Bypass Telegram's saving content restrictions for media and text; batch download media from selected messages
// ==UserScript== // @name Telegram Web - Allow Saving Content // @namespace c0d3r // @license MIT // @version 0.5 // @description Bypass Telegram's saving content restrictions for media and text; batch download media from selected messages // @author c0d3r // @match* // @icon // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== // Extract media from message and download to disc function downloadMediaFromMessage(msg) { var myMedia; if ( { // Extract the media object; simple alternative to getMediaFromMessage myMedia = ||; } if (myMedia) { // Download media using the built-in function; auto sets file name and extension unsafeWindow.appDownloadManager.downloadToDisc({media: myMedia}); } } // Throttle download of multiple medias by 1 second function slowDown(secs, msg, btnElm, btnTxt, btnIco) { setTimeout(function () { btnElm.disabled = true; = 0.6; btnTxt.textContent = '..' + (secs + 1) + '..'; btnIco.textContent = '🕔'; downloadMediaFromMessage(msg); }, secs * 1000); } // Get message object then download async function downloadSingleMedia(pid, mid) { // Get the message object based on peer and message ID var msg = await unsafeWindow.mtprotoMessagePort.getMessageByPeer(pid, mid); downloadMediaFromMessage(msg); } // Download multiple medias from selected messages async function downloadSelectedMedia() { var msgs = await; var secs = 0; var btnElm = document.querySelector('#batch-btn'); var btnTxt = btnElm.querySelector('.i18n'); var btnIco = btnElm.querySelector('.mytgico'); msgs.forEach(function (msg, ind) { // Only process messages with media if ( && ( || { slowDown(secs, msg, btnElm, btnTxt, btnIco); secs++; } // Reset the batch button after last download if (ind === msgs.length - 1) { setTimeout(function () { btnElm.disabled = false; = 1; btnTxt.textContent = 'D/L'; btnIco.textContent = '📥'; }, secs * 1000); } }); } (function () { 'use strict'; if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/a/')) { // Redirect to the WebK version from the WebA version window.location.replace(window.location.href.replace('.org/a/', '.org/k/')); } else { // The root element used for watching and listening var colCenter = document.querySelector('#column-center'); // Array of class names for media; we only add Download button if these are right clicked var clArray = ['photo', 'audio', 'video', 'voice-message', 'media-round', 'grouped-item', 'document-container', 'sticker']; // HTML code for the Download button var btnHtml = '<div class="btn-menu-item rp-overflow" id="down-btn"><span class="mytgico btn-menu-item-icon" style="font-size: 16px;">📥</span><span class="i18n btn-menu-item-text">Download</span></div>'; // HTML code for the batch D/L button var batchBtnHtml = ' <button class="btn-primary btn-transparent text-bold" id="batch-btn" title="Download Media"><span class="mytgico" style="padding-bottom: 2px;">📥</span> <span class="i18n">D/L</span></button>'; // A flag for checking if we need to add the Download button var needBtn = false; // Variables for the current message and peer ID var curMid, curPid, observer; // Add CSS styles to allow text selection GM_addStyle('.no-forwards .bubbles, .bubble, .bubble-content { -webkit-user-select: text!important; -moz-user-select: text!important; user-select: text!important; }'); // Unlock Ctrl+C to copy selected text var origListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener; EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function(type) { if (type !== 'copy') { origListener.apply(this, arguments); } }; colCenter.addEventListener('mouseup', function (e) { // Listen to the right mouse button clicks if (e.button === 2) { needBtn = false; // Test if the current chat has restricted content saving if (document.querySelector('.no-forwards')) { // Find the closest element containing message and peer IDs var closest ='[data-mid]'); if (closest) { // Check if the element actually contains some media classes if (clArray.some(function (clName) { return closest.classList.contains(clName); })) { curMid = closest.dataset.mid; curPid = closest.dataset.peerId; needBtn = true; } } } } }); observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutList) { mutList.forEach(function (mut) { mut.addedNodes.forEach(function (anod) { // Check if context menu has been added to the DOM if ( === 'bubble-contextmenu' && needBtn) { // Add the custom Download button and assign a click event anod.querySelector('.btn-menu-item').insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', btnHtml); anod.querySelector('#down-btn').addEventListener('click', function () { downloadSingleMedia(curPid, curMid); }); } // Check if selection popup has been added to the DOM if (anod.classList && anod.classList.contains('selection-wrapper')) { anod.querySelector('.selection-container-left').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', batchBtnHtml); anod.querySelector('#batch-btn').addEventListener('click', function () { downloadSelectedMedia(); }); } }); }); }); // Observe when context menu is added to the DOM observer.observe(colCenter, { subtree: true, childList: true }); } })();