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ChatGPT GPT-4 Counters

Add counters (and reset time indicators) for GPT-4/Custom GPTs to ChatGPT

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         ChatGPT GPT-4 Counters
// @namespace 	 lugia19.com
// @version      1.3.2
// @description  Add counters (and reset time indicators) for GPT-4/Custom GPTs to ChatGPT
// @author       lugia19
// @license		 MIT
// @match        https://chat.openai.com/*
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_addValueChangeListener
// ==/UserScript==
//If you want to have the next reset time show up on all webpages, simply change the match to be https://*/*
if (window.top !== window.self)
throw 'Stopping execution of counters in separate thread.'	//This is because chat.openai.com uses multiple threads. This way we avoid hooking multiple times, which causes issues.
let debug_logs = false
let gpt_4_cap = 40
let custom_gpts_cap = 25
let gpt_4_reset_time = 3 * 60 * 60000
let custom_gpts_reset_time = 3 * 60 * 60000
let timer_check_frequency = 60000
let gpt_4_key = "gpt_4"
let custom_gpts_key = "custom_gpts"
let default_timer_bg_color = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"
let red_timer_bg_color = "rgba(180, 0, 0, 0.5)"
let default_padding = '10px'
let itemGrid = document.createElement('div');
let reset_counter_constant = -999	//Used to fix a bug where resetting the custom GPTs counter when it was at 1 would make the GPT-4 counter decrease.
Object.assign(itemGrid.style, {
position: 'fixed',
right: '10vw',
bottom: '0',
zIndex: '1000',
display: 'grid',
gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(1, 1fr)',
gridTemplateRows: 'repeat(2, 1fr)',
gap: '10px',
width: '7vw'
if (!window.location.toString().includes("chat.openai.com")) {
itemGrid.style.gridTemplateRows = 'repeat(1, 1fr)'
//Helper functions
function console_log(text) {
if (debug_logs)
function getTwoDigits(value) {
if (value < 10) {
return `0${value}`
} else {
return `${value}`
let refresh_path = normalizeSVGPath( "M4.5 2.5C5.05228 2.5 5.5 2.94772 5.5 3.5V5.07196C7.19872 3.47759 9.48483 2.5 12 2.5C17.2467 2.5 21.5 6.75329 21.5 12C21.5 17.2467 17.2467 21.5 12 21.5C7.1307 21.5 3.11828 17.8375 2.565 13.1164C2.50071 12.5679 2.89327 12.0711 3.4418 12.0068C3.99033 11.9425 4.48712 12.3351 4.5514 12.8836C4.98798 16.6089 8.15708 19.5 12 19.5C16.1421 19.5 19.5 16.1421 19.5 12C19.5 7.85786 16.1421 4.5 12 4.5C9.7796 4.5 7.7836 5.46469 6.40954 7H9C9.55228 7 10 7.44772 10 8C10 8.55228 9.55228 9 9 9H4.5C3.96064 9 3.52101 8.57299 3.50073 8.03859C3.49983 8.01771 3.49958 7.###77 3.5 7.9758V3.5C3.5 2.94772 3.94771 2.5 4.5 2.5Z" )
let dislike_path = normalizeSVGPath("M11.8727 21.4961C11.6725 21.8466 11.2811 22.0423 10.8805 21.9922L10.4267 21.9355C7.95958 21.6271 6.36855 19.1665 7.09975 16.7901L7.65054 15H6.93226C4.29476 15 2.37923 12.4921 3.0732 9.94753L4.43684 4.94753C4.91145 3.20728 6.49209 2 8.29589 2H18.0045C19.6614 2 21.0045 3.34315 21.0045 5V12C21.0045 13.6569 19.6614 15 18.0045 15H16.0045C15.745 15 15.5054 15.1391 15.3766 15.3644L11.8727 21.4961ZM14.0045 4H8.29589C7.39399 4 6.60367 4.60364 6.36637 5.47376L5.00273 10.4738C4.65574 11.746 5.61351 13 6.93226 13H9.00451C9.32185 13 9.62036 13.1506 9.8089 13.4059C9.99743 13.6612 10.0536 13.9908 9.96028 14.2941L9.01131 17.3782C8.6661 18.5002 9.35608 19.6596 10.4726 19.9153L13.6401 14.3721C13.9523 13.8258 14.4376 13.4141 15.0045 13.1902V5C15.0045 4.44772 14.5568 4 14.0045 4ZM17.0045 13V5C17.0045 4.64937 16.9444 4.31278 16.8338 4H18.0045C18.5568 4 19.0045 4.44772 19.0045 5V12C19.0045 12.5523 18.5568 13 18.0045 13H17.0045Z")
function normalizeSVGPath(path) {
path = path.trim();
path = path.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');  // Remove extra spaces
path = path.replace(/([A-Za-z])([0-9])/g, '$1$2');  // Remove spaces between commands and numbers
path = path.replace(/([0-9])([A-Za-z])/g, '$1$2');  // Remove spaces between numbers and commands
path = path.toUpperCase();  // Make all commands upper-case
return path;
function formatTime(dateString) {
if (dateString) {
let date = new Date(dateString)
const hours = getTwoDigits(date.getHours());
const mins = getTwoDigits(date.getMinutes());
return `${hours}:${mins}`;
} else {
return ""
function isThreeFive() {
//Check if we're on 3.5...
let radixItems = document.querySelectorAll('div[id^="radix-:"]');
for (let item of radixItems) {
for (let child of item.children) {
if (child.matches('svg') && child.classList.contains("text-token-text-tertiary")) {
console.log("Found the arrow. This is the model selector.")
if (item.textContent === "ChatGPT 3.5") {
console.log("Is 3.5, bail.")
return true
return false
//ResetTimer class
class ResetTimer {
constructor(storageTimeKey, period) {
this.timeKey = storageTimeKey;
this.period = period
this.counter = undefined
// Create time input box
this.timeInput = document.createElement('input');
itemGrid.insertBefore(this.timeInput, itemGrid.firstChild);
this.timeInput.type = 'time';
// Specify Style
Object.assign(this.timeInput.style, {
backgroundColor: default_timer_bg_color,
color: 'white',
border: 'none',
padding: default_padding,
zIndex: '9999',
textAlign: "center"
// Load the time
let storedTimeString = GM_getValue(this.timeKey);
this.timeInput.value = formatTime(storedTimeString);
// Add Event Listener
this.timeInput.addEventListener('change', () => this.handleTimeChange());
// Add Value Change Listener
GM_addValueChangeListener(this.timeKey, (key, oldVal, newVal, remote) => this.handleValueChange(key, oldVal, newVal, remote));
setInterval(() => this.checkTime(), timer_check_frequency);
setBgColor(color) {
this.timeInput.style.backgroundColor = color
handleTimeChange() {
//Handle the user setting the value
console.log(`Timeinput change hit: ${this.timeInput.value}`);
if (this.timeInput.value !== "") {
const [hours, minutes] = this.timeInput.value.split(':').map(Number);
const currentTime = new Date();
let newTime = new Date();
newTime.setHours(hours, minutes, 0); // We don't care about seconds.
// Check if the selected time has already passed for today
if (newTime <= currentTime) {
//User's chosen has passed, set `newTime` to tomorrow
console.log("New time has already passed, changing date to tomorrow...")
newTime.setDate(currentTime.getDate() + 1);
console.log("Updating time...");
GM_setValue(this.timeKey, newTime.toISOString());
} else {
console.log("timeInput.value was empty, setting stored time to nothing")
GM_setValue(this.timeKey, null);
handleValueChange(key, oldValue, newValue, remote) {
if (oldValue !== newValue) {
console.log(`Updating time from storage: ${formatTime(newValue)}`);
this.timeInput.value = formatTime(newValue)
initializeTimeIfNull() {
console.log(`initializeTimeIfNull called for ${this.timeKey}`)
let resetTimeString = GM_getValue(this.timeKey)
if (!resetTimeString) {
let newResetTime = new Date((new Date()).getTime() + this.period);
console.log(`Reset time not currently set, setting it: ${newResetTime}`);
GM_setValue(this.timeKey, newResetTime.toISOString());
isTimeSet() {
let storedResetTimeString = GM_getValue(this.timeKey)
console.log(`isTimeSet called for ${this.timeKey} with ${storedResetTimeString}`)
if (storedResetTimeString)
return true
return false
checkTime() {
const currentTime = new Date();
let storedResetTimeString = GM_getValue(this.timeKey)
console.log(`Time check by ${this.timeKey} for ${storedResetTimeString}`)
if (!storedResetTimeString) {
//No reset time set. Check if counter is appropriate.
if (this.counter) {
if (this.counter.getValue() !== reset_counter_constant)
console.log("Reset time was set...")
let resetTime = new Date(storedResetTimeString);
if (resetTime) {
if (currentTime >= resetTime) {
//If this timer has a counter assigned, reset it
if (this.counter) {
console.log("Resetting counter...")
console.log("Reset time triggered.")
//Set stored reset time to null.
GM_setValue(this.timeKey, null);
this.timeInput.value = ""
//const custom_gpts_timer = new ResetTimer(custom_gpts_key + "_timer", custom_gpts_reset_time)
const gpt_4_timer = new ResetTimer(gpt_4_key + "_timer", gpt_4_reset_time)
//If we're _not_ on chat.openai.com, we exit here (I personally keep the timer present on every page, to remind me of the reset time - hence the check).
if (!window.location.toString().includes("chat.openai.com")) {
throw 'Not adding counters on non-chatGPT sites.'
gpt_4_timer.timeInput.style.display = "none"
//custom_gpts_timer.timeInput.style.display = "none"
class Counter {
constructor(key, max_value, label, bg_color, top, callback) {
this.key = key;
this.max_value = max_value
this.label = label;
this.bg_color = bg_color;
this.top = top;
this.callback = callback;
GM_addValueChangeListener(this.key, this.valueListener.bind(this));
//Listen for storage changes
valueListener(key, oldValue, newValue, remote) {
if (oldValue !== newValue)
// Function to save counter to localStorage and update display
saveAndUpdate(value) {
//Check that the value is valid...
console.log(`saveandupdate ${this.key} value check... ${value}`)
if (value < 0 && value !== reset_counter_constant)
value -= reset_counter_constant
// Call the callback if it exists
console.log(`Calling callback for ${this.key}`)
if (typeof this.callback === 'function') {
console.log(`Done calling callback for ${this.key}`)
GM_setValue(this.key, value);
// Update the counter display (we show reset_counter_constant as 0, despite it being -999)
if (value === reset_counter_constant)
value = 0
this.counterText.textContent = `${this.label}: ${value}/${this.max_value}`;
getValue() {
let value = parseInt(GM_getValue(this.key));
if (!value && value !== 0) {
value = reset_counter_constant
return value
createButtons() {
this.buttonContainer = document.createElement('div');
Object.assign(this.buttonContainer.style, {
justifyContent: 'center',
gap: '5px',
display: 'none'	//Hide buttons initially
['+', '-', 'Reset'].forEach(text => {
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = text;
button.onclick = () => {
let current_value = parseInt(GM_getValue(this.key));
if (!current_value && current_value !== 0) {
current_value = reset_counter_constant
console.log(`Button with text ${text} clicked. Current value of counter: ${current_value}`)
if (current_value === reset_counter_constant) {
if (text === "+")
current_value = 1
} else {
if (text === '+') current_value += 1;
else if (text === '-') current_value -= 1;
else current_value = reset_counter_constant;
console.log(`New value: ${current_value}`)
if (current_value < 0 && current_value !== reset_counter_constant) current_value = 0;
button.style.margin = '0 5px';
button.style.display = 'inline-block';
initElements() {
// Create counter display
this.counterDisplay = document.createElement('div');
itemGrid.insertBefore(this.counterDisplay, itemGrid.firstChild);
// Create the counter text
this.counterText = document.createElement('p');
this.counterText.style.textAlign = "center"
// Customization
this.counterDisplay.id = `${this.key}-display`;
// Specify Style
Object.assign(this.counterDisplay.style, {
backgroundColor: this.bg_color,
color: 'white',
border: 'none',
padding: default_padding,
zIndex: '1000',
display: 'grid', // Changed from 'flex' to 'grid'
gridTemplateRows: 'auto 1fr', // The counterText will take up the space it needs, and the buttons will take the rest
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: "center",
justifyItems: "center"
// Load counter from localStorage or set to reset_counter_constant if not present
let current_value = parseInt(GM_getValue(this.key));
if (!current_value && current_value !== 0) {
current_value = reset_counter_constant
// Create counters
//let custom_gpts_counter = new Counter(custom_gpts_key + "_counter", custom_gpts_cap, "Custom GPTs", 'rgba(70, 130, 180, 0.5)', '100px', undefined);
//custom_gpts_timer.counter = custom_gpts_counter
//if (!custom_gpts_timer.isTimeSet())
//	custom_gpts_counter.saveAndUpdate(0)
let gpt_4_counter = new Counter(gpt_4_key + "_counter", gpt_4_cap, "GPT-4", 'rgba(119, 54, 135, 0.5)', '50px', undefined);
gpt_4_timer.counter = gpt_4_counter
if (!gpt_4_timer.isTimeSet())
//Set the timer colors depending on the counter values
function setTimerColors() {
let gpt_4_value = gpt_4_counter.getValue()
//let custom_gpt_value = custom_gpts_counter.getValue()
let gpt_4_max = gpt_4_counter.max_value
//let custom_gpt_max = custom_gpts_counter.max_value
if (gpt_4_value >= gpt_4_max) {
} else/* if (custom_gpt_value >= custom_gpt_max) {
} else */{
//Set colors at timer creation.
// Function to be called in saveAndUpdate for the GPT-4 counter
const gpt4CounterCallback = (value) => {
if (value > 0)
// Function to be called in saveAndUpdate for Counter 2
//Will never be called.
const customGPTSCounterCallback = (value) => {
if (value > 0)
let old_value = parseInt(GM_getValue(custom_gpts_key + "_counter"));
if (!old_value && old_value !== 0) {
old_value = reset_counter_constant
//This is all pretty convoluted, I know.
console.log(`value: ${value}`)
console.log(`old_value: ${old_value}`)
if (value !== reset_counter_constant) {
let diff = value - old_value
console.log(`diff: ${diff}`)
if (-1 <= diff && diff <= 1 && diff !== 0 && value !== reset_counter_constant) {
console.log("Updating counter1 from counter2 change...");
let new_value = gpt_4_counter.getValue() + diff
if (new_value < 0)
new_value = 0
console.log(`New value: ${new_value}`)
// Use global counter1 object for calling the instance method
} else if (old_value === reset_counter_constant && value > 0 && diff !== 0) {
console.log("Updating gpt-4 counter due to custom coming out of reset...")
if (gpt_4_counter.getValue() !== reset_counter_constant) {
gpt_4_counter.saveAndUpdate(gpt_4_counter.getValue() + 1)
} else {
gpt_4_counter.callback = gpt4CounterCallback
//custom_gpts_counter.callback = customGPTSCounterCallback
gpt_4_counter.counterDisplay.style.transform = 'translateY(100%)';
//custom_gpts_counter.counterDisplay.style.transform = 'translateY(100%)';
//Set callbacks to show/hide counter buttons
itemGrid.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
gpt_4_counter.buttonContainer.style.display = ""
//custom_gpts_counter.buttonContainer.style.display = ""
gpt_4_timer.timeInput.style.display = ""
//custom_gpts_timer.timeInput.style.display = ""
gpt_4_counter.counterDisplay.style.transform = 'translateY(0)';
//custom_gpts_counter.counterDisplay.style.transform = 'translateY(0)';
itemGrid.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
gpt_4_counter.buttonContainer.style.display = "none"
//custom_gpts_counter.buttonContainer.style.display = "none"
gpt_4_timer.timeInput.style.display = "none"
//custom_gpts_timer.timeInput.style.display = "none"
gpt_4_counter.counterDisplay.style.transform = 'translateY(100%)';
//custom_gpts_counter.counterDisplay.style.transform = 'translateY(100%)';
//Automatically update counters via event delegation/bubbling
console.log("Adding event listeners...")
//keyup event (for sending messages by hitting enter)
function handleKeyup(event) {
// Check if the event's target is the #prompt-textarea
if (event.target.matches('#prompt-textarea') && event.key === 'Enter' && !event.shiftKey) {
console.log("Enter pressed in textarea, without shift.");
if (isThreeFive())
console.log("Increasing counter.")
let is_custom = window.location.toString().includes("https://chat.openai.com/g/"); // Is custom GPT?
let counter = is_custom ? custom_gpts_counter : gpt_4_counter;
counter.saveAndUpdate(counter.getValue() + 1);
gpt_4_counter.saveAndUpdate(gpt_4_counter.getValue() + 1);
//Helper functions to traverse DOM...
function get_parent_message(element) {
console.log(`Getting parent message of:`, element)
let parent_message = element
while (parent_message) {
console.log("Searching for parent message...")
if (parent_message.classList.contains("text-token-text-primary")) {
console.log(`Found parent message`, parent_message)
return parent_message
parent_message = parent_message.parentElement
console.log(`Iterating, currently on`, parent_message)
return undefined
function is_message_assistant(message) {
console.log(`Checking if message is assistant for`, message)
let isAssistant = undefined
if (!message)
return undefined
//Look for the first element with multiple children.
while (message.childElementCount === 1) {
message = message.lastChild
console.log("Iterating over children...")
for (let child of message.children) {
if (child.classList.contains("w-full")) {
isAssistant = child.classList.contains("agent-turn")
return isAssistant
//Clicker event, for all the buttons.
function handleClick(event) {
console.log(`Click event from:`, event.target)
if (isThreeFive())	//We just exit immediately.
//Get first button in tree.
let target_btn = event.target
while (target_btn && !target_btn.matches("button")) {
target_btn = target_btn.parentElement
if(target_btn && !("matches" in target_btn)) {
target_btn = undefined;
let target_path = event.target
while (target_path && !target_path.matches("path")) {
target_path = target_path.lastChild
if(target_path && !("matches" in target_path)) {
target_path = undefined;
console.log(`Found target_btn:`, target_btn)
console.log(`Found target_path:`, target_path)
let should_increase = false
if (target_btn) {	//Only continue if we found a button parent of event.target
//Refresh button
if (target_btn.matches('button.rounded-md')) {
if (target_path) {
console.log("Checking the path...")
let path_string = normalizeSVGPath(target_path.getAttribute("d"))
if (path_string === refresh_path || path_string === dislike_path) {
console.log("Path matches refresh path. Is refresh (or dislike!).")
should_increase = true
let parent_msg = get_parent_message(target_btn)
let isAssistant = is_message_assistant(parent_msg)
console.log(`parent_msg:`, parent_msg)
console.log(`isAssistant:`, isAssistant)
if (isAssistant) {
console.log("Is assistant button.")
if (target_btn === target_btn.parentElement.lastChild) {
console.log("Is last button.")
if (target_btn.parentElement.classList.contains("text-gray-400")) {
should_increase = true
} else {
console.log("Is dislike - ignore.")
} else {
console.log("Is not last button - ignore.")
} else {
if (parent_msg) {
console.log("Is not assistant button - ignore.")
} else if (target_path) {
console.log("Could not find parent msg - check the path.")
let path_string = normalizeSVGPath(target_path.getAttribute("d"))
if (path_string === refresh_path) {
console.log("Path matches refresh path. Is refresh.")
should_increase = true
} else {
console.log("No parent msg and no target path. What?")
//Send button
if (target_btn.getAttribute("data-testid") === "send-button") {
console.log("Is send button.")
should_increase = true
//Save & Submit button
if (target_btn.textContent && (target_btn.textContent === "Save & Submit" || target_btn.textContent === "Regenerate")) {
console.log("Is save & submit or regenerate.")
should_increase = true
if (target_btn.classList.contains("text-left") && target_btn.classList.contains("rounded-xl")) {
console.log("Is example chat")
should_increase = true
if (should_increase) {
console.log("Increasing counter...")
let is_custom = window.location.toString().includes("https://chat.openai.com/g/")
let counter = is_custom ? custom_gpts_counter : gpt_4_counter;
gpt_4_counter.saveAndUpdate(gpt_4_counter.getValue() + 1)
//Add event listeners to document
document.addEventListener('keyup', handleKeyup);
document.addEventListener('click', handleClick);