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Automatically close the Minecraft Netease Edition pop-up window of the Minecraft official website

Automatically close the "Go to ##### Edition" pop-up window on the official Minecraft website

// ==UserScript==
// @name              自动关闭Minecraft官网##版弹窗
// @name:zh-CN        自动关闭Minecraft官网##版弹窗
// @name:zh-TW        自動關閉Minecraft官網##版彈窗
// @name:en           Automatically close the Minecraft Netease Edition pop-up window of the Minecraft official website
// @namespace         http://github.com/lingbopro/auto-close-netease-popup/
// @supportURL        http://github.com/lingbopro/auto-close-netease-popup/
// @version           1.0
// @description       自动关闭Minecraft官网的“前往##版”弹窗
// @description:zh-CN 自动关闭Minecraft官网的“前往##版”弹窗
// @description:zh-TW 自動關閉Minecraft官網的「前往##版」彈窗
// @description:en    Automatically close the "Go to ##### Edition" pop-up window on the official Minecraft website
// @author            lingbopro
// @license           MIT
// @match             *://www.minecraft.net/*
// @connect           minecraft.net
// @icon              https://www.minecraft.net/etc.clientlibs/minecraft/clientlibs/main/resources/favicon.ico
// @grant             none
// @run-at            document-body
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
let runtimeCounter = 0; //防止运行次数过多所以设定变量记录运行次数
setTimeout(function(){ //由于弹窗可能不在页面加载第一时间显示,所以尝试多次
runtimeCounter += 1;
console.debug(`第 ${runtimeCounter} 次尝试`);
if(document.body.classList.contains("modal-open")) {
document.body.classList.remove("modal-open"); //修改body的类名使页面可滚动
let popup = document.getElementById("netease-promotion-modal"); //获取弹窗元素
if(!(typeof(popup) == "undefined" || popup == null)) { //判断元素是否存在
popup.remove(); //如果存在就去除
return; //结束执行
else {
if(runtimeCounter >= 10) { //如果运行多次还是不行也停止
setTimeout(this,100); //如果去除不成功就重试