Configure a list of shortcuts for Vim-mode + user-defined :commands for toggling panels on Overleaf.
// ==UserScript== // @name Overleaf Custom VIM Keybindings (Code Mirror v6) (aik2 modified) // @namespace // @version 0.0.1 // @match* // @grant none // @description Configure a list of shortcuts for Vim-mode + user-defined :commands for toggling panels on Overleaf. // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /* globals jQuery, $, waitForKeyElements */ (function() { 'use strict'; // Interact with Writefull suggestion card. setTimeout(function(){ var card; var editor = window.editor // Use ESC to dismiss the suggestion card $(document).keyup(function(event){ switch(event.keyCode) { case 27: esc() case 96: esc() } }); function esc(){ card = $('.writefull-suggest-card'); if(card.css("display")=='flex'){ card.css("display",'none') // Restore the focus back to ACE editor editor.focus() // side-effect - a side box is drawn } }; var KeycodeMap = {49:1, 50:2, 82:'r', 65:"a", 57:9, 48:0}; // scancode to literal keys $(document).keyup(function(event){ card = $('.writefull-suggest-card'); if(card.css("display")=='flex'){ // If 1 is pressed - accept the current suggestion if (KeycodeMap[event.which] == 1){ console.log('1 is pressed -> accepting the current instance') card.find('li.replacement').eq(0)[0].click(); editor.focus() } // If 2 is pressed - reject the current suggestion if (KeycodeMap[event.which] == 2){ console.log('2 is pressed -> rejecting the current instance') card.find('li.replacement').eq(1)[0].click(); editor.focus() } // If 9 is pressed - accept all if (KeycodeMap[event.which] == 9){ console.log('9 is pressed -> accept all is pressed') card.find('span.accept-all').click(); editor.focus() } // If 0 is pressed - reject all if (KeycodeMap[event.which] == 0){ console.log('0 is pressed -> reject all is pressed') card.find('span.reject-all').click(); editor.focus() } // TODO-1: use a and r to accept and reject. // Note, refer to TDOD-2 as well - need to block a/r from CodeMirror's vim. } }); },2000); window.addEventListener("UNSTABLE_editor:extensions", (event) => { const { CodeMirror, CodeMirrorVim, extensions } = event.detail; // Nullify keys used for choosing Writefull card (TODO-2) // Reference: // Task: condition the execution of key "a" and "r" based on whether the Writefull card is available. // Mappings in insert mode"<c-]>", "<Esc>", "insert");"jk", "<Esc>", "insert"); // Remap in normal mode /// To navigate through wrapped long lines"$", "g$", "normal");"0", "g0", "normal");"j", "gj", "normal");"k", "gk", "normal");"H", "g0", "normal");"H", "g0", "visual");"L", "g$", "normal");"L", "g$", "visual");"J", "5gj", "normal");"J", "5gj", "visual");"K", "5gk", "normal");"K", "5gk", "visual");"Y", "y$", "normal");"U", "<C-r>", "normal"); // User-defined commands CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineEx("home", undefined, buctton_click_ProjectList); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineEx("back", undefined, buctton_click_ProjectList); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineEx("forward", undefined, buctton_click_forward_search); // ref: CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineEx("pdf", undefined, buctton_click_toggle_pdf_panel); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineEx("p", undefined, buctton_click_toggle_pdf_panel); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineEx("toc", undefined, buctton_click_toggle_TOC_left_panel); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineEx("only", undefined, buctton_click_toggle_editor_only); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineEx("o", undefined, buctton_click_toggle_editor_only); // :o as :o[nly] CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineEx("re", undefined, writefull_rephrase); // :re[phrase] // Access the functions by defining them as actions first CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineAction('jumpToPdf', buctton_click_forward_search); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineAction('only', buctton_click_toggle_editor_only); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineAction('toc', buctton_click_toggle_TOC_left_panel); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineAction('WritefullPrevious', writefull_previous_error); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineAction('WritefullNext', writefull_next_error); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.defineAction('WritefullRephrase', writefull_rephrase); // forward search: from VimTeX, <localleader>lv CodeMirrorVim.Vim.unmap(';'); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.mapCommand("\\lv", "action", "jumpToPdf"); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.mapCommand(";lv", 'action', 'jumpToPdf'); // Alternatively: use , as leader key CodeMirrorVim.Vim.unmap(','); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.mapCommand(",lv", 'action', 'jumpToPdf'); // quick toggles CodeMirrorVim.Vim.mapCommand(",v", 'action', 'toc'); // <leader>v is from VimTeX CodeMirrorVim.Vim.mapCommand(",o", 'action', 'only'); // <leader>o for :o[nly] // Writefull shortcuts: // Jump to suggested typo using Writefull, with [s and ]s CodeMirrorVim.Vim.mapCommand("[s", 'action', 'WritefullPrevious'); CodeMirrorVim.Vim.mapCommand("]s", 'action', 'WritefullNext'); // Remap in visual mode - select a paragraph, press gr to trigger the rephrase tool CodeMirrorVim.Vim.mapCommand("gr", "action", "WritefullRephrase", "visual"); // Next step: // It would be nice to accept/reject the suggestion card using 1/a or 2/r, for example. Leave it for Writefull to build this for now (2023-03-02, 15:52) // 2. Restore Ctrl+C to copy into system clipboard // Solution: Undo mappings for Ctrl+C completely. // Ref: // Caveat: upon unmapping <C-c>, copying with Ctrl+C works. Yet, if one were to copy from Visual mode, an extract j/k movement is needed to "escape" from Visual mode. CodeMirrorVim.Vim.unmap('<C-c>');"<C-c>", "<C-c><Esc>"); }); })(); // Collection of functions // Navigation releated functions function buctton_click_forward_search(cm) { document.querySelector('.fa-arrow-right').click() }; function buctton_click_toggle_pdf_panel(cm) { document.querySelector('a[class*="custom-toggler-east"]').click() }; function buctton_click_toggle_TOC_left_panel(cm) { document.querySelector('a[tooltip*="the file-tree"]').click() }; function buctton_click_toggle_editor_only(cm) { // This is just the sum of the two: toggle toc and toggle pdf document.querySelector('a[class*="custom-toggler-east"]').click() document.querySelector('a[tooltip*="the file-tree"]').click() }; function buctton_click_ProjectList(cm) { document.querySelector('i[class*="fa-home"]').click() }; // Spell-checker specific functions function writefull_next_error(cm) { document.querySelector('mwc-icon-button[id="writefull-next"]').click() } function writefull_previous_error(cm) { document.querySelector('mwc-icon-button[id="writefull-previous"]').click() } function writefull_rephrase(cm) { document.querySelector('mwc-icon-button[id="writefull-rephrase"]').click() }