This script (based on YouTube Patch Collection) allows you to configure YouTube features & additional ones that are on a rollout, such as the new modern tabs, rounded player, you tab & more using yt.config flags!
// ==UserScript== // @name Configure YouTube features // @version 2023.10.26 // @description This script (based on YouTube Patch Collection) allows you to configure YouTube features & additional ones that are on a rollout, such as the new modern tabs, rounded player, you tab & more using yt.config flags! // @author Alpharetzy // @license MIT // @match* // @icon // @run-at document-start // @grant none // @namespace // ==/UserScript== // Attributes to remove from <html> const ATTRS = [ // "system-icons", // "typography", // "typography-spacing" ]; // Regular config keys. const CONFIGS = { BUTTON_REWORK: true }; // Experiment flags. const EXPFLAGS = { enable_channel_page_header_profile_section: true, enable_header_channel_handler_ui: true, kevlar_unavailable_video_error_ui_client: true, kevlar_refresh_on_theme_change: true, kevlar_modern_sd_v2: true, kevlar_watch_cinematics: true, kevlar_watch_comments_panel_button: true, //kevlar_watch_grid: true, //kevlar_watch_grid_hide_chips: true, kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh: true, kevlar_watch_metadata_refresh_no_old_secondary_data: true, kevlar_watch_modern_metapanel: true, kevlar_watch_modern_panels: true, kevlar_watch_panel_height_matches_player: true, smartimation_background: true, web_amsterdam_playlists: true, web_animated_actions: true, kevlar_system_icons: true, web_animated_like: true, web_button_rework: true, web_button_rework_with_live: true, web_darker_dark_theme: true, web_enable_youtab: true, web_guide_ui_refresh: true, web_modern_ads: true, web_modern_buttons: true, web_modern_chips: true, web_modern_collections_v2: true, web_modern_dialogs: true, web_modern_playlists: true, web_modern_subscribe: true, web_modern_tabs: true, web_modern_typography: true, web_rounded_containers: true, web_rounded_thumbnails: true, web_searchbar_style: "default", web_segmented_like_dislike_button: true, web_sheets_ui_refresh: true, web_snackbar_ui_refresh: true, web_watch_rounded_player_large: true } // Player flags // !!! USE STRINGS FOR VALUES !!! // For example: "true" instead of true const PLYRFLAGS = { web_player_move_autonav_toggle: "true", web_settings_menu_icons: "true", web_rounded_containers: "true", web_rounded_thumbnails: "true" }; class YTP { static observer = new MutationObserver(this.onNewScript); static _config = {}; static isObject(item) { return (item && typeof item === "object" && !Array.isArray(item)); } static mergeDeep(target, ...sources) { if (!sources.length) return target; const source = sources.shift(); if (this.isObject(target) && this.isObject(source)) { for (const key in source) { if (this.isObject(source[key])) { if (!target[key]) Object.assign(target, { [key]: {} }); this.mergeDeep(target[key], source[key]); } else { Object.assign(target, { [key]: source[key] }); } } } return this.mergeDeep(target, ...sources); } static onNewScript(mutations) { for (var mut of mutations) { for (var node of mut.addedNodes) { YTP.bruteforce(); } } } static start() {, {childList: true, subtree: true}); } static stop() {; } static bruteforce() { if (! return; if (! return; this.mergeDeep(, this._config); } static setCfg(name, value) { this._config[name] = value; } static setCfgMulti(configs) { this.mergeDeep(this._config, configs); } static setExp(name, value) { if (!("EXPERIMENT_FLAGS" in this._config)) this._config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS = {}; this._config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS[name] = value; } static setExpMulti(exps) { if (!("EXPERIMENT_FLAGS" in this._config)) this._config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS = {}; this.mergeDeep(this._config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS, exps); } static decodePlyrFlags(flags) { var obj = {}, dflags = flags.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < dflags.length; i++) { var dflag = dflags[i].split("="); obj[dflag[0]] = dflag[1]; } return obj; } static encodePlyrFlags(flags) { var keys = Object.keys(flags), response = ""; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { response += "&"; } response += keys[i] + "=" + flags[keys[i]]; } return response; } static setPlyrFlags(flags) { if (! return; if (! return; if (! return; var conCfgs =; if (!("WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIGS" in this._config)) this._config.WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIGS = {}; for (var cfg in conCfgs) { var dflags = this.decodePlyrFlags(conCfgs[cfg].serializedExperimentFlags); this.mergeDeep(dflags, flags); this._config.WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIGS[cfg] = { serializedExperimentFlags: this.encodePlyrFlags(dflags) } } } } window.addEventListener("yt-page-data-updated", function tmp() { YTP.stop(); for (i = 0; i < ATTRS.length; i++) { document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].removeAttribute(ATTRS[i]); } window.removeEventListener("yt-page-date-updated", tmp); }); YTP.start(); YTP.setCfgMulti(CONFIGS); YTP.setExpMulti(EXPFLAGS); YTP.setPlyrFlags(PLYRFLAGS);