"Road" - The script will tag the pano by road name of the location.
Log in to the map-making page and enter your map editing page, click the 'Auto-Tag' button on the lower right to start tagging, and the program will pop up a window for you to select the features.
The script filters the locations that need to be tagged based on the tag-buttons you selected. After completing the tagging process, it will either paste the JSON data to your clipboard or add the tags to your map and save it depending on your preference.
Please note
If a pano has a panoId, the script retrieves metadata and address information for that panoId from the Google Street View API.
If a pano doesn’t have a panoId but has latitude and longitude, the script searches for metadata and address information based on its coordinates with a default search radius of 50 meters.
The script processes panos in chunks of 1200 at a time to manage memory usage efficiently.