A userscript to enhance the website by making it more friendly & modern
Better MDL is a project i'm working on to enhance the website. I've been using MDL since the very beginning and it hasn't improved that much over the years. So here I am, trying to make the website more friendly and modern!
If you have suggestions, feel free to post them on this post, just keep in mind that there's a limitation to what I can do with a userscript.
[!NOTE] The themes I use in my screenshots is Catppuccin and must be installed separately.
Install Tampermonkey for your browser (or your preferred Userscripts Manager)
Install my userscript by clicking here or via GreasyFork
Go to MyDramaList settings page to customize the script, just like you would to edit your profile (You need to scroll down to the end of the page to see the Better MDL Settings
Try it out and let me know what you think!
For other website icons not in the settings, the first time you go on a title page, you will get asked if you want to allow a website on a screen like this. Simply allow or forbid the websites you want.
#### Feel free to request more websites!
The first time you're using the Thumbnail View on a page (people or dramalist), it might take a little while to load all the posters, especially if there's a lot of titles or if you have slow internet, just be patient.
It might take a little while to show all your Friend ratings, especially if you have many friends or if you have slow internet, just be patient. Also to favorite/unfavorite a friend, just click the heart. It will reflect the change on refresh.
For the pie chart "Titles by Country", the colors are the ones you defined in your settings for the status icons. Also stats don't include Planned & Not Interested.
To show your favorite titles on your profile for other BetterMDL users to see, you MUST create a Public List named "Better MDL: Favorites". It must be this exact title for it to work.
To see all the lists you bookmarked, just go to your custom lists and you will see a new button "Saved Lists".
To export your dramalist in .csv, go to your dramalist and a new button will appear at the bottom right of the page.
Dramalist' Poster View is not available on tab "All Dramas & Films" for performance reasons. It will already take a lot of time the first time if you have a lot of titles in a category! You can check in your settings the option to automatically change the default list link on profile to the "Currently Watching" tab. Directly edit your notes by clicking the pen icon and save with ENTER.
Filters for Search currently only works with the sidebar on the right. They work the same way as the Genre filters. (Originally written by Thenia)
To import/view your comments on a drama/movie, list or people, simply go to your tab "Stats" and click the new button "My Comments"
Task | Doable? | ETA |
Click on a status total to only show those titles | ✔️ | N/A |
Add the top 3 genres on Poster View | ✔️ | N/A |
Hide cancelled titles | ✔️ | N/A |
More stats & achievements | ✔️ | N/A |
This list might no be up-to-date so please check the official MDL Thread.
Everyone is welcome to contribute!
is for codes that should be active on all pages).