
Mp4Hydra Movie/Video Downloader

Adds a movie download button to the mp4hydra.org video player. Clicking the button will start the download of the mp4 video file.

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// ==UserScript==// @name        Mp4Hydra Movie/Video Downloader// @namespace   https://greasyfork.org/// @version     1.14// @description Adds a movie download button to the mp4hydra.org video player. Clicking the button will start the download of the mp4 video file.// @author      paleocode// @match       https://mp4hydra.org/movie/*// @icon        https://mp4hydra.org/favicon-32x32.png// @license     MIT// @unwrap// ==/UserScript==(function () {if (document.title === 'Movie Not Found | Mp4Hydra.org') {return;}function getVideoSrc() {var player = document.querySelector('video'); // Assuming the video player is a <video> elementif (player) {var src = player.src;console.log("Source: " + src);return src;}return null;}var button = Object.assign(document.createElement('button'), {innerHTML: 'Download',title: 'Download Movie',style: 'display: inline-block;margin: 0 0 0 10px; color: #000;',onclick: function () {var videoSrc = getVideoSrc();if (videoSrc) {var link = document.createElement("a");link.href = videoSrc + '?dl=dl';link.setAttribute('download', 'video.mp4'); // Set a default filenamedocument.body.appendChild(link);link.click();document.body.removeChild(link);} else {console.log("Unable to find video source.");}}})const interval = setInterval(function () {var vcount = document.querySelector('#vcount > small');if (!vcount || vcount.innerText === "---") return;clearInterval(interval);document.querySelector('#vbar').appendChild(button);}, 100);})();