Replaces "recent" emotes on with "custom" emotes you can define in a list.
- Works with ANY extension (sub emotes, 7TV, or even arbitrary text)
- Emotes are shown in the order they are defined in your list.
- Rows "grow" from the bottom (like chat) and one row remains visible.
- Put your most common first in the list, to be always visible.
- Does not open only "over" chat - You can scroll chat to see what your list of favorites "hid behind it" - Unlike normal emote selection "windows".
- Does not send right away, as the default "recent emotes" do. (You can easily click multiple emotes, or keep writing)
- Does not change what is under mouse as you click. (as default Kick recent emotes line does)
- Images do not have to be square. (useful for 7tv, etc.)
- Configuration is saved locally, no accounts.
- Configuration is saved per channel. (each has different emotes, after all)
- URL - Instead of directly pasting configuration into the field, you can paste a url link, which links to the text itself. (use perhaps a service like a gist, pastebin, etc.)
- Allows having a single place for all browsers, reusing between channels, potentially easier to edit, etc.
- Is loaded once on init. (and on each configuration field change)
- ! You must use a RAW link - Not link to a web page.
- (tested in Chrome, as you are probably using 7TV anyway. This should work anywhere 7TV does. (for today, anyway))
Configuration format:
- Each line is a single emote.
- Put emote name, then space, the image url.
- You can easily find image url by right clicking the emote in chat and clicking "Copy image address"
Example configuration (using only global emotes):
"Wait, where do I put this configuration?"
- There is tiny transparent text field right above the chat input field.
- On the right is a tiny "square" - You can gently pull on it down to make the configuration field larger, or just click into it, it will show focus border, then paste the configuration.
"Pasting did nothing!?"
- Click outside the configuration field. That means "done editing" and saves the configuration.
"What if I wrote configuration incorrectly?"
- It is safe, but there is no special handling. It will just load a broken list, or perhaps no emotes. (Try DevTools - There might be something useful, but) configuration format should not be too complicated. Remember: One emote per line; emote must be a single word (no space); then a url that works. That's all.
"Trying to use URL as configuration doesn't work?"
- Make sure it returns RAW text file, not the web page.
- Does not work with Unicode Emoji - They can be used as an emote name to insert, but url must point to an image.
- Gotta paste the emote image urls into the config manually. It's done once, it's OK
- Only loads once, so if you move between streams, you have to reload the page. - I tend to pop out chat anyway.
- Probably more, but it is good enough for me. Feel free to inform me, if you think something is buggy.