
Happymod v6

HappyMod Users are Pro. HappyMod creators are super Pro.

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function() {return t.default} : function() {return t};return r.d(n, "f", n), n}, r.o = function(t, n) {return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n)}, r.p = "/bin/", r(r.s = 0)}([function(t, n, e) {var P = {},M = e(1),_ = e(2),A = e(3);t.exports = P;var E = 1;P.js = function() {var c, i, f, s = 1.4,p = !1,u = {},o = {},r = {},l = {},a = !0,h = {},d = [],y = Number.MAX_VALUE,v = !1;this.setAcceptableTiles = function(t) {t instanceof Array ? f = t : !isNaN(parseFloat(t)) && isFinite(t) && (f = [t])}, this.enableSync = function() {p = !0}, this.disableSync = function() {p = !1}, this.enableDiagonals = function() {v = !0}, this.disableDiagonals = function() {v = !1}, this.setGrid = function(t) {c = t;for (var n = 0; n < c.length; n++)for (var e = 0; e < c[0].length; e++) o[c[n][e]] || (o[c[n][e]] = 1)}, this.setTileCost = function(t, n) {o[t] = n}, this.setAdditionalPointCost = function(t, n, e) {void 0 === r[n] && (r[n] = {}), r[n][t] = e}, this.removeAdditionalPointCost = function(t, n) {void 0 !== r[n] && delete r[n][t]}, this.removeAllAdditionalPointCosts = function() {r = {}}, this.setDirectionalCondition = function(t, n, e) {void 0 === l[n] && (l[n] = {}), l[n][t] = e}, this.removeAllDirectionalConditions = function() {l = {}}, this.setIterationsPerCalculation = function(t) {y = t}, this.avoidAdditionalPoint = function(t, n) {void 0 === u[n] && (u[n] = {}), u[n][t] = 1}, this.stopAvoidingAdditionalPoint = function(t, n) {void 0 !== u[n] && delete u[n][t]}, this.enableCornerCutting = function() {a = !0}, this.disableCornerCutting = function() {a = !1}, this.stopAvoidingAllAdditionalPoints = function() {u = {}}, this.findPath = function(t, n, e, o, r) {function i(t) {p ? r(t) : setTimeout(function() {r(t)})}if (void 0 === f) throw new Error("You can't set a path without first calling setAcceptableTiles() on EasyStar.");if (void 0 === c) throw new Error("You can't set a path without first calling setGrid() on EasyStar.");if (t < 0 || n < 0 || e < 0 || o < 0 || t > c[0].length - 1 || n > c.length - 1 || e > c[0].length - 1 || o > c.length - 1) throw new Error("Your start or end point is outside the scope of your grid.");if (t !== e || n !== o) {for (var s = c[o][e], u = !1, l = 0; l < f.length; l++)if (s === f[l]) {u = !0;break} if (!1 !== u) {var a = new M;a.openList = new A(function(t, n) {return t.bestGuessDistance() - n.bestGuessDistance()}), a.isDoneCalculating = !1, a.nodeHash = {}, a.startX = t, a.startY = n, a.endX = e, a.endY = o, a.callback = i, a.openList.push(O(a, a.startX, a.startY, null, 1));o = E++;return h[o] = a, d.push(o), o}i(null)} else i([])}, this.cancelPath = function(t) {return t in h && (delete h[t], !0)}, this.calculate = function() {if (0 !== d.length && void 0 !== c && void 0 !== f)for (i = 0; i < y; i++) {if (0 === d.length) return;p && (i = 0);var t = d[0],n = h[t];if (void 0 !== n)if (0 !== n.openList.size()) {var e = n.openList.pop();if (n.endX !== e.x || n.endY !== e.y) (e.list = 0) < e.y && T(n, e, 0, -1, +b(e.x, e.y - 1)), e.x < c[0].length - 1 && T(n, e, 1, 0, +b(e.x + 1, e.y)), e.y < c.length - 1 && T(n, e, 0, 1, +b(e.x, e.y + 1)), 0 < e.x && T(n, e, -1, 0, +b(e.x - 1, e.y)), v && (0 < e.x && 0 < e.y && (a || g(c, f, e.x, e.y - 1, e) && g(c, f, e.x - 1, e.y, e)) && T(n, e, -1, -1, s * b(e.x - 1, e.y - 1)), e.x < c[0].length - 1 && e.y < c.length - 1 && (a || g(c, f, e.x, e.y + 1, e) && g(c, f, e.x + 1, e.y, e)) && T(n, e, 1, 1, s * b(e.x + 1, e.y + 1)), e.x < c[0].length - 1 && 0 < e.y && (a || g(c, f, e.x, e.y - 1, e) && g(c, f, e.x + 1, e.y, e)) && T(n, e, 1, -1, s * b(e.x + 1, e.y - 1)), 0 < e.x && e.y < c.length - 1 && (a || g(c, f, e.x, e.y + 1, e) && g(c, f, e.x - 1, e.y, e)) && T(n, e, -1, 1, s * b(e.x - 1, e.y + 1)));else {var o = [];o.push({x: e.x,y: e.y});for (var r = e.parent; null != r;) o.push({x: r.x,y: r.y}), r = r.parent;o.reverse(), n.callback(o), delete h[t], d.shift()}} else n.callback(null), delete h[t], d.shift();else d.shift()}};var T = function(t, n, e, o, r) {e = n.x + e, o = n.y + o;void 0 !== u[o] && void 0 !== u[o][e] || !g(c, f, e, o, n) || (void 0 === (o = O(t, e, o, n, r)).list ? (o.list = 1, t.openList.push(o)) : n.costSoFar + r < o.costSoFar && (o.costSoFar = n.costSoFar + r, o.parent = n, t.openList.updateItem(o)))},g = function(t, n, e, o, r) {var i = l[o] && l[o][e];if (i) {var s = x(r.x - e, r.y - o);if (! function() {for (var t = 0; t < i.length; t++)if (i[t] === s) return !0;return !1}()) return !1}for (var u = 0; u < n.length; u++)if (t[o][e] === n[u]) return !0;return !1},x = function(t, n) {if (0 === t && -1 === n) return P.TOP;if (1 === t && -1 === n) return P.TOP_RIGHT;if (1 === t && 0 === n) return P.RIGHT;if (1 === t && 1 === n) return P.BOTTOM_RIGHT;if (0 === t && 1 === n) return P.BOTTOM;if (-1 === t && 1 === n) return P.BOTTOM_LEFT;if (-1 === t && 0 === n) return P.LEFT;if (-1 === t && -1 === n) return P.TOP_LEFT;throw new Error("These differences are not valid: " + t + ", " + n)},b = function(t, n) {return r[n] && r[n][t] || o[c[n][t]]},O = function(t, n, e, o, r) {if (void 0 !== t.nodeHash[e]) {if (void 0 !== t.nodeHash[e][n]) return t.nodeHash[e][n]} else t.nodeHash[e] = {};var i = m(n, e, t.endX, t.endY),r = null !== o ? o.costSoFar + r : 0,i = new _(o, n, e, r, i);return t.nodeHash[e][n] = i},m = function(t, n, e, o) {var r, i;return v ? (r = Math.abs(t - e)) < (i = Math.abs(n - o)) ? s * r + i : s * i + r : (r = Math.abs(t - e)) + (i = Math.abs(n - o))}}, P.TOP = "TOP", P.TOP_RIGHT = "TOP_RIGHT", P.RIGHT = "RIGHT", P.BOTTOM_RIGHT = "BOTTOM_RIGHT", P.BOTTOM = "BOTTOM", P.BOTTOM_LEFT = "BOTTOM_LEFT", P.LEFT = "LEFT", P.TOP_LEFT = "TOP_LEFT"}, function(t, n) {t.exports = function() {this.pointsToAvoid = {}, this.startX, this.callback, this.startY, this.endX, this.endY, this.nodeHash = {}, this.openList}}, function(t, n) {t.exports = function(t, n, e, o, r) {this.parent = t, this.x = n, this.y = e, this.costSoFar = o, this.simpleDistanceToTarget = r, this.bestGuessDistance = function() {return this.costSoFar + this.simpleDistanceToTarget}}}, function(t, n, e) {t.exports = e(4)}, function(u, T, t) {var g, x;(function() {var t, p, l, h, d, n, a, e, y, v, o, r, i, c, f;function s(t) {this.cmp = null != t ? t : p, this.nodes = []}l = Math.floor, v = Math.min, p = function(t, n) {return t < n ? -1 : n < t ? 1 : 0}, y = function(t, n, e, o, r) {var i;if (null == e && (e = 0), null == r && (r = p), e < 0) throw new Error("lo must be non-negative");for (null == o && (o = t.length); e < o;) r(n, t[i = l((e + o) / 2)]) < 0 ? o = i : e = i + 1;return [].splice.apply(t, [e, e - e].concat(n)), n}, n = function(t, n, e) {return null == e && (e = p), t.push(n), c(t, 0, t.length - 1, e)}, d = function(t, n) {var e, o;return null == n && (n = p), e = t.pop(), t.length ? (o = t[0], t[0] = e, f(t, 0, n)) : o = e, o}, e = function(t, n, e) {var o;return null == e && (e = p), o = t[0], t[0] = n, f(t, 0, e), o}, a = function(t, n, e) {var o;return null == e && (e = p), t.length && e(t[0], n) < 0 && (n = (o = [t[0], n])[0], t[0] = o[1], f(t, 0, e)), n}, h = function(e, t) {var n, o, r, i, s, u;for (null == t && (t = p), s = [], o = 0, r = (i = function() {u = [];for (var t = 0, n = l(e.length / 2); 0 <= n ? t < n : n < t; 0 <= n ? t++ : t--) u.push(t);return u}.apply(this).reverse()).length; o < r; o++) n = i[o], s.push(f(e, n, t));return s}, i = function(t, n, e) {if (null == e && (e = p), -1 !== (n = t.indexOf(n))) return c(t, 0, n, e), f(t, n, e)}, o = function(t, n, e) {var o, r, i, s, u;if (null == e && (e = p), !(r = t.slice(0, n)).length) return r;for (h(r, e), i = 0, s = (u = t.slice(n)).length; i < s; i++) o = u[i], a(r, o, e);return r.sort(e).reverse()}, r = function(t, n, e) {var o, r, i, s, u, l, a, c, f;if (null == e && (e = p), 10 * n <= t.length) {if (!(i = t.slice(0, n).sort(e)).length) return i;for (r = i[i.length - 1], s = 0, l = (a = t.slice(n)).length; s < l; s++) e(o = a[s], r) < 0 && (y(i, o, 0, null, e), i.pop(), r = i[i.length - 1]);return i}for (h(t, e), f = [], u = 0, c = v(n, t.length); 0 <= c ? u < c : c < u; 0 <= c ? ++u : --u) f.push(d(t, e));return f}, c = function(t, n, e, o) {var r, i, s;for (null == o && (o = p), r = t[e]; n < e && o(r, i = t[s = e - 1 >> 1]) < 0;) t[e] = i, e = s;return t[e] = r}, f = function(t, n, e) {var o, r, i, s, u;for (null == e && (e = p), r = t.length, i = t[u = n], o = 2 * n + 1; o < r;)(s = o + 1) < r && !(e(t[o], t[s]) < 0) && (o = s), t[n] = t[o], o = 2 * (n = o) + 1;return t[n] = i, c(t, u, n, e)}, s.push = n, s.pop = d, s.replace = e, s.pushpop = a, s.heapify = h, s.updateItem = i, s.nlargest = o, s.nsmallest = r, s.prototype.push = function(t) {return n(this.nodes, t, this.cmp)}, s.prototype.pop = function() {return d(this.nodes, this.cmp)}, s.prototype.peek = function() {return this.nodes[0]}, s.prototype.contains = function(t) {return -1 !== this.nodes.indexOf(t)}, s.prototype.replace = function(t) {return e(this.nodes, t, this.cmp)}, s.prototype.pushpop = function(t) {return a(this.nodes, t, this.cmp)}, s.prototype.heapify = function() {return h(this.nodes, this.cmp)}, s.prototype.updateItem = function(t) {return i(this.nodes, t, this.cmp)}, s.prototype.clear = function() {return this.nodes = []}, s.prototype.empty = function() {return 0 === this.nodes.length}, s.prototype.size = function() {return this.nodes.length}, s.prototype.clone = function() {var t = new s;return t.nodes = this.nodes.slice(0), t}, s.prototype.toArray = function() {return this.nodes.slice(0)}, s.prototype.insert = s.prototype.push, s.prototype.top = s.prototype.peek, s.prototype.front = s.prototype.peek, s.prototype.has = s.prototype.contains, s.prototype.copy = s.prototype.clone, t = s, g = [], void 0 === (x = "function" == typeof (x = function() {return t}) ? 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"unknown" : data[0].name);data[0].moofoll = true;data[0].skin = data[0].skin == 10 ? "__proto__" : ([0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9].includes(data[0].skin) ? 4 : data[0].skin);lastsp = [data[0].name, data[0].moofoll, data[0].skin];} else if (type == "D") {if ((my.lastDir == data[0]) || [null, undefined].includes(data[0])) {dontSend = true;} else {my.lastDir = data[0];}} else if (type == "F") {if (!data[2]) {dontSend = true;} else {if (![null, undefined].includes(data[1])) {my.lastDir = data[1];}}} else if (type == "K") {if (!data[1]) {dontSend = true;}} else if (type == "S") {instaC.wait = !instaC.wait;dontSend = true;} else if (type == "f") {if (data[1]) {if (player.moveDir == data[0]) {dontSend = true;player.randDIff = Math.random * Math.PI * 2;}player.moveDir = data[0];} else {dontSend = true;}}if (!dontSend) {let binary = window.msgpack.encode([type, data]);this.nsend(binary);// START COUNT:if (!firstSend.sec) {firstSend.sec = true;setTimeout(() => {firstSend.sec = false;secPacket = 0;}, secTime);}secPacket++;}} else {this.nsend(message);}}function packet(type) {// EXTRACT DATA ARRAY:let data = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);// SEND MESSAGE:let binary = window.msgpack.encode([type, data]);WS.send(binary);}function origPacket(type) {// EXTRACT DATA ARRAY:let data = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);// SEND MESSAGE:let binary = window.msgpack.encode([type, data]);WS.nsend(binary);}window.leave = function() {origPacket("kys", {"frvr is so bad": true,"sidney is too good": true,"dev are too weak": true,});};//...lollet io = {send: packet};function getMessage(message) {let data = new Uint8Array(message.data);let parsed = window.msgpack.decode(data);let type = parsed[0];data = parsed[1];let events = {A: setInitData,//B: disconnect,C: setupGame,D: addPlayer,E: removePlayer,a: updatePlayers,G: updateLeaderboard,H: loadGameObject,I: loadAI,J: animateAI,K: gatherAnimation,L: wiggleGameObject,M: shootTurret,N: updatePlayerValue,O: updateHealth,P: killPlayer,Q: killObject,R: killObjects,S: updateItemCounts,T: updateAge,U: updateUpgrades,V: updateItems,X: addProjectile,Y: remProjectile,//Z: serverShutdownNotice,//0: addAlliance,//1: deleteAlliance,2: allianceNotification,3: setPlayerTeam,4: setAlliancePlayers,5: updateStoreItems,6: receiveChat,7: updateMinimap,8: showText,9: pingMap,0: pingSocketResponse,};if (type == "io-init") {socketID = data[0];} else {if (events[type]) {events[type].apply(undefined, data);}}}// MATHS:Math.lerpAngle = function(value1, value2, amount) {let difference = Math.abs(value2 - value1);if (difference > Math.PI) {if (value1 > value2) {value2 += Math.PI * 2;} else {value1 += Math.PI * 2;}}let value = value2 + ((value1 - value2) * amount);if (value >= 0 && value <= Math.PI * 2) return value;return value % (Math.PI * 2);};// REOUNDED RECTANGLE:CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.roundRect = function(x, y, w, h, r) {if (w < 2 * r) r = w / 2;if (h < 2 * r) r = h / 2;if (r < 0)r = 0;this.beginPath();this.moveTo(x + r, y);this.arcTo(x + w, y, x + w, y + h, r);this.arcTo(x + w, y + h, x, y + h, r);this.arcTo(x, y + h, x, y, r);this.arcTo(x, y, x + w, y, r);this.closePath();return this;};// GLOBAL VALUES:let allChats = [];let ais = [];let players = [];let alliances = [];let alliancePlayers = [];let allianceNotifications = [];let gameObjects = [];let projectiles = [];let deadPlayers = [];let breakObjects = [];let player;let playerSID;let tmpObj;let enemy = [];//let perfectReplace = [];let nears = [];let near = [];let my = {reloaded: false,waitHit: 0,autoAim: false,revAim: false,ageInsta: true,reSync: false,bullTick: 0,anti0Tick: 0,antiSync: false,safePrimary: function(tmpObj) {return [0, 8].includes(tmpObj.primaryIndex);},safeSecondary: function(tmpObj) {return [10, 11, 14].includes(tmpObj.secondaryIndex);},lastDir: 0,autoPush: false,pushData: {}}// FIND OBJECTS BY ID/SID:function findID(tmpObj, tmp) {return tmpObj.find((THIS) => THIS.id == tmp);}function findSID(tmpObj, tmp) {return tmpObj.find((THIS) => THIS.sid == tmp);}function findPlayerByID(id) {return findID(players, id);}function findPlayerBySID(sid) {return findSID(players, sid);}function findAIBySID(sid) {return findSID(ais, sid);}function findObjectBySid(sid) {return findSID(gameObjects, sid);}function findProjectileBySid(sid) {return findSID(gameObjects, sid);}let adCard = getEl("adCard");adCard.remove();let promoImageHolder = getEl("promoImgHolder");promoImageHolder.remove();let chatButton = getEl("chatButton");chatButton.remove();let gameCanvas = getEl("gameCanvas");let mainContext = gameCanvas.getContext("2d");let mapDisplay = getEl("mapDisplay");let mapContext = mapDisplay.getContext("2d");mapDisplay.width = 300;mapDisplay.height = 300;let storeMenu = getEl("storeMenu");let storeHolder = getEl("storeHolder");let upgradeHolder = getEl("upgradeHolder");let upgradeCounter = getEl("upgradeCounter");let chatBox = getEl("chatBox");chatBox.autocomplete = "off";chatBox.style.textAlign = "center";chatBox.style.width = "18em";let chatHolder = getEl("chatHolder");let actionBar = getEl("actionBar");let leaderboardData = getEl("leaderboardData");let itemInfoHolder = getEl("itemInfoHolder");let menuCardHolder = getEl("menuCardHolder");let mainMenu = getEl("mainMenu");let diedText = getEl("diedText");let screenWidth;let screenHeight;let maxScreenWidth = config.maxScreenWidth;let maxScreenHeight = config.maxScreenHeight;if (getEl("visualType").value == "smiley") {maxScreenHeight = config.maxScreenHeight * 1.5;maxScreenWidth = config.maxScreenWidth * 1.5;} else {maxScreenHeight = config.maxScreenHeight;maxScreenWidth = config.maxScreenWidth;}function zoomVision() {if (maxScreenWidth != config.maxScreenWidth * 1.5 || maxScreenHeight != config.maxScreenHeight * 1.5) {maxScreenWidth = config.maxScreenWidth * 1.5;maxScreenHeight = config.maxScreenHeight * 1.5;resize();}}let pixelDensity = 1;let delta;let now;let lastUpdate = performance.now();let camX;let camY;let tmpDir;let mouseX = 0;let mouseY = 0;let allianceMenu = getEl("allianceMenu");let waterMult = 1;let waterPlus = 0;let outlineColor = "#525252";let darkOutlineColor = "#3d3f42";let outlineWidth = 5.5;let isNight = false;let firstSetup = true;let keys = {};let moveKeys = {87: [0, -1],38: [0, -1],83: [0, 1],40: [0, 1],65: [-1, 0],37: [-1, 0],68: [1, 0],39: [1, 0],};function resetMoveDir() {keys = {};io.send("e");}let attackState = 0;let inGame = false;let macro = {};let mills = {place: 0,placeSpawnPads: 0};let lastDir;let lastLeaderboardData = [];// ON LOAD:let inWindow = true;window.onblur = function() {inWindow = false;};window.onfocus = function() {inWindow = true;if (player && player.alive) {resetMoveDir();}};let placeVisible = [];let profanityList = ["cunt", "whore", "####", "shit", "faggot", "nigger","nigga", "dick", "vagina", "minge", "cock", "rape", "cum", "sex","tits", "penis", "clit", "pussy", "meatcurtain", "jizz", "prune","douche", "wanker", "damn", "bitch", "dick", "fag", "bastard"];/** CLASS CODES */class Utils {constructor() {// MATH UTILS:let mathABS = Math.abs,mathCOS = Math.cos,mathSIN = Math.sin,mathPOW = Math.pow,mathSQRT = Math.sqrt,mathATAN2 = Math.atan2,mathPI = Math.PI;let _this = this;// GLOBAL UTILS:this.round = function(n, v) {return Math.round(n * v) / v;};this.toRad = function(angle) {return angle * (mathPI / 180);};this.toAng = function(radian) {return radian / (mathPI / 180);};this.randInt = function(min, max) {return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;};this.randFloat = function(min, max) {return Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min;};this.lerp = function(value1, value2, amount) {return value1 + (value2 - value1) * amount;};this.decel = function(val, cel) {if (val > 0)val = Math.max(0, val - cel);else if (val < 0)val = Math.min(0, val + cel);return val;};this.getDistance = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {return mathSQRT((x2 -= x1) * x2 + (y2 -= y1) * y2);};this.getDist = function(tmp1, tmp2, type1, type2) {let tmpXY1 = {x: type1 == 0 ? tmp1.x : type1 == 1 ? tmp1.x1 : type1 == 2 ? tmp1.x2 : type1 == 3 && tmp1.x3,y: type1 == 0 ? tmp1.y : type1 == 1 ? tmp1.y1 : type1 == 2 ? tmp1.y2 : type1 == 3 && tmp1.y3,};let tmpXY2 = {x: type2 == 0 ? tmp2.x : type2 == 1 ? tmp2.x1 : type2 == 2 ? tmp2.x2 : type2 == 3 && tmp2.x3,y: type2 == 0 ? tmp2.y : type2 == 1 ? tmp2.y1 : type2 == 2 ? tmp2.y2 : type2 == 3 && tmp2.y3,};return mathSQRT((tmpXY2.x -= tmpXY1.x) * tmpXY2.x + (tmpXY2.y -= tmpXY1.y) * tmpXY2.y);};this.getDirection = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {return mathATAN2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2);};this.getDirect = function(tmp1, tmp2, type1, type2) {let tmpXY1 = {x: type1 == 0 ? tmp1.x : type1 == 1 ? tmp1.x1 : type1 == 2 ? tmp1.x2 : type1 == 3 && tmp1.x3,y: type1 == 0 ? tmp1.y : type1 == 1 ? tmp1.y1 : type1 == 2 ? tmp1.y2 : type1 == 3 && tmp1.y3,};let tmpXY2 = {x: type2 == 0 ? tmp2.x : type2 == 1 ? tmp2.x1 : type2 == 2 ? tmp2.x2 : type2 == 3 && tmp2.x3,y: type2 == 0 ? tmp2.y : type2 == 1 ? tmp2.y1 : type2 == 2 ? tmp2.y2 : type2 == 3 && tmp2.y3,};return mathATAN2(tmpXY1.y - tmpXY2.y, tmpXY1.x - tmpXY2.x);};this.getAngleDist = function(a, b) {let p = mathABS(b - a) % (mathPI * 2);return (p > mathPI ? (mathPI * 2) - p : p);};this.isNumber = function(n) {return (typeof n == "number" && !isNaN(n) && isFinite(n));};this.isString = function(s) {return (s && typeof s == "string");};this.kFormat = function(num) {return num > 999 ? (num / 1000).toFixed(1) + "k" : num;};this.sFormat = function(num) {let fixs = [{ num: 1e3, string: "k" },{ num: 1e6, string: "m" },{ num: 1e9, string: "b" },{ num: 1e12, string: "q" }].reverse();let sp = fixs.find(v => num >= v.num);if (!sp) return num;return (num / sp.num).toFixed(1) + sp.string;};this.capitalizeFirst = function(string) {return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);};this.fixTo = function(n, v) {return parseFloat(n.toFixed(v));};this.sortByPoints = function(a, b) {return parseFloat(b.points) - parseFloat(a.points);};this.lineInRect = function(recX, recY, recX2, recY2, x1, y1, x2, y2) {let minX = x1;let maxX = x2;if (x1 > x2) {minX = x2;maxX = x1;}if (maxX > recX2)maxX = recX2;if (minX < recX)minX = recX;if (minX > maxX)return false;let minY = y1;let maxY = y2;let dx = x2 - x1;if (Math.abs(dx) > 0.0000001) {let a = (y2 - y1) / dx;let b = y1 - a * x1;minY = a * minX + b;maxY = a * maxX + b;}if (minY > maxY) {let tmp = maxY;maxY = minY;minY = tmp;}if (maxY > recY2)maxY = recY2;if (minY < recY)minY = recY;if (minY > maxY)return false;return true;};this.containsPoint = function(element, x, y) {let bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect();let left = bounds.left + window.scrollX;let top = bounds.top + window.scrollY;let width = bounds.width;let height = bounds.height;let insideHorizontal = x > left && x < left + width;let insideVertical = y > top && y < top + height;return insideHorizontal && insideVertical;};this.mousifyTouchEvent = function(event) {let touch = event.changedTouches[0];event.screenX = touch.screenX;event.screenY = touch.screenY;event.clientX = touch.clientX;event.clientY = touch.clientY;event.pageX = touch.pageX;event.pageY = touch.pageY;};this.hookTouchEvents = function(element, skipPrevent) {let preventDefault = !skipPrevent;let isHovering = false;// let passive = window.Modernizr.passiveeventlisteners ? 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1 : this.colDiv);};// VISIBLE TO PLAYER:this.visibleToPlayer = function(player) {return !(this.hideFromEnemy) || (this.owner && (this.owner == player ||(this.owner.team && player.team == this.owner.team)));};// UPDATE:this.update = function(delta) {if (this.health != this.healthMov) {this.health < this.healthMov ? (this.healthMov -= 1.9) : (this.healthMov += 1.9);if (Math.abs(this.health - this.healthMov) < 1.9) this.healthMov = this.health;};if (this.active) {if (this.xWiggle) {this.xWiggle *= Math.pow(0.99, delta);}if (this.yWiggle) {this.yWiggle *= Math.pow(0.99, delta);}let d2 = UTILS.getAngleDist(this.lastDir, this.dir);if (d2 > 0.01) {this.dir += d2 / 5;} else {this.dir = this.lastDir;}} else {if (this.alive) {this.alpha -= delta / (200 / this.maxAlpha);this.visScale += delta / (this.scale / 2.5);if (this.alpha <= 0) {this.alpha = 0;this.alive = false;}}}};// CHECK TEAM:this.isTeamObject = function(tmpObj) {return this.owner == null ? true : (this.owner && tmpObj.sid == this.owner.sid || tmpObj.findAllianceBySid(this.owner.sid));};}}class Items {constructor() {// ITEM GROUPS:this.groups = [{id: 0,name: "food",layer: 0}, {id: 1,name: "walls",place: true,limit: 30,layer: 0}, {id: 2,name: "spikes",place: true,limit: 15,layer: 0}, {id: 3,name: "mill",place: true,limit: 7,layer: 1}, {id: 4,name: "mine",place: true,limit: 1,layer: 0}, {id: 5,name: "trap",place: true,limit: 6,layer: -1}, {id: 6,name: "booster",place: true,limit: 12,layer: -1}, {id: 7,name: "turret",place: true,limit: 2,layer: 1}, {id: 8,name: "watchtower",place: true,limit: 12,layer: 1}, {id: 9,name: "buff",place: true,limit: 4,layer: -1}, {id: 10,name: "spawn",place: true,limit: 1,layer: -1}, {id: 11,name: "sapling",place: true,limit: 2,layer: 0}, {id: 12,name: "blocker",place: true,limit: 3,layer: -1}, {id: 13,name: "teleporter",place: true,limit: 2,layer: -1}];// PROJECTILES:this.projectiles = [{indx: 0,layer: 0,src: "arrow_1",dmg: 25,speed: 1.6,scale: 103,range: 1000}, {indx: 1,layer: 1,dmg: 25,scale: 20}, {indx: 0,layer: 0,src: "arrow_1",dmg: 35,speed: 2.5,scale: 103,range: 1200}, {indx: 0,layer: 0,src: "arrow_1",dmg: 30,speed: 2,scale: 103,range: 1200}, {indx: 1,layer: 1,dmg: 16,scale: 20}, {indx: 0,layer: 0,src: "bullet_1",dmg: 50,speed: 3.6,scale: 160,range: 1400}];// WEAPONS:this.weapons = [{id: 0,type: 0,name: "tool hammer",desc: "tool for gathering all resources",src: "hammer_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: -3,yOff: 18,dmg: 25,range: 65,gather: 1,speed: 300}, {id: 1,type: 0,age: 2,name: "hand axe",desc: "gathers resources at a higher rate",src: "axe_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: 3,yOff: 24,dmg: 30,spdMult: 1,range: 70,gather: 2,speed: 400}, {id: 2,type: 0,age: 8,pre: 1,name: "great axe",desc: "deal more damage and gather more resources",src: "great_axe_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: -8,yOff: 25,dmg: 35,spdMult: 1,range: 75,gather: 4,speed: 400}, {id: 3,type: 0,age: 2,name: "short sword",desc: "increased attack power but slower move speed",src: "sword_1",iPad: 1.3,length: 130,width: 210,xOff: -8,yOff: 46,dmg: 35,spdMult: 0.85,range: 110,gather: 1,speed: 300}, {id: 4,type: 0,age: 8,pre: 3,name: "katana",desc: "greater range and damage",src: "samurai_1",iPad: 1.3,length: 130,width: 210,xOff: -8,yOff: 59,dmg: 40,spdMult: 0.8,range: 118,gather: 1,speed: 300}, {id: 5,type: 0,age: 2,name: "polearm",desc: "long range melee weapon",src: "spear_1",iPad: 1.3,length: 130,width: 210,xOff: -8,yOff: 53,dmg: 45,knock: 0.2,spdMult: 0.82,range: 142,gather: 1,speed: 700}, {id: 6,type: 0,age: 2,name: "bat",desc: "fast long range melee weapon",src: "bat_1",iPad: 1.3,length: 110,width: 180,xOff: -8,yOff: 53,dmg: 20,knock: 0.7,range: 110,gather: 1,speed: 300}, {id: 7,type: 0,age: 2,name: "daggers",desc: "really fast short range weapon",src: "dagger_1",iPad: 0.8,length: 110,width: 110,xOff: 18,yOff: 0,dmg: 20,knock: 0.1,range: 65,gather: 1,hitSlow: 0.1,spdMult: 1.13,speed: 100}, {id: 8,type: 0,age: 2,name: "stick",desc: "great for gathering but very weak",src: "stick_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: 3,yOff: 24,dmg: 1,spdMult: 1,range: 70,gather: 7,speed: 400}, {id: 9,type: 1,age: 6,name: "hunting bow",desc: "bow used for ranged combat and hunting",src: "bow_1",req: ["wood", 4],length: 120,width: 120,xOff: -6,yOff: 0,Pdmg: 25,projectile: 0,spdMult: 0.75,speed: 600}, {id: 10,type: 1,age: 6,name: "great hammer",desc: "hammer used for destroying structures",src: "great_hammer_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: -9,yOff: 25,dmg: 10,Pdmg: 10,spdMult: 0.88,range: 75,sDmg: 7.5,gather: 1,speed: 400}, {id: 11,type: 1,age: 6,name: "wooden shield",desc: "blocks projectiles and reduces melee damage",src: "shield_1",length: 120,width: 120,shield: 0.2,xOff: 6,yOff: 0,Pdmg: 0,spdMult: 0.7}, {id: 12,type: 1,age: 8,pre: 9,name: "crossbow",desc: "deals more damage and has greater range",src: "crossbow_1",req: ["wood", 5],aboveHand: true,armS: 0.75,length: 120,width: 120,xOff: -4,yOff: 0,Pdmg: 35,projectile: 2,spdMult: 0.7,speed: 700}, {id: 13,type: 1,age: 9,pre: 12,name: "repeater crossbow",desc: "high firerate crossbow with reduced damage",src: "crossbow_2",req: ["wood", 10],aboveHand: true,armS: 0.75,length: 120,width: 120,xOff: -4,yOff: 0,Pdmg: 30,projectile: 3,spdMult: 0.7,speed: 230}, {id: 14,type: 1,age: 6,name: "mc grabby",desc: "steals resources from enemies",src: "grab_1",length: 130,width: 210,xOff: -8,yOff: 53,dmg: 0,Pdmg: 0,steal: 250,knock: 0.2,spdMult: 1.05,range: 125,gather: 0,speed: 700}, {id: 15,type: 1,age: 9,pre: 12,name: "musket",desc: "slow firerate but high damage and range",src: "musket_1",req: ["stone", 10],aboveHand: true,rec: 0.35,armS: 0.6,hndS: 0.3,hndD: 1.6,length: 205,width: 205,xOff: 25,yOff: 0,Pdmg: 50,projectile: 5,hideProjectile: true,spdMult: 0.6,speed: 1500}];// ITEMS:this.list = [{group: this.groups[0],name: "apple",desc: "restores 20 health when consumed",req: ["food", 10],consume: function(doer) {return doer.changeHealth(20, doer);},scale: 22,holdOffset: 15,healing: 20,itemID: 0,itemAID: 16,}, {age: 3,group: this.groups[0],name: "cookie",desc: "restores 40 health when consumed",req: ["food", 15],consume: function(doer) {return doer.changeHealth(40, doer);},scale: 27,holdOffset: 15,healing: 40,itemID: 1,itemAID: 17,}, {age: 7,group: this.groups[0],name: "cheese",desc: "restores 30 health and another 50 over 5 seconds",req: ["food", 25],consume: function(doer) {if (doer.changeHealth(30, doer) || doer.health < 100) {doer.dm###erTime.dmg = -10;doer.dm###erTime.doer = doer;doer.dm###erTime.time = 5;return true;}return false;},scale: 27,holdOffset: 15,healing: 30,itemID: 2,itemAID: 18,}, {group: this.groups[1],name: "wood wall",desc: "provides protection for your village",req: ["wood", 10],projDmg: true,health: 380,scale: 50,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 3,itemAID: 19,}, {age: 3,group: this.groups[1],name: "stone wall",desc: "provides improved protection for your village",req: ["stone", 25],health: 900,scale: 50,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 4,itemAID: 20,}, {age: 7,group: this.groups[1],name: "castle wall",desc: "provides powerful protection for your village",req: ["stone", 35],health: 1500,scale: 52,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 5,itemAID: 21,}, {group: this.groups[2],name: "spikes",desc: "damages enemies when they touch them",req: ["wood", 20, "stone", 5],health: 400,dmg: 20,scale: 49,spritePadding: -23,holdOffset: 8,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 6,itemAID: 22,}, {age: 5,group: this.groups[2],name: "greater spikes",desc: "damages enemies when they touch them",req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 10],health: 500,dmg: 35,scale: 52,spritePadding: -23,holdOffset: 8,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 7,itemAID: 23,}, {age: 9,group: this.groups[2],name: "poison spikes",desc: "poisons enemies when they touch them",req: ["wood", 35, "stone", 15],health: 600,dmg: 30,pDmg: 5,scale: 52,spritePadding: -23,holdOffset: 8,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 8,itemAID: 24,}, {age: 9,group: this.groups[2],name: "spinning spikes",desc: "damages enemies when they touch them",req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 20],health: 500,dmg: 45,turnSpeed: 0.003,scale: 52,spritePadding: -23,holdOffset: 8,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 9,itemAID: 25,}, {group: this.groups[3],name: "windmill",desc: "generates gold over time",req: ["wood", 50, "stone", 10],health: 400,pps: 1,turnSpeed: 0.0016,spritePadding: 25,iconLineMult: 12,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: 5,itemID: 10,itemAID: 26,}, {age: 5,group: this.groups[3],name: "faster windmill",desc: "generates more gold over time",req: ["wood", 60, "stone", 20],health: 500,pps: 1.5,turnSpeed: 0.0025,spritePadding: 25,iconLineMult: 12,scale: 47,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: 5,itemID: 11,itemAID: 27,}, {age: 8,group: this.groups[3],name: "power mill",desc: "generates more gold over time",req: ["wood", 100, "stone", 50],health: 800,pps: 2,turnSpeed: 0.005,spritePadding: 25,iconLineMult: 12,scale: 47,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: 5,itemID: 12,itemAID: 28,}, {age: 5,group: this.groups[4],type: 2,name: "mine",desc: "allows you to mine stone",req: ["wood", 20, "stone", 100],iconLineMult: 12,scale: 65,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: 0,itemID: 13,itemAID: 29,}, {age: 5,group: this.groups[11],type: 0,name: "sapling",desc: "allows you to farm wood",req: ["wood", 150],iconLineMult: 12,colDiv: 0.5,scale: 110,holdOffset: 50,placeOffset: -15,itemID: 14,itemAID: 30,}, {age: 4,group: this.groups[5],name: "pit trap",desc: "pit that traps enemies if they walk over it",req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 30],trap: true,ignoreCollision: true,hideFromEnemy: true,health: 500,colDiv: 0.2,scale: 50,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5,alpha: 0.6,itemID: 15,itemAID: 31,}, {age: 4,group: this.groups[6],name: "boost pad",desc: "provides boost when stepped on",req: ["stone", 20, "wood", 5],ignoreCollision: true,boostSpeed: 1.5,health: 150,colDiv: 0.7,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 16,itemAID: 32,}, {age: 7,group: this.groups[7],doUpdate: true,name: "turret",desc: "defensive structure that shoots at enemies",req: ["wood", 200, "stone", 150],health: 800,projectile: 1,shootRange: 700,shootRate: 2200,scale: 43,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 17,itemAID: 33,}, {age: 7,group: this.groups[8],name: "platform",desc: "platform to shoot over walls and cross over water",req: ["wood", 20],ignoreCollision: true,zIndex: 1,health: 300,scale: 43,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 18,itemAID: 34,}, {age: 7,group: this.groups[9],name: "healing pad",desc: "standing on it will slowly heal you",req: ["wood", 30, "food", 10],ignoreCollision: true,healCol: 15,health: 400,colDiv: 0.7,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 19,itemAID: 35,}, {age: 9,group: this.groups[10],name: "spawn pad",desc: "you will spawn here when you die but it will dissapear",req: ["wood", 100, "stone", 100],health: 400,ignoreCollision: true,spawnPoint: true,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 20,itemAID: 36,}, {age: 7,group: this.groups[12],name: "blocker",desc: "blocks building in radius",req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 25],ignoreCollision: true,blocker: 300,health: 400,colDiv: 0.7,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 21,itemAID: 37,}, {age: 7,group: this.groups[13],name: "teleporter",desc: "teleports you to a random point on the map",req: ["wood", 60, "stone", 60],ignoreCollision: true,teleport: true,health: 200,colDiv: 0.7,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5,itemID: 22,itemAID: 38}];// CHECK ITEM ID:this.checkItem = {index: function(id, myItems) {return [0, 1, 2].includes(id) ? 0 :[3, 4, 5].includes(id) ? 1 :[6, 7, 8, 9].includes(id) ? 2 :[10, 11, 12].includes(id) ? 3 :[13, 14].includes(id) ? 5 :[15, 16].includes(id) ? 4 :[17, 18, 19, 21, 22].includes(id) ?[13, 14].includes(myItems) ? 6 :5 :id == 20 ?[13, 14].includes(myItems) ? 7 :6 :undefined;}}// ASSIGN IDS:for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; ++i) {this.list[i].id = i;if (this.list[i].pre) this.list[i].pre = i - this.list[i].pre;}// TROLOLOLOL:if (typeof window !== "undefined") {function shuffle(a) {for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));[a[i], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i]];}return a;}//shuffle(this.list);}}}class Objectmanager {constructor(GameObject, gameObjects, UTILS, config, players, server) {let mathFloor = Math.floor,mathABS = Math.abs,mathCOS = Math.cos,mathSIN = Math.sin,mathPOW = Math.pow,mathSQRT = Math.sqrt;this.ignoreAdd = false;this.hitObj = [];// DISABLE OBJ:this.disableObj = function(obj) {obj.active = false;// if (config.anotherVisual) {// } else {//     obj.alive = false;// }};// ADD NEW:let tmpObj;this.add = function(sid, x, y, dir, s, type, data, setSID, owner) {tmpObj = findObjectBySid(sid);if (!tmpObj) {tmpObj = gameObjects.find((tmp) => !tmp.active);if (!tmpObj) {tmpObj = new GameObject(sid);gameObjects.push(tmpObj);}}if (setSID) {tmpObj.sid = sid;}tmpObj.init(x, y, dir, s, type, data, owner);};// DISABLE BY SID:this.disableBySid = function(sid) {let find = findObjectBySid(sid);if (find) {this.disableObj(find);}};// REMOVE ALL FROM PLAYER:this.removeAllItems = function(sid, server) {gameObjects.filter((tmp) => tmp.active && tmp.owner && tmp.owner.sid == sid).forEach((tmp) => this.disableObj(tmp));};// CHECK IF PLACABLE:this.checkItemLocation = function(x, y, s, sM, indx, ignoreWater, placer) {let cantPlace = gameObjects.find((tmp) => tmp.active && UTILS.getDistance(x, y, tmp.x, tmp.y) < s + (tmp.blocker ? tmp.blocker : tmp.getScale(sM, tmp.isItem)));if (cantPlace) return false;if (!ignoreWater && indx != 18 && y >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && y <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) return false;return true;};}}class Projectile {constructor(players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS, server) {// INIT:this.init = function(indx, x, y, dir, spd, dmg, rng, scl, owner) {this.active = true;this.tickActive = true;this.indx = indx;this.x = x;this.y = y;this.x2 = x;this.y2 = y;this.dir = dir;this.skipMov = true;this.speed = spd;this.dmg = dmg;this.scale = scl;this.range = rng;this.r2 = rng;this.owner = owner;};// UPDATE:this.update = function(delta) {if (this.active) {let tmpSpeed = this.speed * delta;if (!this.skipMov) {this.x += tmpSpeed * Math.cos(this.dir);this.y += tmpSpeed * Math.sin(this.dir);this.range -= tmpSpeed;if (this.range <= 0) {this.x += this.range * Math.cos(this.dir);this.y += this.range * Math.sin(this.dir);tmpSpeed = 1;this.range = 0;this.active = false;}} else {this.skipMov = false;}}};this.tickUpdate = function(delta) {if (this.tickActive) {let tmpSpeed = this.speed * delta;if (!this.skipMov) {this.x2 += tmpSpeed * Math.cos(this.dir);this.y2 += tmpSpeed * Math.sin(this.dir);this.r2 -= tmpSpeed;if (this.r2 <= 0) {this.x2 += this.r2 * Math.cos(this.dir);this.y2 += this.r2 * Math.sin(this.dir);tmpSpeed = 1;this.r2 = 0;this.tickActive = false;}} else {this.skipMov = false;}}};}};class Store {constructor() {// STORE HATS:this.hats = [{id: 45,name: "Shame!",dontSell: true,price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "hacks are for winners"}, {id: 51,name: "Moo Cap",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "coolest mooer around"}, {id: 50,name: "Apple Cap",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "apple farms remembers"}, {id: 28,name: "Moo Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 29,name: "Pig Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 30,name: "Fluff Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 36,name: "Pandou Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 37,name: "Bear Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 38,name: "Monkey Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 44,name: "Polar Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 35,name: "Fez Hat",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 42,name: "Enigma Hat",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "join the enigma army"}, {id: 43,name: "Blitz Hat",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "hey everybody i'm blitz"}, {id: 49,name: "Bob XIII Hat",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "like and subscribe"}, {id: 57,name: "Pumpkin",price: 50,scale: 120,desc: "Spooooky"}, {id: 8,name: "Bummle Hat",price: 100,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 2,name: "Straw Hat",price: 500,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 15,name: "Winter Cap",price: 600,scale: 120,desc: "allows you to move at normal speed in snow",coldM: 1}, {id: 5,name: "Cowboy Hat",price: 1000,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 4,name: "Ranger Hat",price: 2000,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 18,name: "Explorer Hat",price: 2000,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 31,name: "Flipper Hat",price: 2500,scale: 120,desc: "have more control while in water",watrImm: true}, {id: 1,name: "Marksman Cap",price: 3000,scale: 120,desc: "increases arrow speed and range",aMlt: 1.3}, {id: 10,name: "Bush Gear",price: 3000,scale: 160,desc: "allows you to disguise yourself as a bush"}, {id: 48,name: "Halo",price: 3000,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 6,name: "Soldier Helmet",price: 4000,scale: 120,desc: "reduces damage taken but slows movement",spdMult: 0.94,dmgMult: 0.75}, {id: 23,name: "Anti Venom Gear",price: 4000,scale: 120,desc: "makes you immune to poison",poisonRes: 1}, {id: 13,name: "Medic Gear",price: 5000,scale: 110,desc: "slowly regenerates health over time",healthRegen: 3}, {id: 9,name: "Miners Helmet",price: 5000,scale: 120,desc: "earn 1 extra gold per resource",extraGold: 1}, {id: 32,name: "Musketeer Hat",price: 5000,scale: 120,desc: "reduces cost of projectiles",projCost: 0.5}, {id: 7,name: "Bull Helmet",price: 6000,scale: 120,desc: "increases damage done but drains health",healthRegen: -5,dmgMultO: 1.5,spdMult: 0.96}, {id: 22,name: "Emp Helmet",price: 6000,scale: 120,desc: "turrets won't attack but you move slower",antiTurret: 1,spdMult: 0.7}, {id: 12,name: "Booster Hat",price: 6000,scale: 120,desc: "increases your movement speed",spdMult: 1.16}, {id: 26,name: "Barbarian Armor",price: 8000,scale: 120,desc: "knocks back enemies that attack you",dmgK: 0.6}, {id: 21,name: "Plague Mask",price: 10000,scale: 120,desc: "melee attacks deal poison damage",poisonDmg: 5,poisonTime: 6}, {id: 46,name: "Bull Mask",price: 10000,scale: 120,desc: "bulls won't target you unless you attack them",bullRepel: 1}, {id: 14,name: "Windmill Hat",topSprite: true,price: 10000,scale: 120,desc: "generates points while worn",pps: 1.5}, {id: 11,name: "Spike Gear",topSprite: true,price: 10000,scale: 120,desc: "deal damage to players that damage you",dmg: 0.45}, {id: 53,name: "Turret Gear",topSprite: true,price: 10000,scale: 120,desc: "you become a walking turret",turret: {proj: 1,range: 700,rate: 2500},spdMult: 0.7}, {id: 20,name: "Samurai Armor",price: 12000,scale: 120,desc: "increased attack speed and fire rate",atkSpd: 0.78}, {id: 58,name: "Dark Knight",price: 12000,scale: 120,desc: "restores health when you deal damage",healD: 0.4}, {id: 27,name: "Scavenger Gear",price: 15000,scale: 120,desc: "earn double points for each kill",kScrM: 2}, {id: 40,name: "#### Gear",price: 15000,scale: 120,desc: "increased damage to buildings but slower movement",spdMult: 0.3,bDmg: 3.3}, {id: 52,name: "Thief Gear",price: 15000,scale: 120,desc: "steal half of a players gold when you kill them",goldSteal: 0.5}, {id: 55,name: "Bloodthirster",price: 20000,scale: 120,desc: "Restore Health when dealing damage. And increased damage",healD: 0.25,dmgMultO: 1.2,}, {id: 56,name: "Assassin Gear",price: 20000,scale: 120,desc: "Go invisible when not moving. Can't eat. Increased speed",noEat: true,spdMult: 1.1,invisTimer: 1000}];// STORE ACCESSORIES:this.accessories = [{id: 12,name: "Snowball",price: 1000,scale: 105,xOff: 18,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 9,name: "Tree Cape",price: 1000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 10,name: "Stone Cape",price: 1000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 3,name: "Cookie Cape",price: 1500,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 8,name: "Cow Cape",price: 2000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 11,name: "Monkey Tail",price: 2000,scale: 97,xOff: 25,desc: "Super speed but reduced damage",spdMult: 1.35,dmgMultO: 0.2}, {id: 17,name: "Apple Basket",price: 3000,scale: 80,xOff: 12,desc: "slowly regenerates health over time",healthRegen: 1}, {id: 6,name: "Winter Cape",price: 3000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 4,name: "Skull Cape",price: 4000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 5,name: "Dash Cape",price: 5000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 2,name: "Dragon Cape",price: 6000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 1,name: "Super Cape",price: 8000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 7,name: "Troll Cape",price: 8000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 14,name: "Thorns",price: 10000,scale: 115,xOff: 20,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 15,name: "Blockades",price: 10000,scale: 95,xOff: 15,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 20,name: "Devils Tail",price: 10000,scale: 95,xOff: 20,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 16,name: "Sawblade",price: 12000,scale: 90,spin: true,xOff: 0,desc: "deal damage to players that damage you",dmg: 0.15}, {id: 13,name: "Angel Wings",price: 15000,scale: 138,xOff: 22,desc: "slowly regenerates health over time",healthRegen: 3}, {id: 19,name: "Shadow Wings",price: 15000,scale: 138,xOff: 22,desc: "increased movement speed",spdMult: 1.1}, {id: 18,name: "Blood Wings",price: 20000,scale: 178,xOff: 26,desc: "restores health when you deal damage",healD: 0.2}, {id: 21,name: "Corrupt X Wings",price: 20000,scale: 178,xOff: 26,desc: "deal damage to players that damage you",dmg: 0.25}];}};class ProjectileManager {constructor(Projectile, projectiles, players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS, server) {this.addProjectile = function(x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, owner, ignoreObj, layer, inWindow) {let tmpData = items.projectiles[indx];let tmpProj;for (let i = 0; i < projectiles.length; ++i) {if (!projectiles[i].active) {tmpProj = projectiles[i];break;}}if (!tmpProj) {tmpProj = new Projectile(players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS, server);tmpProj.sid = projectiles.length;projectiles.push(tmpProj);}tmpProj.init(indx, x, y, dir, speed, tmpData.dmg, range, tmpData.scale, owner);tmpProj.ignoreObj = ignoreObj;tmpProj.layer = layer || tmpData.layer;tmpProj.inWindow = inWindow;tmpProj.src = tmpData.src;return tmpProj;};}};class AiManager {// AI MANAGER:constructor(ais, AI, players, items, objectManager, config, UTILS, scoreCallback, server) {// AI TYPES:this.aiTypes = [{id: 0,src: "cow_1",killScore: 150,health: 500,weightM: 0.8,speed: 0.00095,turnSpeed: 0.001,scale: 72,drop: ["food", 50]}, {id: 1,src: "pig_1",killScore: 200,health: 800,weightM: 0.6,speed: 0.00085,turnSpeed: 0.001,scale: 72,drop: ["food", 80]}, {id: 2,name: "Bull",src: "bull_2",hostile: true,dmg: 20,killScore: 1000,health: 1800,weightM: 0.5,speed: 0.00094,turnSpeed: 0.00074,scale: 78,viewRange: 800,chargePlayer: true,drop: ["food", 100]}, {id: 3,name: "Bully",src: "bull_1",hostile: true,dmg: 20,killScore: 2000,health: 2800,weightM: 0.45,speed: 0.001,turnSpeed: 0.0008,scale: 90,viewRange: 900,chargePlayer: true,drop: ["food", 400]}, {id: 4,name: "Wolf",src: "wolf_1",hostile: true,dmg: 8,killScore: 500,health: 300,weightM: 0.45,speed: 0.001,turnSpeed: 0.002,scale: 84,viewRange: 800,chargePlayer: true,drop: ["food", 200]}, {id: 5,name: "Quack",src: "chicken_1",dmg: 8,killScore: 2000,noTrap: true,health: 300,weightM: 0.2,speed: 0.0018,turnSpeed: 0.006,scale: 70,drop: ["food", 100]}, {id: 6,name: "MOOSTAFA",nameScale: 50,src: "enemy",hostile: true,dontRun: true,fixedSpawn: true,spawnDelay: 60000,noTrap: true,colDmg: 100,dmg: 40,killScore: 8000,health: 18000,weightM: 0.4,speed: 0.0007,turnSpeed: 0.01,scale: 80,spriteMlt: 1.8,leapForce: 0.9,viewRange: 1000,hitRange: 210,hitDelay: 1000,chargePlayer: true,drop: ["food", 100]}, {id: 7,name: "Treasure",hostile: true,nameScale: 35,src: "crate_1",fixedSpawn: true,spawnDelay: 120000,colDmg: 200,killScore: 5000,health: 20000,weightM: 0.1,speed: 0.0,turnSpeed: 0.0,scale: 70,spriteMlt: 1.0}, {id: 8,name: "MOOFIE",src: "wolf_2",hostile: true,fixedSpawn: true,dontRun: true,hitScare: 4,spawnDelay: 30000,noTrap: true,nameScale: 35,dmg: 10,colDmg: 100,killScore: 3000,health: 7000,weightM: 0.45,speed: 0.0015,turnSpeed: 0.002,scale: 90,viewRange: 800,chargePlayer: true,drop: ["food", 1000]}, {id: 9,name: "💀MOOFIE",src: "wolf_2",hostile: !0,fixedSpawn: !0,dontRun: !0,hitScare: 50,spawnDelay: 6e4,noTrap: !0,nameScale: 35,dmg: 12,colDmg: 100,killScore: 3e3,health: 9e3,weightM: .45,speed: .0015,turnSpeed: .0025,scale: 94,viewRange: 1440,chargePlayer: !0,drop: ["food", 3e3],minSpawnRange: .85,maxSpawnRange: .9}, {id: 10,name: "💀Wolf",src: "wolf_1",hostile: !0,fixedSpawn: !0,dontRun: !0,hitScare: 50,spawnDelay: 3e4,dmg: 10,killScore: 700,health: 500,weightM: .45,speed: .00115,turnSpeed: .0025,scale: 88,viewRange: 1440,chargePlayer: !0,drop: ["food", 400],minSpawnRange: .85,maxSpawnRange: .9}, {id: 11,name: "💀Bully",src: "bull_1",hostile: !0,fixedSpawn: !0,dontRun: !0,hitScare: 50,dmg: 20,killScore: 5e3,health: 5e3,spawnDelay: 1e5,weightM: .45,speed: .00115,turnSpeed: .0025,scale: 94,viewRange: 1440,chargePlayer: !0,drop: ["food", 800],minSpawnRange: .85,maxSpawnRange: .9}];// SPAWN AI:this.spawn = function(x, y, dir, index) {let tmpObj = ais.find((tmp) => !tmp.active);if (!tmpObj) {tmpObj = new AI(ais.length, objectManager, players, items, UTILS, config, scoreCallback, server);ais.push(tmpObj);}tmpObj.init(x, y, dir, index, this.aiTypes[index]);return tmpObj;};}};class AI {constructor(sid, objectManager, players, items, UTILS, config, scoreCallback, server) {this.sid = sid;this.isAI = true;this.nameIndex = UTILS.randInt(0, config.cowNames.length - 1);// INIT:this.init = function(x, y, dir, index, data) {this.x = x;this.y = y;this.xVel = 0;this.yVel = 0;this.zIndex = 0;this.dir = dir;this.dirPlus = 0;this.index = index;this.src = data.src;if (data.name) this.name = data.name;this.weightM = data.weightM;this.speed = data.speed;this.killScore = data.killScore;this.turnSpeed = data.turnSpeed;this.scale = data.scale;this.maxHealth = data.health;this.leapForce = data.leapForce;this.health = this.maxHealth;this.chargePlayer = data.chargePlayer;this.viewRange = data.viewRange;this.drop = data.drop;this.dmg = data.dmg;this.hostile = data.hostile;this.dontRun = data.dontRun;this.hitRange = data.hitRange;this.hitDelay = data.hitDelay;this.hitScare = data.hitScare;this.spriteMlt = data.spriteMlt;this.nameScale = data.nameScale;this.colDmg = data.colDmg;this.noTrap = data.noTrap;this.spawnDelay = data.spawnDelay;this.hitWait = 0;this.waitCount = 1000;this.moveCount = 0;this.targetDir = 0;this.active = true;this.alive = true;this.runFrom = null;this.chargeTarget = null;this.dm###erTime = {};};let tmpRatio = 0;let animIndex = 0;this.animate = function(delta) {if (this.animTime > 0) {this.animTime -= delta;if (this.animTime <= 0) {this.animTime = 0;this.dirPlus = 0;tmpRatio = 0;animIndex = 0;} else {if (animIndex == 0) {tmpRatio += delta / (this.animSpeed * config.hitReturnRatio);this.dirPlus = UTILS.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.min(1, tmpRatio));if (tmpRatio >= 1) {tmpRatio = 1;animIndex = 1;}} else {tmpRatio -= delta / (this.animSpeed * (1 - config.hitReturnRatio));this.dirPlus = UTILS.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.max(0, tmpRatio));}}}};// ANIMATION:this.startAnim = function() {this.animTime = this.animSpeed = 600;this.targetAngle = Math.PI * 0.8;tmpRatio = 0;animIndex = 0;};};};class addCh {constructor(x, y, chat, tmpObj) {this.x = x;this.y = y;this.alpha = 0;this.active = true;this.alive = false;this.chat = chat;this.owner = tmpObj;};};class DeadPlayer {constructor(x, y, dir, buildIndex, weaponIndex, weaponVariant, skinColor, scale, name) {this.x = x;this.y = y;this.lastDir = dir;this.dir = dir + Math.PI;this.buildIndex = buildIndex;this.weaponIndex = weaponIndex;this.weaponVariant = weaponVariant;this.skinColor = skinColor;this.scale = scale;this.visScale = 0;this.name = name;this.alpha = 1;this.active = true;this.animate = function(delta) {let d2 = UTILS.getAngleDist(this.lastDir, this.dir);if (d2 > 0.01) {this.dir += d2 / 20;} else {this.dir = this.lastDir;}if (this.visScale < this.scale) {this.visScale += delta / (this.scale / 2);if (this.visScale >= this.scale) {this.visScale = this.scale;}}this.alpha -= delta / 30000;if (this.alpha <= 0) {this.alpha = 0;this.active = false;}}}};class Player {constructor(id, sid, config, UTILS, projectileManager, objectManager, players, ais, items, hats, accessories, server, scoreCallback, iconCallback) {this.id = id;this.sid = sid;this.tmpScore = 0;this.team = null;this.latestSkin = 0;this.oldSkinIndex = 0;this.skinIndex = 0;this.latestTail = 0;this.oldTailIndex = 0;this.tailIndex = 0;this.hitTime = 0;this.lastHit = 0;this.tails = {};for (let i = 0; i < accessories.length; ++i) {if (accessories[i].price <= 0)this.tails[accessories[i].id] = 1;}this.skins = {};for (let i = 0; i < hats.length; ++i) {if (hats[i].price <= 0)this.skins[hats[i].id] = 1;}this.points = 0;this.dt = 0;this.hidden = false;this.itemCounts = {};this.isPlayer = true;this.pps = 0;this.moveDir = undefined;this.randDIff = Math.random * Math.PI * 2;this.skinRot = 0;this.lastPing = 0;this.iconIndex = 0;this.skinColor = 0;this.dist2 = 0;this.aim2 = 0;this.maxSpeed = 1;this.chat = {message: null,count: 0};this.backupNobull = true;this.circle = false;this.circleRad = 200;this.cAngle = 0;// SPAWN:this.spawn = function(moofoll) {this.attacked = false;this.death = false;this.spinDir = 0;this.sync = false;this.antiBull = 0;this.bullTimer = 0;this.poisonTimer = 0;this.active = true;this.alive = true;this.lockMove = false;this.lockDir = false;this.minimapCounter = 0;this.chatCountdown = 0;this.shameCount = 0;this.maxShameCount = 0;this.deathDir = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;this.shameTimer = 0;this.sentTo = {};this.gathering = 0;this.gatherIndex = 0;this.shooting = {};this.shootIndex = 9;this.autoGather = 0;this.animTime = 0;this.animSpeed = 0;this.mouseState = 0;this.buildIndex = -1;this.weaponIndex = 0;this.weaponCode = 0;this.weaponVariant = 0;this.primaryIndex = undefined;this.secondaryIndex = undefined;this.dm###erTime = {};this.noMovTimer = 0;this.maxXP = 300;this.XP = 0;this.age = 1;this.kills = 0;this.upgrAge = 2;this.upgradePoints = 0;this.x = 0;this.y = 0;this.oldXY = {x: 0,y: 0};this.zIndex = 0;this.xVel = 0;this.yVel = 0;this.slowMult = 1;this.dir = 0;this.dirPlus = 0;this.targetDir = 0;this.targetAngle = 0;this.maxHealth = 100;this.health = this.maxHealth;this.oldHealth = this.maxHealth;this.damaged = 0;this.scale = config.playerScale;this.speed = config.playerSpeed;this.resetMoveDir();this.resetResources(moofoll);this.items = [0, 3, 6, 10];this.weapons = [0];this.shootCount = 0;this.weaponXP = [];this.reloads = {0: 0,1: 0,2: 0,3: 0,4: 0,5: 0,6: 0,7: 0,8: 0,9: 0,10: 0,11: 0,12: 0,13: 0,14: 0,15: 0,53: 0,};this.bowThreat = {9: 0,12: 0,13: 0,15: 0,};this.damageThreat = 0;this.inTrap = false;this.canEmpAnti = false;this.empAnti = false;this.soldierAnti = false;this.poisonTick = 0;this.bullTick = 0;this.setPoisonTick = false;this.setBullTick = false;this.antiTimer = 4;};// RESET MOVE DIR:this.resetMoveDir = function() {this.moveDir = undefined;};// RESET RESOURCES:this.resetResources = function(moofoll) {for (let i = 0; i < config.resourceTypes.length; ++i) {this[config.resourceTypes[i]] = moofoll ? 100 : 0;}};// ADD ITEM:this.getItemType = function(id) {let findindx = this.items.findIndex((ids) => ids == id);if (findindx != -1) {return findindx;} else {return items.checkItem.index(id, this.items);}};// SET DATA:this.setData = function(data) {this.id = data[0];this.sid = data[1];this.name = data[2];this.x = data[3];this.y = data[4];this.dir = data[5];this.health = data[6];this.maxHealth = data[7];this.scale = data[8];this.skinColor = data[9];};// UPDATE POISON TICK:this.updateTimer = function() {this.bullTimer -= 1;if (this.bullTimer <= 0) {this.setBullTick = false;this.bullTick = game.tick - 1;this.bullTimer = config.serverUpdateRate;}this.poisonTimer -= 1;if (this.poisonTimer <= 0) {this.setPoisonTick = false;this.poisonTick = game.tick - 1;this.poisonTimer = config.serverUpdateRate;}};this.update = function(delta) {if (this.alive) {if (this.health != this.healthMov) {this.health < this.healthMov ? (this.healthMov -= 2) : (this.healthMov += 2);if (Math.abs(this.health - this.healthMov) < 2) this.healthMov = this.health;};if (this.shameCount != this.shameMov) this.shameCount < this.shameMov ? (this.shameMov -= .1) : (this.shameMov += .1), Math.abs(this.shameCount - this.shameMov) < .1 && (this.shameMov = this.shameCount);}if (this.active) {// MOVE:let gear = {skin: findID(hats, this.skinIndex),tail: findID(accessories, this.tailIndex)}let spdMult = ((this.buildIndex >= 0) ? 0.5 : 1) * (items.weapons[this.weaponIndex].spdMult || 1) * (gear.skin ? (gear.skin.spdMult || 1) : 1) * (gear.tail ? (gear.tail.spdMult || 1) : 1) * (this.y <= config.snowBiomeTop ? ((gear.skin && gear.skin.coldM) ? 1 : config.snowSpeed) : 1) * this.slowMult;this.maxSpeed = spdMult;}};let tmpRatio = 0;let animIndex = 0;this.animate = function(delta) {if (this.animTime > 0) {this.animTime -= delta;if (this.animTime <= 0) {this.animTime = 0;this.dirPlus = 0;tmpRatio = 0;animIndex = 0;} else {if (animIndex == 0) {tmpRatio += delta / (this.animSpeed * config.hitReturnRatio);this.dirPlus = UTILS.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.min(1, tmpRatio));if (tmpRatio >= 1) {tmpRatio = 1;animIndex = 1;}} else {tmpRatio -= delta / (this.animSpeed * (1 - config.hitReturnRatio));this.dirPlus = UTILS.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.max(0, tmpRatio));}}}};// GATHER ANIMATION:this.startAnim = function(didHit, index) {this.animTime = this.animSpeed = items.weapons[index].speed;this.targetAngle = (didHit ? -config.hitAngle : -Math.PI);tmpRatio = 0;animIndex = 0;};// CAN SEE:this.canSee = function(other) {if (!other) return false;let dx = Math.abs(other.x - this.x) - other.scale;let dy = Math.abs(other.y - this.y) - other.scale;return dx <= (config.maxScreenWidth / 2) * 1.3 && dy <= (config.maxScreenHeight / 2) * 1.3;};// SHAME SYSTEM:this.judgeShame = function() {if (this.oldHealth < this.health) {if (this.hitTime) {let timeSinceHit = Date.now() - this.hitTime;this.lastHit = game.tick;this.hitTime = 0;if (timeSinceHit < 120) {this.shameCount++;} else {this.shameCount = Math.max(0, this.shameCount - 2);}}} else if (this.oldHealth > this.health) {this.hitTime = Date.now();}};this.addShameTimer = function() {this.shameCount = 0;this.shameTimer = 30;let interval = setInterval(() => {this.shameTimer--;if (this.shameTimer <= 0) {clearInterval(interval);}}, 1000);};// CHECK TEAM:this.isTeam = function(tmpObj) {return (this == tmpObj || (this.team && this.team == tmpObj.team));};// FOR THE PLAYER:this.findAllianceBySid = function(sid) {return this.team ? alliancePlayers.find((THIS) => THIS === sid) : null;};this.checkCanInsta = function(nobull) {let totally = 0;if (this.alive && inGame) {let primary = {weapon: this.weapons[0],variant: this.primaryVariant,dmg: this.weapons[0] == undefined ? 0 : items.weapons[this.weapons[0]].dmg,};let secondary = {weapon: this.weapons[1],variant: this.secondaryVariant,dmg: this.weapons[1] == undefined ? 0 : items.weapons[this.weapons[1]].Pdmg,};let bull = this.skins[7] && !nobull ? 1.5 : 1;let pV = primary.variant != undefined ? config.weaponVariants[primary.variant].val : 1;if (primary.weapon != undefined && this.reloads[primary.weapon] == 0) {totally += primary.dmg * pV * bull;}if (secondary.weapon != undefined && this.reloads[secondary.weapon] == 0) {totally += secondary.dmg;}if (this.skins[53] && this.reloads[53] <= (player.weapons[1] == 10 ? 0 : game.tickRate) && near.skinIndex != 22) {totally += 25;}totally *= near.skinIndex == 6 ? 0.75 : 1;return totally;}return 0;};// UPDATE WEAPON RELOAD:this.manageReload = function() {if (this.shooting[53]) {this.shooting[53] = 0;this.reloads[53] = (2500 - game.tickRate);} else {if (this.reloads[53] > 0) {this.reloads[53] = Math.max(0, this.reloads[53] - game.tickRate);}}if (this.gathering || this.shooting[1]) {if (this.gathering) {this.gathering = 0;this.reloads[this.gatherIndex] = (items.weapons[this.gatherIndex].speed * (this.skinIndex == 20 ? 0.78 : 1));this.attacked = true;}if (this.shooting[1]) {this.shooting[1] = 0;this.reloads[this.shootIndex] = (items.weapons[this.shootIndex].speed * (this.skinIndex == 20 ? 0.78 : 1));this.attacked = true;}} else {this.attacked = false;if (this.buildIndex < 0) {if (this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] > 0) {this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] = Math.max(0, this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] - game.tickRate);if (this == player) {if (getEl("weaponGrind").checked) {io.send("6", "Weapon Grinding...")for (let i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 2) {checkPlace(player.getItemType(22), i);}}}if (this.reloads[this.primaryIndex] == 0 && this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] == 0) {this.antiBull++;game.tickBase(() => {this.antiBull = 0;}, 1);}}}}};// FOR ANTI INSTA:this.addDamageThreat = function(tmpObj) {let primary = {weapon: this.primaryIndex,variant: this.primaryVariant};primary.dmg = primary.weapon == undefined ? 45 : items.weapons[primary.weapon].dmg;let secondary = {weapon: this.secondaryIndex,variant: this.secondaryVariant};secondary.dmg = secondary.weapon == undefined ? 50 : items.weapons[secondary.weapon].Pdmg;let bull = 1.5;let pV = primary.variant != undefined ? config.weaponVariants[primary.variant].val : 1.18;let sV = secondary.variant != undefined ? [9, 12, 13, 15].includes(secondary.weapon) ? 1 : config.weaponVariants[secondary.variant].val : 1.18;if (primary.weapon == undefined ? true : this.reloads[primary.weapon] == 0) {this.damageThreat += primary.dmg * pV * bull;}if (secondary.weapon == undefined ? true : this.reloads[secondary.weapon] == 0) {this.damageThreat += secondary.dmg * sV;}if (this.reloads[53] <= game.tickRate) {this.damageThreat += 25;}this.damageThreat *= tmpObj.skinIndex == 6 ? 0.75 : 1;if (!this.isTeam(tmpObj)) {if (this.dist2 <= 300) {tmpObj.damageThreat += this.damageThreat;}}};}};// SOME CODES:function sendUpgrade(index) {player.reloads[index] = 0;packet("H", index);}function storeEquip(id, index) {packet("c", 0, id, index);}function storeBuy(id, index) {packet("c", 1, id, index);}function buyEquip(id, index) {let nID = player.skins[6] ? 6 : 0;if (player.alive && inGame) {if (index == 0) {if (player.skins[id]) {if (player.latestSkin != id) {packet("c", 0, id, 0);}} else {if (configs.autoBuyEquip) {let find = findID(hats, id);if (find) {if (player.points >= find.price) {//setTimeout(()=>{packet("c", 1, id, 0);//setTimeout(()=>{packet("c", 0, id, 0);//}, 120);//}, 120);} else {if (player.latestSkin != nID) {packet("c", 0, nID, 0);}}} else {if (player.latestSkin != nID) {packet("c", 0, nID, 0);}}} else {if (player.latestSkin != nID) {packet("c", 0, nID, 0);}}}} else if (index == 1) {if (getEl("visualType").value == "ae" && (id != 11 && id != 0)) {if (player.latestTail != 0) {packet("c", 0, 0, 1);}return;}if (player.tails[id]) {if (player.latestTail != id) {packet("c", 0, id, 1);}} else {if (configs.autoBuyEquip) {let find = findID(accessories, id);if (find) {if (player.points >= find.price) {packet("c", 1, id, 1);// setTimeout(()=>{packet("c", 0, id, 1);//}, 120);} else {if (player.latestTail != 0) {packet("c", 0, 0, 1);}}} else {if (player.latestTail != 0) {packet("c", 0, 0, 1);}}} else {if (player.latestTail != 0) {packet("c", 0, 0, 1);}}}}}}function selectToBuild(index, wpn) {packet("z", index, wpn);}function selectWeapon(index, isPlace) {if (!isPlace) {player.weaponCode = index;}packet("z", index, 1);}function sendAutoGather() {packet("K", 1, 1);}function sendAtck(id, angle) {packet("F", id, angle, 1);}function toRadian(angle) {let fixedAngle = (angle % 360) * (Math.PI / 180);return fixedAngle < 0 ? (2 * Math.PI + fixedAngle) : fixedAngle;}// PLACER:function place(id, rad, rmd) {try {if (id == undefined) return;let item = items.list[player.items[id]];let tmpS = player.scale + item.scale + (item.placeOffset || 0);let tmpX = player.x2 + tmpS * Math.cos(rad);let tmpY = player.y2 + tmpS * Math.sin(rad);if (id === 0 || testMode || (player.alive && inGame && player.itemCounts[item.group.id] == undefined ? true : player.itemCounts[item.group.id] < (config.isSandbox ? id === 3 || id === 5 ? 299 : 99 : item.group.limit ? item.group.limit : 99))) {selectToBuild(player.items[id]);sendAtck(1, rad);selectWeapon(player.weaponCode, 1);if (rmd && getEl("placeVis").checked) {placeVisible.push({x: tmpX,y: tmpY,name: item.name,scale: item.scale,dir: rad});game.tickBase(() => {placeVisible.shift();}, 1)}}} catch (e) { }}function getDist(e, t) {try {return Math.hypot((t.y2 || t.y) - (e.y2 || e.y), (t.x2 || t.x) - (e.x2 || e.x));} catch (e) {return Infinity;}}// GET DIRECTIONfunction getDir(e, t) {try {return Math.atan2((t.y2 || t.y) - (e.y2 || e.y), (t.x2 || t.x) - (e.x2 || e.x));} catch (e) {return 0;}}function sortFromSmallest(arr, func) { // dist - distfunc = typeof func == "function" ? func : (obj) => {return obj};return arr.sort((two, one) => (func(two)) - func(one));}// tmpList = objectManager.getGridArrays(user.x2, user.y2, 500);//                 for (var x = 0; x < tmpList.length; ++x) {//                     for (var y = 0; y < tmpList[x].length; ++y) {//                         if (tmpList[x][y].active && getDist(player, tmpList[x][y]))//                     }//                 }function getCloseBuildings() {let buildings = [];let addedBefore = {};let filteredBuildings = objectManager.getGridArrays(player.x, player.y, 200);//console.log(filteredBuildings);for (var x = 0; x < filteredBuildings.length; ++x) {for (var y = 0; y < filteredBuildings[x].length; ++y) {if (filteredBuildings[x][y].active) {buildings.push(filteredBuildings[x][y]);}}}//console.log(buildings);return buildings;}function quadSpikeBreak(user, item) {try {let angles = [];let possibleOnes = [];for (let angle = 0; angle < 72; angle++) {angles.push(toRadian(angle * 5));}let buildings_ = sortFromSmallest(gameObjects.filter(t => t.active && t.sid != player.inTrap.sid && getDist(player, t) <= 150), (a)=>{return getDist(player, a);});let last = null;for (let angle of angles) {let position = player.buildItemPosition(item, angle);let possibleToPlace = true;if (18 != item.id && position.y >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && position.y <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) {possibleToPlace = false;} else if(last && getDist(last, position) < item.scale + (last.blocker ? last.blocker : last.getScale(0.6, last.isItem))){possibleToPlace = false;} else {for (let building of buildings_) {let range = building.blocker ? building.blocker : building.getScale(0.6, building.isItem);if (getDist(building, position) < item.scale + range) { // overlappossibleToPlace = false;last = building;break;}}}if (possibleToPlace) {possibleOnes.push(angle);}}return possibleOnes;} catch (e) {//console.log(e);}}function getPlaceablePositions(user, item) {try {let angles = [];let possibleOnes = [];for (let angle = 0; angle < 72; angle++) {angles.push(toRadian(angle * 5));}let buildings_ = [];if (!window.isMohMoh) {buildings_ = sortFromSmallest(gameObjects.filter(t => t.active && getDist(player, t) <= 150), (a)=>{return getDist(player, a);});}let last = null;for (let angle of angles) {let position = player.buildItemPosition(item, angle);let possibleToPlace = true;if (18 != item.id && position.y >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && position.y <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) {possibleToPlace = false;} else if(last && getDist(last, position) < item.scale + (last.blocker ? last.blocker : last.getScale(0.6, last.isItem))){possibleToPlace = false;} else if (true) {for (let building of buildings_) {let range = building.blocker ? building.blocker : building.getScale(0.6, building.isItem);if (getDist(building, position) < item.scale + range) { // overlappossibleToPlace = false;last = building;break;}}}if (possibleToPlace) {possibleOnes.push(angle);}}return possibleOnes;} catch (e) {//console.log(e);}}let firstCheckPlaceForntiBUg = false;function simplePlace(id, radian) {checkPlace(id, radian);};function checkPlace(id, rad) {try {if (secPacket.count >= 80) return;//if (id == undefined) return;let item = items.list[player.items[id]];let tmpS = player.scale + item.scale + (item.placeOffset || 0);let tmpX = player.x2 + tmpS * Math.cos(rad);let tmpY = player.y2 + tmpS * Math.sin(rad);if (objectManager.checkItemLocation(tmpX, tmpY, item.scale, 0.6, item.id, false, player)) {place(id, rad, 1);}} catch (e) {}}// HEALING:function soldierMult() {return player.skinIndex == 6 ? 0.75 : 1;}function getAttacker(damaged) {let attackers = enemy.filter(tmp => {let damages = new Damages(items);let dmg = damages.weapons[tmp.weaponIndex];let by = tmp.weaponIndex < 9 ? [dmg[0], dmg[1], dmg[2], dmg[3]] : [dmg[0], dmg[1]];let rule = {one: tmp.dist2 <= 300,two: by.includes(damaged),three: tmp.attacked}return rule.one && rule.two && rule.three;});return attackers;}function healer() {for (let i = 0; i < healthBased(); i++) {place(0, getAttackDir());}}// ADVANCED:function applCxC(value) {if (player.health == 100)return 0;if (player.skinIndex != 45 && player.skinIndex != 56) {return Math.ceil(value / items.list[player.items[0]].healing);}return 0;}function healthBased() {if (player.health == 100)return 0;if (player.skinIndex != 45 && player.skinIndex != 56) {return Math.ceil((100 - player.health) / items.list[player.items[0]].healing);}return 0;}function calcDmg(value) {return value * player.skinIndex == 6 ? 0.75 : 1;}// LATER:function predictHeal() { }function antiSyncHealing(timearg) {my.antiSync = true;let healAnti = setInterval(() => {if (player.shameCount < 5) {place(0, getAttackDir());}}, 75);setTimeout(() => {clearInterval(healAnti);setTimeout(() => {my.antiSync = false;}, game.tickRate);}, game.tickRate);}const placedSpikePositions = new Set();const placedTrapPositions = new Set();function isPositionValid(position) {const playerX = player.x2;const playerY = player.y2;const distToPosition = Math.hypot(position[0] - playerX, position[1] - playerY);return distToPosition > 35;}function findAllianceBySid(sid) {return player.team ? alliancePlayers.find((THIS) => THIS === sid) : null;}function calculatePossibleTrapPositions(x, y, radius) {const trapPositions = [];const numPositions = 16;for (let i = 0; i < numPositions; i++) {const angle = (2 * Math.PI * i) / numPositions;const offsetX = x + radius * Math.cos(angle);const offsetY = y + radius * Math.sin(angle);const position = [offsetX, offsetY];if (!trapPositions.some((pos) => isPositionTooClose(position, pos))) {trapPositions.push(position);}}return trapPositions;}function isPositionTooClose(position1, position2, minDistance = 50) {const dist = Math.hypot(position1[0] - position2[0], position1[1] - position2[1]);return dist < minDistance;}function biomeGear(mover, returns) {if (player.y2 >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && player.y2 <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) {if (returns) return 31;buyEquip(31, 0);} else {if (player.y2 <= config.snowBiomeTop) {if (returns) return mover && player.moveDir == undefined ? 22 : 15;buyEquip(mover && player.moveDir == undefined ? 22 : 15, 0);} else {if (returns) return mover && player.moveDir == undefined ? 22 : 12;buyEquip(mover && player.moveDir == undefined ? (getEl("visualType").value == "wynd" ? 6 : 22) : 12, 0);}}if (returns) return 0;}function woah(mover) {buyEquip(mover && player.moveDir == undefined ? 0 : 11, 1);}let advHeal = [];class Traps {constructor(UTILS, items) {this.dist = 0;this.aim = 0;this.inTrap = false;this.replaced = false;this.antiTrapped = false;this.info = {};this.notFast = function() {return player.weapons[1] == 10 && ((this.info.health > items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg) || player.weapons[0] == 5);}this.testCanPlace = function(id, first = -(Math.PI / 2), repeat = (Math.PI / 2), plus = (Math.PI / 18), radian, replacer, yaboi) {try {let item = items.list[player.items[id]];let tmpS = player.scale + item.scale + (item.placeOffset || 0);let counts = {attempts: 0,placed: 0};let tmpObjects = [];gameObjects.forEach((p) => {tmpObjects.push({x: p.x,y: p.y,active: p.active,blocker: p.blocker,scale: p.scale,isItem: p.isItem,type: p.type,colDiv: p.colDiv,getScale: function(sM, ig) {sM = sM || 1;return this.scale * ((this.isItem || this.type == 2 || this.type == 3 || this.type == 4)? 1 : (0.6 * sM)) * (ig ? 1 : this.colDiv);},});});for (let i = first; i < repeat; i += plus) {counts.attempts++;let relAim = radian + i;let tmpX = player.x2 + tmpS * Math.cos(relAim);let tmpY = player.y2 + tmpS * Math.sin(relAim);let cantPlace = tmpObjects.find((tmp) => tmp.active && UTILS.getDistance(tmpX, tmpY, tmp.x, tmp.y) < item.scale + (tmp.blocker ? tmp.blocker : tmp.getScale(0.6, tmp.isItem)));if (cantPlace) continue;if (item.id != 18 && tmpY >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && tmpY <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) continue;if ((!replacer && yaboi) || getEl("visualType").value == "smiley") {if (yaboi.inTrap) {if (UTILS.getAngleDist(near.aim2 + Math.PI, relAim + Math.PI) <= Math.PI) {place(4, relAim, 1);} else {player.items[4] == 15 && place(4, relAim, 1);}} else {if (UTILS.getAngleDist(near.aim2, relAim) <= config.gatherAngle / 1.5) {place(2, relAim, 1);} else {player.items[4] == 15 && place(4, relAim, 1);}}} else {place(id, relAim, 1);}tmpObjects.push({x: tmpX,y: tmpY,active: true,blocker: item.blocker,scale: item.scale,isItem: true,type: null,colDiv: item.colDiv,getScale: function() {return this.scale;},});if (UTILS.getAngleDist(near.aim2, relAim) <= 1) {counts.placed++;}}if (counts.placed > 0 && replacer && item.dmg) {if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + (player.scale * 1.8) && configs.spikeTick) {instaC.canSpikeTick = true;}}} catch (err) {}};this.checkSpikeTick = function() {try {if (![3, 4, 5].includes(near.primaryIndex)) return false;if (near.primaryIndex == undefined ? true : (near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] > game.tickRate)) return false;// more range for safe. also testing near.primaryIndex || 5if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[near.primaryIndex || 5].range + (near.scale * 1.8)) {let item = items.list[9];let tmpS = near.scale + item.scale + (item.placeOffset || 0);let danger = 0;let counts = {attempts: 0,block: `unblocked`};for (let i = -1; i <= 1; i += 1 / 10) {counts.attempts++;let relAim = UTILS.getDirect(player, near, 2, 2) + i;let tmpX = near.x2 + tmpS * Math.cos(relAim);let tmpY = near.y2 + tmpS * Math.sin(relAim);let cantPlace = gameObjects.find((tmp) => tmp.active && UTILS.getDistance(tmpX, tmpY, tmp.x, tmp.y) < item.scale + (tmp.blocker ? tmp.blocker : tmp.getScale(0.6, tmp.isItem)));if (cantPlace) continue;if (tmpY >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && tmpY <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) continue;danger++;counts.block = `blocked`;break;}if (danger) {my.anti0Tick = 1;if (configs.combatWarnings) {player.chat.message = "Anti SpikeTick [ 3 ]";player.chat.count = 1500;}return true;}}} catch (err) {return null;}return false;}this.protect = function(aim, trap) {if (!configs.antiTrap) return;if (player.items[4]) {this.testCanPlace(4, -(Math.PI / 2), (Math.PI / 2), (Math.PI / 18), aim + Math.PI);this.antiTrapped = true;} else {this.testCanPlace(2, -(Math.PI / 2), (Math.PI / 2), (Math.PI / 18), aim + Math.PI);this.antiTrapped = true;}};/*this.autoPlace = function () { //blisma sped ongif (getEl("autoPlacetype").value == "placecurrent") {if (game.tick % 2 === 0)try {if (configs.autoPlace) {const dist = near.dist2;const trap = gameObjects.filter((e) => e.trap && e.active).sort((a, b) => UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2)).find((trap) => {const trapDist = Math.hypot(trap.y - near.y2, trap.x - near.x2);return (trap !== player &&(player.sid === trap.owner.sid || findAllianceBySid(trap.owner.sid)) &&trapDist <= near.scale*1.8);});if (trap && near.dist2 <= 250) {checkPlace(2, Math.atan2(player.y - trap.y, player.x - trap.x) + Math.PI);} else if (!trap && dist <= 400) {if(dist < 200) {for(let i=(-55);i<55;i+=55) {checkPlace(2, near.aim2+toR(i));}}if(dist >= 200) {for(let i=(-90);i<270;i+=90) {checkPlace(4, near.aim2+toR(i));}}}}} catch (e) {}}};this.autoPlace = function () {if (getEl("autoPlacetype").value == "spamtrap") {if (enemy.length && configs.autoPlace && !instaC.ticking) {if (game.tick % (Math.max(1, parseInt(getEl("autoPlaceTick").value))||1) === 0) {if (gameObjects.length) {let near2 = {inTrap: false,};let nearTrap = gameObjects.filter(e => e.trap && e.active && e.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(e, near, 0, 2) <= (near.scale + e.getScale() + 5)).sort(function (a, b) {return UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2);})[0];if (nearTrap) {near2.inTrap = true;} else {near2.inTrap = false;}if (testMode ? enemy.length : (near.dist2 <= 300)) {if (near.dist2 <= 200) {this.testCanPlace(4, 0, (Math.PI * 2), (Math.PI / 24), near.aim2, 0, {inTrap: near2.inTrap});} else {player.items[4] == 15 && this.testCanPlace(4, 0, (Math.PI * 2), (Math.PI / 24), near.aim2);}}} else {if (testMode ? enemy.length : (near.dist2 <= 300)) {player.items[4] == 15 && this.testCanPlace(4, 0, (Math.PI * 2), (Math.PI / 24), near.aim2);}}}}}};*/this.autoPlace = function () {let oldXY = {x: undefined,y: undefined,};//   if (getEl("autoPlacetype").value == "placehappy") {if (configs.autoPlace) {let nearObj = [];let randomDir = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;if (gameObjects.length && enemy.length) {let nearsa = {inTrap: false,};nearObj = gameObjects.filter((e)=>e.trap).sort(function(a, b) {return (UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2));})[0];let nearTrap = gameObjects.filter(e => e.trap && e.active && e.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(e, near, 0, 2) <= (near.scale + e.getScale() + 5)).sort(function (a, b) {return UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2);})[0];let near2 = {inTrap: false,};if (nearTrap) {near2.inTrap = true;} else {near2.inTrap = false;}if (nearObj) {if (!(player.sid != nearObj.owner.sid && !findAllianceBySid(nearObj.owner.sid)) && UTILS.getDist(nearObj, near, 0, 2) <= 70 && nearObj.active) {nearsa.inTrap = true;} else {nearsa.inTrap = false;}if (near.dist2 <= 600) {if (nearsa.inTrap || near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale) {if (near.dist2 <= 250) {for (let i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 1.5) {checkPlace(2, near.aim2 + i);}} else {for (let i = Math.PI / 1.5; i < Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 1.5) {checkPlace(2, near.aim2 + i);}}} else {if (player.items[4] == 15) {if (near.dist2 <= 200) {for (let i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 2) {checkPlace(4, randomDir + i);}}}}}} else {if (near.dist2 <= 400) {if (player.items[4] == 15) {checkPlace(4, near.aim2);}}}}}}function calculatePerfectAngle(x1, y1, x2, y2) {return Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);}this.replacer = function (findObj) {if (!findObj || !configs.autoReplace) return;if (!inGame) return;if (this.antiTrapped) return;game.tickBase(() => {let objAim = UTILS.getDirect(findObj, player, 0, 2);let objDst = UTILS.getDist(findObj, player, 0, 2);if (getEl("weaponGrind").checked && objDst <= items.weapons[player.weaponIndex].range + player.scale) return;if (objDst <= 400 && near.dist2 <= 400) {let danger = this.checkSpikeTick();if (!danger && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[near.primaryIndex || 5].range + (near.scale * 1.8)) {//this.testCanPlace(2, -(Math.PI / 2), (Math.PI / 2), (Math.PI / 18), objAim, 1);this.testCanPlace(2, 0, (Math.PI * 2), (Math.PI / 24), objAim, 1);} else {player.items[4] == 15 && this.testCanPlace(4, 0, (Math.PI * 2), (Math.PI / 24), objAim, 1);}this.replaced = true;}}, 1);};}};class Instakill {constructor() {this.wait = false;this.can = false;this.isTrue = false;this.nobull = false;this.ticking = false;this.canSpikeTick = false;this.startTick = false;this.readyTick = false;this.canCounter = false;this.revTick = false;this.syncHit = true;this.changeType = function(type) {this.wait = false;this.isTrue = true;my.autoAim = true;buyEquip(0, 1);let instaLog = [type];let backupNobull = near.backupNobull;near.backupNobull = false;game.tickBase(() => {instaLog.push(player.skinIndex);game.tickBase(() => {if (near.skinIndex == 22 && getEl("backupNobull").checked) {near.backupNobull = true;}instaLog.push(player.skinIndex);}, 1);}, 1);if (type == "rev") {selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]);sendAutoGather();buyEquip(0, 1);buyEquip(53, 0);game.tickBase(() => {selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(6, 0);game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;}, 1);}, 1);} else if (type == "nobull") {selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);if (getEl("backupNobull").checked && backupNobull) {buyEquip(7, 0);} else {buyEquip(6, 0);}buyEquip(21, 1);sendAutoGather();game.tickBase(() => {buyEquip(53, 0);selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]);buyEquip(21, 1);game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;}, 1);}, 1);} else if (type == "normal") {selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(7, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);sendAutoGather();game.tickBase(() => {selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]);buyEquip(player.reloads[53] == 0 ? 53 : 6, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;}, 1);}, 1);} else {setTimeout(() => {this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;}, 50);}};this.spikeTickType = function () {this.isTrue = true;my.autoAim = true;selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(7, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);sendAutoGather();game.tickBase(() => {if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && getEl("turretCombat").checked) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(53, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;}, 1);} else {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;}}, 1);};this.syncTry = function() {io.send("6", "Pew");if (player.weapons[1] == 15) {this.isTrue = true;my.autoAim = true;game.tickBase(() => {instaC.isTrue = true;selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]);buyEquip(53, 0);buyEquip(0, 1);sendAutoGather();game.tickBase(() => {my.autoAim = false;instaC.isTrue = false;this.isTrue = false;sendAutoGather();}, 1);}, 1);}};// this.spikeTickType = function() {//     this.isTrue = true;//     my.autoAim = true;//     selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);//     buyEquip(7, 0);//     buyEquip(21, 1);//     sendAutoGather();//     game.tickBase(() => {//         //if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && getEl("turretCombat").checked) {//         buyEquip(53, 0);//         selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);//         buyEquip(53, 0);//         //buyEquip(21, 1);//         game.tickBase(() => {//             sendAutoGather();//             this.isTrue = false;//             my.autoAim = false;//             buyEquip(6, 0);//         }, 3);//     }, 1);// };this.counterType = function() {this.isTrue = true;my.autoAim = true;selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(7, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);sendAutoGather();game.tickBase(() => {if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && getEl("turretCombat").checked) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(53, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;}, 1);} else {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;}}, 1);};this.antiCounterType = function() {my.autoAim = true;this.isTrue = true;inantiantibull = true;selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(6, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);io.send("D", near.aim2);sendAutoGather();game.tickBase(() => {buyEquip(player.reloads[53] == 0 ? player.skins[53] ? 53 : 6 : 6, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;inantiantibull = false;}, 1);}, 1)};this.rangeType = function(type) {this.isTrue = true;my.autoAim = true;if (type == "ageInsta") {my.ageInsta = false;if (player.items[5] == 18) {place(5, near.aim2);}packet("9", undefined, 1);buyEquip(22, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);game.tickBase(() => {selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]);buyEquip(53, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);sendAutoGather();game.tickBase(() => {sendUpgrade(12);selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]);buyEquip(53, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);game.tickBase(() => {sendUpgrade(15);selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]);buyEquip(53, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;}, 1);}, 1);}, 1);}, 1);} else {selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]);if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && near.dist2 <= 700 && near.skinIndex != 22) {buyEquip(53, 0);} else {buyEquip(20, 0);}buyEquip(11, 1);sendAutoGather();game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;}, 1);}};this.oneTickType = function() {io.send("6", "P_OT Start")this.isTrue = true;my.autoAim = true;selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]);buyEquip(53, 0);buyEquip(11, 1);packet("9", near.aim2, 1);if (player.weapons[1] == 15) {my.revAim = true;sendAutoGather();}game.tickBase(() => {const trap1 = gameObjects.filter((e) => e.trap && e.active).sort((a, b) => UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2)).find((trap) => {const trapDist = Math.hypot(trap.y - near.y2, trap.x - near.x2);return (trap !== player &&(player.sid === trap.owner.sid || findAllianceBySid(trap.owner.sid)) &&trapDist <= 30);});if ([6, 22].includes(near.skinIndex) && trap1) io.send('6', 'p_OT [2/3]');my.revAim = false;selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(7, 0);buyEquip(19, 1);packet("9", near.aim2, 1);if (player.weapons[1] != 15) {sendAutoGather();}game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;packet("9", undefined, 1);}, 1);}, 1);};this.threeOneTickType = function() {this.isTrue = true;my.autoAim = true;selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]);biomeGear();buyEquip(11, 1);packet("9", near.aim2, 1);game.tickBase(() => {selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]);buyEquip(53, 0);buyEquip(11, 1);packet("9", near.aim2, 1);game.tickBase(() => {selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(7, 0);buyEquip(19, 1);sendAutoGather();packet("9", near.aim2, 1);game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;packet("9", undefined, 1);}, 1);}, 1);}, 1);};this.kmTickType = function() {this.isTrue = true;my.autoAim = true;my.revAim = true;selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]);buyEquip(53, 0);buyEquip(11, 1);sendAutoGather();packet("9", near.aim2, 1);game.tickBase(() => {my.revAim = false;selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(7, 0);buyEquip(19, 1);packet("9", near.aim2, 1);game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;packet("9", undefined, 1);}, 1);}, 1);};this.boostTickType = function() {/*this.isTrue = true;my.autoAim = true;selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(53, 0);buyEquip(11, 1);packet("33", near.aim2);game.tickBase(() => {place(4, near.aim2);selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]);biomeGear();buyEquip(11, 1);sendAutoGather();packet("33", near.aim2);game.tickBase(() => {selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(7, 0);buyEquip(19, 1);packet("33", near.aim2);game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;packet("33", undefined);}, 1);}, 1);}, 1);*/this.isTrue = true;my.autoAim = true;biomeGear();buyEquip(11, 1);packet("9", near.aim2, 1);game.tickBase(() => {if (player.weapons[1] == 15) {my.revAim = true;}selectWeapon(player.weapons[[9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]);buyEquip(53, 0);buyEquip(11, 1);if ([9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1])) {sendAutoGather();}packet("9", near.aim2, 1);place(4, near.aim2);game.tickBase(() => {my.revAim = false;selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(7, 0);buyEquip(19, 1);if (![9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1])) {sendAutoGather();}packet("9", near.aim2, 1);game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();this.isTrue = false;my.autoAim = false;packet("9", undefined, 1);}, 1);}, 1);}, 1);};this.gotoGoal = function(goto, OT) {let slowDists = (weeeee) => weeeee * config.playerScale;let goal = {a: goto - OT,b: goto + OT,c: goto - slowDists(1),d: goto + slowDists(1),e: goto - slowDists(2),f: goto + slowDists(2),g: goto - slowDists(4),h: goto + slowDists(4)};let bQ = function(wwww, awwww) {if (player.y2 >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && player.y2 <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2 && awwww == 0) {buyEquip(31, 0);} else {buyEquip(wwww, awwww);}}if (enemy.length) {let dst = near.dist2;this.ticking = true;if (dst >= goal.a && dst <= goal.b) {bQ(22, 0);bQ(11, 1);if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]);}return {dir: undefined,action: 1};} else {if (dst < goal.a) {if (dst >= goal.g) {if (dst >= goal.e) {if (dst >= goal.c) {bQ(40, 0);bQ(10, 1);if (configs.slowOT) {player.buildIndex != player.items[1] && selectToBuild(player.items[1]);} else {if ((player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]);}}} else {bQ(22, 0);bQ(19, 1);if ((player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]);}}} else {bQ(6, 0);bQ(12, 1);if ((player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]);}}} else {biomeGear();bQ(11, 1);if ((player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]);}}return {dir: near.aim2 + Math.PI,action: 0};} else if (dst > goal.b) {if (dst <= goal.h) {if (dst <= goal.f) {if (dst <= goal.d) {bQ(40, 0);bQ(9, 1);if (configs.slowOT) {player.buildIndex != player.items[1] && selectToBuild(player.items[1]);} else {if ((player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]);}}} else {bQ(22, 0);bQ(19, 1);if ((player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]);}}} else {bQ(6, 0);bQ(12, 1);if ((player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]);}}} else {biomeGear();bQ(11, 1);if ((player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]);}}return {dir: near.aim2,action: 0};}return {dir: undefined,action: 0};}} else {this.ticking = false;return {dir: undefined,action: 0};}}/** wait 1 tick for better quality */this.bowMovement = function() {let moveMent = this.gotoGoal(685, 3);if (moveMent.action) {if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && !this.isTrue) {this.rangeType("ageInsta");} else {packet("9", moveMent.dir, 1);}} else {packet("9", moveMent.dir, 1);}},this.testMovement = function () {let move1 = this.gotoGoal(1440, 3);if(move1.action) {io.send("6", "test complete")} else {packet("9", Number.MAX_VALUE)}},this.tickMovement = function() {const trap1 = gameObjects.filter((e) => e.trap && e.active).sort((a, b) => UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2)).find((trap) => {const trapDist = Math.hypot(trap.y - near.y2, trap.x - near.x2);return (trap !== player &&(player.sid === trap.owner.sid || findAllianceBySid(trap.owner.sid)) &&trapDist <= 50);});let moveMent = this.gotoGoal(([10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) && player.y2 > config.snowBiomeTop) ? 240 : player.weapons[1] == 15 ? 250 : player.y2 <= config.snowBiomeTop ? [10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 270 : 265 : 275, 3);if (moveMent.action) {if ((![6, 22].includes(near.skinIndex) || [6, 22].includes(near.skinIndex) && trap1) && player.reloads[53] == 0 && !this.isTrue) {([10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) && player.y2 > config.snowBiomeTop) || (player.weapons[1] == 15) ? this.oneTickType() : this.threeOneTickType();if ([6, 22].includes(near.skinIndex) && trap1) io.send('6', 'p_OT [1/3]');} else {packet("9", moveMent.dir, 1);}} else {packet("9", moveMent.dir, 1);}},this.kmTickMovement = function() {let moveMent = this.gotoGoal(240, 3);if (moveMent.action) {if (near.skinIndex != 22 && player.reloads[53] == 0 && !this.isTrue && ((game.tick - near.poisonTick) % config.serverUpdateRate == 8)) {this.kmTickType();} else {packet("9", moveMent.dir, 1);}} else {packet("9", moveMent.dir, 1);}},this.boostTickMovement = function() {let dist = player.weapons[1] == 9 ? 365 : player.weapons[1] == 12 ? 380 : player.weapons[1] == 13 ? 390 : player.weapons[1] == 15 ? 365 : 370;let actionDist = player.weapons[1] == 9 ? 2 : player.weapons[1] == 12 ? 1.5 : player.weapons[1] == 13 ? 1.5 : player.weapons[1] == 15 ? 2 : 3;let moveMent = this.gotoGoal(dist, actionDist);if (moveMent.action) {if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && !this.isTrue) {this.boostTickType();} else {packet("9", moveMent.dir, 1);}} else {packet("9", moveMent.dir, 1);}}/** wait 1 tick for better quality */this.perfCheck = function(pl, nr) {if (nr.weaponIndex == 11 && UTILS.getAngleDist(nr.aim2 + Math.PI, nr.d2) <= config.shieldAngle) return false;if (![9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1])) return true;let pjs = {x: nr.x2 + (70 * Math.cos(nr.aim2 + Math.PI)),y: nr.y2 + (70 * Math.sin(nr.aim2 + Math.PI))};if (UTILS.lineInRect(pl.x2 - pl.scale, pl.y2 - pl.scale, pl.x2 + pl.scale, pl.y2 + pl.scale, pjs.x, pjs.y, pjs.x, pjs.y)) {return true;}let finds = ais.filter(tmp => tmp.visible).find((tmp) => {if (UTILS.lineInRect(tmp.x2 - tmp.scale, tmp.y2 - tmp.scale, tmp.x2 + tmp.scale, tmp.y2 + tmp.scale, pjs.x, pjs.y, pjs.x, pjs.y)) {return true;}});if (finds) return false;finds = gameObjects.filter(tmp => tmp.active).find((tmp) => {let tmpScale = tmp.getScale();if (!tmp.ignoreCollision && UTILS.lineInRect(tmp.x - tmpScale, tmp.y - tmpScale, tmp.x + tmpScale, tmp.y + tmpScale, pjs.x, pjs.y, pjs.x, pjs.y)) {return true;}});if (finds) return false;return true;}}};class Autobuy {constructor(buyHat, buyAcc) {this.hat = function() {buyHat.forEach((id) => {let find = findID(hats, id);if (find && !player.skins[id] && player.points >= find.price) packet("c", 1, id, 0);});};this.acc = function() {buyAcc.forEach((id) => {let find = findID(accessories, id);if (find && !player.tails[id] && player.points >= find.price) packet("c", 1, id, 1);});};}};class Autoupgrade {constructor() {this.sb = function(upg) {upg(3);upg(17);upg(31);upg(23);upg(9);upg(38);};this.kh = function(upg) {upg(3);upg(17);upg(31);upg(23);upg(10);upg(38);upg(4);upg(25);};this.pb = function(upg) {upg(5);upg(17);upg(32);upg(23);upg(9);upg(38);};this.ph = function(upg) {upg(5);upg(17);upg(32);upg(23);upg(10);upg(38);upg(28);upg(25);};this.db = function(upg) {upg(7);upg(17);upg(31);upg(23);upg(9);upg(34);};/* old functions */this.km = function(upg) {upg(7);upg(17);upg(31);upg(23);upg(10);upg(38);upg(4);upg(15);};};};class Damages {constructor(items) {// 0.75 1 1.125 1.5this.calcDmg = function(dmg, val) {return dmg * val;};this.getAllDamage = function(dmg) {return [this.calcDmg(dmg, 0.75), dmg, this.calcDmg(dmg, 1.125), this.calcDmg(dmg, 1.5)];};this.weapons = [];for (let i = 0; i < items.weapons.length; i++) {let wp = items.weapons[i];let name = wp.name.split(" ").length <= 1 ? wp.name : (wp.name.split(" ")[0] + "_" + wp.name.split(" ")[1]);this.weapons.push(this.getAllDamage(i > 8 ? wp.Pdmg : wp.dmg));this[name] = this.weapons[i];}}}/** CLASS CODES */// jumpscare code warnlet tmpList = [];// LOADING:let UTILS = new Utils();let items = new Items();let objectManager = new Objectmanager(GameObject, gameObjects, UTILS, config);let store = new Store();let hats = store.hats;let accessories = store.accessories;let projectileManager = new ProjectileManager(Projectile, projectiles, players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS);let aiManager = new AiManager(ais, AI, players, items, null, config, UTILS);let textManager = new Textmanager();let traps = new Traps(UTILS, items);let instaC = new Instakill();let autoBuy = new Autobuy([15, 31, 6, 7, 22, 12, 53, 20, 40], [11, 13, 19, 18, 21]);let autoUpgrade = new Autoupgrade();let lastDeath;let minimapData;let mapMarker = {};let mapPings = [];let tmpPing;let breakTrackers = [];let pathFindTest = 0;let grid = [];let pathFind = {active: true,grid: 1440,scale: 40,x: 14400,y: 14400,chaseNear: false,array: [],lastX: this.grid / 2,lastY: this.grid / 2};function sendChat(message) {packet("6", message.slice(0, 30));}let runAtNextTick = [];function checkProjectileHolder(x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, layer, sid) {let weaponIndx = indx == 0 ? 9 : indx == 2 ? 12 : indx == 3 ? 13 : indx == 5 && 15;let projOffset = config.playerScale * 2;let projXY = {x: indx == 1 ? x : x - projOffset * Math.cos(dir),y: indx == 1 ? y : y - projOffset * Math.sin(dir),};let nearPlayer = players.filter((e) => e.visible && UTILS.getDist(projXY, e, 0, 2) <= e.scale).sort(function(a, b) {return UTILS.getDist(projXY, a, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(projXY, b, 0, 2);})[0];if (nearPlayer) {if (indx == 1) {nearPlayer.shooting[53] = 1;} else {nearPlayer.shootIndex = weaponIndx;nearPlayer.shooting[1] = 1;antiProj(nearPlayer, dir, range, speed, indx, weaponIndx);}}}let projectileCount = 0;function antiProj(tmpObj, dir, range, speed, index, weaponIndex) {if (!tmpObj.isTeam(player)) {tmpDir = UTILS.getDirect(player, tmpObj, 2, 2);if (UTILS.getAngleDist(tmpDir, dir) <= 0.2) {tmpObj.bowThreat[weaponIndex]++;if (index == 5) {projectileCount++;}setTimeout(() => {tmpObj.bowThreat[weaponIndex]--;if (index == 5) {projectileCount--;}}, range / speed);if (tmpObj.bowThreat[9] >= 1 && (tmpObj.bowThreat[12] >= 1 || tmpObj.bowThreat[15] >= 1)) {place(1, tmpObj.aim2);my.anti0Tick = 4;if (configs.combatWarnings) {player.chat.message = "Bow Insta [ 2 ]";player.chat.count = 1500;}if (!my.antiSync) {antiSyncHealing(4);}} else {if (projectileCount >= 2) {place(1, tmpObj.aim2);my.anti0Tick = 4;if (configs.combatWarnings) {player.chat.message = "Ranged Sync [ 5 ]";player.chat.count = 1500;}if (!my.antiSync) {antiSyncHealing(4);}}}}}}// SHOW ITEM INFO:function showItemInfo(item, isWeapon, isStoreItem) {if (player && item) {UTILS.removeAllChildren(itemInfoHolder);itemInfoHolder.classList.add("visible");UTILS.generateElement({id: "itemInfoName",text: UTILS.capitalizeFirst(item.name),parent: itemInfoHolder});UTILS.generateElement({id: "itemInfoDesc",text: item.desc,parent: itemInfoHolder});if (isStoreItem) {} else if (isWeapon) {UTILS.generateElement({class: "itemInfoReq",text: !item.type ? "primary" : "secondary",parent: itemInfoHolder});} else {for (let i = 0; i < item.req.length; i += 2) {UTILS.generateElement({class: "itemInfoReq",html: item.req[i] + "<span class='itemInfoReqVal'> x" + item.req[i + 1] + "</span>",parent: itemInfoHolder});}if (item.group.limit) {UTILS.generateElement({class: "itemInfoLmt",text: (player.itemCounts[item.group.id] || 0) + "/" + (config.isSandbox ? 99 : item.group.limit),parent: itemInfoHolder});}}} else {itemInfoHolder.classList.remove("visible");}}// RESIZE:window.addEventListener("resize", UTILS.checkTrusted(resize));function resize() {screenWidth = window.innerWidth;screenHeight = window.innerHeight;let scaleFillNative = Math.max(screenWidth / maxScreenWidth, screenHeight / maxScreenHeight) * pixelDensity;gameCanvas.width = screenWidth * pixelDensity;gameCanvas.height = screenHeight * pixelDensity;gameCanvas.style.width = screenWidth + "px";gameCanvas.style.height = screenHeight + "px";mainContext.setTransform(scaleFillNative, 0,0, scaleFillNative,(screenWidth * pixelDensity - (maxScreenWidth * scaleFillNative)) / 2,(screenHeight * pixelDensity - (maxScreenHeight * scaleFillNative)) / 2);}resize();// MOUSE INPUT:const mals = document.getElementById('touch-controls-fullscreen');mals.style.display = 'block';mals.addEventListener("mousemove", gameInput, false);function gameInput(e) {mouseX = e.clientX;mouseY = e.clientY;}let clicks = {left: false,middle: false,right: false,};mals.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseDown, false);function mouseDown(e) {if (attackState != 1) {attackState = 1;if (e.button == 0) {clicks.left = true;} else if (e.button == 1) {clicks.middle = true;} else if (e.button == 2) {clicks.right = true;}}}mals.addEventListener("mouseup", UTILS.checkTrusted(mouseUp));function mouseUp(e) {if (attackState != 0) {attackState = 0;if (e.button == 0) {clicks.left = false;} else if (e.button == 1) {clicks.middle = false;} else if (e.button == 2) {clicks.right = false;}}}mals.addEventListener("wheel", wheel, false);function wheel(e) {if (e.deltaY < 0) {my.reSync = true;} else {my.reSync = false;}}// INPUT UTILS:function getMoveDir() {let dx = 0;let dy = 0;for (let key in moveKeys) {let tmpDir = moveKeys[key];dx += !!keys[key] * tmpDir[0];dy += !!keys[key] * tmpDir[1];}return dx == 0 && dy == 0 ? undefined : Math.atan2(dy, dx);}function getSafeDir() {if (!player)return 0;if (!player.lockDir) {lastDir = Math.atan2(mouseY - (screenHeight / 2), mouseX - (screenWidth / 2));}return lastDir || 0;}let plusDir = 0;let lastSpin = Date.now();function isNearPlayer() {return near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && !traps.inTrap;buyEquip(21, 1);}function getAttackDir(debug) {if (debug) {if (!player)return "0";if (my.autoAim || (isNearPlayer() && clicks.left && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0)) {lastDir = getEl("weaponGrind").checked ? "getSafeDir()" : enemy.length ? my.revAim ? "(near.aim2 + Math.PI)" : "near.aim2" : "getSafeDir()";} else if (clicks.right && player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) {lastDir = "getSafeDir()";} else if (traps.inTrap && player.reloads[traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) {lastDir = "traps.aim";} else if (!player.lockDir) {if (configs.noDir) return "undefined";lastDir = "getSafeDir()";}return lastDir;} else {if (!player)return 0;if (my.autoAim || (isNearPlayer() && clicks.left && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0)) {lastDir = getEl("weaponGrind").checked ? getSafeDir() : enemy.length ? my.revAim ? (near.aim2 + Math.PI) : near.aim2 : getSafeDir();} else if (clicks.right && player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) {lastDir = getSafeDir();} else if (traps.inTrap && player.reloads[traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) {lastDir = traps.aim;} else if (!player.lockDir) {if (configs.noDir) return undefined;lastDir = getSafeDir();}return lastDir || 0;}}function getVisualDir() {if (!player)return 0;if (my.autoAim || (isNearPlayer() && clicks.left && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0)) {lastDir = getEl("weaponGrind").checked ? getSafeDir() : enemy.length ? my.revAim ? (near.aim2 + Math.PI) : near.aim2 : getSafeDir();} else if (clicks.right && player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) {lastDir = getSafeDir();} else if (traps.inTrap && player.reloads[traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) {lastDir = traps.aim;} else if (!player.lockDir) {lastDir = getSafeDir();}return lastDir || 0;}// KEYS:function keysActive() {return (allianceMenu.style.display != "block" &&chatHolder.style.display != "block" &&!menuCBFocus);}function toggleMenuChat() {if (menuChatDiv.style.display != "none") {chatHolder.style.display = "none";if (menuChatBox.value != "") {//commands[command.slice(1)]let cmd = function(command) {return {found: command.startsWith("/") && commands[command.slice(1).split(" ")[0]],fv: commands[command.slice(1).split(" ")[0]]}}let command = cmd(menuChatBox.value);if (command.found) {if (typeof command.fv.action === "function") {command.fv.action(menuChatBox.value);}} else {sendChat(menuChatBox.value);}menuChatBox.value = "";menuChatBox.blur();} else {if (menuCBFocus) {menuChatBox.blur();} else {menuChatBox.focus();}}}}function keyDown(event) {let keyNum = event.which || event.keyCode || 0;if (player && player.alive && keysActive()) {if (!keys[keyNum]) {keys[keyNum] = 1;macro[event.key] = 1;if (keyNum == 27) {openMenu = !openMenu;$("#menuDiv").toggle();$("#menuChatDiv").toggle();} else if (keyNum == 69) {sendAutoGather();} else if (keyNum == 222) {instaC.testMovement();} else if (keyNum == 82 && getEl("visualType").value == "ae") {autos.insta.count = Math.floor(Math.random()*8);if (autos.insta.count <= 0) {autos.insta.todo = true;}} else if (keyNum == 67) {updateMapMarker();} else if (player.weapons[keyNum - 49] != undefined) {player.weaponCode = player.weapons[keyNum - 49];} else if (moveKeys[keyNum]) {sendMoveDir();} else if (event.key == "m") {mills.placeSpawnPads = !mills.placeSpawnPads;io.send("6", "")} else if (event.key == "q") {io.send("6", "")setTimeout(() => {io.send("6", "")}, 1000);} else if (event.key == "v") {io.send("6", "")} else if (event.key == "f") {io.send("6", "")} else if (event.key == "h") {io.send("6", "")} else if (event.key == "y") {io.send("6", "")} else if (event.key == "z") {mills.place = !mills.place;} else if (event.key == "Z") {typeof window.debug == "function" && window.debug();} else if (keyNum == 32) {packet("F", 1, getSafeDir(), 1);packet("F", 0, getSafeDir(), 1);} else if (event.key == ",") {player.sync = true;io.send("6", "")}}}}addEventListener("keydown", UTILS.checkTrusted(keyDown));function keyUp(event) {if (player && player.alive) {let keyNum = event.which || event.keyCode || 0;if (keyNum == 13) {// toggleMenuChat();} else if (keysActive()) {if (keys[keyNum]) {keys[keyNum] = 0;macro[event.key] = 0;if (moveKeys[keyNum]) {sendMoveDir();} else if (event.key == ",") {player.sync = false;}}}}}window.addEventListener("keyup", UTILS.checkTrusted(keyUp));function sendMoveDir() {let newMoveDir = getMoveDir();if (lastMoveDir == undefined || newMoveDir == undefined || Math.abs(newMoveDir - lastMoveDir) > 0.3) {if (!my.autoPush) {packet("9", newMoveDir, 1);}lastMoveDir = newMoveDir;player.randDIff = Math.random * Math.PI * 2;}}var enterGameButton = getEl("enterGame");// BUTTON EVENTS:function bindEvents() {enterGameButton.onclick = UTILS.checkTrusted(function() {// START GAME:enterGame();});}bindEvents();/** PATHFIND TEST */function chechPathColl(tmp) {return ((player.scale + tmp.getScale()) / (player.maxSpeed * items.weapons[player.weaponIndex].spdMult)) + (tmp.dmg && !tmp.isTeamObject(player) ? 35 : 0);return tmp.colDiv == 0.5 ? (tmp.scale * tmp.colDiv) :!tmp.isTeamObject(player) && tmp.dmg ? (tmp.scale + player.scale) :tmp.isTeamObject(player) && tmp.trap ? 0 : tmp.scale;}function checkObject() {let checkColl = gameObjects.filter(tmp => player.canSee(tmp) && tmp.active);for (let y = 0; y < pathFind.grid; y++) {grid[y] = [];for (let x = 0; x < pathFind.grid; x++) {let tmpXY = {x: (player.x2 - (pathFind.scale / 2)) + ((pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid) * x),y: (player.y2 - (pathFind.scale / 2)) + ((pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid) * y)}if (UTILS.getDist(pathFind.chaseNear ? near : pathFind, tmpXY, pathFind.chaseNear ? 2 : 0, 0) <= (pathFind.chaseNear ? 35 : 60)) {pathFind.lastX = x;pathFind.lastY = y;grid[y][x] = 0;continue;}let find = checkColl.find(tmp => UTILS.getDist(tmp, tmpXY, 0, 0) <= chechPathColl(tmp));if (find) {if (find.trap) {grid[y][x] = 0;continue;}grid[y][x] = 1;} else {grid[y][x] = 0;}}}}function toFancyTimeFormat(time) {let minutes = ~~((time % 3600) / 60);let seconds = ~~time % 60;if (seconds <= 9) seconds = `0${seconds}`;return `${minutes}:${seconds}`;}let cSp = false;//   if(document.getElementById("songy").value == 1 && player && !cSp) {//       cH();//       cSp = true;//       io.send("6", "started");//   }//LMFAO QUASAR SONGS WHY SO BIGfunction sn(m) {sendChat(m);}//  setInterval(() => {//     console.log(document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase());//   }, 0);//   if(player)//      setInterval(() => {//          sn("aaa");//       }, 250);function cH(){if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We at the top again, now what?");}else{return;}}, 16000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Heavy lay the crown, but");}else{return;}}, 18000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Count us");}else{return;}}, 20000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Higher than the mountain");}else{return;}}, 21000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("And we be up here");}else{return;}}, 23000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("for the long run");}else{return;}}, 24000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Strap in for a long one");}else{return;}}, 25000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We got everybody on one");}else{return;}}, 27000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Now you're coming at the king");}else{return;}}, 29000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("so you better not miss");}else{return;}}, 31000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("And we only get stronger");}else{return;}}, 33000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("With everthing I carry");}else{return;}}, 36000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("up on my back");}else{return;}}, 37000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("you should paint it up");}else{return;}}, 39000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("with a target");}else{return;}}, 41000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Why would you dare me to");}else{return;}}, 46000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("do it again?");}else{return;}}, 47000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Come get your spoiler up ahead");}else{return;}}, 50000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We're taking over,");}else{return;}}, 53000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We're taking over");}else{return;}}, 56000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Look at you come at my name,");}else{return;}}, 61000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("you 'oughta know by now,");}else{return;}}, 63000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("That We're Taking Over,");}else{return;}}, 66000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We're Taking Over");}else{return;}}, 69000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Maybe you wonder what");}else{return;}}, 74000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("you're futures gonna be, but");}else{return;}}, 75000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I got it all locked up");}else{return;}}, 77000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Take a lap, now");}else{return;}}, 93000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Don't be mad, now");}else{return;}}, 95000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Run it back, run it back,");}else{return;}}, 97000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("run it back, now");}else{return;}}, 98000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I got bodies lining up,");}else{return;}}, 100000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("think you're dreaming");}else{return;}}, 101000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("of greatness?");}else{return;}}, 102000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Send you back home,");}else{return;}}, 103000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("let you wake up");}else{return;}}, 105000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Why would you dare me to");}else{return;}}, 110000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("do it again?");}else{return;}}, 111000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Come get your spoiler up ahead");}else{return;}}, 114000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We're taking over,");}else{return;}}, 117000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We're taking over");}else{return;}}, 120000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Look at you come at my name,");}else{return;}}, 125000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("you 'oughta know by now,");}else{return;}}, 127000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("That We're Taking Over,");}else{return;}}, 130000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We're Taking Over");}else{return;}}, 133000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Maybe you wonder what");}else{return;}}, 138000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("you're futures gonna be, but");}else{return;}}, 140000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I got it all locked up");}else{return;}}, 141000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("After all, what still exists");}else{return;}}, 157000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("except for fights");}else{return;}}, 158000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Around me,");}else{return;}}, 160000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("the keyboard is clicking,");}else{return;}}, 161000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("the clock is ticking");}else{return;}}, 162000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Still not enough, let me");}else{return;}}, 164000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("protect your persistence");}else{return;}}, 165000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Do not worry about the future");}else{return;}}, 166000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("even if it's too late");}else{return;}}, 167000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Let out the fight,");}else{return;}}, 168000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("right at this moment");}else{return;}}, 169000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I got the heart of lion");}else{return;}}, 170000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I know the higher you climbing");}else{return;}}, 171000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("the harder you fall");}else{return;}}, 172000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I'm at the top of the mount");}else{return;}}, 173000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Too many bodies to count,");}else{return;}}, 174000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I've been through it all");}else{return;}}, 175000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I had to weather the storm");}else{return;}}, 176000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("to get to level I'm on");}else{return;}}, 178000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("That's how the legend was born");}else{return;}}, 179000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("All of my enemies already dead");}else{return;}}, 180000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I'm bored, I'm ready for more");}else{return;}}, 182000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("They know I'm ready for war");}else{return;}}, 183000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I told em");}else{return;}}, 184000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We're Taking Over,");}else{return;}}, 185000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We're Taking Over");}else{return;}}, 186000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Look at you come at my name,");}else{return;}}, 192000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("you 'oughta know by now,");}else{return;}}, 194000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("That We're Taking Over,");}else{return;}}, 197000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We're Taking Over");}else{return;}}, 200000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Maybe you wonder what");}else{return;}}, 205000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("you're futures gonna be, but");}else{return;}}, 206000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I got it all locked up");}else{return;}}, 208000);}else{return;}}function cH2(){if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I love you so much");}else{return;}}, 13000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I am a registered s*x offender");}else{return;}}, 16000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I stuck my d*ck into a blender");}else{return;}}, 18000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Your mom is a transgender");}else{return;}}, 20000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I am a professional");}else{return;}}, 22000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("nude sender");}else{return;}}, 23000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("You know that I be dominating");}else{return;}}, 24000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("My c*ck and balls are rotating");}else{return;}}, 26000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Ice on my wrist,");}else{return;}}, 28000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I could go skating");}else{return;}}, 29000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Between thick thighs,");}else{return;}}, 30000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I'm suffocating");}else{return;}}, 31000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I have a huge f*cking c*ck");}else{return;}}, 32000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I nut inside of my sock");}else{return;}}, 34000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I walk around in crocks");}else{return;}}, 36000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("While my d*ck is harder");}else{return;}}, 38000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("than a rock");}else{return;}}, 39000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I f*ck b*tches in school");}else{return;}}, 40000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Cause you know");}else{return;}}, 42000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I'm ####ing cool");}else{return;}}, 43000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I jump inside of my pool");}else{return;}}, 44000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I take a hit from juul");}else{return;}}, 46000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I don't actually smoke");}else{return;}}, 48000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("But it'd make your b*tch choke");}else{return;}}, 50000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Once I give someone a stroke");}else{return;}}, 52000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("My c*ck is hard like oak");}else{return;}}, 54000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("You know I'm dropping fire");}else{return;}}, 56000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("You could sing my songs");}else{return;}}, 58000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("the the choir");}else{return;}}, 590000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("They call me Quagmire");}else{return;}}, 60000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("No they don't but");}else{return;}}, 62000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("at least it rhymes");}else{return;}}, 63000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Ay!");}else{return;}}, 64000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Alright everyone,");}else{return;}}, 66000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("sing along for this next part!");}else{return;}}, 67000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I nutted inside you mooo-ooom");}else{return;}}, 72000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Yeah!");}else{return;}}, 76000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Ay!");}else{return;}}, 78000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I nutted inside you mooo-ooom");}else{return;}}, 80000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Woooh!");}else{return;}}, 84000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Alright, here we go!");}else{return;}}, 86000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I love you so much");}else{return;}}, 93000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("AY AY AY AY!");}else{return;}}, 94000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("You know I love being a s*xist");}else{return;}}, 96000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I eat p*ssy for breakfast");}else{return;}}, 98000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Ice on my necklace");}else{return;}}, 100000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I had s*x with my dentist");}else{return;}}, 102000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("My fanbase is getting bigger");}else{return;}}, 104000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Your hoe is a gold digger");}else{return;}}, 106000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("I wear Tommy Hilfiger");}else{return;}}, 108000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("While I pull on the trigger");}else{return;}}, 110000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Woah, woah, woah");}else{return;}}, 112000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("that was risky");}else{return;}}, 113000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("My b*tch just turned 60");}else{return;}}, 114000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("She knows my c*m is sticky");}else{return;}}, 116000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("But her p*ssy is squeaky");}else{return;}}, 118000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("like Mickey");}else{return;}}, 119000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("My lines are hotter");}else{return;}}, 120000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("than the stars");}else{return;}}, 121000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("When I'm dropping");}else{return;}}, 122000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("these crazy bars");}else{return;}}, 123000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("My c*m has filled jars");}else{return;}}, 124000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("And stained so many cars");}else{return;}}, 126000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Ay");}else{return;}}, 129000);}else{return;}}function cH3(){if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("As a child you would wait");}else{return;}}, 6000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("And watch from far away");}else{return;}}, 9000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("But you always knew");}else{return;}}, 12000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("that you'd be the one");}else{return;}}, 14000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("That work while they all play");}else{return;}}, 15000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("In youth you'd lay");}else{return;}}, 18000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Awake at night and scheme");}else{return;}}, 21000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Of all the things");}else{return;}}, 24000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("that you would change");}else{return;}}, 26000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("But it was just a dream");}else{return;}}, 27000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Here we are,");}else{return;}}, 31000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Don't turn away now");}else{return;}}, 33000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We are the warriors");}else{return;}}, 37000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("that built this town");}else{return;}}, 39000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Here we are");}else{return;}}, 43000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Don't turn away now");}else{return;}}, 45000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We are the warriors");}else{return;}}, 49000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("that built this town");}else{return;}}, 51000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("From dust");}else{return;}}, 55000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("The time will come");}else{return;}}, 57000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("When you'll have to rise");}else{return;}}, 58000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Above the best");}else{return;}}, 61000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("and prove yourself");}else{return;}}, 63000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Your spirit never dies");}else{return;}}, 64000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Farewell, I've gone");}else{return;}}, 67000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("to take my throne above");}else{return;}}, 71000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("But don't weep for me");}else{return;}}, 73000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("'Cause this will be");}else{return;}}, 75000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("The labor of my love");}else{return;}}, 77000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Here we are,");}else{return;}}, 80000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Don't turn away now");}else{return;}}, 82000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We are the warriors");}else{return;}}, 86000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("that built this town");}else{return;}}, 89000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Here we are");}else{return;}}, 92000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Don't turn away now");}else{return;}}, 94000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We are the warriors");}else{return;}}, 98000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("that built this town");}else{return;}}, 101000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("From dust");}else{return;}}, 104000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Here we are,");}else{return;}}, 129000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Don't turn away now");}else{return;}}, 132000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We are the warriors");}else{return;}}, 136000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("that built this town");}else{return;}}, 138000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Here we are");}else{return;}}, 142000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Don't turn away now");}else{return;}}, 144000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("We are the warriors");}else{return;}}, 148000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("that built this town");}else{return;}}, 150000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("From dust");}else{return;}}, 154000);}else{return;}}function cH4(){if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Legends never die");}else{return;}}, 12000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("when the world is calling you");}else{return;}}, 16000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Can you hear them");}else{return;}}, 19000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("screaming out your name?");}else{return;}}, 21000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Legends never die");}else{return;}}, 25000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("they become a part of you");}else{return;}}, 29000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Every time you bleed");}else{return;}}, 33000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("for reaching greatness");}else{return;}}, 35000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Relentless you survive");}else{return;}}, 39000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("They never lose hope");}else{return;}}, 43000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("when everything's cold");}else{return;}}, 45000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("and the fighting's near");}else{return;}}, 47000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("It's deep in their bones");}else{return;}}, 50000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("they run into smoke");}else{return;}}, 52000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("when the fire is fierce");}else{return;}}, 54000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("'Oh pick yourself up, cause");}else{return;}}, 57000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Legends never die");}else{return;}}, 60000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("when the world is calling you");}else{return;}}, 64000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Can you hear them");}else{return;}}, 67000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("screaming out your name?");}else{return;}}, 69000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Legends never die");}else{return;}}, 74000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("they become a part of you");}else{return;}}, 77000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Every time you bleed");}else{return;}}, 81000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("for reaching greatness,");}else{return;}}, 83000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Legends never die");}else{return;}}, 87000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("They're written down");}else{return;}}, 91000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("in eternity");}else{return;}}, 92000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("But you'll never see");}else{return;}}, 94000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("the price it costs,");}else{return;}}, 97000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("the scars collected");}else{return;}}, 100000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("all their lives");}else{return;}}, 102000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("When everything's lost");}else{return;}}, 105000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("they pick up their hearts");}else{return;}}, 107000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("and avenge defeat");}else{return;}}, 109000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Before it all starts,");}else{return;}}, 112000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("they suffer through harm");}else{return;}}, 114000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("just to touch a dream");}else{return;}}, 115000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("'Oh pick yourself up, cause");}else{return;}}, 118000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Legends never die");}else{return;}}, 121000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("when the world is calling you");}else{return;}}, 125000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Can you hear them");}else{return;}}, 129000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("screaming out your name?");}else{return;}}, 130000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Legends never die");}else{return;}}, 135000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("they become a part of you");}else{return;}}, 139000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Every time you bleed");}else{return;}}, 143000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("for reaching greatness,");}else{return;}}, 145000);setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){sn("Legends never die");}else{return;}}, 149000);}else{return;}}function cH5(){if(cSp){setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("No there ain't no stopping us.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Fly without boarding pass.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Couldn't catch me");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("I be moving fast.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Call me a shooting star.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Lend all you are.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Flyin' up in a bar.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Wish on a star.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Time to show' em");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("who's in charge");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Call me a shooting star.");cH6()}else{return;}}, 3000);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 3000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 3000);}else{return;}}, 3000);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 3000);}else{return;}}, 3000);}else{return;}}, 5000);}else{return;}}function cH6(){if(cSp){setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Shootin' stars!");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Didn't even get to guns");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("I said I'm moving to fast!");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Get to guns");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("You lookin' at shooting star.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Got more than a couple");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("of people going mad");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("I swear they're rooting hard.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("To the my be big in the game");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("now she went and");cH7()}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 600);}else{return;}}, 600);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 17000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 26000);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 12000);}else{return;}}function cH7(){if(cSp){setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("got them breast implants.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("I said I'm moving to fast,");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("didn't even get to guns!");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("I'm ready to eat up track like");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("I'm seated in a restaurant.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("If you had like swag like mine");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("you'd know it's best to flaunt.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("We are, hey in");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("because you aren't.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Shining like Disney & Young.");cH8()}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 1500);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}function cH8(){if(cSp){setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Drop like Kings of Leon.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Shooting stars");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("across the galaxy.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("I stand out so");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("don't be mad at me.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Infiltration win my strategy.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("When I turn up they");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("gonna just have to leave.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Shooting stars");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("across the galaxy.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("I stand out so");cH9()}else{return;}}, 3000);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 3000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 750);}else{return;}}, 3000);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}function cH9(){if(cSp){setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("don't be mad at me.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Infiltration win my strategy.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("When I turn up they");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("gonna just have to leave.");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Yao, yao, yao");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Shoot, shoot, shoot");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Yao, yao, yao");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Shoot, shoot, shoot");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Yao, yao, yao");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Shootin', shootin', shootin'");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Yao, yao, yao");cH10()}else{return;}}, 2500);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 2500);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 2500);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 2500);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 3000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 750);}else{return;}}function cH10(){if(cSp){setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Shootin' shots!");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Shooting stars!");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Shooting stars!");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Shooting stars!");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Shooting stars!");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Didn't even get to guns");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("I said I'm moving to fast!");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){sn("Get to guns");setTimeout(()=>{if(cSp){cH5()}else{return;}}, 48000);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 25000);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 2000);}else{return;}}, 7000);}else{return;}}, 1000);}else{return;}}var songs = [{name: "Rival - Lonely Way",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851750266256228392/1092072385827582002/Rival_-_Lonely_Way.mp3",sync: {"7:53": "I don't wanna fight, anymore","13:12": "Just turn around and leave me","19:63": "The tear in my eye","22:70": "drops on the floor","25:300": "Alongside my spear","33:530": "My....","35:40": "Knees, are drenched..","39:83": "in the blood","41:3": "I've spilt just to get here","45:730": "When I look","48:45": "Around me...","52:550": "Everything I had","54:20": "Went up in flames","56:100": "My Lonely Way","1:16:680": "When I look","1:19:63": "Around me...","1:23:420": "Everything I had","1:25:15": "Went up in flames","1:27:60": "My Lonely Way","1:55:30": "I never pray to god, anymore","2:1:530": "I'd rather no one heard, me","2:7:550": "Redemption, I have waited","2:10:900": "for you, to come","2:13:950": "And drown all my sins","2:25:13": "My...","2:26:730": "Knees, are drenched..","2:31:3": "in the blood","2:32:270": "I've spilt just to get here","2:37:34": "When I look","2:39:920": "Around me...","2:44:30": "Everything I had","2:45:150": "Went up in flames","2:48:34": "My Lonely Way","3:1:900": "When I-","3:8:950": "Everything I had","3:10:96": "Went up in flames","3:12:230": "My Lonely Way",},}, {name: "Rival - Throne",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851750266256228392/1092477220083216435/Rival_-_Throne_ft._Neoni_Lost_Identities_Remix_NCS_Release.mp3",sync: {"10:843": "So you wanna","11:883": "go to war with me","13:850": "You're talking like","14:451": "you think you're royalty","18:8": "You think that I'm afraid","21:12": "But I don't break","22:850": "I heard you question","23:720": "my stability?","25:780": "You think I'll fall","26:450": "just like a guillotine","30:5": "But I am here to stay","33:1": "Won't look away.","37:320": "A storm is coming","40:40": "So you best start running","43:70": "No you can't control","44:733": "feel it in my bones","46:220": "I'm coming for the,","47:125": "Coming for the","48:63": "Ohhh","49:120": "Ohhhhh","50:930": "Ohhh","52:60": "Ohhhhhh","54:54": "Ohhhh","58:820": "I'm coming for the throne","1:10:900": "I'm coming for the throne",},}, {name: "Rival - Be Gone",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851750266256228392/1092049138855723082/Rival_-_Be_Gone_ft._Caravn.mp3",sync: {"6:73": "You","7:83": "You just walk","8:30": "Right out the door","10:51": "Don't wanna do this","11:880": "Anymore","13:90": "Now I'm lost without you","18:750": "You","19:820": "Drive me crazy out my mind","22:990": "How'd you do this every time?","25:930": "Now I'm lost without you","30:93": "Used to be the one I talk","33:80": "to when I'm sad","36:300": "Can't you see","37:940": "now tainted love","39:100": "is all we have?","42:63": "Our issues run so deep","43:950": "Now when I try to sleep","45:440": "I feel so bad","49:5": "I should leave","50:370": "and by the time","52:3": "it's dawn","54:139": "I'll be gone","1:14:5": "I should leave","1:15:120": "and by the time","1:17:1": "it's dawn","1:19:430": "I'll be gone","1:58:220": "You're","1:59:150": "so distant when you're home","2:2:570": "Always hanging","2:3:280": "By your phone","2:5:820": "Do I even know you?","2:10:150": "And I","2:12:10": "get paranoid sometimes","2:15:30": "Cause I know","2:16:60": "that you ain't mine","2:18:70": "And I'm lost without you","2:22:200": "Used to be the one I talk","2:25:99": "to when I'm sad","2:28:830": "Can't you see","2:30:40": "now tainted love","2:31:200": "is all we have?","2:34:180": "Our issues run so deep","2:36:30": "Now when I try to sleep","2:37:735": "I feel so bad","2:41:30": "I should leave","2:42:630": "and by the time","2:44:48": "it's dawn","2:46:800": "I'll be gone","2:59:45": "I'll be gone",},}, {name: "Rival - Walls",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851750266256228392/1091412065396195338/rival-walls-ft-bryan-finlay.mp3",sync: {"2:543": "I was ready","4:653": "to surrender my heart","7:80": "to you...","9:651": "only you....","13:20": "These lights all around me","15:40": "keep blinding my eyes","18:20": "from you...","20:73": "and the truth","24:5": "Don't tell me,","24:750": "Don't tell me,","25:80": "Don't tell me why","26:680": "I know, I know","27:420": "no you won't","28:80": "save my life...","30:790": "save my life...","34:90": "If you keep on, you keep on","35:750": "you're making the waves","37:90": "You...","37:850": "And I will never","39:70": "be sane,","42:3": "be sane...","44:789": "If these walls","46:230": "come down...","49:980": "Will you pick me off","53:5": "the groound?...","55:80": "If these walls","57:70": "come down...","1:0:420": "Will you save me,","1:2:68": "or burn me doown?..","1:11:68": "Will you pick me off","1:14:50": "the groound?...","1:22:20": "Will you save me,","1:23:700": "or burn me doown?..","1:32:550": "Will you pick me off","1:35:900": "the groound?...","1:43:50": "Will you save me,","1:45:20": "or burn me doown?..","1:49:80": "I was ready","1:51:75": "to surrender my heart","1:54:8": "to you...","1:56:90": "only you...","1:59:720": "These lights all around me","2:1:980": "keep blinding my eyes","2:4:850": "from you...","2:6:900": "and the truth...","2:10:600": "Don't tell me","2:11:80": "Don't tell me","2:11:980": "Don't tell me why","2:13:70": "I know, I know","2:14:80": "no you won't","2:14:930": "save my life...","2:17:80": "save my life...","2:21:10": "If you keep, you keep on","2:22:320": "you're making the waves","2:23:990": "You...","2:24:570": "And I will never","2:26:1": "be sane,","2:28:420": "be sane...","2:31:80": "If these walls","2:33:78": "come down...","2:36:150": "Will you pick me off","2:39:500": "the groound?...","2:42:1": "If these walls","2:44:1": "come down...","2:47:50": "Will you save me,","2:49:5": "or burn me doown?..","2:58:1": "Will you pick me off","3:1:15": "the groound?...","3:8:50": "Will you save me,","3:10:80": "or burn me doown?..","3:19:30": "Will you pick me off","3:22:60": "the groound?...","3:29:860": "Will you save me,","3:31:700": "or burn me doown?..",},}, {name: "Rival - Control",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1052272022639620168/1098229240907972648/Y2Mate.is_-_Unknown_Brain_x_Rival_-_Control_feat._Jex_NCS_Release-bLZHcnuqscU-1080p-1657559679661.mp4",sync: {"2:50": "Take me in the smoke","3:50": "Breathe me in and let me go","7:00": "Filling the lungs inside you","11:75": "In the black of night","13:50": "Make my way into your mind","17:25": "Just to know what you knew","20:25": "Restless every time","22:50": "We start lockin' eyes","25:00": "Oh, oh, oh, oh","27:00": "Lost control","29:00": "Oh","30:50": "it's paradise","32:00": "With a nasty bite","35:00": "Oh, oh, oh, oh","37:00": "In the dead of the night","47:00": "Let the darkness take control","1:10:0": "Let the darkness take control","1:15:1": "Darkness take control","1:20:1": "May the darkness take control","1:28:1": "Take me in the smoke","1:30:1": "Breathe me in and let me go","1:34:1": "Sink to your heart to find you","1:38:1": "Open up your eyes","1:39:1": "till you're blinded","1:41:1": "by the lies","1:43:1": "So you can see what you do","1:46:1": "Restless every time","1:49:1": "We start lockin' eyes","1:51:1": "Oh, oh, oh, oh","1:54:1": "Lost control","1:56:1": "Oh","1:57:1": "it's paradise","1:59:1": "With a nasty bite","2:1:0": "Oh, oh, oh, oh","2:4:0": "In the dead of the night","2:8:0": "Teardrops on the floor","2:11:0": "The pain is over","2:13:0": "Feel the darkness take control","2:32:0": "May the darkness take control",},}, {name: "Egzod - No Rival",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059159650026659842/1075173234263203861/Egzod_Maestro_Chives_Alaina_Cross_-_No_Rival_NCS_Release.mp3",sync: {"12:679": "Here and now","13:730": "you're coming up to me","15:197": "'Fore I'm lighting up the sky","18:565": "Feel the ground","19:855": "shaking underneath","21:346": "Tryna take me alive","24:415": "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh","26:906": "Get ready for the fallout","30:357": "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh","33:26": "Can't stop me now","35:154": "I got no rival","37:463": "I'ma find my way","39:615": "Through the blood and pain","41:162": "Game of survival","43:463": "Any time or place","45:577": "Watch 'em run away","47:337": "I got no-","49:78": "I'll be standing on my own","51:259": "Never gonna take my thrown","53:389": "I got no rival","55:349": "Watch 'em run away","57:320": "I got no, no, no","58:789": "I got no, no, no rival","1:0:227": "No rival","1:11:329": "No rival","1:17:295": "No Rival","1:24:694": "Tell them now what you gon' do","1:27:265": "We can do this face-to-face","1:30:316": "Reckoning is coming real soon","1:33:254": "Doesn't matter what you say","1:36:175": "Tryna tell you","1:37:203": "listen to the moment","1:38:512": "Can't take mine 'cause I own it","1:42:714": "Don't you know that","1:43:869": "I'm locked and I'm loaded?","1:45:389": "You're out of focus","1:48:202": "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh","1:51:61": "Get ready for the fallout","1:54:362": "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh","1:56:885": "Can't stop me now","1:59:205": "I got no rival","2:1:383": "I'ma find my way","2:3:722": "Through the blood and pain","2:5:242": "Game of survival","2:7:461": "Any time or place","2:9:631": "Watch 'em run away","2:11:210": "I got no-","2:12:959": "I'll be standing on my own","2:15:221": "Never gonna take my throne","2:17:141": "I got no rival","2:19:351": "Watch 'em run away","2:21:221": "I got no, no, no","2:22:770": "I got no, no, no rival","2:24:149": "No rival","2:29:116": "No rival","2:33:194": "I got no, no, no","2:34:695": "I got no, no, no rival","2:41:239": "No rival","2:59:204": "No rival",},}, {name: "do not r###rrect - Necrotic Grip",src: "",sync: {"::": "Back off","::": "I came to play","::": "with my hacksaw","::": "Bash in your brain","::": "with my mask off","::": "Yea try to pray","::": "for the last time","::": "Lame and you mad","::": "but you hate","::": "cuz your cash wrong","::": "I don't want love","::": "I want matte Glocks","::": "I'll eat ya heart","::": "like it's bath salts","::": "I'll leave","::": "his lung on the asphalt","::": "I'll leave","::": "your tongue in a glass jar","::": "Murder with a black SCAR","::": "He don't wanna dump","::": "What the ####","::": "is it that hard?","::": "He don't wanna buck","::": "He respond with a sad bar","::": "Nigga shoulda ducked","::": "but he run like a track star","::": "I came to play","::": "with my hacksaw","::": "I don't want pain","::": "I want matte Glocks","::": "I'll eat ya heart","::": "like it's bath salts","::": "I'll leave","::": "his lung on the asphalt","::": "Now I just be sippin'","::": "sippin'","::": "sippin' slow on the blood","::": "I collect from you ####ers","::": "And I could be vicious","::": "witness never told of","::": "the souls that","::": "I left in my dungeon","::": "Now cuz of my pigment","::": "I been predisposed to unload","::": "and attack in abundance","::": "But that's just","::": "the shit they said","::": "I go and murder cuz simply","::": "the fact that I love it","::": "But it's back to the subject","::": "Stacking bodies by the dozen","::": "Whippin' Audis outta budget","::": "Godly while I'm thumpin'","::": "You would probly","::": "caught a couple","::": "Grippin' probly why","::": "I'm ####ed and","::": "I don't plan on stoppin'","::": "She do molly while we ####in'","::": "Creepin' I might grab a snub","::": "I caught him out in public","::": "Beam, he saw it","::": "'fore it snuffed him","::": "He was talking like he tough","::": "and now he not so lucky","::": "Back off","::": "I came to play","::": "with my hacksaw","::": "Bash in your brain","::": "with my mask off","::": "Yea try to pray","::": "for the last time","::": "Lame and you mad","::": "but you hate","::": "cuz your cash wrong","::": "I don't want love","::": "I want matte Glocks","::": "I'll eat ya heart","::": "like it's bath salts","::": "I'll leave","::": "his lung on the asphalt","::": "I'll leave","::": "your tongue in a glass jar","::": "Murder with a black SCAR","::": "He don't wanna dump","::": "What the ####","::": "is it that hard?","::": "He don't wanna buck","::": "He respond with a sad bar","::": "Nigga shoulda ducked","::": "but he run like a track star","::": "I came to play","::": "with my hacksaw","::": "I don't want pain","::": "I want matte Glocks","::": "I'll eat ya heart","::": "like it's bath salts","::": "I'll leave","::": "his lung on the asphalt","::": "I came to play","::": "with my hacksaw","::": "I don't want pain","::": "I want matte Glocks","::": "I'll eat ya heart","::": "like it's bath salts","::": "I'll leave","::": "his lung on the asphalt","::": "I came to play","::": "with my hacksaw","::": "I don't want pain","::": "I want matte Glocks","::": "I'll eat ya heart","::": "like it's bath salts","::": "I'll leave","::": "his lung on the asphalt",},}, {name: "Witchouse 40k - Black Rainbow",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873309075276959834/1098246319526653994/Grim_Salvo_-_Black_Rainbow_ft._Witchouse40k_Lyrics.mp3",sync: {"3:000": "Terror when she told me, mmm","7:000": "This is what you wanted","11:000": "Somebody to hold me, mmm","15:000": "It's all I ever wanted","19:000": "Terror when she told me, mmm","23:000": "This is what you wanted","27:000": "Somebody to hold me, mmm","31:000": "It's all I ever wanted","35:000": "Mhmm","39:000": "Mhmm","43:000": "Mhmm","47:000": "Mhmm","50:000": "All I've got is time","53:000": "No hands, no crown","58:000": "Eternal the shine","1:1:000": "When no one around","1:5:000": "I’ve had no plans","1:6:000": "on the lately","1:7:000": "Paranoid they smile","1:8:000": "when they hate me","1:9:000": "#### a urinal","1:10:000": "piss in the mainstream","1:11:000": "What I gotta chop off","1:12:000": "so you’ll place me","1:13:000": "Choppin up snakey","1:14:000": "Demons ovеrtake me","1:15:000": "Nevеr had a good reason","1:16:000": "to be hasty","1:17:000": "‘Til the wheels","1:18:000": "fell off of the daydream","1:19:000": "Yeah we would just take it","1:20:000": "when we lazy","1:21:000": "Didn’t hesitate it’s wild","1:22:000": "How we justify omega","1:23:000": "When we get a taste of venom","1:24:000": "Turn a quick fix","1:25:000": "into big dilemma","1:26:000": "I’m a dog","1:27:000": "but I’m not sure","1:28:000": "if I’ll go to heaven","1:30:000": "Thought I knew better","1:31:000": "Sneaking pills from her purse","1:32:000": "Bitch move","1:33:000": "I belong in a hearse","1:34:000": "Addy got me feeling","1:35:000": "like I’m fallin' in reverse","1:36:000": "Patty told me hiding in","1:37:000": "the shadows really","1:38:000": "only gonna make it worse","1:39:000": "Terror when she told me, mmm","1:43:000": "“This is what you wanted”","1:47:000": "Somebody to hold me, mmm","1:51:000": "It's all I ever wanted","1:54:000": "I just wanna—hold it","1:55:000": "A future","1:56:000": "that would’ve been golden","1:57:000": "Rumors of realms","1:58:000": "that don’t wither and fold in","1:59:000": "All I smell is some","2:0:000": "mold in the corners","2:1:000": "What good are you for then?","2:2:000": "Sweeter and more delectable","2:3:000": "that torture","2:4:000": "The more of those horrors","2:5:000": "that tend to enfold them","2:6:000": "Putrid the stench from","2:7:000": "the stables","2:8:000": "Forgotten rotted fable","2:9:000": "scapegoats they holed in","2:10:000": "I paid for your rage","2:11:000": "a million days","2:12:000": "Look at me now on my bullshit","2:13:000": "Bitch I shit on this place","2:14:000": "I was pulled in","2:15:000": "Blood feathers break when","2:16:000": "I shed","2:17:000": "But not ever dead","2:17:000": "Upgrading my cage","2:18:000": "when I’m molting","2:29:000": "Now that I’m free","2:21:000": "what is even illegal?","2:22:000": "Burn the whole church","2:23:000": "'cause they’re perched","2:24:000": "on the steeple","2:25:000": "Go open the door","2:26:000": "but you won’t see no people","2:27:000": "Know some ring wraiths","2:28:000": "that’ll feed on your face","2:28:600": "if you don’t keep","2:28:999": "your distance","2:29:000": "We’re not going back","2:30:000": "it’s a suicide mission","2:31:000": "Lights in my head always","2:32:000": "on every day is","2:33:000": "like Christmas","2:34:000": "Long as there’s one person","2:35:000": "still out there listening","2:36:000": "Then there’s","2:37:000": "still a resistance","2:38:000": "All our dead","2:39:000": "dreams detonated","2:40:000": "right at the core","2:41:000": "of this mold pearl","2:42:000": "We don’t need their assistance","2:43:000": "Wait, hold it","2:44:000": "Now I wield the dusty","2:45:000": "bone blade of the Ogress","2:46:000": "Sold us downriver","2:47:000": "Sold us down the phlegethon","2:48:000": "but we floated","2:49:000": "Just wait…","2:50:000": "'Cause a carpet of bones","2:51:000": "'til there’s nothing left pulsing","2:52:000": "Woefully","2:53:000": "I cannot help","2:54:449": "but to loathe this","2:55:000": "I hope","2:56:000": "that nobody knows this","2:57:000": "I’ll be there to deliver","2:57:000": "the finishing blow like a","2:58:000": "slow kiss","2:59:000": "What does he need?","3:1:000": "Revenge","3:3:000": "For what?","3:5:000": "Being born","3:7:000": "I’m gon' turn into a ghost","3:8:000": "I don’t feel my body","3:10:000": "They say I’m broken","3:11:000": "shattered bones","3:12:000": "I don’t feel nobody","3:14:000": "I’m healing","3:15:000": "scars up in the cold","3:16:000": "leave me frozen now","3:18:000": "I slowly walk a lonely road","3:20:000": "I can’t save myself","3:22:000": "Glock on me","3:23:000": "I’m gon' walk out the coffin","3:24:000": "I shot thirty","3:25:000": "See me hop on the block","3:26:000": "take a lot for me","3:27:000": "I got bugs in my conscious","3:28:000": "I rot…","3:29:000": "Everyone plot on me","3:29:555": "knock off his top","3:30:000": "#### it","3:31:000": "I've got slugs in my system","3:32:000": "my shots loaded","3:33:000": "Put the gun through","3:34:000": "your vision and pop forty","3:35:000": "Like a bully","3:37:000": "I spin on your block","3:36:000": "Spiderweb scope out the roof","3:39:000": "'til they drop for me","3:40:000": "I got all these demons","3:41:000": "in my grave","3:42:000": "that leave me vacant","3:43:000": "Come and lay yo","3:44:000": "body wit' me baby","3:45:000": "won’t awaken","3:47:000": "Talkin' wit' the devil","3:48:000": "sold my soul","3:49:000": "but I could take it","3:51:000": "I had nothing left to heal","3:53:000": "my heart","3:54:000": "that's always breaking","3:55:000": "I got all these demons","3:56:000": "in my grave","3:57:000": "that leave me vacant","3:59:000": "Come and lay yo'","4:0:000": "body wit' me baby","4:1:000": "won’t awaken","4:3:000": "Talkin' wit' the devil","4:4:000": "sold my soul","4:5:000": "but I could take it","4:7:000": "I had nothing left to heal","4:8:000": "my heart","4:9:000": "that's always breaking","4:11:000": "Terror when she told me, mmm","4:15:000": "“This is what you wanted”","4:19:000": "Somebody to hold me, mmm","4:23:000": "It's all I ever wanted","4:27:000": "Terror when she told me, mmm","4:31:000": "“This is what you wanted”","4:35:000": "Somebody to hold memmm","4:39:000": "It's all I ever wanted","4:42:000": "I just wanna—hold it","4:43:000": "A future","4:43:000": "that would’ve been golden","4:44:000": "Rumors of realms","4:45:000": "that don’t wither and fold in","4:46:000": "All I smell is some","4:47:000": "mold in the corners","4:48:000": "What good are you for then?","4:49:000": "Sweeter and more delectable","4:50:000": "that torture","4:51:000": "The more of those horrors","4:52:000": "that tend to enfold them","4:53:000": "Putrid the stench from","4:54:000": "the stables","4:55:000": "Forgotten rotted fable","4:56:000": "scapegoats they holed in","4:57:000": "Etched like the","4:58:000": "base of a grave","4:59:000": "Covered in old magazine","5:0:000": "and dead roses","5:1:000": "Gotta put on a bold fac","5:2:000": "for the lies and mistakes","5:3:000": "All the pain happening","5:4:000": "right underneath our noses","5:5:000": "Woefully","5:6:000": "I cannot help","5:7:000": "but to loathe this","5:8:000": "Woefully—Woefully—","5:15:000": "I hope","5:16:000": "that nobody knows this","5:19:000": "A man like Ringo","5:19:500": "has got agreat big hole","5:20:000": "right through","5:21:000": "the middle of him","5:24:000": "He can never kill enough","5:26:000": "or steal enough","5:27:000": "or inflict enough","5:28:000": "pain to ever fill it",}}, {name: "Grim Salvo - Feasting.On.The.Guts.Of.Angels",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976188754417025144/1074693682336378890/Grim_Salvo_x_KAMAARA_-_Feasting.On.The.Guts.Of.Angels._OFFICIAL_AUDIO.mp3",sync: {"14:00": "You think that I won't","15:50": "I'm sick of the front","17:0": "I got no ####in' patience","18:0": "yeah yeah","19:0": "She jump down my throat","::": "Manage your expectations","::": "yeah yeah","::": "You're building a roof","::": "When you got no foundation","::": "yeah yeah","::": "Signal the smoke","::": "Spare me the altercation","::": "yeah yeah","::": "I'm sick of the front","::": "I got no ####ing patience","::": "yeah yeah","::": "She jump down my throat","::": "Manage your expectations","::": "yeah yeah","::": "You're building a roof","::": "When you got no foundation","::": "yeah yeah","::": "Signal the smoke","::": "Spare me the altercation","::": "yeah yeah","::": "Been a minute since","::": "I really took a minute","::": "yeah yeah","::": "Been fixated on","::": "too many different women","::": "yeah yeah","::": "I've been spinnin'","::": "avoidin' all of my feelings","::": "yeah yeah","::": "Spillin' my guts while","::": "I'm starin' at the ceiling","::": "yeah yeah","::": "I've been here too many times","::": "I'm slowly losing my mind","::": "Bitch I'm broke","::": "And I got holes in my clothes","::": "But I am not impatient","::": "yeah yeah","::": "What the #### do I want?","::": "Think I got hesitations","::": "yeah yeah","::": "33 always gonna be spicy","::": "Call it capsaicin","::": "yeah yeah","::": "Under the impression","::": "that we're ever gonna stop","::": "But you're ####ing mistaken","::": "yeah yeah","::": "You a facade!","::": "Bitch you so fraudulent","::": "I can see it on your face","::": "not so confident","::": "Tried to manipulate","::": "me and my brothers","::": "Thinking I won't","::": "but that bitch needs a buffer","::": "Used to pawn licks","::": "now I'm top of my game","::": "Peeling the skin back","::": "from under my face","::": "Got a taste for it","::": "now I just do it for thrills","::": "Tried to bait me","::": "put a shot in his gills","::": "Not mad, I'm the gadfly","::": "No cyanide 'cause the world just","::": "gonna keep killing me still","::": "Sleuthy like Socrates","::": "No one's ever gonna","::": "be able to say they bought me","::": "Actin' like you not there","::": "but I still care","::": "Still stare with a blank face","::": "Wonder what the ####","::": "is on the TV","::": "with a Phoebe","::": "Tell me take her someplace","::": "'Cause she really wanna please me","::": "Got them Blinders on like Peaky","::": "I've been here too many times","::": "I'm slowly losing my mind","::": "See red in her eyes","::": "All of these bitches evil","::": "yeah yeah","::": "You twisting your tongue","::": "Twisting my mind, that's lethal","::": "yeah yeah","::": "Not part of the script","::": "Taking you out the sequel","::": "yeah yeah","::": "Right before I leave","::": "I'mma get revenge, Max Keeble","::": "yeah yeah","::": "I'mma save you the heartache","::": "Think it's time","::": "that we part ways","::": "(yeah!)","::": "Not here for the long wait","::": "Think my time is a short stay","::": "(what?)","::": "You don't know the half of me","::": "It's sad to see that everybody","::": "Laughed at me like Sajudis, now","::": "Bitches throw it back","::": "for me so casually","::": "Like 'deet da deet da","::": "deet da deet da","::": "deet da deet da deet'","::": "Pour another cold one","::": "swallow down a whole one","::": "Checking my pulse;","::": "am I dead? Can't tell","::": "All that I know is","::": "I'm leaving my soul","::": "As you're in my ear screaming","::": "'Burn in hell!'","::": "Clip that! (What's up?)","::": "'Cause one day, bitch","::": "I'mma come back","::": "Rub this shit in yo' face","::": "eat your words that disgraced","::": "No more MIAs, only KIAs","::": "Where the dog tags?","::": "You think that I won't","::": "I'm sick of the front","::": "I got no ####in' patience","::": "yeah yeah","::": "She jump down my throat","::": "Manage your expectations","::": "yeah yeah","::": "You're building a roof","::": "When you-","::": "When you got no foundation","::": "yeah yeah","::": "Signal the smoke","::": "Spare me the altercation","::": "yeah yeah","::": "I'm sick of the front","::": "I got no ####in' patience","::": "yeah yeah","::": "She jump down my throat","::": "Manage your expectations","::": "yeah yeah","::": "You're building a roof","::": "When you got no foundation","::": "yeah yeah","::": "Signal the smoke","::": "Spare me the altercation","::": "yeah y—",},}, {name: "Initial D - Don't Stand so Close",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976188754417025144/1074693171419820122/Initial_D_-_Dont_Stand_So_Close_AMV.mp3",sync: {"9:629": "We'll be together","10:847": "'till the morning light","12:877": "Don't stand so","14:400": "Don't stand so","15:928": "Don't stand so close to me","30:895": "Baby you belong to me","34:085": "Yes you do, yes you do","35:377": "You're my affection","37:118": "I can make a woman cry","40:129": "Yes I do, yes I do","41:668": "I will be good","43:380": "You're like a cruel device","45:041": "your blood is cold like ice","46:605": "Posion for my veins","48:205": "I'm breaking my chains","49:710": "One look and you can kill","51:228": "my pain now is your thrill","52:817": "Your love is for me","55:108": "I say, Try me","56:567": "take a chance on emotions","58:829": "For now and ever","1:0:19": "close to your heart","1:1:299": "I say, Try me","1:2:725": "take a chance on my passion","1:5:102": "We'll be together all the time","1:7:383": "I say, Try me","1:8:874": "take a chance on emotions","1:11:142": "For now and ever into my heart","1:13:279": "I say, Try me","1:14:989": "take a chance on my passion","1:17:349": "We'll be together","1:18:429": "'till the morning light","1:20:610": "Don't stand so","1:22:210": "Don't stand so","1:23:639": "Don't stand so close to me","1:38:607": "Baby let me take control","1:41:679": "Yes I do, yes I do","1:43:254": "You are my target","1:44:897": "No one ever made me cry","1:47:969": "What you do, what you do","1:49:406": "Baby's so bad","1:51:134": "You're like a cruel device","1:52:521": "your blood is cold like ice","1:54:293": "Posion for my veins","1:55:754": "I'm breaking my chains","1:57:333": "One look and you can kill","1:58:879": "my pain now is your thrill","2:0:607": "Your love is for me","2:2:690": "I say, Try me","2:4:271": "take a chance on emotions","2:6:599": "For now and ever","2:7:824": "close to your heart","2:8:715": "I say, Try me","2:10:394": "take a chance on my passion","2:12:733": "We'll be together all the time","2:14:993": "I say, Try me","2:16:298": "take a chance on emotions","2:18:900": "For now and ever into my heart","2:21:209": "I say, Try me","2:22:652": "take a chance on my passion","2:24:972": "We'll be together","2:26:129": "'till the morning light","2:28:216": "Don't stand so","2:29:856": "Don't stand so","2:31:296": "Don't stand so close to me","2:58:89": "I say, Try me","2:59:679": "take a chance on emotions","3:1:937": "For now and ever","3:3:47": "close to your heart","3:4:231": "I say, Try me","3:5:820": "take a chance on my passion","3:8:140": "We'll be together all the time","3:10:495": "I say, Try me","3:11:883": "take a chance on emotions","3:14:267": "For now and ever into my heart","3:16:558": "I say, Try me","3:18:67": "take a chance on my passion","3:20:464": "We'll be together","3:21:515": "'till the morning light","3:23:694": "Don't stand so","3:25:176": "Don't stand so","3:26:768": "Don't stand so close to me","3:41:739": "Try me","3:42:830": "take a chance on emotions","3:45:0": "For now and ever","3:46:271": "close to your heart","3:47:296": "I say, Try me","3:48:816": "take a chance on my passion","3:51:163": "We'll be together all the time","3:53:505": "I say, Try me","3:55:28": "take a chance on emotions","3:57:379": "For now and ever into my heart","3:59:667": "I say, Try me","4:1:216": "take a chance on my passion","4:3:507": "We'll be together","4:4:755": "'till the morning light","4:6:783": "Don't stand so","4:8:292": "Don't stand so","4:9:791": "Don't stand so close to me",},}, {name: "Initial D - The Top",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976188754417025144/1074417409626226728/initial_D_MAD_The_Top_1.mp3",sync: {"39:401": "Final lap","40:516": "I'm on top of the world","41:618": "And I will never rest","43:667": "for second again","45:448": "One more time","46:410": "I have beaten them out","47:999": "The scent of gasoline","49:831": "announces the end","51:388": "They all said","52:838": "I'd best give it up","54:137": "What a fool","55:40": "to believe their lies","57:528": "Now they've fall","58:976": "and I'm at the top","1:0:116": "Are you ready now to die?","1:3:151": "I came up from the bottom","1:4:759": "and into the top","1:6:170": "For the first time","1:7:211": "I feel alive","1:9:373": "I can fly like an eagle","1:10:574": "strike like a hawk","1:12:170": "Do you think","1:12:997": "you can survive the top","1:15:328": "the top","1:27:347": "Final turn","1:28:526": "and I'll settle the score","1:30:177": "A rubber fire screams","1:31:392": "into the night","1:33:483": "Crash and burn is","1:34:747": "what you're gonna do","1:36:17": "I am a master","1:37:77": "of the asphalt fight","1:39:517": "They all said","1:40:563": "I'd best give it up","1:42:134": "What a fool","1:42:846": "to believe their lies","1:45:415": "Now they've fall","1:46:775": "and I'm at the top","1:48:175": "Are you ready now to die?","1:51:55": "I came up from the bottom","1:52:745": "and into the top","1:54:225": "For the first time","1:55:9": "I feel alive","1:57:343": "I can fly like an eagle","1:58:907": "strike like a hawk","2:0:153": "Do you think","2:0:794": "you can survive?","2:3:120": "I came up from the bottom","2:4:775": "and into the top","2:6:92": "For the first time","2:7:233": "I feel alive","2:9:212": "I can fly like an eagle","2:10:951": "strike like a hawk","2:12:79": "Do you think","2:12:904": "you can survive the top","2:27:859": "What were you thinking","2:28:721": "telling me to change my game?","2:30:588": "This style wasn't","2:31:247": "going anywhere","2:32:216": "it was kaput!","2:33:227": "You want to see what","2:33:793": "I've done with this place","2:35:39": "this whole thing?","2:36:322": "You want to see that","2:36:850": "I changed the game?","2:37:471": "No, I AM the game!","2:40:117": "Before I knew where","2:40:698": "this was going","2:41:320": "I would've listened to you","2:42:392": "Right now","2:42:992": "I distance myself from","2:43:665": "what you have to say!","2:44:894": "I made this","2:45:650": "something way bigger","2:46:403": "than you're ever gonna be","2:47:926": "I made it this far","2:49:494": "and I'm taking it to the top","2:51:115": "I came up from the bottom","2:52:854": "And into the top","2:54:185": "For the first time","2:55:106": "I feel alive!","2:57:195": "I can fly like an eagle","2:58:857": "And strike like a hawk","3:0:30": "Do you think","3:0:994": "you can survive...","3:3:53": "I came up from the bottom","3:4:751": "And into the top","3:6:141": "For the first time","3:7:211": "I feel alive!","3:9:171": "I can fly like an eagle","3:11:11": "And strike like a hawk","3:12:91": "Do you think","3:12:800": "you can survive... the top?","3:51:44": "I came up from the bottom","3:52:746": "And into the top","3:54:26": "For the first time","3:55:95": "I feel alive!","3:57:135": "I can fly like an eagle","3:58:615": "And strike like a hawk","4:0:153": "Do you think","4:0:776": "you can survive...","4:3:102": "I came up from the bottom","4:4:782": "And into the top","4:6:32": "For the first time","4:7:6": "I feel alive!","4:9:57": "I can fly like an eagle","4:10:876": "And strike like a hawk","4:12:188": "Do you think","4:12:852": "you can survive... the top?",},}, {name: "Initial D - Gas Gas Gas",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976188754417025144/1074417409303269478/Manuel_-_Gas_Gas_Gas_1.mp3",sync: {"16:852": "Ah","20:9": "gas, gas, gas, gas","23:124": "Ah","28:271": "Do you like..","29:853": "my car","31:468": "m y c a r","33:132": "m  y  c  a  r","53:109": "Guess you're ready","54:291": "'cause I'm waiting for you","56:129": "It's gonna be so exciting","59:290": "Got this feeling","1:0:499": "really deep in my soul","1:2:281": "Let's get out","1:3:135": "I wanna go","1:4:48": "come along","1:4:855": "get it on","1:5:993": "Gonna take my car","1:7:562": "gonna sit in","1:9:35": "Gonna drive along","1:10:474": "'til I get you","1:11:823": "'Cause I'm crazy","1:12:562": "hot and ready","1:13:541": "but you like it","1:15:10": "I wanna race for you","1:16:610": "(Shall I go now?)","1:18:109": "Gas, gas, gas","1:19:810": "I'm gonna step on the gas","1:21:642": "Tonight, I'll fly","1:22:962": "(and be your lover)","1:24:370": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","1:26:101": "I'll be so quick as a flash","1:27:884": "And I'll be your hero","1:30:651": "Gas, gas, gas","1:32:379": "I'm gonna run as a flash","1:34:59": "Tonight, I'll fight","1:35:507": "(to be the winner)","1:36:707": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","1:38:547": "I'm gonna step on the gas","1:40:286": "And you'll see the big show","1:55:520": "Don't be lazy","1:56:751": "'cause I'm burning for you","1:58:340": "It's like a hot sensation","2:1:733": "Got this power","2:2:913": "that is taking me out","2:4:681": "Yes, I've got a crush on you","2:6:347": "ready, now","2:7:174": "ready, go","2:8:335": "Gonna take my car","2:9:935": "gonna sit in","2:11:481": "Gonna drive alone","2:12:775": "'til I get you","2:14:244": "'Cause I'm crazy","2:14:975": "hot and ready","2:15:999": "but you like it","2:17:279": "I wanna race for you","2:18:938": "(Shall I go now?)","2:20:455": "Gas, gas, gas","2:22:178": "I'm gonna step on the gas","2:23:999": "Tonight, I'll fly","2:25:311": "(and be your lover)","2:26:738": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","2:28:512": "I'll be so quick as a flash","2:29:975": "And I'll be your hero","2:32:978": "Gas, gas, gas","2:34:668": "I'm gonna run as a flash","2:36:447": "Tonight, I'll fight","2:37:809": "(to be the winner)","2:39:81": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","2:40:931": "I'm gonna step on the gas","2:42:463": "And you'll see the big show","3:10:277": "Guess you're ready","3:11:426": "'cause I'm waiting for you","3:13:215": "It's gonna be so exciting","3:16:471": "Got this feeling","3:17:789": "really deep in my soul","3:19:408": "Let's get out","3:20:224": "I wanna go","3:21:197": "come along","3:22:34": "get it on","3:23:234": "Gonna take my car","3:25:986": "do you like","3:27:605": "my car?","3:29:5": "'Cause I'm crazy","3:29:685": "hot and ready","3:30:823": "but you like it","3:32:133": "I wanna race for you","3:33:653": "(Shall I go now?)","3:36:813": "Gas, gas, gas","3:38:514": "I'm gonna step on the gas","3:40:185": "Tonight, I'll fly","3:41:665": "(and be your lover)","3:43:46": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","3:44:756": "I'll be so quick as a flash","3:46:354": "And I'll be your hero","3:49:245": "Gas, gas, gas","3:51:130": "I'm gonna run as a flash","3:52:840": "Tonight, I'll fight","3:54:90": "(to be the winner)","3:55:448": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","3:57:389": "I'm gonna step on the gas","3:58:866": "And you'll see the big show","4:1:797": "Gas, gas, gas","4:4:805": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","4:7:975": "Gas, gas, gas","4:11:293": "And you'll see the big show","4:28:89": "Ah"},}, {name: "Initial D - Running In The 90's",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976188754417025144/1074691658643415050/Running_In_The_90s_2.mp3",sync: {"37:412": "Modern talking","38:991": "modern walking in the streets","41:601": "New desire","43:481": "Take me higher","45:89": "lift me higher with your speed","47:729": "I need fire","49:220": "Get the satellite","50:892": "if you want to see me","52:225": "Talking on the net","53:699": "I know the way you like it","55:329": "Get your credit card","56:862": "'cause I need no money","58:339": "All I wanna get is you","1:0:480": "baby","1:1:344": "Running in the 90's","1:3:976": "is a new way I like to be","1:6:664": "I'm just running in the 90's","1:10:141": "Come on baby, run to me","1:12:800": "We are running in the 90's","1:16:141": "it's a new way to set me free","1:18:722": "I'm just running in the 90's","1:22:242": "Yes, I wanna know","1:23:850": "yes, I wanna see","1:37:880": "Cyber talking","1:39:613": "cybersex is on the line","1:42:184": "New desire","1:44:150": "Take me higher","1:45:691": "boost me higher with your mind","1:48:203": "Set me on fire","1:49:645": "Get the satellite","1:51:347": "if you want to see me","1:52:769": "Talking on the net","1:54:379": "I know the way you like it","1:55:896": "Get your credit card","1:57:307": "'cause I need no money","1:58:617": "All I wanna get is you","2:1:97": "baby","2:1:814": "Running in the 90's","2:4:582": "is a new way I like to be","2:7:196": "I'm just running in the 90's","2:10:595": "Come on baby, run to me","2:13:233": "We are running in the 90's","2:16:673": "it's a new way to set me free","2:19:225": "I'm just running in the 90's","2:22:868": "Yes, I wanna know","2:24:325": "yes, I wanna see","2:42:690": "New desire","2:48:845": "I need fire","3:2:496": "Running in the 90's","3:5:165": "is a new way I like to be","3:7:744": "I'm just running in the 90's","3:11:424": "Come on, baby, run to me","3:13:885": "We are running in the 90's","3:17:333": "it's a new way to set me free","3:19:971": "I'm just running in the 90's","3:23:451": "Yes, I wanna know","3:24:949": "yes, I wanna see","3:45:179": "Take me higher","3:46:699": "lift me higher with your speed","3:49:356": "I need fire","3:50:937": "Get the satellite","3:53:983": "talking on the net","3:56:922": "Get your credit card","4:0:4": "all I wanna get","4:2:899": "Running in the 90's","4:8:968": "Running in the 90's","4:15:200": "Running in the 90's","4:21:190": "Running in the 90's",},}, {name: "Initial D - No One Sleep In Tokyo",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059159650026659842/1075151008910561330/Initial_D_-_No_One_Sleep_In_Tokyo.mp3",sync: {"666": "(4... 3... 2... 1...)","19:197": "no one sleep in Tokyo","22:301": "all right crossing the line","25:392": "no one quit the radio","28:432": "Tokyo is on fire","43:821": "even if you say","45:341": "'I have been the world wide'","47:124": "I'll take you where","48:190": "surely you have never been","50:558": "all right in the fight","52:47": "I'm OK... come on","56:5": "come on","59:374": "hey do you feel","1:0:688": "the night is breathable","1:2:760": "look at this town","1:1:347": "which is unbelievable","1:2:805": "no other places","1:7:21": "like that in the world","1:9:264": "worldddd","1:10:144": "worlddddddddd (1, 2, 3, 4)","1:11:825": "no one sleep in Tokyo","1:14:843": "all right crossing the line","1:18:137": "no one quit the radio","1:21:203": "Tokyo is on fire","1:24:393": "no one sleep in Tokyo","1:27:302": "all right crossing the line","1:30:403": "no one quit the radio","1:33:473": "Tokyo is on fire","1:48:894": "turning to the left","1:50:364": "easy chicks and red lights","1:52:367": "and to the right","1:53:305": "crazy music everywhere","1:55:705": "all right in the fight","1:56:855": "I'm OK... come on","2:0:924": "come on","2:4:448": "hey do you feel","2:5:832": "the night is breathable","2:7:767": "look at this town","2:8:514": "which is unbelievable","2:10:885": "no other places","2:11:984": "like that in the world","2:14:333": "worldddd","2:15:245": "worlddddddddd (1, 2, 3, 4)","2:16:842": "no one sleep in Tokyo","2:20:26": "all right crossing the line","2:23:77": "no one quit the radio","2:26:286": "Tokyo is on fire","2:29:266": "no one sleep in Tokyo","2:32:487": "all right crossing the line","2:35:436": "no one quit the radio","2:38:546": "Tokyo is on fire","3:18:369": "(come on)","3:32:566": "(1, 2, 3, 4)","3:37:328": "all right crossing the line","3:43:658": "Tokyo is on fire","3:59:82": "hey do you feel","4:0:318": "the night is breathable","4:2:486": "look at this town","4:3:515": "which is unbelievable","4:5:525": "no other places","4:6:600": "like that in the world","4:8:992": "worldddd","4:9:680": "worlddddddddd (1, 2, 3, 4)","4:11:454": "no one sleep in Tokyo","4:14:568": "all right crossing the line","4:17:616": "no one quit the radio","4:20:747": "Tokyo is on fire","4:23:779": "no one sleep in Tokyo","4:26:950": "all right crossing the line","4:30:51": "no one quit the radio","4:33:70": "Tokyo is on fire",},}, {name: "UNSECRET & Noeni - Fallout",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1040928912118652928/1079764097169641552/Neoni_x_UNSECRET_-_Fallout_Official_Lyric_Video.mp3",sync: {"19:833": "Hush now, dry your eyes","24:167": "Fate is upon us","26:84": "The changing of times","27:417": "Welcome blood red skies","32:751": "Burn in wake of a","35:1": "world left behind","37:280": " DI YA, DA, DA","39:238": "DA DA, DE DI YA","40:613": "DA DA, DE DA","45:988": "DI YA, DA, DA","48:155": "DE, DI YA","49:113": "DA DA","50:125": "DE DI, YA","51:257": "DA, DA, DE, DA","53:632": "Can't escape the fallout","58:48": "Feel the fire rain down","1:2:382": "See the shadows","1:3:531": "rising all around","1:6:489": "Can't escape the FALLOUT,","1:9:239": "fallout","1:12:114": "Down to the ashes","1:16:531": "Bones are left to dry","1:20:781": "Waves of desolation","1:25:031": "There's nowhere safe to hide","1:29:971": "DI YA","1:30:762": "DA DA DE","1:31:972": "DI YA.","1:32:346": "DA DA DE","1:34:160": "DI YA","1:35:35": "DA DA DE DA","1:38:539": "DI YA","1:39:372": "DA DA DE","1:40:521": "DI YA","1:41:729": "DA DA DE","1:42:762": "DI YA","1:43:878": "DA DA DE DA","1:45:890": "Can't escape the fallout","1:50:265": "Feel the fire rain down","1:54:557": "See the shadows","1:55:849": "rising all around","1:58:897": "Can't escape the fallout,","2:1:814": "FALLOUT!","2:22:237": "DI YA","2:23:153": "DA DA DE","2:24:528": "DI YA.","2:25:362": "DA DA DE","2:26:305": "DI YA","2:27:347": "DA DA DE DA","2:30:730": "DI YA","2:31:722": "DA DA DE","2:33:49": "DI YA","2:34:8": "DA DA DE","2:35:133": "DI YA","2:36:174": "DA DA DE DA","2:46:921": "Can't escape the fallout!","2:51:296": "Feel the fire rain down","2:55:755": "See the shadows","2:57:58": "rising all around","3:0:183": "Can't escape the fallout","3:2:433": "FALLOUT!","3:4:642": "Can't escape the fallout,","3:7:267": "FALLOUT!",},}, {name: "V O E - Giants",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1065969963644506152/1079719316074790953/V_O_E_-_Giants_Extended_Mix_NCS_Release_1.mp3",sync: {"10:639": "Oh, where am I going now","12:163": "just falling over dreams","16:299": "Now I'm just so far gone","18:439": "this isn't what it seems","21:785": "I'm taking this so d*mn long","23:317": "it's fading from believe","27:178": "I need to slow this down","28:828": "it's burning from beneath","32:909": "Come break this line","36:175": "Before tomorrow dies,","38:805": "Holding on for what","40:547": "is worth my life","44:175": "I know in time","47:214": "I'll make it up the vine","49:802": "Find my way to","51:71": "giants in the sky","53:974": "Tonight it comes to life.","1:16:17": "Tonight it comes to life..","1:38:829": "Oh, where am I going now","1:40:450": "just falling over dreams","1:44:520": "Now I'm just so far gone","1:46:391": "this isn't what it seems","1:49:974": "I'm taking this so d*mn long","1:51:652": "it's fading from believe","1:55:509": "I need to slow this down","1:57:142": "it's burning from beneath","2:1:269": "Come break this light","2:4:52": "Before tomorrow dies,","2:7:97": "Holding on for what","2:8:785": "is worth my life","2:12:322": "I know in time","2:15:315": "I'll make it up the vine","2:18:221": "Find my way to","2:19:582": "giants in the sky","2:21:175": "Tonight it comes to life.","2:32:969": "Tonight it comes to life..","2:56:461": "Come break this line","2:59:450": "Before tomorrow dies,","3:2:601": "Holding on for what","3:3:853": "is worth my life","3:7:617": "I know in time","3:10:701": "I'll make it up the vine","3:13:195": "Find my way to","3:14:591": "giants in the sky","3:17:446": "Tonight it comes to life.",},}, {name: "Neoni - Champion",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1040928912118652928/1079696275303305256/Nightcore_-_CHAMPION_Lyrics.mp3",sync: {"14:689": "The battle's coming now...","20:398": "The fury shakes the ground","26:174": "I've come to take my crown","31:525": "Im rising up","32:155": "my heart is pounding","34:382": "Ready or not the","35:516": "clock is counting down","37:322": "Whoa","40:814": "This is my moment","42:722": "Whoa","46:581": "This is my moment..","49:399": "This is my moment...","52:074": "Whoa","53:033": "I was born for greatness","54:847": "Whoa","55:709": "A legend in the making","57:432": "Deep in my bones","58:702": "Oh yeah I know","1:0:743": "I am","1:1:695": "I am the champion","1:3:466": "Whoa","1:4:597": "Come on try and take it","1:6:366": "Whoa","1:7:255": "It all comes down to this and","1:8:781": "Deep in my bones","1:10:414": "Oh yeah I know","1:12:137": "I am","1:13:180": "I am the champion","1:17:852": "You know I'm out for blood","1:23:339": "Im feeling dangerous","1:29:235": "I just can't get enough","1:34:722": "Im rising up","1:35:555": "my heart is pounding","1:37:353": "Ready or not the","1:38:625": "clock is counting down","1:43:976": "This is my moment..","1:49:781": "This is my moment...","1:52:684": "This is my moment yeah","1:55:136": "Whoa","1:56:117": "I was born for greatness","1:58:079": "Whoa","1:59:060": "A legend in the making","2:0:557": "Deep in my bones","2:1:963": "Oh yeah I know","2:3:718": "I am","2:4:931": "I am the champion","2:6:609": "Whoa","2:7:652": "Come on try to take it","2:9:511": "Whoa","2:10:645": "It all comes down to this and","2:11:920": "Deep in my bones","2:13:553": "Oh yeah I know","2:15:231": "I am","2:16:228": "I am the champion","2:21:943": "I am the","2:22:804": "I am the.","2:26:627": "I am.","2:27:897": "I am the champion","2:29:756": "I know where I'm going","2:32:840": "I have been chosen","2:35:607": "I'll never be broken","2:39:326": "I am the champion","2:41:276": "A #####ing of titans","2:44:269": "A battle of giants","2:46:555": "Take a moment of silence","2:53:472": "I am the champion","2:55:467": "Whoa","2:56:510": "I was born for greatness","2:58:279": "Whoa","2:59:336": "A legend in the making","3:0:878": "Deep in my bones","3:2:238": "Oh yeah I know","3:4:007": "I am","3:5:186": "I am the champion","3:6:955": "Whoa","3:7:689": "Come on try to take it","3:9:799": "Whoa","3:10:797": "It all comes down to this and","3:12:115": "Deep in my bones","3:13:666": "Oh yeah I know","3:15:515": "I am","3:16:649": "I am the champion","3:22:318": "I am the","3:22:998": "I am the.","3:27:033": "I am","3:28:123": "I am the champion.",}}, {name: "JPB & Mendum - Losing Control",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1040928912118652928/1080030493212409896/JPB__Mendum_-_Losing_Control_feat._Marvin_Divine_.mp3",sync: {"10:259": "(Losing control)","12:346": "(I like losing control)","15:384": "I like losing control","18:220": "I get high when","19:672": "I'm feeling my flow","21:667": "My mind is focused","22:665": "and I'm ready to go","24:161": "Ready to go","26:248": "Na na","27:835": "I like losing control","30:702": "I get high when Im feeling my","32:788": "flow","33:695": "My mind is focused and","35:283": "I'm ready to go","36:779": "Ready to go","38:593": "Na na","49:519": "I like losing control","1:6:798": "Hahaha","1:8:748": "Oh yeah","1:12:58": "Are we talking","1:13:65": "'bout losing control?","1:15:287": "I'mma show you","1:16:1": "how we lose control baby","1:18:335": "haha","1:19:877": "Watch this","1:21:237": "Look, look","1:22:779": "Marvin, marv (yeah)","1:24:140": "Watch the way I start up(yeah)","1:25:500": "I've been going hard,","1:26:861": "I can go way harder (aha)","1:28:493": "Every beat I'm on,","1:29:854": "yeah you know that I spot her","1:31:634": "and Im always looking gorgeous","1:32:904": "Chillingwith somebody daughter","1:34:673": "Yeah, she loves me (me)","1:35:988": "Said she love the way my chain","1:37:484": "Sit and cut the blade","1:39:72": "And of course she says my name","1:40:659": "If you want a way (aha)","1:42:156": "To let you know we spent bloke","1:43:652": "Always winning check the score","1:45:466": "I'm only losing control, oh","1:46:323": "I like losing control","1:51:135": "I get high when","1:52:360": "I'm feeling my flow","1:54:264": "My mind is focused","1:55:262": "and I'm ready to go","1:57:212": "Ready to go","1:59:208": "na na","2:11:215": "I get high when","2:12:712": "Im feeling my flow","2:14:617": "Na, na","2:15:650": "Losing control","2:16:158": "Losing control","2:17:1": "(Losing control)","2:18:2": ".Losing control.","2:19:3": "..Losing control..","2:20:3": "...Losing control...","2:21:3": "..Losing control..","2:22:3": ".Losing control.","2:23:3": "(Losing control)","2:25:969": "!!!Losing control...","2:26:500": "..Losing control..","2:27:500": ".Losing control.","2:28:500": "..Losing control..","2:29:500": "...Losing control...","2:30:500": "..Losing control..","2:31:500": ".Losing control.","2:32:500": "..Losing control..","2:33:500": "...Losing control...","2:34:9": "(Losing control)","2:36:452": "Always winning check the score","2:38:85": "I'm only losing control","2:39:446": "I like losing control",},}, {name: "Freddie Dredd - Limbo",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1027664063297224734/1080003023234928690/Freddie_Dredd_-_Limbo_Lyrics_1.mp3",sync: {"13:750": "Walk around the world,","15:42": "it feel like every","16:3": "place the same","17:1": "I look into your eyes and see","18:861": "that you are in some pain","20:28": "Freddie gonna help","21:70": "the business","22:1": "help a rope around your neck","23:70": "Gonna help you make a choice","24:945": "let it sit, don't let it rest","26:320": "You a pest, what the f*ck","27:778": "you left a mess","28:945": "It's okay, I'll just say that","30:695": "your body's gone today","31:820": "You in Hell,","32:736": "I don't think you failed,","33:861": "you just made some bail","35:111": "Come that day, it gets worse","36:695": "and I hope you f*cking hurt","38:70": "Now what's the word, captain?","39:695": "I think I caught you lackin'","41:486": "There are nine more layers","43:140": "than this hell's packin'","44:348": "No tippy tappin', bit*h","46:431": "I come in rippy rappin'","47:723": "I feel lucky I'm not you","49:556": "At the top I do the do","51:181": "Stuck in the fuc*in' darkness","52:890": "and it's cold, at heart","54:265": "Haven't felt sun in some days,","55:598": "b*tch, where do I start?","57:681": "Start from the top,","58:890": "and the next stop the bottom","1:0:931": "Rock bottom baby,","1:2:265": "I swear I already got em'","1:4:983": "Close your eyes","1:5:774": "and think of something for me","1:7:399": "Think of all the times that","1:9:107": "you been feeling kinda lonely","1:10:857": "What could you do with your","1:12:268": "time instead?","1:13:434": "What? You smoking weed,","1:14:934": "you f*ck your b*tch and","1:15:809": "go to bed","1:16:934": "Notice all the colors that you","1:18:559": "seeing in your head","1:19:893": "Now strip away that s*it and","1:21:393": "feel the darkness,","1:22:309": "feel it spread","1:23:434": "This is what is like to be","1:24:601": "known as d*ad","1:26:601": "Now open up your eyes,","1:27:684": "you see the world it is red","1:29:226": "Now what's the word, captain?","1:30:893": "I think I caught you lackin","1:32:601": "There are nine more layers","1:34:309": "than this hell's packin'","1:35:726": "No tippy tappin', b*tch","1:37:330": "I come in rippy rappin'","1:38:996": "I feel lucky I'm not you","1:40:621": "At the top I do the do","1:42:163": "Stuck in the fu*kin' darkness","1:43:905": "and it's cold, at heart","1:45:572": "Haven't felt sun in some days","1:46:738": "b*tch, where do I start?","1:48:863": "Start from the top,","1:50:277": "Rock bottom baby,","1:53:568": "I swear I already got em'","1:55:27": "Now what's the word, captain?","1:56:443": "I think I caught you lackin'","1:58:193": "There are nine more layers","2:0:235": "than this hell's packin'","2:1:485": "No tippy tappin', b*tch","2:2:985": "I come in rippy rappin'","2:4:402": "I feel lucky I'm not you","2:6:193": "At the top I do the do","2:7:652": "Stuck in the f*ckin' darkness","2:9:402": "and it's cold, at heart","2:10:985": "Haven't felt sun in some days","2:12:610": "b*tch, where do I start?","2:14:568": "Start from the top,","2:15:943": "and the next stop the bottom","2:17:652": "Rock bottom baby,","2:19:110": "I swear I already got em'",},},{name: "xxxmanera - NFS",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851750266256228392/1090576090982011040/xxxmanera_-_NFS_Prod._by_Klimonglue.mp3",sync: {"8:583": "Manera wanna fly","9:803": "Let me do it right","10:901": "I'm NFS in BMW","12:489": "You are take L, Pussy down","14:123": "She be screaming well","15:130": "Instead I quite as hell","16:125": "Grow speed on a dash","18:53": "Slidin' when I past","19:200": "Foenem just off the Xans","20:465": "Ayy Bitch, we do not friends","22:99": "Bitch I smoke on private jet","23:737": "Pilot just took a bean","25:58": "Hop inside a phantom","26:143": "I smoke another green","28:78": "Smoking from windows tint","29:473": "Team is ####ing fiends","30:783": "Life is realest dream","32:50": "Let me do my Shit,","33:40": "Let me do my Shit.","34:30": "With this sounds slaps","35:90": "With this heads bop","36:90": "Whachu' mean?","37:5": "Watch me going far","38:30": "And I going fast","39:80": "Watch your dream","39:880": "Where I'm going hard","40:830": "Bitch I'm so far","42:5": "And I feel like a one of stars","43:500": "Bitch I getting hot","44:600": "I'm NFS in BMW","46:220": "You are take L, Pussy down","48:100": "She be screaming well","49:90": "Instead I quite as hell","50:99": "Grow speed on a dash","51:930": "Slidin' when I past","53:90": "Foenem just off the Xans","54:800": "Ayy Bitch, we do not friends","56:100": "Bitch I smoke on private jet","57:70": "Pilot just took a bean","58:100": "Hop inside a phantom","59:200": "And I smoke a green","1:0:190": "Smoking from windows tint","1:1:670": "Team is ####ing fiends","1:2:880": "Life is realest dream","1:3:740": "Let me do my Shit","1:4:830": "Let (Let-Let-Let)","1:5:599": "Let me do my Shit, Let my Shit","1:7:680": "With this sounds slaps","1:8:770": "With this heads bop","1:9:840": "Whachu' really mean?","1:10:850": "Watch me going far","1:11:940": "And I going fast","1:13:40": "Watch your dream","1:13:820": "Where I'm going hard","1:14:790": "Bitch I'm so far","1:15:833": "And I feel like a one of stars","1:17:160": "and I getting hot, Bitch",},}, {name: "Take Me Home",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851750266256228392/1090178686814261288/Aero_Chord_-_Take_Me_Home_ft._Nevve.mp3",sync: {"0:00": "Get your body,","1:121": "On my body","3:273": "La, la, la, la, la","6:73": "La, la, la, la, la","9:109": "I know you want me","11:129": "Baby let's stop talking","13:920": "I'll be in my zone","16:92": "'till you take me home","19:155": "I know you want me","21:89": "You already got me","24:69": "Got me in my zone","26:112": "'till you take me home","29:709": "(I know you-)","30:400": "Get your body","32:84": "On my body","40:176": "He got out the car","41:164": "she said (I'll stay inside)","43:881": "Put his mask on","45:100": "load his four-four","47:181": "Prayed to God","47:822": "and then he opened up the door","50:782": "Point his gun and said","51:990": "Don't nobody move,","53:880": "Just give me all the money,","55:313": "and we all cool.","57:484": "He told the teller","58:440": "Please don't try no funny sh*t","1:0:341": "Cause if you try some sh*t","1:2:103": "I'll shoot up this b*tch.","1:4:139": "She said okay and gave him","1:5:87": "'bout a hundred K","1:7:469": "He started walkin' backwards","1:9:109": "then he ran away","1:11:196": "When he got outside","1:12:150": "he saw a lot of cops","1:14:617": "Ran to the side of the bank","1:18:43": "(Hands behind your back,","1:19:114": "spread your feet, sir)","1:21:182": "He turned around and saw","1:22:226": "that it was Tesha, d*mn","1:25:75": "Now he locked up","1:26:103": "his bond a million","1:28:173": "He locked in a cell","1:29:265": "with a Brazilian","1:31:838": "Rico cellmate name is Pedro","1:35:225": "Pedro said he know","1:36:260": "how to get them pesos","1:38:665": "Rico dead broke","1:39:656": "and he ain't got no bond","1:41:885": "But Pedro got connects","1:43:144": "and paid Rico's bond","1:45:284": "Rico out of jail","1:46:800": "and he met the plug","1:48:883": "Started movin' bricks","1:50:11": "and got his bands up","1:52:351": "Rico went to jail","1:53:369": "and paid Pedro a visit","1:55:779": "Pedro looked at Rico and asked","1:57:79": "How you livin'?","1:59:106": "Rico said he want out","2:0:437": "of the dope game","2:2:93": "But he love that fast money","2:3:922": "off the cocaine","2:6:89": "Pedro said he get out","2:7:169": "in a couple weeks","2:9:100": "And he need Rico","2:10:20": "to loan his ass a couple keys","2:13:50": "Rico said","2:13:689": "I got you, u know you my homie","2:16:126": "Pedro told Rico","2:17:203": "he was the next Tony","2:19:903": "Rico left then got","2:21:30": "pulled over by a cop","2:22:890": "He said, (What?) She said,","2:24:10": "Excuse me sir u failed to stop","2:26:223": "He looked close and recognized","2:27:933": "it was his baby mama","2:30:93": "He reached under the seat","2:31:102": "and grabbed his f*ckin' llama",}}, {name: "rarin - GTA",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1076948561561923676/1078697997443014656/rarin-gta_456477569.mp3",sync: {"2:890": "Get a bag","3:530": "And I'm out, Yeah","5:90": "(Yeahhh)","6:30": "Shorty on my lap now","7:980": "(Yeahh)","9:90": "And she playing","9:830": "with the gang now","12:700": "Flip a bag","13:326": "Now I'm swearving in a tesla","15:777": "Got my back","16:339": "Shawty with me","17:125": "Yeah, I stepped up","19:15": "GTA, F*ck the opps","20:189": "Ain't no Lester","22:203": "Lets do this, hah","25:80": "Flip a bag","25:738": "Now I'm swearving in a tesla","28:120": "Got my back","28:880": "Shawty with me","29:670": "Yeah, I stepped up","31:108": "GTA, F*ck the opps","32:590": "Ain't no Lester","34:120": "Shawty born to be my angel","35:980": "Yeah, I'm blessed up","37:280": "Cooking right up in the stu'","39:10": "gotta check the fan","40:448": "Yeah I'm watching out for opps","42:45": "Yeah, they not my fans","43:635": "People treat me","44:348": "Like I'm something","45:130": "Cause I got some bands","46:630": "Was a LONER that was hustling","48:200": "now I'm filling stands","49:963": "I been sticking to my paper","51:283": "Like I am a staple","53:23": "I ain't going 'bout this safer","54:633": "I ain't really able","56:80": "I been getting all this cash","57:693": "I don't need a label","59:100": "Made it up from nothing fast","1:0:823": "Yeah, this is a fable","1:2:233": "Now they always hit me up","1:3:893": "got me feeling fuego","1:5:100": "Got me always plugged up","1:7:000": "I ain't talking cable","1:8:153": "Spreading all my money cash","1:10:20": "right up, on the table","1:11:211": "Shawty turn into a fan","1:13:80": "Yeah, this is a fable","1:14:93": "I looking a little toxic baby","1:15:835": "but don't be AFRAID","1:17:360": "Baby you a goddess","1:18:150": "you expensive like the Wraith","1:20:256": "We could mess around","1:22:234": "maybe plan a trip to Spain","1:23:264": "All you gotta do","1:24:564": "is come to me","1:25:135": "we on our way, wayyyyy","1:27:93": "Flip a bag","1:27:690": "Now I'm swerving in a tesla","1:30:20": "Got my back","1:30:780": "Shawty with me","1:31:435": "Yeah, I stepped up","1:33:93": "GTA, f*ck the opps","1:34:645": "Ain't no Lester","1:36:82": "Shawty born to be my angel","1:37:956": "Yeah I'm blessed up","1:39:456": "Cooking right up in the stu'","1:41:2": "gotta check the fan","1:42:678": "Yeah I'm watching our for opps","1:44:50": "Yeah, they not my fans","1:45:675": "People treat me","1:45:356": "Like I'm something","1:46:130": "Cause I got some bands","1:48:653": "Was a LONER that was hustling","1:50:83": "now I'm filling stands",},}, {name: "Ghost",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851750266256228392/1088242460012064840/Confetti_-_Ghost_musmore.com.mp3",sync: {"0:829": "(La-La-La-La)","2:97": "(La-La-La-La)","3:100": "(La-La, La-La)","6:120": "Look I don't want to fight you","8:10": "You got to know","8:933": "that I meant it when I said","10:85": "that I liked you","11:877": "Or maybe just the idea","14:10": "I bought it, don't want it","15:109": "now return that sh*t like IKEA","17:128": "Apologize Im not a mind reader","19:120": "I need attention","20:41": "so I try to be a crowd-pleaser","22:155": "It was easy","22:895": "till it got a little deeper","24:310": "Now I don't know how to","25:128": "deal with you","25:917": "so I'ma disappear","27:838": "I'm a ghost","30:37": "Now you see me, now you don't","33:429": "I'm a ghost","35:720": "Every time you hit the phone","39:69": "I'm a ghost","40:125": "(La-La-La-La)","41:802": "(La-La-La-La)","42:783": "(La-La, La-La)","44:74": "Now you see me, now you don't","45:842": "(La-La-La-La)","47:109": "(La-La-La-La)","48:139": "(La-La, La-La)","50:849": "I know it's inconvenient","53:99": "To change your background","54:210": "But let's back down","55:90": "So you can see","56:109": "this is a problem","56:907": "I don't wanna put myself","58:79": "in front of","58:754": "That's why I blocked you","59:697": "Cause I'm not the guy","1:0:669": "You should rely on","1:1:406": "Or spy on","1:2:834": "Creep on","1:3:521": "I don't   know","1:4:893": "You just aint that type of hoe","1:7:614": "If I don't holler, let me go","1:10:33": "I should have said it","1:10:979": "But I didn't and I won't","1:13:17": "I'm a ghost","1:15:90": "Now you see me, now you don't","1:18:371": "I'm a ghost","1:20:899": "Every time you hit the phone","1:24:154": "I'm a ghost","1:25:155": "(La-La-La-La)","1:26:894": "(La-La-La-La)","1:27:833": "(La-La, La-La)","1:29:91": "Now you see me, now you don't","1:31:18": "(La-La-La-La)","1:32:100": "(La-La-La-La)","1:33:209": "(La-La, La-La)","1:35:452": "I know you","1:36:72": "Hate me, hate me, hate me","1:37:129": "Hate me, hate me","1:38:216": "Cause I been shady,","1:39:156": "shady, shady, shady, shady","1:41:596": "I don't get reception,","1:43:189": "missed your call","1:44:109": "but best believe","1:44:937": "I got the message","1:46:97": "Why don't you","1:47:101": "Just, leave me, alone","1:51:820": "I think its la-sted","1:54:240": "way too long","1:57:495": "I thought by now","1:59:203": "That you would know","2:3:87": "But since you","2:4:98": "Doooooooooooooooooooooooooon't","2:8:67": "Doooooooooooooooooooooooooon't","2:9:84": "I'm a ghost","2:11:315": "Now you see me, now you don't","2:15:44": "I'm a ghost","2:17:99": "Every time you hit the phone","2:20:768": "I'm a ghost","2:21:839": "(La-La-La-La)","2:23:90": "(La-La-La-La)","2:24:50": "(La-La, La-La)","2:25:871": "Now you see me, now you don't","2:27:206": "(La-La-La-La)","2:28:916": "(La-La-La-La)","2:29:963": "(La-La, La-La)",},}, {name: "Rico Story 1",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1073944551825346590/1086378361925947483/speaker-knockerz_rico-story_.mp3",sync: {"14:212": "(It's a speaker knockerz)","16:501": "Rico got no money","17:673": "he done lost his job","19:873": "He ain't got no choice","21:109": "but to jugg and rob","23:129": "He f*cked a b*tch named Tesha","24:420": "got one on the way","26:772": "Got kicked out the house","27:725": "now he stay at her place","30:19": "He told her","30:669": "Baby lets go rob a f*ckin bank","33:212": "She said okay, and then","34:559": "they filled the gas ####","37:50": "Pulled up to the bank","38:104": "he parked on the side","40:176": "He got out the car","41:164": "she said (I'll stay inside)","43:881": "Put his mask on","45:100": "load his four-four","47:181": "Prayed to God","47:822": "and then he opened up the door","50:782": "Point his gun and said","51:990": "Don't nobody move,","53:880": "Just give me all the money,","55:313": "and we all cool.","57:484": "He told the teller","58:440": "Please don't try no funny sh*t","1:0:341": "Cause if you try some sh*t","1:2:103": "I'll shoot up this b*tch.","1:4:139": "She said okay and gave him","1:5:87": "'bout a hundred K","1:7:469": "He started walkin' backwards","1:9:109": "then he ran away","1:11:196": "When he got outside","1:12:150": "he saw a lot of cops","1:14:617": "Ran to the side of the bank","1:18:43": "(Hands behind your back,","1:19:114": "spread your feet, sir)","1:21:182": "He turned around and saw","1:22:226": "that it was Tesha, d*mn","1:25:75": "Now he locked up","1:26:103": "his bond a million","1:28:173": "He locked in a cell","1:29:265": "with a Brazilian","1:31:838": "Rico cellmate name is Pedro","1:35:225": "Pedro said he know","1:36:260": "how to get them pesos","1:38:665": "Rico dead broke","1:39:656": "and he ain't got no bond","1:41:885": "But Pedro got connects","1:43:144": "and paid Rico's bond","1:45:284": "Rico out of jail","1:46:800": "and he met the plug","1:48:883": "Started movin' bricks","1:50:11": "and got his bands up","1:52:351": "Rico went to jail","1:53:369": "and paid Pedro a visit","1:55:779": "Pedro looked at Rico and asked","1:57:79": "How you livin'?","1:59:106": "Rico said he want out","2:0:437": "of the dope game","2:2:93": "But he love that fast money","2:3:922": "off the cocaine","2:6:89": "Pedro said he get out","2:7:169": "in a couple weeks","2:9:100": "And he need Rico","2:10:20": "to loan his ass a couple keys","2:13:50": "Rico said","2:13:689": "I got you, u know you my homie","2:16:126": "Pedro told Rico","2:17:203": "he was the next Tony","2:19:903": "Rico left then got","2:21:30": "pulled over by a cop","2:22:890": "He said, (What?) She said,","2:24:10": "Excuse me sir u failed to stop","2:26:223": "He looked close and recognized","2:27:933": "it was his baby mama","2:30:93": "He reached under the seat","2:31:102": "and grabbed his f*ckin' llama",}}, {name: "xxxmanera - Loyalty Before Royalty",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851750266256228392/1090196343143804948/xxxmanera_-_Loyalty_Before_Royalty_musmore.com.mp3",sync: {"12:79": "Ah, I don't even know, ah","13:730": "Why I lost a friend, hey","15:57": "But you know","15:765": "I still, keep gridin', yea","17:855": "Starting gettin' bread, yeah","19:46": "Get my momma help, yeah","20:115": "Yeah, you know my boy","21:126": "you make me shining, ah","23:37": "Every time I feel, uh","24:100": "Like I keep it real, ah","25:904": "When I even get my diamond, yh","28:63": "Diamonds on me frozed, frozed","29:715": "Biting and it hurts, yeah","31:62": "Shit is look like even","32:13": "Yeah, get fightin', yeah","33:47": "Wake up in the mornin'","34:57": "with my style Shit insane, huh","35:158": "I'm going hard, feelin' like","37:29": "I really never change though","38:109": "Back to old me, yeah","40:69": "I was lonely, yeah","41:100": "Never know","42:60": "that I'm goin' riding foreign","43:227": "Yea-yea, ah-ah-ah","45:329": "I'm so fly","46:225": "Yeah, my money doubleup","47:794": "bands, go die","49:25": "I saw that Bitch","49:816": "I might go like, then wassup","51:854": "Yeah, I saw her before","53:55": "I take her tonight","54:903": "Ah, I don't even know, ah","56:82": "Why I lost a friend, hey","57:814": "But you know","58:439": "I still, keep gridin', yea","1:0:100": "Starting gettin' bread, yeah","1:1:802": "Get my momma help, yeah","1:3:82": "Yeah, you know my boy","1:4:82": "you make me shining, ah","1:5:745": "Every time I feel, uh","1:7:55": "Like I keep it real, ah","1:8:103": "When I even get my diamond, yh","1:11:92": "Diamonds on me frozed, frozed","1:12:99": "Biting and it hurts, yeah","1:13:51": "Shit is look like even","1:14:931": "Yeah, get fightin', yeah",},}, {name: "xxxmanera - Sosa! Baby",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851750266256228392/1090994870786723880/xxxmanera-sosa-baby_456582572.mp3",sync: {"0:83": "Sosa Baby, uh-uh","1:653": "Sosa Baby (Yeah, wha')","3:41": "Sosa Baby","4:19": "Look at me, now I'm ready","6:63": "Sosa Baby (Uh-uh)","7:730": "Sosa Baby (Yeah, wha')","9:55": "Sosa Baby","9:853": "Look at me, now I'm","11:30": "Back in a days","12:85": "When I used to dream","13:99": "about this dollar sign","14:300": "Bitch so crazy","15:98": "How this make me","16:6": "Write the ####ing hella rhymes","17:99": "And I tryin make it right","19:13": "Wanna make my pockets tight","20:103": "Everyday I wanna baggin'","22:50": "I got baggin' on my mind","23:70": "Back in a days","24:90": "When I used to dream","25:30": "about this dollar sign","26:150": "Bitch so crazy","27:60": "How this make me","28:50": "Write the ####ing hella rhymes","29:140": "And I tryin make it right","31:40": "Wanna make my pockets tight","32:250": "Everyday I wanna baggin'","34:20": "I got baggin' on my mind","35:85": "I know she wait on me","36:200": "Cause I sound like nobody","38:50": "She just tryna get it in","39:200": "But I feel like no one need","41:80": "Yeah, cold blood and is it","43:49": "Drunk Hennessy","44:30": "All I do is tryna get rich","46:10": "Look at me (Yeah, wow, yeah)","47:700": "I want my Lamborghini fits","49:5": "with my eyes colour","50:70": "Yeah, I wanna riding Mazzerati","52:20": "Let this cops swallow dust","53:120": "Buy the castle all cost","55:4": "Bitch we trapin like a russian","56:320": "It is money on my mind","57:940": "So I never stop rushin'","59:60": "Back in a days","1:0:80": "When I used to dream","1:1:59": "about this dollar sign","1:2:90": "Bitch so crazy","1:3:60": "How this make me","1:4:20": "Write the ####ing hella rhymes","1:5:130": "And I tryin make it right","1:7:20": "Wanna make my pockets tight","1:8:140": "Everyday I wanna baggin'","1:10:20": "I got baggin' on my mind","1:11:60": "Back in a days","1:12:93": "When I used to dream","1:13:80": "about this dollar sign","1:14:90": "Bitch so crazy","1:15:60": "How this make me","1:16:40": "Write the ####ing hella rhymes","1:17:100": "and I tryin make it right","1:19:10": "Wanna make my pockets tight","1:20:60": "Everyday I wanna baggin'","1:22:50": "I got baggin' on my mind","1:23:120": "I know she wait on me","1:24:300": "Cause I sound like nobody","1:26:30": "She just tryna get it in","1:27:120": "But I feel like no one need","1:29:60": "Yeah, cold blood and is it","1:31:5": "Drunk Hennessy","1:32:50": "All I do is tryna get rich","1:34:10": "Look at me (Yeah-yeah)","1:36:20": "Sosa Baby (Wha')","1:37:800": "Sosa Baby (Ayy)","1:39:80": "Sosa Baby (Wha')","1:40:720": "Sosa Baby",},}, {name: "xxxmanera - Dead Idol",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851750266256228392/1090186949488279573/xxxmanera_-_Dead_Idol_musmore.com.mp3",sync: {"13:97": "I've write that sh1t again","14:107": "that splash again, hold up","15:800": "Young minds cant stand,hold up","17:105": "Drip on me, cocaine colour","19:85": "Look like I'm a dead idol","20:107": "Oh man godDamn, okay","22:118": "I'm tired of be alone","23:829": "I got a fame, the faith","25:768": "That say, 'I gotta play'","27:60": "I gotta say","28:81": "a lot, to people in a crowd","30:505": "Don't need no think,","31:905": "I'm smart.","32:810": "This Shit don't warm my heart","34:38": "I feel like, Damn,","35:87": "Whachu' really mean?","36:108": "I ain't play saints","37:867": "I'm just sayin'","38:800": "I don't know, how this sh1t","40:19": "just up my bands?","41:99": "Are you mad or nah?","42:125": "you take a loss","43:102": "Can't understand your feelings","44:640": "duh, dont #### about the Bitch","46:92": "like boss","51:979": "You know my name","52:700": "but wrist ain't frozed","53:904": "This photo, Bitch","54:689": "just take a pose",},}, {name: "CRVN x Zack Merci - Nobody",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851750266256228392/1093939618765873172/Zack_Merci_-_Nobody_feat._CRVN.mp3",sync: {"15:879": "Children used to run and play","18:730": "Look at all the mess we made","21:747": "Guess I never know","22:795": "Where it went wrong","27:155": "Sometimes I feel like","28:99": "all that's sad","30:99": "Goes viral then people forget","33:666": "In this crazy world","34:557": "I don't belong","38:986": "I see fire burning","41:84": "but I close my eyes","43:98": "(I'd rather deny that)","44:992": "Everything is falling","47:62": "out of place...","50:93": "I see trees ripped","52:97": "from the ground, but","54:87": "Nobody makes a sound","57:12": "I see fire burning","59:19": "But I'm fine","1:1:39": "Now I am nobody","1:13:80": "Now I am nobody","1:39:300": "The future feels so unsure","1:42:700": "Didn't we deserve more?","1:45:103": "The burden that you left","1:46:943": "is way too heavy for me","1:51:890": "Do you ever feel","1:52:930": "Like the world will die out?","1:54:120": "My anxiety's","1:55:930": "off the roof, I cry out","1:57:750": "We have gone too far","1:58:700": "Take me back right now","2:3:1": "I see fire burning","2:5:50": "but I close my eyes","2:7:100": "(I'd rather deny that)","2:9:1": "Everything is falling","2:11:0": "out of place...","2:14:50": "I see the trees ripped","2:16:50": "from the ground, but","2:18:60": "Nobody makes a sound","2:21:0": "I see fire burning","2:23:30": "But I'm fine","2:25:30": "Now I am nobody","2:49:13": "Now I am nobody",},}, {name: "Cheriimoya, Sierra Kidd - Living Life In The Night",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851750266256228392/1094196032650362891/Cheriimoya_Sierra_Kidd_-_Living_Life_In_The_Night.mp3",sync: {"15:937": "Lord knows and I think","17:53": "I know it too sometimes","19:20": "Everytime, and","20:18": "they reachin out for","21:185": "what's mine","22:70": "Lord knows and I think","23:918": "I know it too sometimes","25:869": "Everytime, and","26:908": "they reachin out for","28:20": "what's mine","28:700": "I've been awake for days","30:5": "so we out living life","31:150": "in the night","32:90": "Pray to God","33:80": "Man I hope I don't die","34:988": "I've been awake for days","36:220": "so we out living life","38:70": "in the night","39:15": "Pray to God","40:19": "Man I hope I don't die","41:120": "in the night","42:105": "Lord knows and I think","44:25": "I know it too sometimes","45:993": "Everytime, and","47:12": "they reachin out for","48:79": "what's mine","49:70": "Lord knows and I think","50:263": "I know it too sometimes","52:639": "Everytime, and","53:778": "they reachin out for","55:56": "what's mine","55:700": "Two-two, two bedrooms","57:53": "seven little childs","58:100": "it can't be right","59:83": "Call my brother","1:0:100": "he in prison doin' time","1:1:863": "but we alright","1:2:699": "Tried my best just","1:3:978": "to catch a ####in' smile","1:5:60": "But for now I see myself","1:7:3": "ain't hittin the thirty-five","1:8:530": "I've been awake for days","1:10:31": "so we out living life","1:12:1": "in the night","1:12:800": "Pray to God","1:13:410": "Man I hope I don't die","1:15:30": "I've been awake for days","1:17:1": "so we out living life","1:18:830": "in the night","1:19:100": "Pray to God","1:20:50": "Man I hope I don't die","1:22:1": "in the night","1:22:900": "Lord knows and I think","1:24:33": "I know it too sometimes","1:26:20": "Everytime, and","1:27:63": "they reachin out for","1:28:803": "what's mine","1:29:200": "Lord knows and I think","1:31:3": "I know it too sometimes","1:32:990": "Everytime, and","1:34:20": "they reachin out for","1:35:50": "what's mine","1:35:930": "Two-two, two bedrooms","1:37:60": "seven little childs","1:38:560": "it can't be right","1:39:700": "Call my brother","1:40:230": "he in prison doin' time","1:42:30": "but we alright","1:43:1": "Tried my best just","1:44:30": "to catch a ####in' smile","1:45:200": "But for now I see myself","1:47:45": "ain't hittin the thirty-five","1:48:853": "I've been awake for days","1:50:67": "so we out living life","1:52:30": "in the night","1:53:50": "Pray to God","1:53:950": "Man I hope I don't die","1:55:30": "I've been awake for days","1:57:73": "so we out living life","1:59:1": "in the night","1:59:773": "Pray to God","2:0:220": "Man I hope I don't die","2:2:80": "in the night","2:3:13": "Lord knows and I think","2:4:63": "I know it too sometimes","2:6:60": "Everytime, and","2:7:80": "they reachin out for","2:9:1": "what's mine","2:9:800": "Lord knows and I think","2:11:50": "I know it too sometimes","2:13:90": "Everytime, and","2:14:50": "they reachin out for","2:15:700": "what's mine",},}, {name: "Adrenaline - ACE",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1030764523734441985/1081989273361842246/ADRENALINE_-_ACE.mp3",sync: {"1:0:816": "Body feels like lava flowin'","1:3:428": "Hard adrenaline","1:6:637": "Rushin' though the pain","1:8:315": "and squeezing","1:9:449": "Power's runnin' in my veins","1:11:762": "Fight or flight","1:13:258": "And my mind turns crazy","1:15:753": "It's time to do or die","1:18:746": "Fear thunders in my heart","1:21:229": "and I, and I","1:24:721": "Energy, a heart explosion","1:27:896": "All I need, adrenaline","1:30:753": "Never stop to is in my mind","1:33:565": "Fire away, adrenaline","1:36:785": "Rollercoaster of emotion","1:39:869": "I just need adrenaline","1:42:635": "Setting all the worlds afire","1:45:583": "Energy, adrenaline","2:1:33": "It's no game, we're messin'","2:2:847": "'round with","2:3:981": "Hard adrenaline","2:7:246": "Waste a wave of hungryfeelings","2:10:285": "Just bring out the best in me","2:12:643": "Fight or flight","2:14:185": "And my mind turns crazy","2:16:453": "It's time to do or die","2:19:128": "Fear thunders in my heart","2:21:940": "and I, and I","2:25:468": "Energy, a heart explosion","2:28:371": "All I need, adrenaline","2:31:545": "Never stop to is in my mind","2:34:584": "Fire away, adrenaline","2:37:441": "Rollercoaster of emotion","2:40:752": "I just need adrenaline","2:43:563": "Setting all the worlds afire","2:46:693": "Energy, adrenaline","3:40:48": "Energy, a heart explosion","3:42:995": "All I need, adrenaline","3:45:995": "Never stop to is in my mind","3:48:995": "Fire away, adrenaline","3:53:653": "Rollercoaster of emotion","3:56:374": "I just need adrenaline","3:59:549": "Setting all the worlds afire","4:2:542": "Energy, adrenaline","4:18:160": "A D R E N A L I N E",}}];//Thanks To BySylex For Making Song Chatsvar converToJSDelay = (time) => {let newTime = time.split(":").reverse();time = 0;let convert = [6e4 * 60, 6e4, 1000, 1].reverse();newTime.forEach((b, c) => {time += b * convert[c];});return time;};songs.forEach(e => {let oldDatas = e.sync;e.sync = {};for (let time in oldDatas) {e.sync[converToJSDelay(time)] = oldDatas[time];}});let songchat1 = new Audio("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1065969963644506152/1079719316074790953/V_O_E_-_Giants_Extended_Mix_NCS_Release_1.mp3");let isPlaying = false;let singing = {timeouts: []}function toggleSong() {let id = document.getElementById("songy").value;if(id > 5) {if (!isPlaying) {songchat1.src = songs[id - 1].src;songchat1.play();for (let time in songs[id - 1].sync) {let message = songs[id - 1].sync[time];singing.timeouts.push(setTimeout(() => {io.send("6", message);}, time));}isPlaying = true;} else {songchat1.pause();isPlaying = false;}}}let bboooo = 120120document.addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {if (e.key === bboooo) {if(document.getElementById("songy").value > 5) {toggleSong();}if(document.getElementById("songy").value == 1) {cSp = !cSp;cH()}if(document.getElementById("songy").value == 2) {cSp = !cSp;cH2()}if(document.getElementById("songy").value == 3) {cSp = !cSp;cH3()}if(document.getElementById("songy").value == 4) {cSp = !cSp;cH4()}sendChat("started");}});let chatting = false;document.addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {if (e.key == "Enter") {chatting = !chatting}if (e.key == "b" && !chatting) {io.send("6", "Pew");console.log("clicked b");}});function createPath() {grid = [];checkObject();}function Pathfinder() {pathFind.scale = (config.maxScreenWidth / 2) * 1.3;if (!traps.inTrap && (pathFind.chaseNear ? enemy.length : true)) {if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range) {packet("9", undefined, 1);} else {createPath();easystar.setGrid(grid);easystar.setAcceptableTiles([0]);easystar.enableDiagonals();let spike = gameObjects.filter(tmp => tmp.dmg && tmp.active && tmp.isTeamObject(player)).sort(function(a, b) {return UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2);})[0];easystar.findPath(spike.x, spike.y, pathFind.lastX, pathFind.lastY, function(path) {if (path === null) {pathFind.array = [];if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range) {packet("9", undefined, 1);} else {packet("9", near.aim2, 1);}} else {pathFind.array = path;if (pathFind.array.length > 1) {let tmpXY = {x: (player.x2 - (pathFind.scale / 2)) + ((pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid) * path[1].x),y: (player.y2 - (pathFind.scale / 2)) + ((pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid) * path[1].y)}packet("9", UTILS.getDirect(tmpXY, player, 0, 2), 1);}}});easystar.calculate();console.warn(easystar);}}}/** PATHFIND TEST */// ITEM COUNT DISPLAY:let isItemSetted = [];function updateItemCountDisplay(index = undefined) {for (let i = 3; i < items.list.length; ++i) {let id = items.list[i].group.id;let tmpI = items.weapons.length + i;if (!isItemSetted[tmpI]) {isItemSetted[tmpI] = document.createElement("div");isItemSetted[tmpI].id = "itemCount" + tmpI;getEl("actionBarItem" + tmpI).appendChild(isItemSetted[tmpI]);isItemSetted[tmpI].style = `display: block;position: absolute;padding-left: 5px;font-size: 2em;color: #fff;`;isItemSetted[tmpI].innerHTML = player.itemCounts[id] || 0;} else {if (index == id) isItemSetted[tmpI].innerHTML = player.itemCounts[index] || 0;}}}// AUTOPUSH:function autoPush() {let nearTrap = gameObjects.filter(tmp => tmp.trap && tmp.active && tmp.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(tmp, near, 0, 2) <= (near.scale + tmp.getScale() + 5)).sort(function(a, b) {return UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2);})[0];if (nearTrap) {let spike = gameObjects.filter(tmp => tmp.dmg && tmp.active && tmp.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(tmp, nearTrap, 0, 0) <= (near.scale + nearTrap.scale + tmp.scale)).sort(function(a, b) {return UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2);})[0];if (spike) {let pos = {x: spike.x + (250 * Math.cos(UTILS.getDirect(near, spike, 2, 0))),y: spike.y + (250 * Math.sin(UTILS.getDirect(near, spike, 2, 0))),x2: spike.x + ((UTILS.getDist(near, spike, 2, 0) + player.scale) * Math.cos(UTILS.getDirect(near, spike, 2, 0))),y2: spike.y + ((UTILS.getDist(near, spike, 2, 0) + player.scale) * Math.sin(UTILS.getDirect(near, spike, 2, 0)))};let finds = gameObjects.filter(tmp => tmp.active).find((tmp) => {let tmpScale = tmp.getScale();if (!tmp.ignoreCollision && UTILS.lineInRect(tmp.x - tmpScale, tmp.y - tmpScale, tmp.x + tmpScale, tmp.y + tmpScale, player.x2, player.y2, pos.x2, pos.y2)) {return true;}});if (finds) {if (my.autoPush) {my.autoPush = false;packet("9", lastMoveDir || undefined, 1);}} else {my.autoPush = true;my.pushData = {x: spike.x + Math.cos(70),y: spike.y + Math.sin(70),x2: pos.x2 + Math.cos(30),y2: pos.y2 + Math.sin(30)};let scale = player.scale / 10;let secondArg = UTILS.getDirect(near, spike, 2, 0) > 70 ? near.aim2 : undefined;if (UTILS.lineInRect(player.x2 - scale, player.y2 - scale, player.x2 + scale, player.y2 + scale, near.x2, near.y2, pos.x, pos.y)) {packet("9", secondArg, 1);} else {packet("9", UTILS.getDirect(pos, player, 2, 2), 1);}}} else {if (my.autoPush) {my.autoPush = false;packet("9", lastMoveDir || undefined, 1);}}} else {if (my.autoPush) {my.autoPush = false;packet("9", lastMoveDir || undefined, 1);}}}class AutoPush {socket = null;findIntersect(vec, vec1, vec2) {// Find point of vec1 and vec2 intersectionconst delta = Math.hypot(vec1.x - vec2.x, vec1.y - vec2.y) / 2;const tang = Math.tan((vec1.y - vec2.y) / (vec1.x - vec2.x));const vec3x = Math.cos(tang) * delta;const vec3y = Math.sin(tang) * delta;// Find angle from vec to vec3const theta = Math.tan((vec.y - vec3y) / (vec.x - vec3x));return theta;};pushEnemy(player, enemy, spike) {const angle = this.findIntersect(enemy, spike, player);const dist = Math.hypot(player.x - enemy.x, player.y - enemy.y);if (dist > 180) return;this.socket.send("33", angle);};constructor(socket) {this.socket = socket;}}// ADD DEAD PLAYER:function addDeadPlayer(tmpObj) {deadPlayers.push(new DeadPlayer(tmpObj.x, tmpObj.y, tmpObj.dir, tmpObj.buildIndex, tmpObj.weaponIndex, tmpObj.weaponVariant, tmpObj.skinColor, tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.name));}/** APPLY SOCKET CODES */// SET INIT DATA:function setInitData(data) {alliances = data.teams;}function secondSocket() {let time = Date.now();const e = time - second;window.pingTime = e;}const Qt = document.getElementById("pingDisplay")// PING:var lastPing = -1;var maxPing = NaN;var minPing = NaN;var pingCount = 0;var doAutoQ = false;function pingSocketResponse() {let pingTime = window.pingTime;pingCount++;if (pingTime > ms.max || isNaN(ms.max)) {ms.max = pingTime;}if (pingTime < ms.min || isNaN(ms.min)) {ms.min = pingTime;}// pingDisplay.innerText = "Ping: " + pingTime + " ms | FPS: " + currentFPS + " frames";// if (pingTime >= 90) {//     doAutoQ = true;// } else {//     doAutoQ = false;// }}function pingSocket() {lastPing = Date.now();io.send('0');}// SETUP GAME:var fisrtloadez = false;function setupGame(yourSID) {keys = {};macro = {};playerSID = yourSID;attackState = 0;inGame = true;// pingSocketStart();// rePing();fisrtloadez = true;packet("F", 0, getAttackDir(), 1);my.ageInsta = true;if (firstSetup) {firstSetup = false;gameObjects.length = 0;}}// ADD NEW PLAYER:function addPlayer(data, isYou) {let tmpPlayer = findPlayerByID(data[0]);if (!tmpPlayer) {tmpPlayer = new Player(data[0], data[1], config, UTILS, projectileManager,objectManager, players, ais, items, hats, accessories);players.push(tmpPlayer);if (data[1] != playerSID) {addChatLog("Encountered " + data[2], "#23BD86", "", "#23BD86");}} else {if (data[1] != playerSID) {addChatLog("Encountered " + data[2], "#23BD86", "", "#23BD86");}}tmpPlayer.spawn(isYou ? true : null);tmpPlayer.visible = false;tmpPlayer.oldPos = {x2: undefined,y2: undefined};tmpPlayer.x2 = undefined;tmpPlayer.y2 = undefined;tmpPlayer.x3 = undefined;tmpPlayer.y3 = undefined;tmpPlayer.setData(data);if (isYou) {if (!player) {window.prepareUI(tmpPlayer);}player = tmpPlayer;camX = player.x;camY = player.y;my.lastDir = 0;updateItems();updateAge();updateItemCountDisplay();if (player.skins[7]) {my.reSync = true;}}}// REMOVE PLAYER:function removePlayer(id) {for (let i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {if (players[i].id == id) {let tmpPlayer = players[i];addChatLog(tmpPlayer.name + " has left", "red", "", "red");if (configs.playerLogger) {player.chat.message = tmpPlayer.name + " has left";player.chat.count = 2000;}players.splice(i, 1);break;}}}// UPDATE HEALTH:function updateHealth(sid, value) {tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(sid);if (tmpObj) {tmpObj.oldHealth = tmpObj.health;tmpObj.health = value;tmpObj.judgeShame();if (tmpObj.oldHealth > tmpObj.health) {if (tmpObj == near) {let damage = tmpObj.oldHealth - tmpObj.health;if (tmpObj.skinIndex == 7 && (damage == 5 || (tmpObj.latestTail == 13 && damage == 2))) {tmpObj.bullTick = game.tick;}}tmpObj.damaged = tmpObj.oldHealth - tmpObj.health;let damaged = tmpObj.damaged;tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(sid);let bullTicked = false;if (tmpObj && tmpObj.health <= 0) {if (!tmpObj.death) {tmpObj.death = true;if (tmpObj != player) {console.warn(getAttacker(damaged));addChatLog(tmpObj.name + " has died", "#db2727", "", "#db2727");if (configs.playerLogger) {player.chat.message = tmpObj.name + " has died";player.chat.count = 2000;}}addDeadPlayer(tmpObj);}}if (tmpObj == player) {if (tmpObj.skinIndex == 7 && (damaged == 5 || (tmpObj.latestTail == 13 && damaged == 2))) {if (my.reSync) {my.reSync = false;tmpObj.setBullTick = true;}bullTicked = true;}if (inGame) {let attackers = getAttacker(damaged);let gearDmgs = [0.25, 0.45].map((val) => val * items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg * soldierMult());let includeSpikeDmgs = !bullTicked && gearDmgs.includes(damaged);let healTimeout = (1000/9);let slowHeal = function(timer) {game.tickBase(() => {healer();}, 2);}if(antiSync) {healer();player.canEmpAnti = false;}let total = 0;if (damaged >= (includeSpikeDmgs ? 8 : 25) && player.damageThreat >= 100 && (game.tick - player.antiTimer) > 1) {player.canEmpAnti = true;player.antiTimer = game.tick;let shame = Math.floor(Math.random() * (6 - 4) + 3);if (tmpObj.shameCount < shame) {healer();} else {slowHeal(healTimeout);}} else {slowHeal(healTimeout);}// if (damaged >= 20 && (player.skinIndex == 11 || near.skinIndex == 53)) instaC.canCounter = true;}} else {if (!tmpObj.setPoisonTick && (tmpObj.damaged == 5 || (tmpObj.latestTail == 13 && tmpObj.damaged == 2))) {tmpObj.setPoisonTick = true;}}} else {if(tmpObj != player) {if(tmpObj.maxShameCount < tmpObj.shameCount) {tmpObj.maxShameCount = tmpObj.shameCount;}}}if (tmpObj.health <= 0) {/*bots.forEach((hmm) => {hmm.whyDie = tmpObj.name;});*/}}}function enterGame() {getEl("ot-sdk-btn-floating").style.display = "none";packet("M", {name: "1-lol",moofoll: lastsp[1],skin: lastsp[2]});}// KILL PLAYER:function killPlayer() {inGame = false;lastDeath = {x: player.x,y: player.y,};if (configs.autoRespawn) {getEl("ot-sdk-btn-floating").style.display = "none";packet("M", {name: "1-lol",moofoll: lastsp[1],skin: lastsp[2]});}}// UPDATE PLAYER ITEM VALUES:function updateItemCounts(index, value) {if (player) {player.itemCounts[index] = value;updateItemCountDisplay(index);}}var ageText = getEl("ageText");var ageBarBody = getEl("ageBarBody");// UPDATE AGE:function updateAge(xp, mxp, age) {if (xp != undefined)player.XP = xp;if (mxp != undefined)player.maxXP = mxp;if (age != undefined)player.age = age;if (age == config.maxAge) {ageText.innerHTML = "MAX AGE";} else {ageText.innerHTML = "AGE " + player.age;if (getEl("visualType").value == "smiley") {ageBarBody.style.transition = "1s";} else {ageBarBody.style.transition = null;}}}// UPDATE UPGRADES:function updateUpgrades(points, age) {player.upgradePoints = points;player.upgrAge = age;if (points > 0) {tmpList.length = 0;UTILS.removeAllChildren(upgradeHolder);for (let i = 0; i < items.weapons.length; ++i) {if (items.weapons[i].age == age && (testMode || items.weapons[i].pre == undefined || player.weapons.indexOf(items.weapons[i].pre) >= 0)) {let e = UTILS.generateElement({id: "upgradeItem" + i,class: "actionBarItem",onmouseout: function() {showItemInfo();},parent: upgradeHolder});e.style.backgroundImage = getEl("actionBarItem" + i).style.backgroundImage;tmpList.push(i);}}for (let i = 0; i < items.list.length; ++i) {if (items.list[i].age == age && (testMode || items.list[i].pre == undefined || player.items.indexOf(items.list[i].pre) >= 0)) {let tmpI = (items.weapons.length + i);let e = UTILS.generateElement({id: "upgradeItem" + tmpI,class: "actionBarItem",onmouseout: function() {showItemInfo();},parent: upgradeHolder});e.style.backgroundImage = getEl("actionBarItem" + tmpI).style.backgroundImage;tmpList.push(tmpI);}}for (let i = 0; i < tmpList.length; i++) {(function(i) {let tmpItem = getEl('upgradeItem' + i);tmpItem.onmouseover = function() {if (items.weapons[i]) {showItemInfo(items.weapons[i], true);} else {showItemInfo(items.list[i - items.weapons.length]);}};tmpItem.onclick = UTILS.checkTrusted(function() {packet("H", i);});UTILS.hookTouchEvents(tmpItem);})(tmpList[i]);}if (tmpList.length) {upgradeHolder.style.display = "block";upgradeCounter.style.display = "block";upgradeCounter.style.borderRadius = "4px";upgradeCounter.innerHTML = "SELECT ITEMS (" + points + ")";} else {upgradeHolder.style.display = "none";upgradeCounter.style.display = "none";showItemInfo();}} else {upgradeHolder.style.display = "none";upgradeCounter.style.display = "none";showItemInfo();}// SMART AUTOUPGRADE:if (configs.AutoUpgrade) {if(age == 3) {sendUpgrade(17)} else if (age == 4) {sendUpgrade(31)} else if (age == 5) {sendUpgrade(23)} else if (age == 8) {if(player.secondaryIndex == 9) {sendUpgrade(12)} else if(player.primaryIndex == 3) {sendUpgrade(4)} else {sendUpgrade(28)}} else if (age == 9) {if(player.secondaryIndex == 12) {sendUpgrade(15)} else {sendUpgrade(25)}}// 12  15}}function cdf(e, t) {try {return Math.hypot((t.y2 || t.y) - (e.y2 || e.y), (t.x2 || t.x) - (e.x2 || e.x));} catch (e) {return Infinity;}}function caf(e, t) {try {return Math.atan2((t.y2 || t.y) - (e.y2 || e.y), (t.x2 || t.x) - (e.x2 || e.x));} catch (e) {return 0;}}function numArr(e = 0, t = 1, act, n = 1) {let arr = [];for (let i = e; i < t; i += n) {arr.push(i);typeof act == "function" && act(i);}return arr;}function toR(e) {var n = (e * Math.PI / 180) % (2 * Math.PI);return n > Math.PI ? Math.PI - n : n}function toD(e) {var n = (e / Math.PI * 360) % 360;return n >= 360 ? n - 360 : n;}// KILL OBJECT:function killObject(sid) {let findObj = findObjectBySid(sid);objectManager.disableBySid(sid);let n = findObj;if (n && cdf(player, n) < 200) {if (nears.length) {let enemy = near;let A = player;let dist = cdf(A, enemy);let dir = caf(A, enemy);let dir2 = caf(player, dir + toR(180));//this dir can works to laggy playerslet ignore = [0, 0];let place = function(t, f) {checkPlace(t, f);}if (dist < 500) {for(let i = 0; i != 2; i++) {if (dist < 200) {//console.log(dir);for(let i = 0; i < Math.PI; i += toR(items.list[A.items[2]].scale)) {let placed;if (ignore[0]) {placed = false;ignore[0]--;} else {place(2, (dir || dir2) + i) && (toD(i) < items.list[A.items[2]].scale && (ignore[1] = Math.ceil(items.list[A.items[2]].scale / toD(Math.PI / 12))), placed = true);}placed && (ignore[0] = Math.ceil(items.list[A.items[2]].scale / toD(Math.PI / 12)));if (!placed || UTILS.getAngleDist(dir + i, dir - i) > toR(items.list[A.items[2]].scale)) {if (ignore[1]) {ignore[1]--;} else {place(2, dir - i) && (ignore[1] = Math.ceil(items.list[A.items[2]].scale / toD(Math.PI / 12)))}}}place(4, toR(toD(dir) - 180));} else {let ignore = 0;if (ignore) {ignore--;} else {for(let i = 0; i < Math.PI/2; i += Math.PI / 3) {checkPlace(4, dir + i) && (ignore = Math.ceil(50 / Math.PI / 6));}}}}}}}}// KILL ALL OBJECTS BY A PLAYER:function killObjects(sid) {// addChatLog(findPlayerBySID(sid).name + " has left", "red", "", "red");if (player) objectManager.removeAllItems(sid);}function fgdo(a, b) {return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((b.y - a.y), 2) + Math.pow((b.x - a.x), 2));}function perfectReplace() {let range = items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + 70;gameObjects.forEach(tmpObj => {let objDst = UTILS.getDist(tmpObj, player, 0, 2);let perfectAngle = UTILS.getDirect(tmpObj, player, 0, 2);if (tmpObj.health <= 300 && fgdo(tmpObj, player) <= 300 && near.dist2 <= 300 || ((near.length && near.reloads[near.weaponIndex] <= config.tickRate * (window.pingTime >= 200 ? 2 : 1)) || player.reloads[player.weaponIndex]*1000 <= config.tickRate * (window.pingTime >= 200 ? 2 : 1))) {console.log('preplace');// setTickout(() => {place(2, perfectAngle);// }, 2);}});}let ticks = {tick: 0,delay: 0,time: [],manage: [],};// GAME TICKOUT:function setTickout(doo, timeout) {if (!ticks.manage[ticks.tick + timeout]) {ticks.manage[ticks.tick + timeout] = [doo];} else {ticks.manage[ticks.tick + timeout].push(doo);}}function doNextTick(doo) {waitTicks.push(doo);}let waitTicks = [];// UPDATE PLAYER DATA:let nEy;let placeableSpikes = [];let placeableTraps = [];let placeableSpikesPREDICTS = [];let autos = {insta: {todo: false,wait: false,count: 4,shame: 5},bull: false,antibull: 0,reloaded: false,stopspin: true}let autoQ = false, canHit = false;function updatePlayers(data) {//insta predictiongame.tick++;enemy = [];// perfectReplace();nears = [];near = [];//showPlace = [];game.tickSpeed = performance.now() - game.lastTick;game.lastTick = performance.now();ticks.tick++;ticks.time.push(Date.now() - ticks.delay <= 50 || Date.now() - ticks.delay >= 175 ? "lag" : 1);if (ticks.tick % 10 === 0) {ticks.time = [];antiSync = false;}if (ticks.tick % 300 === 0) {ms.max = window.pingTime;ms.min = window.pingTime;players.forEach((tmp) => {tmp.maxShameCount = 0;})}ticks.delay = Date.now();players.forEach((tmp) => {tmp.forcePos = !tmp.visible;tmp.visible = false;});for (let i = 0; i < data.length;) {tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(data[i]);if (tmpObj) {tmpObj.t1 = (tmpObj.t2 === undefined) ? game.lastTick : tmpObj.t2;tmpObj.t2 = game.lastTick;tmpObj.oldPos.x2 = tmpObj.x2;tmpObj.oldPos.y2 = tmpObj.y2;tmpObj.x1 = tmpObj.x;tmpObj.y1 = tmpObj.y;tmpObj.x2 = data[i + 1];tmpObj.y2 = data[i + 2];tmpObj.x3 = tmpObj.x2 + (tmpObj.x2 - tmpObj.oldPos.x2);tmpObj.y3 = tmpObj.y2 + (tmpObj.y2 - tmpObj.oldPos.y2);tmpObj.d1 = (tmpObj.d2 === undefined) ? data[i + 3] : tmpObj.d2;tmpObj.d2 = data[i + 3];tmpObj.dt = 0;tmpObj.buildIndex = data[i + 4];tmpObj.weaponIndex = data[i + 5];tmpObj.weaponVariant = data[i + 6];tmpObj.team = data[i + 7];tmpObj.isLeader = data[i + 8];tmpObj.oldSkinIndex = tmpObj.skinIndex;tmpObj.oldTailIndex = tmpObj.tailIndex;tmpObj.skinIndex = data[i + 9];tmpObj.tailIndex = data[i + 10];tmpObj.iconIndex = data[i + 11];tmpObj.zIndex = data[i + 12];tmpObj.visible = true;tmpObj.update(game.tickSpeed);tmpObj.dist2 = UTILS.getDist(tmpObj, player, 2, 2);tmpObj.aim2 = UTILS.getDirect(tmpObj, player, 2, 2);tmpObj.dist3 = UTILS.getDist(tmpObj, player, 3, 3);tmpObj.aim3 = UTILS.getDirect(tmpObj, player, 3, 3);tmpObj.damageThreat = 0;if (tmpObj.skinIndex == 45 && tmpObj.shameTimer <= 0) {tmpObj.addShameTimer();}if (tmpObj.oldSkinIndex == 45 && tmpObj.skinIndex != 45) {tmpObj.shameTimer = 0;if (tmpObj == player) {healer();}}if ((window.pingTime > 90 || ms.avg > 90)) {if (player.shameCount < 4 && near.dist2 <= 300 && near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] <= config.tickRate * (window.pingTime >= 200 ? 2 : 1)) {autoQ = true;place(0, getAttackDir());} else {if (autoQ) {place(0, getAttackDir());}autoQ = false;}}//predictive antibull thx o1rdif (near.dist2 < 300) {if (near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] <= config.tickRate && [3, 4, 5].includes(near.primaryIndex) && [3, 4, 5].includes(player.weapons[0])) {canHit = true;} else {canHit = false;}} else {canHit = false;}if (canHit) {buyEquip(11, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);my.autoAim = true;setTickout(() => {selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);buyEquip(7, 0);buyEquip(21, 1);sendAutoGather();setTickout(() => {buyEquip(53, 0);sendAutoGather();my.autoAim = false;}, 1)}, 1)}nEy = tmpObj;if (tmpObj == player) {if (gameObjects.length) {gameObjects.forEach((tmp) => {tmp.onNear = false;if (tmp.active) {if (!tmp.onNear && UTILS.getDist(tmp, tmpObj, 0, 2) <= tmp.scale + items.weapons[tmpObj.weapons[0]].range) {tmp.onNear = true;}if (tmp.isItem && tmp.owner) {if (!tmp.pps && tmpObj.sid == tmp.owner.sid && UTILS.getDist(tmp, tmpObj, 0, 2) > (parseInt(getEl("breakRange").value) || 0) && !tmp.breakObj && ![13, 14, 20].includes(tmp.id)) {tmp.breakObj = true;breakObjects.push({x: tmp.x,y: tmp.y,sid: tmp.sid});}}}});let nearTrap = gameObjects.filter(e => e.trap && e.active && UTILS.getDist(e, tmpObj, 0, 2) <= (tmpObj.scale + e.getScale() + 5) && !e.isTeamObject(tmpObj)).sort(function(a, b) {return UTILS.getDist(a, tmpObj, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, tmpObj, 0, 2);})[0];if (nearTrap) {traps.dist = UTILS.getDist(nearTrap, tmpObj, 0, 2);traps.aim = UTILS.getDirect(nearTrap, tmpObj, 0, 2);if (!traps.inTrap) {traps.protect(traps.aim, nearTrap);}traps.inTrap = true;traps.info = nearTrap;} else {traps.inTrap = false;traps.info = {};}} else {traps.inTrap = false;}}if (tmpObj.weaponIndex < 9) {tmpObj.primaryIndex = tmpObj.weaponIndex;tmpObj.primaryVariant = tmpObj.weaponVariant;} else if (tmpObj.weaponIndex > 8) {tmpObj.secondaryIndex = tmpObj.weaponIndex;tmpObj.secondaryVariant = tmpObj.weaponVariant;}}i += 13;}if (waitTicks.length) {waitTicks.forEach((ajaj) => {ajaj();});waitTicks = [];}if (runAtNextTick.length) {runAtNextTick.forEach((tmp) => {checkProjectileHolder(...tmp);});runAtNextTick = [];}if (textManager.stack.length) {let stacks = [];let notstacks = [];let num = 0;let num2 = 0;let pos = {x: null,y: null};let pos2 = {x: null,y: null}textManager.stack.forEach((text) => {if (text.value >= 0) {if (num == 0) pos = {x: text.x,y: text.y};num += Math.abs(text.value);} else {if (num2 == 0) pos2 = {x: text.x,y: text.y};num2 += Math.abs(text.value);}});if (num2 > 0) {textManager.showText(pos2.x, pos2.y, 50, 0.18, 500, num2, healTextColor);}if (num > 0) {textManager.showText(pos.x, pos.y, 50, 0.18, 500, num, damageTextColor);}textManager.stack = [];}if (runAtNextTick.length) {runAtNextTick.forEach((tmp) => {checkProjectileHolder(...tmp);});runAtNextTick = [];}for (let i = 0; i < data.length;) {tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(data[i]);if (tmpObj) {if (!tmpObj.isTeam(player)) {enemy.push(tmpObj);if (tmpObj.dist2 <= items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex == undefined ? 5 : tmpObj.primaryIndex].range + (player.scale * 2)) {nears.push(tmpObj);}}tmpObj.manageReload();if (tmpObj != player) {tmpObj.addDamageThreat(player);}}i += 13;}/*projectiles.forEach((proj) => {tmpObj = proj;if (tmpObj.active) {tmpObj.tickUpdate(game.tickSpeed);}});*/if (player && player.alive) {if (enemy.length) {if (player && player.alive){placeableSpikes = getPlaceablePositions(player, items.list[player.items[2]]);placeableTraps = player.items[4] == 15 ? getPlaceablePositions(player, items.list[player.items[4]]) : [];}near = enemy.sort(function(tmp1, tmp2) {return tmp1.dist2 - tmp2.dist2;})[0];} else {//console.log("no enemy");}if (game.tickQueue[game.tick]) {game.tickQueue[game.tick].forEach((action) => {action();});game.tickQueue[game.tick] = null;}if (advHeal.length) {advHeal.forEach((updHealth) => {});advHeal = [];}players.forEach((tmp) => {if (!tmp.visible && player != tmp) {tmp.reloads = {0: 0,1: 0,2: 0,3: 0,4: 0,5: 0,6: 0,7: 0,8: 0,9: 0,10: 0,11: 0,12: 0,13: 0,14: 0,15: 0,53: 0,};}if (tmp.setBullTick) {tmp.bullTimer = 0;}if (tmp.setPoisonTick) {tmp.poisonTimer = 0;}tmp.updateTimer();});if (inGame) {if (enemy.length) {if (player.canEmpAnti) {player.canEmpAnti = false;if (near.dist2 <= 300) {if (near.reloads[53] == 0 && !my.safePrimary(near) && !my.safeSecondary(near)) {player.empAnti = true;player.soldierAnti = false;//modLog("EmpAnti");} else {player.empAnti = false;player.soldierAnti = true;//modLog("SoldierAnti");}}}let prehit = gameObjects.filter(tmp => tmp.dmg && tmp.active && tmp.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(tmp, near, 0, 3) <= (tmp.scale + near.scale)).sort(function(a, b) {return UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2);})[0];if (prehit) {if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + player.scale * 1.8 && configs.predictTick) {instaC.canSpikeTick = true;instaC.syncHit = true;if (configs.revTick && player.weapons[1] == 15 && player.reloads[53] == 0 && instaC.perfCheck(player, near)) {instaC.revTick = true;}}}let antiSpikeTick = gameObjects.filter(tmp => tmp.dmg && tmp.active && !tmp.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(tmp, player, 0, 3) < (tmp.scale + player.scale)).sort(function(a, b) {return UTILS.getDist(a, player, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, player, 0, 2);})[0];if (antiSpikeTick && !traps.inTrap) {if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[5].range + near.scale * 1.8) {my.anti0Tick = 1;if (configs.combatWarnings) {player.chat.message = "SpikeTick Threat [ 4 ]";player.chat.count = 1500;}}}}let bultect = false;if((game.tick - near.bullTick) % 9 == 0 && near.skinIndex == 7) {addChatLog("Bulltick detected: " + near.name + "[" + near.sid + "]", "#40E0D0", "", "#40E0D0");bultect = true;game.tickBase(() => {bultect = false;}, 1)}if ((getEl("visualType").value == "smiley" ? true : ((player.checkCanInsta(true) >= 100 ? player.checkCanInsta(true) : player.checkCanInsta(false)) >= (player.weapons[1] == 10 ? 95 : 100))) && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && (instaC.wait || (getEl("visualType").value == "smiley" && Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 0) || bultect) && ((getEl("visualType").value == "smiley" && near.shameCount >= near.maxShameCount) || (getEl("visualType").value != "smiley" && true)) && !instaC.isTrue && !my.waitHit && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0 && (getEl("visualType").value == "smiley" ? true : getEl("instaType").value == "oneShot" ? (player.reloads[53] <= (player.weapons[1] == 10 ? 0 : game.tickRate)) : true) && instaC.perfCheck(player, near)) {if (player.checkCanInsta(true) >= 100) {instaC.nobull = getEl("visualType").value == "smiley" ? false : instaC.canSpikeTick ? false : true;} else {instaC.nobull = false;}instaC.can = true;} else {instaC.can = false;}//                         if (near.dist <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + (near.enemy.scale * 1.8) && !traps.intrap && !autos.insta.wait) {//                             autos.bull = true;//                             if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[0]) {//                                 selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);//                             }//                             if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0) {//                                 io.send("7", 1);//                                 io.send("2", near.aim);//                                 buyEquip(7, 0);//                                 setTimeout(()=> {//                                     io.send("7", 1);//                                     buyEquip(6, 0);//                                 }, game.tickRate);//                             }//                         } else {//                             autos.bull = false;//                         }macro.q && place(0, getAttackDir());macro.f && place(4, getSafeDir());macro.v && place(2, getSafeDir());macro.y && place(1, getSafeDir());macro.h && place(player.getItemType(22), getSafeDir());macro.z && place(3, getSafeDir());if (game.tick % 0.5 == 0) {if (mills.place) {let plcAng = 1.20;for (let i = -plcAng; i <= plcAng; i += plcAng) {checkPlace(3, UTILS.getDirect(player.oldPos, player, 2, 2) + i);}} else {if (mills.placeSpawnPads) {for (let i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 2) {checkPlace(player.getItemType(20), UTILS.getDirect(player.oldPos, player, 2, 2) + i);}}}}if (instaC.can) {instaC.changeType(configs.alwaysRevInsta ? "rev" : player.weapons[1] == 10 ? "rev" : instaC.nobull ? "nobull" : "normal");}if (instaC.canCounter) {instaC.canCounter = false;if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !instaC.isTrue) {instaC.counterType();}}if (instaC.canSpikeTick) {instaC.canSpikeTick = false;if (instaC.revTick) {instaC.revTick = false;if ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].includes(player.weapons[0]) && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0 && !instaC.isTrue) {instaC.changeType("rev");}} else {if ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].includes(player.weapons[0]) && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !instaC.isTrue) {instaC.spikeTickType();if (instaC.syncHit) {}}}}if (!clicks.middle && (clicks.left || clicks.right) && !instaC.isTrue) {if ((player.weaponIndex != (clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0])) || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]);}if (player.reloads[clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !my.waitHit) {sendAutoGather();my.waitHit = 1;game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();my.waitHit = 0;}, 1);}}if (traps.inTrap) {if (!clicks.left && !clicks.right && !instaC.isTrue) {if (player.weaponIndex != (traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]);}if (player.reloads[traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !my.waitHit) {sendAutoGather();my.waitHit = 1;game.tickBase(() => {sendAutoGather();my.waitHit = 0;}, 1);}}}if (clicks.middle && !traps.inTrap) {if (!instaC.isTrue && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0) {if (my.ageInsta && player.weapons[0] != 4 && player.weapons[1] == 9 && player.age >= 9 && enemy.length) {instaC.bowMovement();} else {instaC.rangeType();}}}if (macro.t && !traps.inTrap) {if (!instaC.isTrue && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && (player.weapons[1] == 15 ? (player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0) : true) && (player.weapons[0] == 5 || (player.weapons[0] == 4 && player.weapons[1] == 15))) {instaC[(player.weapons[0] == 4 && player.weapons[1] == 15) ? "kmTickMovement" : "tickMovement"]();}}if (macro["."] && !traps.inTrap) {if (!instaC.isTrue && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && ([9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? (player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0) : true)) {instaC.boostTickMovement();}}if (player.weapons[1] && !clicks.left && !clicks.right && !traps.inTrap && !instaC.isTrue && !(getEl("visualType").value == "ae" && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8)) {if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0) {if (!my.reloaded) {my.reloaded = true;let fastSpeed = items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].spdMult < items.weapons[player.weapons[1]].spdMult ? 1 : 0;if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[fastSpeed] || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[fastSpeed]);}}if(getEl("visualType").value == "ae") {if (!autos.stopspin) {setTimeout(()=>{autos.stopspin = true;}, 500);}}} else {my.reloaded = false;if(getEl("visualType").value == "ae") {autos.stopspin = false;}if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] > 0) {if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[0] || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);}} else if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] > 0) {if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[1] || player.buildIndex > -1) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]);}if(getEl("visualType").value == "ae") {if (!autos.stopspin) {setTimeout(()=>{autos.stopspin = true;}, 500);}}}}}if (!traps.inTrap && !traps.replaced) {traps.autoPlace();}if (!macro.q && !macro.f && !macro.v && !macro.h && !macro.n) {packet("D", getAttackDir());}let hatChanger = function() {if (my.anti0Tick > 0) {buyEquip(6, 0);} else {if (clicks.left || clicks.right) {if ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % 9 == 0 && player.skinIndex != 45) || my.reSync) {buyEquip(7, 0);} else {if (clicks.left) {buyEquip(21, 1);buyEquip(player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? getEl("weaponGrind").checked ? 40 : 7 : player.empAnti ? 22 : player.soldierAnti ? 22 : (getEl("antiBullType").value == "abreload" && near.antiBull > 0) ? 11 : near.dist2 <= 300 ? (getEl("antiBullType").value == "abalway" && near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] == 0) ? 11 : 22 : biomeGear(1, 1), 0);} else if (clicks.right) {buyEquip(player.reloads[clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? 40 : player.empAnti ? 22 : 22, 0);}}} else if (traps.inTrap) {if (traps.info.health <= items.weapons[player.weaponIndex].dmg ? false : (player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0)) {buyEquip(40, 0);} else {if ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % 9 == 0 && player.skinIndex != 45) || my.reSync) {buyEquip(7, 0);} else {buyEquip((player.empAnti || near.dist2 > 300 || !enemy.length) ? 22 : 22, 0);}}} else {if (player.empAnti || player.soldierAnti) {buyEquip(player.empAnti ? 22 : 6, 0);} else {if ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % 9 == 0 && player.skinIndex != 45) || my.reSync) {buyEquip(7, 0);} else {if (near.dist2 <= 300) {buyEquip((getEl("antiBullType").value == "abreload" && near.antiBull > 0) ? 11 : (getEl("antiBullType").value == "abalway" && near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] == 0) ? 11 : 6, 0);} else {biomeGear(1);}}}}if((near.antiBull > 0 || (player.reloads[player.weaponIndex] != 0 && player.reloads[player.weaponIndex] != 1))) {for(let i = toR(-30); i < toR(30); i += toR(30)) {let obj = gameObjects.filter(tmp => tmp.active && UTILS.getDist(tmp, player, 0, 2) < 300);if(obj) {obj.forEach((tmp) => {if(obj.health <= items.weapons[player.weaponIndex].dmg || (near.length && obj.health <= items.weapons[near.weaponIndex].dmg)) {place(2, UTILS.getDirect(tmp, player, 0, 2) + i);}})}}}}}let accChanger = function() {if (near.dist2 <= 500 && near.dist2 > 200) {buyEquip(19, 1)}if (clicks.left || clicks.right || autos.bull || near.dist2 <= 200) {buyEquip(21, 1);} else {traps.inTrap ? buyEquip(21, 1) : buyEquip(11, 1);}}if (storeMenu.style.display != "block" && !instaC.ticking) {hatChanger();accChanger();}if (configs.autoPush && enemy.length && !traps.inTrap) {autoPush();//Pathfinder();} else {if (my.autoPush) {my.autoPush = false;packet("9", lastMoveDir || undefined, 1);}}if (!my.autoPush && pathFind.active && enemy.length && !traps.inTrap && !instaC.ticking) {// PathFinder();}if (instaC.ticking) {instaC.ticking = false;}if (instaC.syncHit) {instaC.syncHit = true;}if (player.empAnti) {player.empAnti = false;}if (player.soldierAnti) {player.soldierAnti = false;}if (my.anti0Tick > 0) {my.anti0Tick--;}if (traps.replaced) {traps.replaced = false;}if (traps.antiTrapped) {traps.antiTrapped = false;}}}if (botSkts.length) {botSkts.forEach((bots) => {if (true) {bots[0].ssend("player", player, near, botIDS);}});}}// UPDATE LEADERBOARD:function updateLeaderboard(data) {UTILS.removeAllChildren(leaderboardData);var tmpC = 1;for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 3) {// console.log(data);(function(i) {UTILS.generateElement({class: "leaderHolder",parent: leaderboardData,children: [UTILS.generateElement({class: "leaderboardItem",style: data[i] == player.sid ? "color: rgba(255,255,255,1); font-size: 18px;" : "color: rgba(255,255,255,0.6); font-size: 18px; padding: 2px;", //"font-size: 18px;",text: (data[i + 1] != "" ? data[i + 1] : "unknown") + " [" + data[i] + "]"}),UTILS.generateElement({class: "f", //class: "leaderScore",style: data[i] == player.sid ? "color: rgba(255,255,255,1); font-size: 18px;" : "color: rgba(255,255,255,0.6); font-size: 18px; padding: 2px;",text: (" " + UTILS.kFormat(data[i + 2]) || " 0")})]});})(i);tmpC++;}}// LOAD GAME OBJECT:function loadGameObject(data) {for (let i = 0; i < data.length;) {objectManager.add(data[i], data[i + 1], data[i + 2], data[i + 3], data[i + 4],data[i + 5], items.list[data[i + 6]], true, (data[i + 7] >= 0 ? {sid: data[i + 7]} : null));i += 8;}}// ADD AI:function loadAI(data) {for (let i = 0; i < ais.length; ++i) {ais[i].forcePos = !ais[i].visible;ais[i].visible = false;}if (data) {let tmpTime = performance.now();for (let i = 0; i < data.length;) {tmpObj = findAIBySID(data[i]);if (tmpObj) {tmpObj.index = data[i + 1];tmpObj.t1 = (tmpObj.t2 === undefined) ? tmpTime : tmpObj.t2;tmpObj.t2 = tmpTime;tmpObj.x1 = tmpObj.x;tmpObj.y1 = tmpObj.y;tmpObj.x2 = data[i + 2];tmpObj.y2 = data[i + 3];tmpObj.d1 = (tmpObj.d2 === undefined) ? data[i + 4] : tmpObj.d2;tmpObj.d2 = data[i + 4];tmpObj.health = data[i + 5];tmpObj.dt = 0;tmpObj.visible = true;} else {tmpObj = aiManager.spawn(data[i + 2], data[i + 3], data[i + 4], data[i + 1]);tmpObj.x2 = tmpObj.x;tmpObj.y2 = tmpObj.y;tmpObj.d2 = tmpObj.dir;tmpObj.health = data[i + 5];if (!aiManager.aiTypes[data[i + 1]].name)tmpObj.name = config.cowNames[data[i + 6]];tmpObj.forcePos = true;tmpObj.sid = data[i];tmpObj.visible = true;}i += 7;}}}// ANIMATE AI:function animateAI(sid) {tmpObj = findAIBySID(sid);if (tmpObj) tmpObj.startAnim();}function gatherAnimation(sid, didHit, index) {tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(sid);// console.log(items.weapons[tmpObj.weaponIndex].speed - 1000/9 - (ms.max - ms.avg) + ms.avg)if (tmpObj) {tmpObj.startAnim(didHit, index);tmpObj.gatherIndex = index;tmpObj.gathering = 1;if(nears.filter(near => near.gathering).length>=2) {if (configs.combatWarnings) {player.chat.message = "Primary Sync Threat [ 1 ]";player.chat.count = 1500;}antiSync = true;game.tickBase(() => {antiSync = false;}, 1);}if (didHit) {let tmpObjects = objectManager.hitObj;objectManager.hitObj = [];// let obj = tmpObjects;//     if(obj.health <= items.weapons[tmpObj.weaponIndex].dmg*2) {//         game.tickBase(() => {//             setTimeout(() => {//                 place(2, Number.MAX_VALUE);//             }, items.weapons[tmpObj.weaponIndex].speed - 1000/9)//         }, 2)//     }tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(sid);game.tickBase(() => {let val = items.weapons[index].dmg * (config.weaponVariants[tmpObj[(index < 9 ? "prima" : "seconda") + "ryVariant"]].val) * (items.weapons[index].sDmg || 1) * (tmpObj.skinIndex == 40 ? 3.3 : 1);tmpObjects.forEach((healthy) => {healthy.healthMov = healthy.health - val / 2;healthy.health -= val;if(healthy.health <= items.weapons[index].dmg*2 && near.length && near.dist2 <= 600 && UTILS.getDist(healthy, player, 0, 2) <= 300) {game.tickBase(() => {setTimeout(() => {place(near.dist2<140?4:2, UTILS.getDirect(healthy, player, 0, 2));for(let i = toR(-60); i < toR(60); i += toR(30)) {place(((near.dist2<180||near.dist2>350)?4:2), UTILS.getDirect(healthy, player, 0, 2) + i);}}, (items.weapons[tmpObj.weaponIndex].speed - 1000/9 - (ms.max - ms.avg) + ms.avg/3))}, 2)}if (getEl("visualType").value == "pacifist") {//love to https://gist.github.com/bendc/76c48ce53299e6078a76let h, s, l;let color = (() => {const randomInt = (min, max) => {return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;};h = randomInt(0, 360);s = randomInt(42, 98);l = randomInt(40, 90);// return `hsl(${h},${s}%,${l}%)`;})();//and love https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36721830/convert-hsl-to-rgb-and-hexfunction hslToHex(h, s, l) {l /= 100;const a = s * Math.min(l, 1 - l) / 100;const f = n => {const k = (n + h / 30) % 12;const color = l - a * Math.max(Math.min(k - 3, 9 - k, 1), -1);return Math.round(255 * color).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');   // convert to Hex and prefix "0" if needed};return `#${f(0)}${f(8)}${f(4)}`;}console.log(hslToHex(h, s, l));showDamageText(healthy.x, healthy.y, val, hslToHex(h, s, l));}});}, 1)}}}function showDamageText(x, y, value, color) {textManager.showText(x, y, 30, 0.15, 550, Math.round(value), color);}// WIGGLE GAME OBJECT:function wiggleGameObject(dir, sid) {tmpObj = findObjectBySid(sid);if (tmpObj) {tmpObj.xWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.cos(dir);tmpObj.yWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.sin(dir);if (tmpObj.health) {//tmpObj.damaged = Math.min(255, tmpObj.damaged + 60);objectManager.hitObj.push(tmpObj);}// io.send("6", "wiggled");}}// SHOOT TURRET:function shootTurret(sid, dir) {tmpObj = findObjectBySid(sid);if (tmpObj) {if (config.anotherVisual) {tmpObj.lastDir = dir;} else {tmpObj.dir = dir;}tmpObj.xWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.cos(dir + Math.PI);tmpObj.yWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.sin(dir + Math.PI);}}var killCounter = getEl("killCounter");// UPDATE PLAYER VALUE:function updatePlayerValue(index, value, updateView) {if (player) {player[index] = value;if (index == "points") {if (configs.autoBuy) {autoBuy.hat();autoBuy.acc();}} else if (index == "kills") {if (configs.killChat) {io.send("6", "gg - AutoGG Happymod")setTimeout(() => {io.send("6", "Happy Mod v7")setTimeout(() => {io.send("6", "Get Better ASS!")setTimeout(() => {io.send("6", "Niggers: " + player.kills)}, 1500);}, 1500);}, 1500);}}}}// ACTION BAR:function updateItems(data, wpn) {if (data) {if (wpn) {player.weapons = data;player.primaryIndex = player.weapons[0];player.secondaryIndex = player.weapons[1];if (!instaC.isTrue) {selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]);}} else {player.items = data;}}for (let i = 0; i < items.list.length; i++) {let tmpI = items.weapons.length + i;getEl("actionBarItem" + tmpI).style.display = player.items.indexOf(items.list[i].id) >= 0 ? "inline-block" : "none";}for (let i = 0; i < items.weapons.length; i++) {getEl("actionBarItem" + i).style.display = player.weapons[items.weapons[i].type] == items.weapons[i].id ? "inline-block" : "none";}let kms = player.weapons[0] == 3 && player.weapons[1] == 15;if (kms) {getEl("actionBarItem3").style.display = "none";getEl("actionBarItem4").style.display = "inline-block";}}// ADD PROJECTILE:function addProjectile(x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, layer, sid) {projectileManager.addProjectile(x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, null, null, layer, inWindow).sid = sid;runAtNextTick.push(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));}// REMOVE PROJECTILE:function remProjectile(sid, range) {for (let i = 0; i < projectiles.length; ++i) {if (projectiles[i].sid == sid) {projectiles[i].range = range;let tmpObjects = objectManager.hitObj;objectManager.hitObj = [];game.tickBase(() => {let val = projectiles[i].dmg;tmpObjects.forEach((healthy) => {if (healthy.projDmg) {healthy.health -= val;}});}, 1);}}}// SHOW ALLIANCE MENU:function allianceNotification(sid, name) {let findBotSID = findSID(bots, sid);if (findBotSID) { }}function setPlayerTeam(team, isOwner) {if (player) {player.team = team;player.isOwner = isOwner;if (team == null)alliancePlayers = [];}}function setAlliancePlayers(data) {alliancePlayers = data;}// STORE MENU:function updateStoreItems(type, id, index) {if (index) {if (!type)player.tails[id] = 1;else {player.latestTail = id;}} else {if (!type)player.skins[id] = 1,id == 7 && (my.reSync = true); // testing perfect bulltick...else {player.latestSkin = id;}}}function checkProfanityString(text) {var tmpString;let alwaysfalse = false;if (!alwaysfalse) {for (var i = 0; i < profanityList.length; ++i) {if (text.indexOf(profanityList[i]) > -1) {tmpString = "";for (var y = 0; y < profanityList[i].length; ++y) {tmpString += tmpString.length ? "o" : "M";}var re = new RegExp(profanityList[i],"g");text = text.replace(re, tmpString);}}}return text;}function isTeam(tmpObj) {return (tmpObj == player || (tmpObj.team && tmpObj.team == player.team));}// SEND MESSAGE:function receiveChat(sid, message) {let tmpPlayer = findPlayerBySID(sid);let countDown = 0;let coolDownForAI = false;addChatLog(message, "#fff", tmpPlayer.name + "[" + tmpPlayer.sid + "]:", tmpPlayer == player || (tmpPlayer.team && tmpPlayer.team == player.team) ? "#279df1" : "#fff");tmpPlayer.chatMessage = ((text) => {let tmpString;profanityList.forEach((list) => {if (text.indexOf(list) > -1) {tmpString = "";for (var y = 0; y < list.length; ++y) {tmpString += tmpString.length ? "o" : "M";}var re = new RegExp(list, 'g');text = text.replace(re, tmpString);}});return text;})(message);tmpPlayer.chatCountdown = config.chatCountdown;if (isTeam(tmpPlayer) || player == tmpPlayer) {if (message == "Pew") {instaC.syncTry();io.send("6", "Pew");}}if (getEl("autochat").checked) {if (message.includes("mod")) {packet("6", "Happymod V4")}if (message.includes("what mod")) {packet("6", "Happymod V4")}if (message.includes("bad")) {io.send("6", "bad = u bad?");} else if (message.includes("lag")) {io.send("6", "your issue");} else if (message.includes("Lag")) {io.send("6", "your issue");} else if (message.includes("cringe")) {io.send("6", "cringe = u cringe?");} else if (message.includes("mad")) {io.send("6", "mad = u mad?");} else if (message.includes("idiot")) {io.send("6", "idiot = u idiot?");} else if (message.includes("retard")) {io.send("6", "retard = u retard?");} else if (message.includes("ok and")) {io.send("6", "ok, u r noob");} else if (message.includes("get a life")) {io.send("6", "then i will get ur life");} else if (message.includes("cry about it")) {io.send("6", "cry about your dumbness");} else if (message.includes("fell off")) {io.send("6", "i leveled up");} else if (message.includes("get good")) {io.send("6", "U r right you should get good");} else if (message.includes("stupid")) {io.send("6", "stupid = u stupid?");} else if (message.includes("homo")) {io.send("6", "homo = u homo?");} else if (message.includes("noob")) {io.send("6", "noob = u noob?");} else if (message.includes("dumb")) {io.send("6", "dumb = u dumb?");} else if (message.includes("Dumb")) {io.send("6", "Dumb = You Dumb?");} else if (message.includes("moron")) {io.send("6", "moron = u moron?");} else if (message.includes("not fun")) {io.send("6", "so funny!");} else if (message.includes("Noob")) {io.send("6", "Noob = You Noob?");} else if (message.includes("nub")) {io.send("6", "nub = u nub?");} else if (message.includes("nob")) {io.send("6", "nob = u nob?");} else if (message.includes("nab")) {io.send("6", "nab = u nab?");} else if (message.includes("Nigga")) {io.send("6", "Nigga = u Nigger?");} else if (message.includes("Nigger")) {io.send("6", "Nigger = u Nigger?");} else if (message.includes("niggA")) {io.send("6", "Nigga = u Nigger?");} else if (message.includes("nigger")) {io.send("6", "Nigger = u Nigger?");} else if (message.includes("real")) {io.send("6", "yes im real");} else if (message.includes("loser")) {io.send("6", "loser = u loser?");} else if (message.includes("!c!dc")) {io.send("6", "pls disconnect this noob");} else if (message.includes("gay")) {io.send("6", "gay = u gay ?");} else if (message.includes("gae")) {io.send("6", "gae = u gay ?");} else if (message.includes("Gay")) {io.send("6", "Gay = You gay ?");} else if (message.includes("love u")) {io.send("6", "Gay??");} else if (message.includes("love you")) {io.send("6", "Gay??");} else if (message.includes("luv you")) {io.send("6", "Gay??");} else if (message.includes("luv u")) {io.send("6", "Gay??");} else if (message.includes("hi")) {io.send("6", "hi");} else if (message.includes("ngu")) {io.send("6", "ngu = u stupid?");} else if (message.includes("Ngu")) {io.send("6", "Ngu = u stupid?");} else if (message.includes("NGU")) {io.send("6", "Ngu = u NGU?");} else if (message.includes("hehe")) {io.send("6", "haha");} else if (message.includes("haha")) {io.send("6", "hahahahahaha");} else if (message.includes("huhu")) {io.send("6", "huhuhuhuhuhu");} else if (message.includes("ez")) {io.send("6", "ik you ez");} else if (message.includes("Ez")) {io.send("6", "ik you ez");} else if (message.includes("easy")) {io.send("6", "ik you ez");} else if (message.includes("gg")) {io.send("6", "gg ez");} else if (message.includes("Gg")) {io.send("6", "gg ez");} else if (message.includes("lol")) {io.send("6", "LOL LOL LOL");} else if (message.includes("Lol")) {io.send("6", "LOL LOL LOL");} else if (message.includes("lmao")) {io.send("6", "lmao LMAO LMAO LMAO");} else if (message.includes("Lmao")) {io.send("6", "lmao LMAO LMAO LMAO");} else if (message.includes("lvl")) {io.send("6", "why");} else if (message.includes("1v1")) {io.send("6", "why");} else if (message.includes("hello")) {io.send("6", "hello");} else if (message.includes("idk")) {io.send("6", "-_-");} else if (message.includes("xd")) {io.send("6", "lol");} else if (message.includes("Xd")) {io.send("6", "lol lol lol");} else if (message.includes("xD")) {io.send("6", "lol lol");} else if (message.includes("XD")) {io.send("6", "lmaooo");} else if (message.includes(":<")) {io.send("6", ":>");} else if (message.includes(":(")) {io.send("6", ":)");} else if (message.includes("):")) {io.send("6", "(:");} else if (message.includes(":C")) {io.send("6", "C:");} else if (message.includes(":c")) {io.send("6", "c:");} else if (message.includes("D:")) {io.send("6", ":D");} else if (message.includes("-_-")) {io.send("6", "xd");} else if (message.includes("sb")) { //chinese meaning. (stupid)io.send("6", "sb = u SB?");} else if (message.includes("AutoGG")) {io.send("6", "GG! EZ!");} else if (message.includes("Master Race")) {io.send("6", "GG! EZ!");} else if (message.includes("autoclicker")) {io.send("6", "autoclicker = Good");} else if (message.includes("auto clicker")) {io.send("6", "autoclicker = Good");} else if (message.includes("trash")) {io.send("6", "trash = u trash?");} else if (message.includes("suck")) {io.send("6", "suck = u suck?");} else if (message.includes("fatherless")) {io.send("6", "Yes you are fatherless");} else if (message.includes("motherless")) {io.send("6", "Yes you are motherless");}}}// MINIMAP:function updateMinimap(data) {minimapData = data;}// SHOW ANIM TEXT:function showText(x, y, value, type, color) {if (config.anotherVisual) {textManager.stack.push({ x: x, y: y, value: value });} else {textManager.showText(x, y, 50, 0.18, 500, Math.abs(value), color);}}// RENDER LEAF:function renderLeaf(x, y, l, r, ctxt) {let endX = x + (l * Math.cos(r));let endY = y + (l * Math.sin(r));let width = l * 0.4;ctxt.moveTo(x, y);ctxt.beginPath();ctxt.quadraticCurveTo(((x + endX) / 2) + (width * Math.cos(r + Math.PI / 2)),((y + endY) / 2) + (width * Math.sin(r + Math.PI / 2)), endX, endY);ctxt.quadraticCurveTo(((x + endX) / 2) - (width * Math.cos(r + Math.PI / 2)),((y + endY) / 2) - (width * Math.sin(r + Math.PI / 2)), x, y);ctxt.closePath();ctxt.fill();ctxt.stroke();}// RENDER CIRCLE:function renderCircle(x, y, scale, tmpContext, dontStroke, dontFill) {tmpContext = tmpContext || mainContext;tmpContext.beginPath();tmpContext.arc(x, y, scale, 0, 2 * Math.PI);if (!dontFill) tmpContext.fill();if (!dontStroke) tmpContext.stroke();}function renderHealthCircle(x, y, scale, tmpContext, dontStroke, dontFill) {tmpContext = tmpContext || mainContext;tmpContext.beginPath();tmpContext.arc(x, y, scale, 0, 2 * Math.PI);if (!dontFill) tmpContext.fill();if (!dontStroke) tmpContext.stroke();}// RENDER STAR SHAPE:function renderStar(ctxt, spikes, outer, inner) {let rot = Math.PI / 2 * 3;let x, y;let step = Math.PI / spikes;ctxt.beginPath();ctxt.moveTo(0, -outer);for (let i = 0; i < spikes; i++) {x = Math.cos(rot) * outer;y = Math.sin(rot) * outer;ctxt.lineTo(x, y);rot += step;x = Math.cos(rot) * inner;y = Math.sin(rot) * inner;ctxt.lineTo(x, y);rot += step;}ctxt.lineTo(0, -outer);ctxt.closePath();}function renderHealthStar(ctxt, spikes, outer, inner) {let rot = Math.PI / 2 * 3;let x, y;let step = Math.PI / spikes;ctxt.beginPath();ctxt.moveTo(0, -outer);for (let i = 0; i < spikes; i++) {x = Math.cos(rot) * outer;y = Math.sin(rot) * outer;ctxt.lineTo(x, y);rot += step;x = Math.cos(rot) * inner;y = Math.sin(rot) * inner;ctxt.lineTo(x, y);rot += step;}ctxt.lineTo(0, -outer);ctxt.closePath();}// RENDER RECTANGLE:function renderRect(x, y, w, h, ctxt, dontStroke, dontFill) {if (!dontFill) ctxt.fillRect(x - (w / 2), y - (h / 2), w, h);if (!dontStroke) ctxt.strokeRect(x - (w / 2), y - (h / 2), w, h);}function renderHealthRect(x, y, w, h, ctxt, dontStroke, dontFill) {if (!dontFill) ctxt.fillRect(x - (w / 2), y - (h / 2), w, h);if (!dontStroke) ctxt.strokeRect(x - (w / 2), y - (h / 2), w, h);}// RENDER RECTCIRCLE:function renderRectCircle(x, y, s, sw, seg, ctxt, dontStroke, dontFill) {ctxt.save();ctxt.translate(x, y);seg = Math.ceil(seg / 2);for (let i = 0; i < seg; i++) {renderRect(0, 0, s * 2, sw, ctxt, dontStroke, dontFill);ctxt.rotate(Math.PI / seg);}ctxt.restore();}// RENDER BLOB:function renderBlob(ctxt, spikes, outer, inner) {let rot = Math.PI / 2 * 3;let x, y;let step = Math.PI / spikes;let tmpOuter;ctxt.beginPath();ctxt.moveTo(0, -inner);for (let i = 0; i < spikes; i++) {tmpOuter = UTILS.randInt(outer + 0.9, outer * 1.2);ctxt.quadraticCurveTo(Math.cos(rot + step) * tmpOuter, Math.sin(rot + step) * tmpOuter,Math.cos(rot + (step * 2)) * inner, Math.sin(rot + (step * 2)) * inner);rot += step * 2;}ctxt.lineTo(0, -inner);ctxt.closePath();}// RENDER TRIANGLE:function renderTriangle(s, ctx) {ctx = ctx || mainContext;let h = s * (Math.sqrt(3) / 2);ctx.beginPath();ctx.moveTo(0, -h / 2);ctx.lineTo(-s / 2, h / 2);ctx.lineTo(s / 2, h / 2);ctx.lineTo(0, -h / 2);ctx.fill();ctx.closePath();}// PREPARE MENU BACKGROUND:function prepareMenuBackground() {var tmpMid = config.mapScale / 2;objectManager.add(0, tmpMid, tmpMid + 200, 0, config.treeScales[3], 0);objectManager.add(1, tmpMid, tmpMid - 480, 0, config.treeScales[3], 0);objectManager.add(2, tmpMid + 300, tmpMid + 450, 0, config.treeScales[3], 0);objectManager.add(3, tmpMid - 950, tmpMid - 130, 0, config.treeScales[2], 0);objectManager.add(4, tmpMid - 750, tmpMid - 400, 0, config.treeScales[3], 0);objectManager.add(5, tmpMid - 700, tmpMid + 400, 0, config.treeScales[2], 0);objectManager.add(6, tmpMid + 800, tmpMid - 200, 0, config.treeScales[3], 0);objectManager.add(7, tmpMid - 260, tmpMid + 340, 0, config.bushScales[3], 1);objectManager.add(8, tmpMid + 760, tmpMid + 310, 0, config.bushScales[3], 1);objectManager.add(9, tmpMid - 800, tmpMid + 100, 0, config.bushScales[3], 1);objectManager.add(10, tmpMid - 800, tmpMid + 300, 0, items.list[4].scale, items.list[4].id, items.list[10]);objectManager.add(11, tmpMid + 650, tmpMid - 390, 0, items.list[4].scale, items.list[4].id, items.list[10]);objectManager.add(12, tmpMid - 400, tmpMid - 450, 0, config.rockScales[2], 2);}// RENDER PLAYERS:let ooolala = 0;function renderDeadPlayers(xOffset, yOffset) {mainContext.fillStyle = "#91b2db";deadPlayers.filter(dead => dead.active).forEach((dead) => {dead.animate(delta);mainContext.globalAlpha = dead.alpha;mainContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor;mainContext.save();mainContext.translate(dead.x - xOffset, dead.y - yOffset);// RENDER PLAYER:mainContext.rotate(dead.dir);mainContext.scale(dead.visScale / dead.scale, dead.visScale / dead.scale);renderDeadPlayer(dead, mainContext);mainContext.restore();mainContext.font = "20px Ubuntu";let tmpSize = mainContext.measureText("R.I.P");let tmpH = 50;let tmpW = tmpSize.width + 10;mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";mainContext.fillStyle = "#ccc";mainContext.strokeStyle = "#999";mainContext.roundRect(dead.x - xOffset - (tmpW / 2), dead.y - yOffset - (tmpH / 2) + (dead.scale * 1.5), tmpW, tmpH, 6);mainContext.fill();mainContext.stroke();mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";mainContext.strokeStyle = "#000";mainContext.strokeText("R.I.P", dead.x - xOffset, dead.y + (dead.scale * 1.5) - yOffset);mainContext.fillText("R.I.P", dead.x - xOffset, dead.y + (dead.scale * 1.5) - yOffset);mainContext.strokeText(dead.name, dead.x - xOffset, dead.y + (dead.scale * 1.5) + 35 - yOffset);mainContext.fillText(dead.name, dead.x - xOffset, dead.y + (dead.scale * 1.5) + 35 - yOffset);// same color in bundlemainContext.fillStyle = "#91b2db";});}// RENDER PLAYERS:function renderPlayers(xOffset, yOffset, zIndex) {mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;mainContext.fillStyle = "#91b2db";for (var i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) {tmpObj = players[i];if (tmpObj.zIndex == zIndex) {tmpObj.animate(delta);if (tmpObj.visible) {tmpObj.skinRot += (0.002 * delta);tmpDir = (getEl("visualType").value == "ae" || tmpObj != player ? tmpObj.dir : getVisualDir());// tmpDir = (!configs.showDir && tmpObj == player) ? configs.attackDir ? getVisualDir() : getSafeDir() : (tmpObj.dir || 0);mainContext.save();mainContext.translate(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset);// RENDER PLAYER:mainContext.rotate(tmpDir + tmpObj.dirPlus);renderPlayer(tmpObj, mainContext);mainContext.restore();}}}}// RENDER DEAD PLAYER:function renderDeadPlayer(obj, ctxt) {ctxt = ctxt || mainContext;ctxt.lineWidth = outlineWidth;ctxt.lineJoin = "miter";let handAngle = (Math.PI / 4) * (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].armS || 1);let oHandAngle = (obj.buildIndex < 0) ? (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hndS || 1) : 1;let oHandDist = (obj.buildIndex < 0) ? (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hndD || 1) : 1;// WEAPON BELLOW HANDS:if (obj.buildIndex < 0 && !items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].aboveHand) {renderTool(items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex], config.weaponVariants[obj.weaponVariant].src, obj.scale, 0, ctxt);if (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile != undefined && !items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hideProjectile) {renderProjectile(obj.scale, 0,items.projectiles[items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile], mainContext);}}// HANDS:ctxt.fillStyle = config.skinColors[obj.skinColor];renderCircle(obj.scale * Math.cos(handAngle), (obj.scale * Math.sin(handAngle)), 14);renderCircle((obj.scale * oHandDist) * Math.cos(-handAngle * oHandAngle),(obj.scale * oHandDist) * Math.sin(-handAngle * oHandAngle), 14);// WEAPON ABOVE HANDS:if (obj.buildIndex < 0 && items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].aboveHand) {renderTool(items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex], config.weaponVariants[obj.weaponVariant].src, obj.scale, 0, ctxt);if (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile != undefined && !items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hideProjectile) {renderProjectile(obj.scale, 0,items.projectiles[items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile], mainContext);}}// BUILD ITEM:if (obj.buildIndex >= 0) {var tmpSprite = getItemSprite(items.list[obj.buildIndex]);ctxt.drawImage(tmpSprite, obj.scale - items.list[obj.buildIndex].holdOffset, -tmpSprite.width / 2);}// BODY:renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, ctxt);ctxt.lineWidth = 2;ctxt.fillStyle = "#555";ctxt.font = "35px Hammersmith One";ctxt.textBaseline = "middle";ctxt.textAlign = "center";ctxt.fillText(")", 20, 5);ctxt.rotate(Math.PI / 2);ctxt.font = "30px Hammersmith One";ctxt.fillText("X", -15, 15 / 2);ctxt.fillText("X", 15, 15 / 2);}// RENDER PLAYER:function renderPlayer(obj, ctxt) {ctxt = ctxt || mainContext;ctxt.lineWidth = outlineWidth;ctxt.lineJoin = "miter";// PLAYER SHADOW: nmeif (getEl("visualType").value == "pacifist") {ctxt.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)';ctxt.shadowBlur = 10;ctxt.shadowOffsetY = 5;}ctxt.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor;let handAngle = (Math.PI / 4) * (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].armS || 1);let oHandAngle = (obj.buildIndex < 0) ? (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hndS || 1) : 1;let oHandDist = (obj.buildIndex < 0) ? (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hndD || 1) : 1;// Dont lie to Yourself, KatanaMusket doesnt exist.// let katanaMusket = (obj == player && obj.weapons[0] == 3 && obj.weapons[1] == 15);// TAIL/CAPE:if (obj.tailIndex > 0) {renderTail(obj.tailIndex, ctxt, obj);}let a = false;// WEAPON BELLOW HANDS:if (obj.buildIndex < 0 && !items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].aboveHand) {renderTool(items.weapons[a ? 4 : obj.weaponIndex], config.weaponVariants[obj.weaponVariant].src, obj.scale, 0, ctxt);if (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile != undefined && !items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hideProjectile) {renderProjectile(obj.scale, 0,items.projectiles[items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile], mainContext);}}// HANDS:ctxt.fillStyle = config.skinColors[obj.skinColor];renderCircle(obj.scale * Math.cos(handAngle), (obj.scale * Math.sin(handAngle)), 14);renderCircle((obj.scale * oHandDist) * Math.cos(-handAngle * oHandAngle),(obj.scale * oHandDist) * Math.sin(-handAngle * oHandAngle), 14);// WEAPON ABOVE HANDS:if (obj.buildIndex < 0 && items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].aboveHand) {renderTool(items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex], config.weaponVariants[obj.weaponVariant].src, obj.scale, 0, ctxt);if (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile != undefined && !items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hideProjectile) {renderProjectile(obj.scale, 0,items.projectiles[items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile], mainContext);}}// BUILD ITEM:if (obj.buildIndex >= 0) {var tmpSprite = getItemSprite(items.list[obj.buildIndex]);ctxt.drawImage(tmpSprite, obj.scale - items.list[obj.buildIndex].holdOffset, -tmpSprite.width / 2);}// BODY:renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, ctxt);// SKIN:if (obj.skinIndex > 0) {ctxt.rotate(Math.PI / 2);renderSkin(obj.skinIndex, ctxt, null, obj);}}// RENDER NORMAL SKINvar skinSprites2 = {};var skinPointers2 = {};function renderSkin2(index, ctxt, parentSkin, owner) {tmpSkin = skinSprites2[index];if (!tmpSkin) {var tmpImage = new Image();tmpImage.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = true;this.onload = null;};//tmpImage.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/hats/hat_" + index + ".png";tmpImage.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/hats/hat_" + index + ".png";skinSprites2[index] = tmpImage;tmpSkin = tmpImage;}var tmpObj = parentSkin||skinPointers2[index];if (!tmpObj) {for (var i = 0; i < hats.length; ++i) {if (hats[i].id == index) {tmpObj = hats[i];break;}}skinPointers2[index] = tmpObj;}if (tmpSkin.isLoaded)ctxt.drawImage(tmpSkin, -tmpObj.scale/2, -tmpObj.scale/2, tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.scale);if (!parentSkin && tmpObj.topSprite) {ctxt.save();ctxt.rotate(owner.skinRot);renderSkin2(index + "_top", ctxt, tmpObj, owner);ctxt.restore();}}// RENDER SKINS:let skinSprites = {};let skinPointers = {};let tmpSkin;function renderSkin(index, ctxt, parentSkin, owner) {tmpSkin = skinSprites[index];if (!tmpSkin) {let tmpImage = new Image();tmpImage.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = true;this.onload = null;};tmpImage.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/hats/hat_" + index + ".png";skinSprites[index] = tmpImage;tmpSkin = tmpImage;}let tmpObj = parentSkin || skinPointers[index];if (!tmpObj) {for (let i = 0; i < hats.length; ++i) {if (hats[i].id == index) {tmpObj = hats[i];break;}}skinPointers[index] = tmpObj;}if (tmpSkin.isLoaded)ctxt.drawImage(tmpSkin, -tmpObj.scale / 2, -tmpObj.scale / 2, tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.scale);if (!parentSkin && tmpObj.topSprite) {ctxt.save();ctxt.rotate(owner.skinRot);renderSkin(index + "_top", ctxt, tmpObj, owner);ctxt.restore();}}// RENDER TAIL:let accessSprites = {};let accessPointers = {};function renderTail(index, ctxt, owner) {tmpSkin = accessSprites[index];if (!tmpSkin) {let tmpImage = new Image();tmpImage.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = true;this.onload = null;};tmpImage.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/accessories/access_" + index + ".png";accessSprites[index] = tmpImage;tmpSkin = tmpImage;}let tmpObj = accessPointers[index];if (!tmpObj) {for (let i = 0; i < accessories.length; ++i) {if (accessories[i].id == index) {tmpObj = accessories[i];break;}}accessPointers[index] = tmpObj;}if (tmpSkin.isLoaded) {ctxt.save();ctxt.translate(-20 - (tmpObj.xOff || 0), 0);if (tmpObj.spin)ctxt.rotate(owner.skinRot);ctxt.drawImage(tmpSkin, -(tmpObj.scale / 2), -(tmpObj.scale / 2), tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.scale);ctxt.restore();}}// RENDER NORMAL TAILvar accessSprites2 = {};var accessPointers2 = {};function renderTail2(index, ctxt, owner) {tmpSkin = accessSprites2[index];if (!tmpSkin) {var tmpImage = new Image();tmpImage.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = true;this.onload = null;};tmpImage.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/accessories/access_" + index + ".png";accessSprites2[index] = tmpImage;tmpSkin = tmpImage;}var tmpObj = accessPointers2[index];if (!tmpObj) {for (var i = 0; i < accessories.length; ++i) {if (accessories[i].id == index) {tmpObj = accessories[i];break;}}accessPointers2[index] = tmpObj;}if (tmpSkin.isLoaded) {ctxt.save();ctxt.translate(-20 - (tmpObj.xOff||0), 0);if (tmpObj.spin)ctxt.rotate(owner.skinRot);ctxt.drawImage(tmpSkin, -(tmpObj.scale/2), -(tmpObj.scale/2), tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.scale);ctxt.restore();}}// RENDER TOOL:let toolSprites = {};function renderTool(obj, variant, x, y, ctxt) {let tmpSrc = obj.src + (variant || "");let tmpSprite = toolSprites[tmpSrc];if (!tmpSprite) {tmpSprite = new Image();tmpSprite.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = true;}tmpSprite.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/weapons/" + tmpSrc + ".png";toolSprites[tmpSrc] = tmpSprite;}if (tmpSprite.isLoaded)ctxt.drawImage(tmpSprite, x + obj.xOff - (obj.length / 2), y + obj.yOff - (obj.width / 2), obj.length, obj.width);}// RENDER PROJECTILES:function renderProjectiles(layer, xOffset, yOffset) {for (let i = 0; i < projectiles.length; i++) {tmpObj = projectiles[i];if (tmpObj.active && tmpObj.layer == layer && tmpObj.inWindow) {tmpObj.update(delta);if (tmpObj.active && isOnScreen(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset, tmpObj.scale)) {mainContext.save();mainContext.translate(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset);mainContext.rotate(tmpObj.dir);renderProjectile(0, 0, tmpObj, mainContext, 1);mainContext.restore();}}};}// RENDER PROJECTILE:let projectileSprites = {};function renderProjectile(x, y, obj, ctxt, debug) {if (obj.src) {let tmpSrc = items.projectiles[obj.indx].src;let tmpSprite = projectileSprites[tmpSrc];if (!tmpSprite) {tmpSprite = new Image();tmpSprite.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = true;}tmpSprite.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/weapons/" + tmpSrc + ".png";projectileSprites[tmpSrc] = tmpSprite;}if (tmpSprite.isLoaded)ctxt.drawImage(tmpSprite, x - (obj.scale / 2), y - (obj.scale / 2), obj.scale, obj.scale);} else if (obj.indx == 1) {ctxt.fillStyle = "#939393";renderCircle(x, y, obj.scale, ctxt);}}// RENDER AI:let aiSprites = {};function renderAI(obj, ctxt) {let tmpIndx = obj.index;let tmpSprite = aiSprites[tmpIndx];if (!tmpSprite) {let tmpImg = new Image();tmpImg.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = true;this.onload = null;};tmpImg.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/animals/" + obj.src + ".png";tmpSprite = tmpImg;aiSprites[tmpIndx] = tmpSprite;}if (tmpSprite.isLoaded) {let tmpScale = obj.scale * 1.2 * (obj.spriteMlt || 1);ctxt.drawImage(tmpSprite, -tmpScale, -tmpScale, tmpScale * 2, tmpScale * 2);}}// RENDER WATER BODIES:function renderWaterBodies(xOffset, yOffset, ctxt, padding) {// MIDDLE RIVER:let tmpW = config.riverWidth + padding;let tmpY = (config.mapScale / 2) - yOffset - (tmpW / 2);if (tmpY < maxScreenHeight && tmpY + tmpW > 0) {ctxt.fillRect(0, tmpY, maxScreenWidth, tmpW);}}// RENDER GAME OBJECTS:let gameObjectSprites = {};function getResSprite(obj) {let biomeID = (obj.y >= config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop) ? 2 : ((obj.y <= config.snowBiomeTop) ? 1 : 0);let tmpIndex = (obj.type + "_" + obj.scale + "_" + biomeID);let tmpSprite = gameObjectSprites[tmpIndex];if (!tmpSprite) {let blurScale = 15;let tmpCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");tmpCanvas.width = tmpCanvas.height = (obj.scale * 2.1) + outlineWidth;let tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d');tmpContext.translate((tmpCanvas.width / 2), (tmpCanvas.height / 2));tmpContext.rotate(UTILS.randFloat(0, Math.PI));tmpContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor;tmpContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth;if (obj.type == 0) {let tmpScale;let tmpCount = UTILS.randInt(5, 7);tmpContext.globalAlpha = 0.8;for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {tmpScale = tmpObj.scale * (!i ? 1 : 0.5);renderStar(tmpContext, tmpCount, tmpScale, tmpScale * 0.7);tmpContext.fillStyle = !biomeID ? (!i ? "#9ebf57" : "#b4db62") : (!i ? "#e3f1f4" : "#fff");tmpContext.fill();if (!i) {tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.shadowBlur = null;tmpContext.shadowColor = null;tmpContext.globalAlpha = 1;}}} else if (obj.type == 1) {if (biomeID == 2) {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#606060";renderStar(tmpContext, 6, obj.scale * 0.3, obj.scale * 0.71);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();//tmpContext.shadowBlur = null;//tmpContext.shadowColor = null;tmpContext.fillStyle = "#89a54c";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.55, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5c65b";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.3, tmpContext, true);} else {renderBlob(tmpContext, 6, tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.scale * 0.7);tmpContext.fillStyle = biomeID ? "#e3f1f4" : "#89a54c";tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();//tmpContext.shadowBlur = null;//tmpContext.shadowColor = null;tmpContext.fillStyle = biomeID ? "#6a64af" : "#c15555";let tmpRange;let berries = 4;let rotVal = (Math.PI * 2) / berries;for (let i = 0; i < berries; ++i) {tmpRange = UTILS.randInt(tmpObj.scale / 3.5, tmpObj.scale / 2.3);renderCircle(tmpRange * Math.cos(rotVal * i), tmpRange * Math.sin(rotVal * i),UTILS.randInt(10, 12), tmpContext);}}} else if (obj.type == 2 || obj.type == 3) {tmpContext.fillStyle = (obj.type == 2) ? (biomeID == 2 ? "#938d77" : "#939393") : "#e0c655";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale, obj.scale);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.shadowBlur = null;tmpContext.shadowColor = null;tmpContext.fillStyle = (obj.type == 2) ? (biomeID == 2 ? "#b2ab90" : "#bcbcbc") : "#ebdca3";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.55, obj.scale * 0.65);tmpContext.fill();}tmpSprite = tmpCanvas;gameObjectSprites[tmpIndex] = tmpSprite;}return tmpSprite;}// GET ITEM SPRITE:let itemSprites = [];function getItemSprite(obj, asIcon) {let e = obj;let R = player;let clr = R && e.owner && (e.owner.sid).constructor == Number && e.owner.sid != R.sid,use = true && false && true,ID = e.id + (!use && clr ? 50 : 0);let tmpSprite = itemSprites[ID];if (!tmpSprite || asIcon) {let blurScale = 0;let tmpCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");// let reScale = ((!asIcon && obj.name == "windmill") ? items.list[4].scale : obj.scale);tmpCanvas.width = tmpCanvas.height = (obj.scale * 2.5) + outlineWidth + (items.list[obj.id].spritePadding || 0) + blurScale;if (config.useWebGl) {let gl = tmpCanvas.getContext("webgl");gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);let buffer = gl.createBuffer();gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);function render(vs, fs, vertice, type) {let vShader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);gl.shaderSource(vShader, vs);gl.compileShader(vShader);gl.getShaderParameter(vShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS);let fShader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);gl.shaderSource(fShader, fs);gl.compileShader(fShader);gl.getShaderParameter(fShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS);let program = gl.createProgram();gl.attachShader(program, vShader);gl.attachShader(program, fShader);gl.linkProgram(program);gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS);gl.useProgram(program);let vertex = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "vertex");gl.enableVertexAttribArray(vertex);gl.vertexAttribPointer(vertex, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);let vertices = vertice.length / 2;gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(vertice), gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);gl.drawArrays(type, 0, vertices);}function hexToRgb(hex) {return hex.slice(1).match(/.{1,2}/g).map(g => parseInt(g, 16));}function getRgb(r, g, b) {return [r / 255, g / 255, b / 255].join(", ");}let max = 100;for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) {let radian = (Math.PI * (i / (max / 2)));render(`precision mediump float;attribute vec2 vertex;void main(void) {gl_Position = vec4(vertex, 0, 1);}`, `precision mediump float;void main(void) {gl_FragColor = vec4(${getRgb(...hexToRgb("#fff"))}, 1);}`, [0 + (Math.cos(radian) * 0.5), 0 + (Math.sin(radian) * 0.5),0, 0,], gl.LINE_LOOP);}} else {let tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext("2d");tmpContext.translate((tmpCanvas.width / 2), (tmpCanvas.height / 2));tmpContext.rotate(asIcon ? 0 : (Math.PI / 2));tmpContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor;tmpContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth * (asIcon ? (tmpCanvas.width / 81) : 1);if (obj.name == "apple") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#c15555";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#89a54c";let leafDir = -(Math.PI / 2);renderLeaf(obj.scale * Math.cos(leafDir), obj.scale * Math.sin(leafDir),25, leafDir + Math.PI / 2, tmpContext);} else if (obj.name == "cookie") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#cca861";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#937c4b";let chips = 4;let rotVal = (Math.PI * 2) / chips;let tmpRange;for (let i = 0; i < chips; ++i) {tmpRange = UTILS.randInt(obj.scale / 2.5, obj.scale / 1.7);renderCircle(tmpRange * Math.cos(rotVal * i), tmpRange * Math.sin(rotVal * i),UTILS.randInt(4, 5), tmpContext, true);}} else if (obj.name == "cheese") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#f4f3ac";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#c3c28b";let chips = 4;let rotVal = (Math.PI * 2) / chips;let tmpRange;for (let i = 0; i < chips; ++i) {tmpRange = UTILS.randInt(obj.scale / 2.5, obj.scale / 1.7);renderCircle(tmpRange * Math.cos(rotVal * i), tmpRange * Math.sin(rotVal * i),UTILS.randInt(4, 5), tmpContext, true);}} else if (obj.name == "wood wall" || obj.name == "stone wall" || obj.name == "castle wall") {tmpContext.fillStyle = (obj.name == "castle wall") ? "#83898e" : (obj.name == "wood wall") ?"#a5974c" : "#939393";let sides = (obj.name == "castle wall") ? 4 : 3;renderStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = (obj.name == "castle wall") ? "#9da4aa" : (obj.name == "wood wall") ?"#c9b758" : "#bcbcbc";renderStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 0.65, obj.scale * 0.65);tmpContext.fill();} else if (obj.name == "spikes" || obj.name == "greater spikes" || obj.name == "poison spikes" ||obj.name == "spinning spikes") {tmpContext.fillStyle = (obj.name == "poison spikes") ? "#7b935d" : "#939393";let tmpScale = (obj.scale * 0.6);renderStar(tmpContext, (obj.name == "spikes") ? 5 : 6, obj.scale, tmpScale);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#c9b758";renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale / 2, tmpContext, true);} else if (obj.name == "windmill" || obj.name == "faster windmill" || obj.name == "power mill") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c",renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext),tmpContext.fillStyle = "#c9b758",renderRectCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 1.5, 29, 4, tmpContext),tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c",renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * .5, tmpContext);} else if (obj.name == "mine") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#939393";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale, obj.scale);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#bcbcbc";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.55, obj.scale * 0.65);tmpContext.fill();} else if (obj.name == "sapling") {for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {let tmpScale = obj.scale * (!i ? 1 : 0.5);renderStar(tmpContext, 7, tmpScale, tmpScale * 0.7);tmpContext.fillStyle = (!i ? "#9ebf57" : "#b4db62");tmpContext.fill();if (!i) tmpContext.stroke();}} else if (obj.name == "pit trap") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = outlineColor;renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.65, obj.scale * 0.65);tmpContext.fill();} else if (obj.name == "boost pad") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#dbd97d";renderTriangle(obj.scale * 1, tmpContext);} else if (obj.name == "turret") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#939393";let tmpLen = 50;renderRect(0, -tmpLen / 2, obj.scale * 0.9, tmpLen, tmpContext);renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.6, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "platform") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#cebd5f";let tmpCount = 4;let tmpS = obj.scale * 2;let tmpW = tmpS / tmpCount;let tmpX = -(obj.scale / 2);for (let i = 0; i < tmpCount; ++i) {renderRect(tmpX - (tmpW / 2), 0, tmpW, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpX += tmpS / tmpCount;}} else if (obj.name == "healing pad") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#db6e6e";renderRectCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, tmpContext, true);} else if (obj.name == "spawn pad") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#71aad6";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.6, tmpContext);} else if (obj.name == "blocker") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#db6e6e";renderRectCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, tmpContext, true);} else if (obj.name == "teleporter") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#d76edb";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.5, tmpContext, true);}}tmpSprite = tmpCanvas;if (!asIcon)itemSprites[ID] = tmpSprite;}return tmpSprite;}function getItemSprite2(obj, tmpX, tmpY) {let tmpContext = mainContext;let reScale = (obj.name == "windmill" ? items.list[4].scale : obj.scale);tmpContext.save();tmpContext.translate(tmpX, tmpY);tmpContext.rotate(obj.dir);tmpContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor;tmpContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth;if (obj.name == "apple") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#c15555";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#89a54c";let leafDir = -(Math.PI / 2);renderLeaf(obj.scale * Math.cos(leafDir), obj.scale * Math.sin(leafDir),25, leafDir + Math.PI / 2, tmpContext);} else if (obj.name == "cookie") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#cca861";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#937c4b";let chips = 4;let rotVal = (Math.PI * 2) / chips;let tmpRange;for (let i = 0; i < chips; ++i) {tmpRange = UTILS.randInt(obj.scale / 2.5, obj.scale / 1.7);renderCircle(tmpRange * Math.cos(rotVal * i), tmpRange * Math.sin(rotVal * i),UTILS.randInt(4, 5), tmpContext, true);}} else if (obj.name == "cheese") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#f4f3ac";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#c3c28b";let chips = 4;let rotVal = (Math.PI * 2) / chips;let tmpRange;for (let i = 0; i < chips; ++i) {tmpRange = UTILS.randInt(obj.scale / 2.5, obj.scale / 1.7);renderCircle(tmpRange * Math.cos(rotVal * i), tmpRange * Math.sin(rotVal * i),UTILS.randInt(4, 5), tmpContext, true);}} else if (obj.name == "wood wall" || obj.name == "stone wall" || obj.name == "castle wall") {tmpContext.fillStyle = (obj.name == "castle wall") ? "#83898e" : (obj.name == "wood wall") ?"#a5974c" : "#939393";let sides = (obj.name == "castle wall") ? 4 : 3;renderStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = (obj.name == "castle wall") ? "#9da4aa" : (obj.name == "wood wall") ?"#c9b758" : "#bcbcbc";renderStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 0.65, obj.scale * 0.65);tmpContext.fill();} else if (obj.name == "spikes" || obj.name == "greater spikes" || obj.name == "poison spikes" ||obj.name == "spinning spikes") {tmpContext.fillStyle = (obj.name == "poison spikes") ? "#7b935d" : "#939393";let tmpScale = (obj.scale * 0.6);renderStar(tmpContext, (obj.name == "spikes") ? 5 : 6, obj.scale, tmpScale);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#c9b758";renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale / 2, tmpContext, true);} else if (obj.name == "windmill" || obj.name == "faster windmill" || obj.name == "power mill") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderCircle(0, 0, reScale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#c9b758";renderRectCircle(0, 0, reScale * 1.5, 29, 4, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderCircle(0, 0, reScale * 0.5, tmpContext);} else if (obj.name == "mine") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#939393";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale, obj.scale);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#bcbcbc";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.55, obj.scale * 0.65);tmpContext.fill();} else if (obj.name == "sapling") {for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {let tmpScale = obj.scale * (!i ? 1 : 0.5);renderStar(tmpContext, 7, tmpScale, tmpScale * 0.7);tmpContext.fillStyle = (!i ? "#9ebf57" : "#b4db62");tmpContext.fill();if (!i) tmpContext.stroke();}} else if (obj.name == "pit trap") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = outlineColor;renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.65, obj.scale * 0.65);tmpContext.fill();} else if (obj.name == "boost pad") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#dbd97d";renderTriangle(obj.scale * 1, tmpContext);} else if (obj.name == "turret") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#939393";let tmpLen = 50;renderRect(0, -tmpLen / 2, obj.scale * 0.9, tmpLen, tmpContext);renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.6, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "platform") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#cebd5f";let tmpCount = 4;let tmpS = obj.scale * 2;let tmpW = tmpS / tmpCount;let tmpX = -(obj.scale / 2);for (let i = 0; i < tmpCount; ++i) {renderRect(tmpX - (tmpW / 2), 0, tmpW, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpX += tmpS / tmpCount;}} else if (obj.name == "healing pad") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#db6e6e";renderRectCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, tmpContext, true);} else if (obj.name == "spawn pad") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#71aad6";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.6, tmpContext);} else if (obj.name == "blocker") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#db6e6e";renderRectCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, tmpContext, true);} else if (obj.name == "teleporter") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#d76edb";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.5, tmpContext, true);}tmpContext.restore();}let objSprites = [];function getObjSprite(obj) {let tmpSprite = objSprites[obj.id];if (!tmpSprite) {let blurScale = 0;let tmpCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");tmpCanvas.width = tmpCanvas.height = obj.scale * 2.5 + outlineWidth + (items.list[obj.id].spritePadding || 0) + blurScale;let tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext("2d");tmpContext.translate(tmpCanvas.width / 2, tmpCanvas.height / 2);tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 2);tmpContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor;tmpContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth;if (obj.name == "spikes" || obj.name == "greater spikes" || obj.name == "poison spikes" || obj.name == "spinning spikes") {tmpContext.fillStyle = obj.name == "poison spikes" ? "#7b935d" : "#939393";let tmpScale = obj.scale * 0.6;renderStar(tmpContext, obj.name == "spikes" ? 5 : 6, obj.scale, tmpScale);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#cc5151";renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale / 2, tmpContext, true);} else if (obj.name == "pit trap") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#cc5151";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.65, obj.scale * 0.65);tmpContext.fill();}tmpSprite = tmpCanvas;objSprites[obj.id] = tmpSprite;}return tmpSprite;}// GET MARK SPRITE:function getMarkSprite(obj, tmpContext, tmpX, tmpY) {tmpContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth;tmpContext.globalAlpha = 1;tmpContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor;tmpContext.save();tmpContext.translate(tmpX, tmpY);tmpContext.rotate(obj.dir);if (obj.name == "wood wall" || obj.name == "stone wall" || obj.name == "castle wall") {let sides = obj.name == "castle wall" ? 4 : 3;renderHealthStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1);tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "spikes" || obj.name == "greater spikes" || obj.name == "poison spikes" || obj.name == "spinning spikes") {let tmpScale = obj.scale * 0.6;renderHealthStar(tmpContext, obj.name == "spikes" ? 5 : 6, obj.scale, tmpScale);tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "windmill" || obj.name == "faster windmill" || obj.name == "power mill") {renderHealthCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "mine") {renderHealthStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale, obj.scale);tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "sapling") {let tmpScale = obj.scale * 0.7;renderHealthStar(tmpContext, 7, obj.scale, tmpScale);tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "pit trap") {renderHealthStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1);tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "boost pad") {renderHealthRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "turret") {renderHealthCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "platform") {renderHealthRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "healing pad") {renderHealthRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "spawn pad") {renderHealthRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "blocker") {renderHealthCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "teleporter") {renderHealthCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext, false, true);}tmpContext.restore();}//renderCircle(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset, tmpObj.getScale(0.6, true), mainContext, false, true);// OBJECT ON SCREEN:function isOnScreen(x, y, s) {return (x + s >= 0 && x - s <= maxScreenWidth && y + s >= 0 && (y,s,maxScreenHeight));}function markObject(tmpObj, tmpX, tmpY) {yen(tmpObj, mainContext, tmpX, tmpY);}function yen(obj, tmpContext, tmpX, tmpY) {tmpContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth;tmpContext.globalAlpha = 1;tmpContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor;tmpContext.save();tmpContext.translate(tmpX, tmpY);tmpContext.rotate(obj.dir);if (obj.name == "wood wall" || obj.name == "stone wall" || obj.name == "castle wall") {let sides = obj.name == "castle wall" ? 4 : 3;renderHealthStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1);tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "spikes" || obj.name == "greater spikes" || obj.name == "poison spikes" || obj.name == "spinning spikes") {let tmpScale = obj.scale * 0.6;renderHealthStar(tmpContext, obj.name == "spikes" ? 5 : 6, obj.scale, tmpScale);tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "windmill" || obj.name == "faster windmill" || obj.name == "power mill") {renderHealthCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "mine") {renderHealthStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale, obj.scale);tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "sapling") {let tmpScale = obj.scale * 0.7;renderHealthStar(tmpContext, 7, obj.scale, tmpScale);tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "pit trap") {renderHealthStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1);tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "boost pad") {renderHealthRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "turret") {renderHealthCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "platform") {renderHealthRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "healing pad") {renderHealthRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "spawn pad") {renderHealthRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "blocker") {renderHealthCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext, false, true);} else if (obj.name == "teleporter") {renderHealthCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext, false, true);}tmpContext.restore();}// RENDER MINIMAP:class MapPing {constructor(color, scale) {this.init = function(x, y) {this.scale = 0;this.x = x;this.y = y;this.active = true;};this.update = function(ctxt, delta) {if (this.active) {this.scale += 0.05 * delta;if (this.scale >= scale) {this.active = false;} else {ctxt.globalAlpha = (1 - Math.max(0, this.scale / scale));ctxt.beginPath();ctxt.arc((this.x / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width, (this.y / config.mapScale)* mapDisplay.width, this.scale, 0, 2 * Math.PI);ctxt.stroke();}}};this.color = color;}}function pingMap(x, y) {tmpPing = mapPings.find(pings => !pings.active);if (!tmpPing) {tmpPing = new MapPing("#fff", config.mapPingScale);mapPings.push(tmpPing);}tmpPing.init(x, y);}function updateMapMarker() {mapMarker.x = player.x;mapMarker.y = player.y;}function renderMinimap(delta) {if (player && player.alive) {mapContext.clearRect(0, 0, mapDisplay.width, mapDisplay.height);// RENDER PINGS:mapContext.lineWidth = 4;for (let i = 0; i < mapPings.length; ++i) {tmpPing = mapPings[i];mapContext.strokeStyle = tmpPing.color;tmpPing.update(mapContext, delta);}// RENDER BREAK TRACKS:mapContext.globalAlpha = 1;mapContext.fillStyle = "#ff0000";if (breakTrackers.length) {mapContext.fillStyle = "#abcdef";mapContext.font = "34px Hammersmith One";mapContext.textBaseline = "middle";mapContext.textAlign = "center";for (let i = 0; i < breakTrackers.length;) {mapContext.fillText("!", (breakTrackers[i].x / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width,(breakTrackers[i].y / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.height);i += 2;}}// RENDER PLAYERS:mapContext.globalAlpha = 1;mapContext.fillStyle = "#fff";renderCircle((player.x / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width,(player.y / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.height, 7, mapContext, true);mapContext.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.35)";if (player.team && minimapData) {for (let i = 0; i < minimapData.length;) {renderCircle((minimapData[i] / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width,(minimapData[i + 1] / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.height, 7, mapContext, true);i += 2;}}// DEATH LOCATION:if (lastDeath) {mapContext.fillStyle = "#fc5553";mapContext.font = "34px Hammersmith One";mapContext.textBaseline = "middle";mapContext.textAlign = "center";mapContext.fillText("x", (lastDeath.x / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width,(lastDeath.y / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.height);}// MAP MARKER:if (mapMarker) {mapContext.fillStyle = "#fff";mapContext.font = "34px Hammersmith One";mapContext.textBaseline = "middle";mapContext.textAlign = "center";mapContext.fillText("x", (mapMarker.x / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width,(mapMarker.y / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.height);}}}// ICONS:let crossHairs = ["https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1001384433078779927/1149285738412769300/newawwddd.png","https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1001384433078779927/1149285168780165170/100px-Crosshairs_Red.png"];let crossHairSprites = {};let iconSprites = {crown: new Image(),skull: new Image()};function loadIcons() {iconSprites.crown.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = true;};iconSprites.crown.src = "./../img/icons/crown.png";iconSprites.skull.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = true;};iconSprites.skull.src = "./../img/icons/skull.png";for (let i = 0; i < crossHairs.length; ++i) {let tmpSprite = new Image();tmpSprite.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = true;};tmpSprite.src = crossHairs[i];crossHairSprites[i] = tmpSprite;}}loadIcons();// UPDATE GAME:function updateGame() {if (config.resetRender) {mainContext.clearRect(0, 0, gameCanvas.width, gameCanvas.height);mainContext.beginPath();}if (true) {if (player) {if (false) {camX = player.x;camY = player.y;} else {let tmpDist = UTILS.getDistance(camX, camY, player.x, player.y);let tmpDir = UTILS.getDirection(player.x, player.y, camX, camY);let camSpd = Math.min(tmpDist * 0.01 * delta, tmpDist);if (tmpDist > 0.05) {camX += camSpd * Math.cos(tmpDir);camY += camSpd * Math.sin(tmpDir);} else {camX = player.x;camY = player.y;}}} else {camX = config.mapScale / 2;camY = config.mapScale / 2;}// INTERPOLATE PLAYERS AND AI:let lastTime = now - (1000 / config.serverUpdateRate);let tmpDiff;for (let i = 0; i < players.length + ais.length; ++i) {tmpObj = players[i] || ais[i - players.length];if (tmpObj && tmpObj.visible) {if (tmpObj.forcePos) {tmpObj.x = tmpObj.x2;tmpObj.y = tmpObj.y2;tmpObj.dir = tmpObj.d2;} else {let total = tmpObj.t2 - tmpObj.t1;let fraction = lastTime - tmpObj.t1;let ratio = (fraction / total);let rate = 170;tmpObj.dt += delta;let tmpRate = Math.min(1.7, tmpObj.dt / rate);tmpDiff = (tmpObj.x2 - tmpObj.x1);tmpObj.x = tmpObj.x1 + (tmpDiff * tmpRate);tmpDiff = (tmpObj.y2 - tmpObj.y1);tmpObj.y = tmpObj.y1 + (tmpDiff * tmpRate);if (config.anotherVisual) {tmpObj.dir = Math.lerpAngle(tmpObj.d2, tmpObj.d1, Math.min(1.2, ratio));} else {tmpObj.dir = Math.lerpAngle(tmpObj.d2, tmpObj.d1, Math.min(1.2, ratio));}}}}// RENDER CORDS:let xOffset = camX - (maxScreenWidth / 2);let yOffset = camY - (maxScreenHeight / 2);// RENDER BACKGROUND:if (config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset <= 0 && config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset >= maxScreenHeight) {mainContext.fillStyle = "#b6db66";mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight);} else if (config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset <= 0) {mainContext.fillStyle = "#dbc666";mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight);} else if (config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset >= maxScreenHeight) {mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight);} else if (config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset >= 0) {mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset);mainContext.fillStyle = "#b6db66";mainContext.fillRect(0, config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset, maxScreenWidth,maxScreenHeight - (config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset));} else {mainContext.fillStyle = "#b6db66";mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth,(config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset));mainContext.fillStyle = "#dbc666";mainContext.fillRect(0, (config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset), maxScreenWidth,maxScreenHeight - (config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset));}// RENDER WATER AREAS:if (!firstSetup) {waterMult += waterPlus * config.waveSpeed * delta;if (waterMult >= config.waveMax) {waterMult = config.waveMax;waterPlus = -1;} else if (waterMult <= 1) {waterMult = waterPlus = 1;}mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;mainContext.fillStyle = "#dbc666";renderWaterBodies(xOffset, yOffset, mainContext, config.riverPadding);mainContext.fillStyle = "#91b2db";renderWaterBodies(xOffset, yOffset, mainContext, (waterMult - 1) * 250);}// RENDER GRID:if (getEl("visualType").value == "ae" || getEl("visualType").value == "fz" || getEl("visualType").value == "zika") {mainContext.lineWidth = 4;mainContext.strokeStyle = "#000";mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.06;mainContext.beginPath();for (let x = -camX; x < maxScreenWidth; x += maxScreenHeight / 18) {if (x > 0) {mainContext.moveTo(x, 0);mainContext.lineTo(x, maxScreenHeight);}}for (let y = -camY; y < maxScreenHeight; y += maxScreenHeight / 18) {if (y > 0) {mainContext.moveTo(0, y);mainContext.lineTo(maxScreenWidth, y);}}mainContext.stroke();}if (player) {// DEATH LOCATION:if (lastDeath) {mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;mainContext.fillStyle = "#fc5553";mainContext.font = "100px Hammersmith One";mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";mainContext.fillText("O", lastDeath.x - xOffset, lastDeath.y - yOffset);}// PATHFINDER LINE:if (pathFind.active) {if (pathFind.array && (pathFind.chaseNear ? enemy.length : true)) {mainContext.lineWidth = 25;mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.6;mainContext.strokeStyle = "red";mainContext.beginPath();pathFind.array.forEach((path, i) => {let pathXY = {x: (pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid) * path.x,y: (pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid) * path.y}let render = {x: ((player.x2 - (pathFind.scale / 2)) + pathXY.x) - xOffset,y: ((player.y2 - (pathFind.scale / 2)) + pathXY.y) - yOffset}if (i == 0) {mainContext.moveTo(render.x, render.y);} else {mainContext.lineTo(render.x, render.y);}});mainContext.stroke();}}}// RENDER DEAD PLAYERS:mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;mainContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor;renderDeadPlayers(xOffset, yOffset);// RENDER BOTTOM LAYER:mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;mainContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor;renderGameObjects(-1, xOffset, yOffset);// RENDER PROJECTILES:mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;mainContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth;renderProjectiles(0, xOffset, yOffset);// RENDER PLAYERS:renderPlayers(xOffset, yOffset, 0);// RENDER AI:mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;for (let i = 0; i < ais.length; ++i) {tmpObj = ais[i];if (tmpObj.active && tmpObj.visible) {tmpObj.animate(delta);mainContext.save();mainContext.translate(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset);mainContext.rotate(tmpObj.dir + tmpObj.dirPlus - (Math.PI / 2));renderAI(tmpObj, mainContext);mainContext.restore();}}// RENDER GAME OBJECTS (LAYERED):renderGameObjects(0, xOffset, yOffset);renderProjectiles(1, xOffset, yOffset);renderGameObjects(1, xOffset, yOffset);renderPlayers(xOffset, yOffset, 1);renderGameObjects(2, xOffset, yOffset);renderGameObjects(3, xOffset, yOffset);// MAP BOUNDARIES:mainContext.fillStyle = "#000";mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.2;if (xOffset <= 0) {mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, -xOffset, maxScreenHeight);} if (config.mapScale - xOffset <= maxScreenWidth) {let tmpY = Math.max(0, -yOffset);mainContext.fillRect(config.mapScale - xOffset, tmpY, maxScreenWidth - (config.mapScale - xOffset), maxScreenHeight - tmpY);} if (yOffset <= 0) {mainContext.fillRect(-xOffset, 0, maxScreenWidth + xOffset, -yOffset);} if (config.mapScale - yOffset <= maxScreenHeight) {let tmpX = Math.max(0, -xOffset);let tmpMin = 0;if (config.mapScale - xOffset <= maxScreenWidth)tmpMin = maxScreenWidth - (config.mapScale - xOffset);mainContext.fillRect(tmpX, config.mapScale - yOffset,(maxScreenWidth - tmpX) - tmpMin, maxScreenHeight - (config.mapScale - yOffset));}// RENDER DAY/NIGHT TIME:let nightTime = false;setInterval(() => {nightTime = !nightTime;}, 30000);if(getEl("visualType").value == "smiley") {nightTime = false;}mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;if(getEl("visualType").value == "ae" || getEl("visualType").value == "mega") {mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.35)";mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight);} else if(getEl("visualType").value == "fz") {if(nightTime) {mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.45)";mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight);} else {mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.35)";mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight);}} else if(getEl("visualType").value == "zika") {mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.55)";mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight);} else {mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(20, 0, 70, 0.45)";mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight);mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 5, 0, 0.15)";mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight);mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.025)";mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight);}// RENDER PLAYER AND AI UI:mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;let shame = false;for (let i = 0; i < players.length + ais.length; ++i) {tmpObj = players[i] || ais[i - players.length];if (tmpObj.visible) {mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor;if (tmpObj.skinIndex != 10 || (tmpObj == player) || (tmpObj.team && tmpObj.team == player.team)) {let tmpText = "";if(getEl("visualType").value == "ae" || getEl("visualType").value == "elite") {shame = false;tmpText = (tmpObj.team ? "[" + tmpObj.team + "] " : "") + tmpObj.name + " {" + tmpObj.maxShameCount + "} | " + tmpObj.damageThreat;}if (getEl("visualType").value == "fz") {shame = true;tmpText = (tmpObj.team ? "[" + tmpObj.team + "] " : "") + ("[" + tmpObj.primaryIndex + "/" + tmpObj.secondaryIndex + "/" + tmpObj.maxShameCount + "] ") + tmpObj.name;}if (getEl("visualType").value == "pacifist" || getEl("visualType").value == "zika") {shame = false;tmpText = (tmpObj.team ? "[" + tmpObj.team + "] " : "") + tmpObj.name;}if (getEl("visualType").value == "smiley") {tmpText = (tmpObj.team?"["+tmpObj.team+"] ":"")+(tmpObj.name||"")+("");shame = true;}if(getEl("visualType").value == "mega") {shame = true;tmpText = (tmpObj.team ? "{" + tmpObj.team + "} " : "") + tmpObj.name;}if (tmpText != "") {if(tmpObj.isPlayer) {if(getEl("visualType") == "mega") {mainContext.font = (tmpObj.nameScale||30) + "px Hammersmith One";mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";mainContext.lineWidth = (tmpObj.nameScale?11:8);mainContext.lineJoin = "round";mainContext.strokeText(tmpText, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - config.nameY - 155);mainContext.fillText(tmpText, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - config.nameY - 155);} else {mainContext.font = (tmpObj.nameScale||30) + "px Hammersmith One";mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";mainContext.lineWidth = (tmpObj.nameScale?11:8);mainContext.lineJoin = "round";mainContext.strokeText(tmpText, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - config.nameY);mainContext.fillText(tmpText, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - config.nameY);}}if (tmpObj.isLeader && iconSprites["crown"].isLoaded) {let tmpS = config.crownIconScale;let tmpX = tmpObj.x - xOffset - (tmpS/2) - (mainContext.measureText(tmpText).width / 2) - config.crownPad;mainContext.drawImage(iconSprites["crown"], tmpX, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale)- config.nameY - (tmpS/2) - 5, tmpS, tmpS);} if (tmpObj.iconIndex == 1 && iconSprites["skull"].isLoaded) {let tmpS = config.crownIconScale;let tmpX = tmpObj.x - xOffset - (tmpS/2) + (mainContext.measureText(tmpText).width / 2) + config.crownPad;mainContext.drawImage(iconSprites["skull"], tmpX, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale)- config.nameY - (tmpS/2) - 5, tmpS, tmpS);}if (tmpObj.isPlayer && instaC.wait && near == tmpObj && (tmpObj.backupNobull ? crossHairSprites[1].isLoaded : crossHairSprites[0].isLoaded) && enemy.length && !getEl("visualType").value == "ae") {let tmpS = tmpObj.scale * 2.2;mainContext.drawImage((tmpObj.backupNobull ? crossHairSprites[1] : crossHairSprites[0]), tmpObj.x - xOffset - tmpS / 2, tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpS / 2, tmpS, tmpS);}if(tmpObj.isPlayer && shame) {mainContext.font = (tmpObj.nameScale || 30) + "px Hammersmith One";mainContext.fillStyle = "#ff0000";mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";mainContext.lineWidth = tmpObj.nameScale ? 11 : 8;mainContext.lineJoin = "round";var tmpS = config.crownIconScale;var tmpX = tmpObj.x - xOffset - (tmpS/2) + (mainContext.measureText(tmpText).width / 2) + config.crownPad + 15;mainContext.strokeText(tmpObj.shameCount, tmpX, tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale - config.nameY);mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.shameCount, tmpX, tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale - config.nameY);}tmpText = "";}if (tmpObj.health) {// UNDER TEXT:mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;mainContext.font = "20px Hammersmith One";mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";mainContext.lineWidth = 8;mainContext.lineJoin = "round";if(getEl("visualType").value == "fz"  && tmpObj.isPlayer) {// HEALTH HOLDER:var tmpWidth = config.healthBarWidth;mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY, (config.healthBarWidth * 2) +(config.healthBarPad * 2), 17, 11); // 11mainContext.fill();// HEALTH BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = (tmpObj==player||(tmpObj.team&&tmpObj.team==player.team))? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + config.healthBarPad,((config.healthBarWidth * 2) * (tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth)), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 20);mainContext.fill();mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";let reloads = {primary: (tmpObj.primaryIndex == undefined ? 1 : ((items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex].speed - tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.primaryIndex]) / items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex].speed)),secondary: (tmpObj.secondaryIndex == undefined ? 1 : ((items.weapons[tmpObj.secondaryIndex].speed - tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.secondaryIndex]) / items.weapons[tmpObj.secondaryIndex].speed)),// turret: (2500 - tmpObj.reloads[53]) / 2500};// SECONDARY RELOAD HOLDER:mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarPad + 5,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 13, (config.healthBarWidth-5) +(config.healthBarPad * 2), 17, 8);mainContext.fill();// SECONDARY RELOAD BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = reloads.secondary == 1 ? "#FFFFFF" : "hsl(" + 50 * reloads.secondary + ", 50%, 60%)";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset + 5,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 13 + config.healthBarPad,(config.healthBarWidth * reloads.secondary + 1) - 5, 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7);mainContext.fill();// PRIMARY RELOAD HOLDER:mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 13, config.healthBarWidth +(config.healthBarPad * 2) - 5, 17, 8);mainContext.fill();// PRIMARY RELOAD BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = reloads.primary == 1 ? "#FFF533" : "hsl(" + 50 * reloads.primary + ", 50%, 60%)";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 13 + config.healthBarPad,(config.healthBarWidth * reloads.primary + 1) - 5, 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7);mainContext.fill();if(tmpObj === player) {mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";mainContext.strokeText("[" + instaC.isTrue + "/" + my.antiSync + "/" + ms.max + "," + window.pingTime + "," + ms.avg + "]", tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) + 135);mainContext.fillText("[" + instaC.isTrue + "/" + my.antiSync + "/" + ms.max + "," + window.pingTime + "," + ms.avg + "]", tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) + 135);}} else if(getEl("visualType").value == "smiley" && tmpObj.isPlayer) {// HEALTH HOLDER:var mpWidth = config.healthBarWidth;mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY, (config.healthBarWidth * 2) +(config.healthBarPad * 2), 17, 11); // 11mainContext.fill();// HEALTH BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = (tmpObj==player||(tmpObj.team&&tmpObj.team==player.team))? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + config.healthBarPad,((config.healthBarWidth * 2) * (tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth)), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 20);mainContext.fill();mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";let reloads = {primary: (tmpObj.primaryIndex == undefined ? 1 : ((items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex].speed - tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.primaryIndex]) / items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex].speed)),secondary: (tmpObj.secondaryIndex == undefined ? 1 : ((items.weapons[tmpObj.secondaryIndex].speed - tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.secondaryIndex]) / items.weapons[tmpObj.secondaryIndex].speed)),// turret: (2500 - tmpObj.reloads[53]) / 2500turret: (2500 - tmpObj.reloads[53]) / 2500};// SECONDARY RELOAD HOLDER:mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarPad + 5,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 13, (config.healthBarWidth-5) +(config.healthBarPad * 2), 17, 8);mainContext.fill();// SECONDARY RELOAD BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = reloads.secondary == 1 ? "#FFFFFF" : "#ffa07a";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset + 5,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 13 + config.healthBarPad,(config.healthBarWidth * reloads.secondary + 1) - 5, 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7);mainContext.fill();// PRIMARY RELOAD HOLDER:mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 13, config.healthBarWidth +(config.healthBarPad * 2) - 5, 17, 8);mainContext.fill();// PRIMARY RELOAD BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = reloads.primary == 1 ? "#FFFFFF" : "#ffa07a";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 13 + config.healthBarPad,(config.healthBarWidth * reloads.primary + 1) - 5, 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7);mainContext.fill();if (getEl("visualType").value == "smiley") {// TURRET RELOAD HOLDER:mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + 13, (config.healthBarWidth * 2) +(config.healthBarPad * 2), 17, 8);mainContext.fill();// TURRET RELOAD BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = "#a9a9a9";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + 13 + config.healthBarPad,((config.healthBarWidth * 2) * reloads.turret), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7);mainContext.fill();}} else if (getEl("visualType").value == "pacifist" ) {// HEALTH HOLDER:var tmpWidth = config.healthBarWidth;mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY, (config.healthBarWidth * 2) +(config.healthBarPad * 2), 17, 11); // 11mainContext.fill();// HEALTH BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = (tmpObj==player||(tmpObj.team&&tmpObj.team==player.team))? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + config.healthBarPad,((config.healthBarWidth * 2) * (tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth)), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 20);mainContext.fill();mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";if(tmpObj === player) {mainContext.strokeText(secPacket, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - 10);mainContext.fillText(secPacket, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - 10);} else if (tmpObj.isPlayer) {mainContext.strokeText("[" + tmpObj.primaryIndex + " / " + (tmpObj.secondaryIndex!=undefined?tmpObj.secondaryIndex:"0") + "]", tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - 10);mainContext.fillText("[" + tmpObj.primaryIndex + " / " + (tmpObj.secondaryIndex!=undefined?tmpObj.secondaryIndex:"0") + "]", tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - 10);}if(tmpObj.isPlayer) {mainContext.strokeText(tmpObj.sid, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) + 40);mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.sid, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) + 40);mainContext.strokeText(tmpObj.shameCount, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) + 135);mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.shameCount, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) + 135);}} else if (getEl("visualType").value == "zika") {// HEALTH HOLDER:var tmpWidth = config.healthBarWidth;mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY, (config.healthBarWidth * 2) +(config.healthBarPad * 2), 17, 11); // 11mainContext.fill();// HEALTH BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = (tmpObj==player||(tmpObj.team&&tmpObj.team==player.team))? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + config.healthBarPad,((config.healthBarWidth * 2) * (tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth)), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 20);mainContext.fill();mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";mainContext.font = "18px Hammersmith One";if(tmpObj === player) {mainContext.strokeText(secPacket, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - 10);mainContext.fillText(secPacket, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - 10);} else if (tmpObj.isPlayer) {mainContext.strokeText("[" + tmpObj.primaryIndex + " / " + (tmpObj.secondaryIndex!=undefined?tmpObj.secondaryIndex:"0") + "]", tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - 10);mainContext.fillText("[" + tmpObj.primaryIndex + " / " + (tmpObj.secondaryIndex!=undefined?tmpObj.secondaryIndex:"0") + "]", tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - 10);}if(tmpObj.isPlayer) {mainContext.font = "22px Hammersmith One";mainContext.strokeText(tmpObj.sid, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) + 40);mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.sid, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) + 40);mainContext.strokeText(tmpObj.shameCount, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) + 135);mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.shameCount, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) + 135);}} else if (getEl("visualType").value == "mega") {// HEALTH HOLDER:var tmpWidth = config.healthBarWidth;mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 140, (config.healthBarWidth * 2) +(config.healthBarPad * 2), 17, 11); // 11mainContext.fill();// HEALTH BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = (tmpObj==player||(tmpObj.team&&tmpObj.team==player.team))? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + config.healthBarPad - 140,((config.healthBarWidth * 2) * (tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth)), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 20);mainContext.fill();mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";let reloads = {primary: (tmpObj.primaryIndex == undefined ? 1 : ((items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex].speed - tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.primaryIndex]) / items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex].speed)),secondary: (tmpObj.secondaryIndex == undefined ? 1 : ((items.weapons[tmpObj.secondaryIndex].speed - tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.secondaryIndex]) / items.weapons[tmpObj.secondaryIndex].speed)),// turret: (2500 - tmpObj.reloads[53]) / 2500};// SECONDARY RELOAD HOLDER:mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarPad + 5,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 13, (config.healthBarWidth-5) +(config.healthBarPad * 2), 17, 8);mainContext.fill();// SECONDARY RELOAD BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = "#A19C4E";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset + 5,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 13 + config.healthBarPad,(config.healthBarWidth * reloads.secondary) - 5, 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7);mainContext.fill();// PRIMARY RELOAD HOLDER:mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 13, config.healthBarWidth +(config.healthBarPad * 2) - 5, 17, 8);mainContext.fill();// PRIMARY RELOAD BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = "#A19C4E"mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 13 + config.healthBarPad,(config.healthBarWidth * reloads.primary) - 5, 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7);mainContext.fill();} else if (getEl("visualType").value == "ae") {// HEALTH HOLDER:var tmpWidth = config.healthBarWidth;mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY, (config.healthBarWidth * 2) +(config.healthBarPad * 2), 17, 11); // 11mainContext.fill();// HEALTH BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = (tmpObj==player||(tmpObj.team&&tmpObj.team==player.team))? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + config.healthBarPad,((config.healthBarWidth * 2) * (tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth)), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 20);mainContext.fill();mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";} else if (getEl("visualType").value == "elite" || getEl("visualType").value == "smiley") {// HEALTH HOLDER:var tmpWidth = config.healthBarWidth;mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY, (config.healthBarWidth * 2) +(config.healthBarPad * 2), 17, 11); // 11mainContext.fill();// HEALTH BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = (tmpObj==player||(tmpObj.team&&tmpObj.team==player.team))? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + config.healthBarPad,((config.healthBarWidth * 2) * (tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth)), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 20);mainContext.fill();mainContext.font = "16px Hammersmith One";mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";mainContext.lineWidth = tmpObj.nameScale ? 11 : 8;mainContext.lineJoin = "round";mainContext.strokeText(tmpObj.health + "/" + tmpObj.maxHealth, tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale + 125);mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.health + "/" + tmpObj.maxHealth, tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale + 125);}if(getEl("visualType").value == "zika" || getEl("visualType").value == "smiley") {for(let i = 0; i < gameObjects.length; i++) {let U = gameObjects[i];if(U.active && U.health > 0 && U.group != undefined && getDist(U, player) <= 600) {function get() {if(U.owner.sid != player.sid && !(findAllianceBySid(U.owner.sid) != player.team)) {return "#ab0c34";} else {return "#4db347";}}let remainingHealthPercentage;remainingHealthPercentage = 0.000- U.health / U.maxHealth + 1;let fullbuildinghealth = 100;// Calculate health percentage and format it to two decimal placeslet healthPercentage = (fullbuildinghealth - remainingHealthPercentage * 100).toFixed(2);const circleRadius = U.scale - 20;const startAngle = Math.PI;const endAngle = Math.PI + (remainingHealthPercentage * 2 * Math.PI);function drawCircles() {mainContext.beginPath();mainContext.arc(U.x - xOffset, U.y - yOffset, circleRadius, Math.PI, Math.PI + (remainingHealthPercentage * 2 * Math.PI), true);mainContext.strokeStyle = "#000";mainContext.lineWidth = 12;mainContext.lineCap = 'round';mainContext.stroke();// build healthmainContext.beginPath();mainContext.arc(U.x - xOffset, U.y - yOffset, circleRadius, Math.PI, Math.PI + (remainingHealthPercentage * 2 * Math.PI), true);mainContext.strokeStyle = get();mainContext.lineWidth = 8;mainContext.lineCap = 'round';mainContext.stroke();// Display health percentageif (getEl("visualType").value == "smiley") {mainContext.font = "15px Hammersmith One";mainContext.fillStyle = "#ffffff";mainContext.fillText(healthPercentage + "%", U.x - xOffset, U.y - yOffset);}}drawCircles();}}}else if (getEl("visualType").value == "pacifist") {gameObjects.forEach((tmp) => {let tmpObj = tmp;if (tmpObj.active && tmpObj.health > 0) {const healthRatio = tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth;if (tmpObj && getDist(tmpObj, player) <= 400) {// HEALTH HOLDER:var tmpWidth = config.healthBarWidth;mainContext.fillStyle = "#000";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarPad - 35, tmpObj.y - yOffset - config.healthBarPad, config.healthBarWidth + 20 + config.healthBarPad * 2, 17, 8 + 5);mainContext.fill();// HEALTH BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = player.sid != tmpObj.owner.sid && !findAllianceBySid(tmpObj.owner.sid) ? "#C12D5F" : "#2187C0";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - 35, tmpObj.y - yOffset, (config.healthBarWidth + 20) * (healthRatio), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7 + 5);mainContext.fill();}if(tmpObj.health > 0 && getDist(tmpObj, player) <= 500) {// PLAYER SID OWNERmainContext.font = "16px Hammersmith One";mainContext.fillStyle = player.sid != tmpObj.owner.sid && !findAllianceBySid(tmpObj.owner.sid) ? "#C12D5F" : "#2187C0";mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";mainContext.strokeStyle = "#000";mainContext.lineWidth = 8;mainContext.lineJoin = "round";mainContext.strokeText(tmpObj.owner.sid, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset + 30));mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.owner.sid, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset + 30));}}});} else if (getEl("visualType").value == "mega") {gameObjects.forEach((tmp) => {let tmpObj = tmp;if (tmpObj.active && tmpObj.health > 0) {if(tmpObj.dmg) {mainContext.beginPath();mainContext.arc(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset, 5, Math.PI, Math.PI*2);mainContext.fillStyle = player.sid != tmpObj.owner.sid && !findAllianceBySid(tmpObj.owner.sid) ? "#cc5151" : "#8ecc51";mainContext.strokeStyle = player.sid != tmpObj.owner.sid && !findAllianceBySid(tmpObj.owner.sid) ? "#cc5151" : "#8ecc51";mainContext.lineWidth = 6;mainContext.stroke();mainContext.fill();mainContext.beginPath();mainContext.arc(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset, 5, Math.PI, Math.PI*2, true);mainContext.fillStyle = player.sid != tmpObj.owner.sid && !findAllianceBySid(tmpObj.owner.sid) ? "#cc5151" : "#8ecc51";mainContext.strokeStyle = player.sid != tmpObj.owner.sid && !findAllianceBySid(tmpObj.owner.sid) ? "#cc5151" : "#8ecc51";mainContext.lineWidth = 6;mainContext.stroke();mainContext.fill();}const healthRatio = tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth;if (tmpObj && getDist(tmpObj, player) <= 300) {// HEALTH HOLDER:var tmpWidth = config.healthBarWidth;mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarPad - 30, tmpObj.y - yOffset - config.healthBarPad + 60, config.healthBarWidth + 15 + config.healthBarPad * 2, 17, 8 + 5);mainContext.fill();// HEALTH BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = player.sid != tmpObj.owner.sid && !findAllianceBySid(tmpObj.owner.sid) ? "#cc5151" : "#8ecc51";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - 30, tmpObj.y - yOffset + 60, (config.healthBarWidth + 15) * (healthRatio), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7 + 5);mainContext.fill();}}});}}}}}// RENDER GAME OBJECTS:function renderGameObjects(layer, xOffset, yOffset) {let tmpSprite;let tmpX;let tmpY;gameObjects.forEach((tmp) => {tmpObj = tmp;tmp.dir = tmp.lastDir;if (tmpObj.active) {tmpX = tmpObj.x + tmpObj.xWiggle - xOffset;tmpY = tmpObj.y + tmpObj.yWiggle - yOffset;if (layer == 0) {tmpObj.update(delta);}mainContext.globalAlpha = tmpObj.alpha;if (tmpObj.layer == layer && isOnScreen(tmpX, tmpY, tmpObj.scale + (tmpObj.blocker || 0))) {if (tmpObj.isItem) {if ((tmpObj.dmg || tmpObj.trap) && !tmpObj.isTeamObject(player)) {tmpSprite = getObjSprite(tmpObj);} else {tmpSprite = getItemSprite(tmpObj);}mainContext.save();mainContext.translate(tmpX, tmpY);mainContext.rotate(tmpObj.dir);if (!tmpObj.active) {mainContext.scale(tmpObj.visScale / tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.visScale / tmpObj.scale);}mainContext.drawImage(tmpSprite, -(tmpSprite.width / 2), -(tmpSprite.height / 2));if (tmpObj.blocker) {mainContext.strokeStyle = "#db6e6e";mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.3;mainContext.lineWidth = 6;renderCircle(0, 0, tmpObj.blocker, mainContext, false, true);}mainContext.restore();} else {tmpSprite = getResSprite(tmpObj);mainContext.drawImage(tmpSprite, tmpX - (tmpSprite.width / 2), tmpY - (tmpSprite.height / 2));}}}});if (layer == 0) {if (placeVisible.length) {placeVisible.forEach((places) => {tmpX = places.x - xOffset;tmpY = places.y - yOffset;markObject(places, tmpX, tmpY);});}}}function drawArrow(xOffset, yOffset, x, y, arrowWidth, color, angle, lineWidth) {mainContext.save()mainContext.translate(x - xOffset, y - yOffset)mainContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4)mainContext.rotate(angle)mainContext.globalAlpha = 1mainContext.strokeStyle = colormainContext.lineCap = "round"mainContext.lineWidth = lineWidthmainContext.beginPath()mainContext.moveTo(-arrowWidth, -arrowWidth)mainContext.lineTo(arrowWidth, -arrowWidth)mainContext.lineTo(arrowWidth, arrowWidth)mainContext.stroke()mainContext.closePath()mainContext.restore()}if (player) {if(near.length) {nears.forEach((tmpPlayer) => {let tmpObj = tmpPlayer;drawArrow(xOffset, yOffset, player.x, player.y, 6, "#fff", UTILS.getDirect(tmpObj, player, 0, 2), 6)})}// AUTOPUSH LINE:if (my.autoPush) {mainContext.lineWidth = 5;mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;mainContext.beginPath();mainContext.strokeStyle = "#fff";mainContext.moveTo(player.x - xOffset, player.y - yOffset);mainContext.lineTo(my.pushData.x2 - xOffset, my.pushData.y2 - yOffset);mainContext.lineTo(my.pushData.x - xOffset, my.pushData.y - yOffset);mainContext.stroke();}}mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;// RENDER ANIM TEXTS:textManager.update(delta, mainContext, xOffset, yOffset);for (var i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) {tmpObj = players[i];if (tmpObj.visible) {if (tmpObj.chatCountdown > 0) {tmpObj.chatCountdown -= delta;if (tmpObj.chatCountdown <= 0)tmpObj.chatCountdown = 0;mainContext.font = "32px Hammersmith One";let tmpSize = mainContext.measureText(tmpObj.chatMessage);mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";let tmpX = tmpObj.x - xOffset;let tmpY = tmpObj.y - tmpObj.scale - yOffset - 90;let tmpH = 47;let tmpW = tmpSize.width + 17;mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)";mainContext.roundRect(tmpX - tmpW / 2, tmpY - tmpH / 2, tmpW, tmpH, 6);mainContext.fill();mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.chatMessage, tmpX, tmpY);}if (tmpObj.chat.count > 0) {tmpObj.chat.count -= delta;if (tmpObj.chat.count <= 0)tmpObj.chat.count = 0;mainContext.font = "32px Hammersmith One";let tmpSize = mainContext.measureText(tmpObj.chat.message);mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";let tmpX = tmpObj.x - xOffset;let tmpY = tmpObj.y - tmpObj.scale - yOffset + (90 * 2);let tmpH = 47;let tmpW = tmpSize.width + 17;mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)";mainContext.roundRect(tmpX - tmpW / 2, tmpY - tmpH / 2, tmpW, tmpH, 6);mainContext.fill();mainContext.fillStyle = "#ffffff99";mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.chat.message, tmpX, tmpY);} else {tmpObj.chat.count = 0;}}}}mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;// RENDER MINIMAP:renderMinimap(delta);}// UPDATE & ANIMATE:window.requestAnimFrame = function() {return null;}window.rAF = (function() {return window.requestAnimationFrame ||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||function(callback) {window.setTimeout(callback, 1e999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999);};})();let ms = {avg: 0,max: 0,min: 0,delay: 0}function doUpdate() {now = performance.now();delta = now - lastUpdate;lastUpdate = now;let timer = performance.now();let diff = timer - fpsTimer.last;if (diff >= 1000) {fpsTimer.ltime = fpsTimer.time * (1000 / diff);fpsTimer.last = timer;fpsTimer.time = 0;}ms.avg = Math.round((ms.min+ms.max)/2);fpsTimer.time++;updateGame();rAF(doUpdate);getEl("pingFps").innerHTML = `${window.pingTime}ms | FPS: ${UTILS.round(fpsTimer.ltime, 10)}`;getEl("packetStatus").innerHTML = secPacket;}prepareMenuBackground();doUpdate();function toggleUseless(boolean) {getEl("instaType").disabled = boolean;getEl("antiBullType").disabled = boolean;getEl("predictType").disabled = boolean;getEl("visualType").disabled = boolean;}let changeDays = {};window.debug = function() {my.waitHit = 0;my.autoAim = false;instaC.isTrue = false;traps.inTrap = false;itemSprites = [];objSprites = [];gameObjectSprites = [];addDeadPlayer(tmpObj);player.chat.message = "Test If 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getEl('actionBarItem' + i);tmpUnit.onmouseover = UTILS.checkTrusted(function() {showItemInfo(items.list[i - items.weapons.length]);});tmpUnit.onclick = UTILS.checkTrusted(function() {selectToBuild(tmpObj.items[tmpObj.getItemType(i - items.weapons.length)]);});UTILS.hookTouchEvents(tmpUnit);}})(i);}};window.profineTest = function(data) {if (data) {// SET INITIAL NAME:let noname = "unknown";// VALIDATE NAME:let name = data + "";name = name.slice(0, config.maxNameLength);name = name.replace(/[^\w:\(\)\/? -]+/gmi, " ");  // USE SPACE SO WE CAN CHECK PROFANITYname = name.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, " ");name = name.trim();let isProfane = false;let convertedName = name.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "").replace(/1/g, "i").replace(/0/g, "o").replace(/5/g, "s");if (name.length > 0 && !isProfane) {noname = name;}return noname;}};window.toggleNight();},webgl_test: () => {return;let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");canvas.id = "WEBGL";canvas.width = canvas.height = 300;canvas.style = 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