Automatically unmutes the sound on autoplayed videos on Twitter.
// ==UserScript== // @name Twitter unmute sound on autoplayed videos // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Automatically unmutes the sound on autoplayed videos on Twitter. // @author Zezombye // @match* // @icon // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /* Twitter's code is so unnecessarily complex. I could just get the video element and do video.volume = 1 right? But nooo the twitter (sorry, X) engineers had to create the AudioElement within pure JS. So the only way I found to access it was to use the "m" hotkey to toggle mute. It isn't 100% reliable though. I couldn't manage to trigger the click event. */ (function() { 'use strict'; setInterval(function() { let videos = document.getElementsByTagName("video"); for (let video of videos) { if (video.hasAttribute("has-unmute-play-event")) { continue; } video.onplay = async function(e) { let videoKeyboardRegister =[1]; if (videoKeyboardRegister.hasAttribute("has-been-played-once")) { return; } //console.log(videoKeyboardRegister); videoKeyboardRegister.setAttribute("has-been-played-once", "true"); //videoKeyboardRegister.onkeypress = function(e) {console.log(e)}; //Sometimes videos don't play if it's too low. Setting it to 50 is too low. So far on 100 no problem. await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100)); //console.log("owo"); videoKeyboardRegister.focus({preventScroll: true}); videoKeyboardRegister.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keypress", {key: "m", charCode: 109, bubbles: false, cancelable: true, code: "Semicolon", isTrusted: true, keyCode: 109, which: 109})); } video.setAttribute("has-unmute-play-event", "true"); } }, 100); })();