
osu!web enhancement

Some small improvements to osu!web, featuring beatmapset filter and profile page improvement.

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What does this script do?

1. Highlight owned beatmaps in beatmap listings page by reading your local osu!.db database file

(Don't worry, the script won't upload your information to anywhere!)
(Some texts are in Chinese in the following screenshots, but I think it does not matter too much :)

Hover your mouse over "settings" in the navigation bar and click the "Import osu!.db" button in the popup menu:
screenshot of how to start importing osu!.db

Select your osu!.db database file after clicking the button:
screenshot of selecting osu!.db database file
The script will begin to parse your osu!.db database, during which time the page will freeze and not respond to any user input. In Firefox the process may take up to around 5 seconds, and in Chrome the processing time will be much shorter. Please be patient and I'm going to fix this soon(or you can fix it before I do XD).

After the script finishes reading the database file, your owned beatmaps will be highlighted in the way osu!lazer does:
screenshot of highlighted owned beatmaps after the script finishes reading osu!.db database file

Beatmap download links in forum, wiki and beatmap pack listing page are also highlighted if you own corresponding beatmaps. In the case you don't own the beatmap, a download link is provided so that you don't need to go to the beatmap detail page to download it. One mouse click and several MB of Internet traffic saved!
screenshot of improved beatmap pack listing page
screenshot of improved wiki page
screenshot of improved forum posts

As long as you don't close the tab or the window, you won't need to upload the database again. However, any newly downloaded beatmaps won't be recorded. This is also going to be fixed soon.

2. Fancier and more advanced profile page without osu!api required (osu! and osu!mania only)

Here's my osu!mania profile page:
VoltaXTY's osu!mania profile page on Sep 16, 2023
VoltaXTY's osu!mania profile page on Sep 19, 2023
VoltaXTY's osu! profile page on Sep 19, 2023
VoltaXTY's most played beatmaps listing

Here's a detailed listing of all the functionalities:

  • Each play record now has a background image corresponding to its beatmapset.
  • Total pp displayed with 6 significant digits.
  • Scores needed to reach the next level displayed, along with level progress displayed with 3 significant digits.
  • For osu!mania, several additional stats of each play record are provided: PP Accuracy, MAX/300 ratio, 200 count, 100 count, 50 count, miss count. And pp are displayed with 5 significant digits.
  • The difference between pp you get and max pp are also provided.
  • All the stats of play records are perfectly aligned. Comfortable.
  • The letter "M" representing MAX is animatable.

Hope you could be satisfied with the script! Have fun and leave your comment if you get any problem.