Simple userscript/extension for AniList that block users in forum.
// ==UserScript== // @name Anilist - Block Forum Users // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match* // @grant none // @version 1.0 // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // @author KanashiiDev // @description Simple userscript/extension for AniList that block users in forum. // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== //Element HasOwnProperty function hasOwn(e, t) { return Object.hasOwn ? Object.hasOwn(e, t) :, t); } //Create Element Function function create(e, t, n) { if (!e) throw new SyntaxError("'tag' not defined"); var r, i, f = document.createElement(e); if (t) for (r in t) if ("style" === r) for (i in[i] =[i]; else t[r] && f.setAttribute(r, t[r]); return n && (f.innerHTML = n), f; } //CSS var styles = ` .blockuser { opacity:0;cursor:pointer } .comment:hover .actions .blockuser { opacity:1 } .ForumblockItem{ cursor:pointer; display: inline-block; margin-top: 15px } .ForumblockDiv{ border-top: solid 1px rgba(var(--color-text-lighter),.4); margin-top: 80px; padding-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 30px } .ForumBlockItemDiv { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 90px; align-items: center } `; //Add CSS var styleSheet = document.createElement("style"); styleSheet.innerText = styles; document.head.appendChild(styleSheet); //Variables var mainarray = []; var oldHref = document.location.href; let blocklistuserarray = window.localStorage.getItem("forumblocked"); //if list not null split blocked users if (blocklistuserarray !== null) { let x = blocklistuserarray.split(/[.,!,?]/); mainarray = x; } //Block User Button Function function addSavetoBlockList() { var blocklistSave = false; let BlockListCollection = document.querySelectorAll(".comment .actions"); BlockListCollection.forEach(function (blocklist) { if (!hasOwn(blocklist, "blocklistSave")) { blocklist.blocklistSave = true; let blocklistSave = create( "a", { class: "blockuser", id: "blockuser", }, "<b>Block User</b>" ); blocklistSave.onclick = function () { let el = blocklistSave; let id = el.parentElement.parentElement.innerText.split("\n")[0];;; el.onclick = () => { let blocklistuserarray = window.localStorage.getItem("forumblocked"); if (blocklistuserarray !== null) { let x = blocklistuserarray.split(/[.,!,?]/); for (let i in x) { if (x[i] == id) { x.splice(i, 1); break; } } mainarray = x; } for (let i = 0; i <= mainarray.length; i++) { if (id === mainarray[i]) { return; } el.lastElementChild.innerText = "Blocked!"; } mainarray.push(id); localStorage.setItem("forumblocked", [mainarray]); }; }; if (blocklist.closest(".comment-wrap")) { blocklist.prepend(blocklistSave); } } }); if(blocklistuserarray !== null){ checkblock(); } } //Check if user blocked and remove user's comments function checkblock() { let coms = document.querySelectorAll(".comment-wrap .comment"); if (!coms) { setTimeout(checkblock, 100); return; } for (let x = 0; x < coms.length; x++) { for (let i = 0; i <= mainarray.length; i++) { if (coms[x].children[0].innerText.split("\n")[0] === mainarray[i]) { coms[x].parentElement.parentElement.remove(); } } } } //Get Blocked Users Function function getblockedlist() { let to = document.querySelector(".section.delete-account"); if (!to) { setTimeout(getblockedlist, 200); return; } let ForumblockDiv = create( "div", { class: "ForumblockDiv", }, "<h2>" + "Blocked Forum Users" + "</h2>" ); to.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", ForumblockDiv); mainarray.forEach((item) => { let itemCon = create("div", { class: "ForumBlockItemDiv", }); let itemDiv = create("a", { class: "ForumblockItem", id: item, href: "" + item, }); let itemDivRemove = create( "div", { class: "button danger", id: item, }, "Unblock" ); itemDiv.innerText = item; itemDivRemove.onclick = () => { removeuser(; itemCon.remove(); }; itemCon.append(itemDiv, itemDivRemove); ForumblockDiv.append(itemCon); }); } //Remove Blocked User Function function removeuser(id) { if (mainarray.length == 1) { mainarray = []; } let blocklistuserarray = window.localStorage.getItem("forumblocked"); let x = blocklistuserarray.split(/[.,!,?]/); for (let i in x) { if (x[i] == id) { x.splice(i, 1); break; } } localStorage.setItem("forumblocked", [x]); } //Add Block User Button var target = document.querySelector("body"); var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutationsList, observer) { for (var mutation of mutationsList) { if (/^\/forum\/(thread)\/?([\w-]+)?\/.*?$/.test(location.pathname) && mutation.addedNodes[0] && mutation.addedNodes[0].classList && mutation.addedNodes[0].classList[0] === "comment-wrap" ) { addSavetoBlockList(); } if (mutation.type === "childList" && mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) { if (oldHref != document.location.href) { oldHref = document.location.href; if (/^\/settings\/(account)\/?([\w-]+)?\/?$/.test(location.pathname)) { getblockedlist(); } } } } }); observer.observe(target, { childList: true, subtree: true, });