Script Summary: Allows you to share spy reports with your buddies even if you are not in the same alliance.
Brief description
SpyShare makes it easy to share spy reports with your alliance and in-game buddies. It is a tolerated tool and because sharing reports is a Commander feature, SpyShare only works if you have the Commander officer activated.
There already is an official feature for sharing spy reports with your alliance (for those having bought Commander) but using SpyShare it is much easier (the shared reports appear as messages in your inbox and not on the Galaxy map) and you can share them with your buddies too.
Currently it is tested on .ro and .en servers only as I don't play on other Ogame servers. SpyShare is not language dependent so it should work on any server (hope so :D )
Working on FireFox with Greasemonkey and Chrome with Tampermonkey
The auto updater checks for a new version every 24h. You can also try to update manually as shown in the picture
A new share section is appended at the end of the report (both expanded and pop-up reports). It contains a drop-down list of your buddies and a Share button.
Expanded report
Pop-up report
When pressing the Share button you get a confirmation message: