Check if LinkedIn job company is in IND km sponsor list
// ==UserScript==// @name LinkedIn Company Matcher Revised// @namespace @version 0.3// @description Check if LinkedIn job company is in IND km sponsor list// @author JP Zhang// @match*// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest// @require @license MPL-2.0// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';// Fetch the IND km sponsor list (supposed to be a JSON file)GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: "GET",url: "",onload: function(response) {let indCompanies = JSON.parse(response.responseText);// Run the check every 5 secondssetInterval(function() {// Find the company name in the pagelet companyNameElement = document.querySelector(".job-details-jobs-unified-top-card__primary-description-container");if (!companyNameElement) {console.log("Company name element not found");return;}let companyName = companyNameElement.textContent.trim().toLowerCase();// Find the location in the pagelet locationAndTimeElement = companyNameElement.parentElement.textContent;let locationAndTime = locationAndTimeElement.split("·")[1];let location = locationAndTime ? locationAndTime.split("·")[0].trim() : ''; // Extracting only the location part// Print the company name and locationconsole.log("Company name: " + companyName);console.log("Location: " + location);if (location.includes('Netherlands') || location.includes('荷兰') || location.includes('#德兰') || location.includes('Amsterdam Area')) {let companyLink = companyNameElement; // Save the object for the company name linkconsole.time("Matching time"); // Start timerlet matched = indCompanies.sponsors.some(function(sponsor) {if (isKMismatchSubstring(companyName, sponsor.toLowerCase(), 3)) {// The company name is a K-mismatch substring of this company,// so you can change the CSS as = 'bold'; = 'green';return true;}return false;});console.timeEnd("Matching time"); // End timer and log timeif (!matched) {// The company name did not match any sponsor,// so you can change the CSS as needed.console.log("Not matched!"); = 'bold'; = 'red';}}}, 5000);}});})();function isKMismatchSubstring(query, text, k) {let m = query.length;for (let i = 0; i <= text.length - m; i++) {let mismatches = 0;for (let j = 0; j < m; j++) {if (text[i + j] !== query[j]) {mismatches++;if (mismatches > k) {break;}}}if (mismatches <= k) {return true;}}return false;}