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HN Expand Comment

Expand deeply nested comments to improve readability

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         HN Expand Comment
// @namespace    https://news.ycombinator.com/item
// @description  Expand deeply nested comments to improve readability
// @match        https://news.ycombinator.com/item*
// @author       Daniel de Vries
// @license      MIT
// @version      0.2
// ==/UserScript==
function main () {
const ctree = document.querySelector("table.comment-tree");
const tbody = ctree.querySelector("tbody");
const tablerows = tbody.children
for (let i = 0; i < tablerows.length; i++) {
var comment = tablerows[i];
var commentlength = comment.querySelector(".commtext").innerText.length
var indenttd = comment.querySelector(".ind");
let indent = indenttd.getAttribute("indent");
// only add Expand button to comments nested deeper than 6
// and have a comment charater length larger than 400
if (indent < 6 || commentlength < 400) {continue}
// if (indent < 6) {continue}
var commentbtns = comment.querySelector(".comhead")
var commentnav = commentbtns.querySelector(".navs")
let input = document.createElement("input");
input.dataset.commentid = comment.id;
input.id = comment.id + "*";
input.onclick = function(){
commentnav.innerHTML += " | "
function expandComment(argument){
var comment = document.getElementById(argument)
let input = document.getElementById(argument+"*");
var indenttd = comment.querySelector(".ind");
let indent = indenttd.getAttribute("indent");
var gif = indenttd.querySelector("img")
if (gif.width == 0 && indent > 0) {
gif.width = 40 * indent
input.value = "expand"
} else {
gif.width = 0
input.value = "contract"
function styleBtn(btn){
btn.style.background = "none";
btn.style.color = "inherit";
btn.style.border = "none";
btn.style.padding = "0";
btn.style.cursor = "pointer";
btn.style.font = "inherit";
}; main()