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Zendesk user ticket markdown

Renders markdown in user sent tickets

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Zendesk user ticket markdown
// @name:de      Zendesk Kundenticket Markdown
// @namespace    https://github.com/pke/zendesk-markdown
// @version      1.4
// @license      MIT
// @description  Renders markdown in user sent tickets
// @description:de Stellt markdown in Kundentickets dar
// @author       Philipp Kursawe <[email protected]>
// @match        https://*.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=zendesk.com
// @run-at       document-end
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/marked.min.js#sha256-kFpV+TsMjV61DFL9NPLjLbXsG8KAH88oX1pf7xjkTQY=
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/purify.min.js#sha256-QigBQMy2be3IqJD2ezKJUJ5gycSmyYlRHj2VGBuITpU=
// @supportURL   https://github.com/pke/zendesk-markdown/discussions
// @grant        GM_log
// ==/UserScript==
/* global marked, DOMPurify */
(function() {
'use strict';
// GM_log("Loaded");
function onChange(mutations, observer) {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
if (mutation.addedNodes.length) {
for (const commentNode of document.getElementsByClassName("zd-comment")) {
// GM_log("zd-comment found");
// Already processed nodes are marked for not processing them again
if (!commentNode.markdowned) {
// GM_log("Added node:", commentNode.textContent);
// Grab the elements textContent which preserves indentions made
// by "  " constructs but strips all markup code.
const unmarkedContent = commentNode.textContent;
try {
const markedContent = marked.parse(unmarkedContent);
// GM_log("Marked:", markedContent);
const cleanContent = DOMPurify.sanitize(markedContent);
// GM_log("Clean:", cleanContent);
if (typeof commentNode.setHTML === "function") {
// GM_log("setHTML: ", cleanContent);
} else {
// GM_log("innerHTML: ", cleanContent);
commentNode.innerHTML = cleanContent;
} catch (error) {
// GM_log("error: ", error.message);
commentNode.markdowned = true;
// Wait for .zd-comment nodes to be created and convert their textContent to markdown, then disconnect
var observer = new MutationObserver(onChange);
observer.observe(document.body, { subtree: true, childList: true });