after, offset){ after = typeof after === 'string' ? new Date(after) : after; let afterValue = +after; let arr = Object.entries(obj).map(e=>{ return {key: e[0], date: e[1], len:e[0].length }; }).sort((a,b)=>{ return < ? 1 :> ? -1 : a.len < b.len ? 1 :a.len>b.len ? -1 : `${a.key}`.localeCompare(`${b.key}`) ; }); if (afterValue > 0) { arr = arr.filter(e => { return >= afterValue + offset; }) } return [arr, after, afterValue]; } window.log_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_Tamer = function(after, toString){ let [arr, after_, afterValue] =getEFT(after, -86400000); const r = { "!log": arr, after: afterValue > 0 ? new Date(afterValue) : null }; console.log("log_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_Tamer", toString ? JSON.stringify(r) : r); } window.kl_EXPERIMENT_FLAGS_Tamer = function (after, kl) { let [arr, after_, afterValue] =getEFT(after, -86400000); arr = arr.filter(e => { return e.len === kl }); return => e.key).join('|') } }, 800); const setFalseFn = (EXPERIMENT_FLAGS) => { let ezz = new Set(); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(EXPERIMENT_FLAGS)) { if (value === true) { // if(key.indexOf('modern')>=0 || key.indexOf('enable')>=0 || key.indexOf('theme')>=0 || key.indexOf('skip')>=0 || key.indexOf('ui')>=0 || key.indexOf('observer')>=0 || key.indexOf('polymer')>=0 )continue; if (mzFlagDetected.has(key)) continue; mzFlagDetected.add(key); const kl = key.length; const kl7 = kl % 7; const kl5 = kl % 5; const kl3 = kl % 3; const kl2 = kl % 2; if(cachedSet.has(key)) continue; ezz.add(key); // console.log(key) EXPERIMENT_FLAGS[key] = false; } } mps.push(ezz); ezz = null; } setFalseFn(EXPERIMENT_FLAGS); if (config_.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS) setFalseFn(config_.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS); EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.desktop_delay_player_resizing = false; EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_animated_like = false; EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_animated_like_lazy_load = false; if (use_maintain_stable_list) { EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_test_maintain_stable_list = true; EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list = true; EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_maintain_stable_list = true; // fallback } if (use_maintain_reuse_components) { EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_test_reuse_components = true; EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_reuse_components = true; EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_should_reuse_components = true; // fallback } if (use_defer_detach) { EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_defer_detach = true; } // EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_prefetch_data_augments_network_data = true; // TBC }); hLooper.start(); const cleanContext = async (win) => { const waitFn = requestAnimationFrame; // shall have been binded to window try { let mx = 16; // MAX TRIAL const frameId = 'vanillajs-iframe-v1' let frame = document.getElementById(frameId); let removeIframeFn = null; if (!frame) { frame = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'vanillajs-iframe-v1'; frame.sandbox = 'allow-same-origin'; // script cannot be run inside iframe but API can be obtained from iframe let n = document.createElement('noscript'); // wrap into NOSCRPIT to avoid reflow (layouting) n.appendChild(frame); while (!document.documentElement && mx-- > 0) await new Promise(waitFn); // requestAnimationFrame here could get modified by YouTube engine const root = document.documentElement; root.appendChild(n); // throw error if root is null due to exceeding MAX TRIAL removeIframeFn = (setTimeout) => { const removeIframeOnDocumentReady = (e) => { e && win.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", removeIframeOnDocumentReady, false); win = null; setTimeout(() => { n.remove(); n = null; }, 200); } if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { removeIframeOnDocumentReady(); } else { win.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", removeIframeOnDocumentReady, false); } } } while (!frame.contentWindow && mx-- > 0) await new Promise(waitFn); const fc = frame.contentWindow; if (!fc) throw "window is not found."; // throw error if root is null due to exceeding MAX TRIAL const { requestAnimationFrame, setInterval, setTimeout, clearInterval, clearTimeout } = fc; const res = { requestAnimationFrame, setInterval, setTimeout, clearInterval, clearTimeout }; for (let k in res) res[k] = res[k].bind(win); // necessary if (removeIframeFn) Promise.resolve(res.setTimeout).then(removeIframeFn); return res; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); return null; } }; cleanContext(win).then(__CONTEXT__ => { const { requestAnimationFrame, setInterval, clearInterval, setTimeout, clearTimeout } = __CONTEXT__; hLooper.setupForCleanContext(__CONTEXT__) }); if (isMainWindow) { console.groupCollapsed( "%cYouTube EXPERIMENT_FLAGS Tamer", "background-color: #EDE43B ; color: #000 ; font-weight: bold ; padding: 4px ;" ); console.log("Script is loaded."); console.log("This might affect the new features when YouTube rolls them out to general users."); console.log("If you found any issue in using YouTube, please disable this script to check whether the issue is due to this script or not."); console.groupEnd(); } })(null);