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Royal Road: Add Word Count to Statistics Section

Adds the word count of a fiction (taken from the information tooltip in the Pages statistic) as it's own statistic

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// ==UserScript==
// @name           Royal Road: Add Word Count to Statistics Section
// @namespace      https://github.com/w4tchdoge
// @version        1.0.0-20240121_224010
// @description    Adds the word count of a fiction (taken from the information tooltip in the Pages statistic) as it's own statistic
// @author         w4tchdoge
// @homepage       https://github.com/w4tchdoge/MISC-UserScripts
// @match          *://*.royalroad.com/fiction/*
// @exclude        *://*.royalroad.com/fiction/*/*/chapter/*
// @license        AGPL-3.0-or-later
// @history        1.0.0 — Initial release
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
`use strict`;
// Check if the Statistics section exists
var stats_page_exists = Boolean(document.querySelector(`.fiction-stats .stats-content .list-unstyled li:has(> i)`));
// Define variables in advance (this is for easier debugging on my part when I copy paste these into the console during initial testing to see if everything works)
// Only execute the main body of code if stats_page_exists is true
if (stats_page_exists == true) {
// Get the element which contains the word "Pages" and which also contains the word count in an informational tooltip
statsPage_pages_elem = document.querySelector(`.fiction-stats .stats-content .list-unstyled li:has(> i)`);
// Get Word Count
word_count_str = statsPage_pages_elem.querySelector(`i`).getAttribute(`data-content`).replace(/.*calculated from (.*) words./gmi, `$1`);
// Make the "Heading" element that describes the data below it. i.e. it says "Words"
elm_wordcount_title = Object.assign(document.createElement(`li`), {
id: `userscript-words-title`,
innerHTML: `Words :`
// Add the required classes to the above DOM element
elm_wordcount_title.classList.add(`bold`, `uppercase`);
// Make the "Data" element that has the actual data. i.e. it says the word count
elm_wordcount_data = Object.assign(document.createElement(`li`), {
id: `userscript-words-data`,
innerHTML: `${word_count_str}`
// Add the required classes to the above DOM element
elm_wordcount_data.classList.add(`bold`, `uppercase`, `font-red-sunglo`);
// Add the word count elements before the page count elements
statsPage_pages_elem.before(elm_wordcount_title, elm_wordcount_data);