adds a button to save a connection to your calendar
// ==UserScript== // @name AVV/MoBY Save to Calendar // @namespace // @version 0.9 // @description adds a button to save a connection to your calendar // @author Kiki // @match* // @match* // @icon // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; console.debug('AVV Save to Calendar'); window.setTimeout(startTimer, 2000); //window.onbeforeunlaod = function() { console.log('unload'); }; console.debug('AVV Save to Calendar - done'); })(); function startTimer() { console.debug('startTimer'); unsafeWindow.myTimer = function() { //console.debug('myTimer'); unsafeWindow.doIt(); window.setTimeout(unsafeWindow.myTimer, 1000); //console.debug('myTimer - done'); }; window.setTimeout(unsafeWindow.myTimer, 1000); console.debug('startTimer - done'); } unsafeWindow.doIt = function() { console.debug('doIt'); var loc = window.location.href; //var buttonBoxSelector = 'div > main div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > section > div > div + section + div > div > div > button + div'; var buttonBoxSelector = 'div#root button + div'; if(getSiteName() == "unknown") { console.debug('url not relevant: ' + loc); unsafeWindow.oldUrl = null; return; } if(!document.querySelector(buttonBoxSelector)) { console.debug('relevant element not found'); return; } /* url change does not happen when Aktuualisieren is pressed we need to check presence of our own button instead if(unsafeWindow.oldUrl && unsafeWindow.oldUrl == loc) { console.debug('URL has not changed'); return; }*/ if(document.getElementById(myCalendarButtonId) != null) { console.debug('calendar button already created, nothing to do'); return; } else { unsafeWindow.oldUrl = loc; } createCalendarButton(document.querySelector(buttonBoxSelector));'Calendar button created'); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var myCalendarButtonId = 'myCalendarButtonId'; function createCalendarButton(where) { console.debug('createCalendarButton'); var btn = where.firstChild.cloneNode(true); var newSvg = createElementFromHTML('<svg xmlns="" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" image-rendering="optimizeQuality" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" viewBox="0 0 512 506.49"><path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M294.24 17.11C294.24 7.69 303.53 0 315.1 0s20.87 7.65 20.87 17.11v74.85c0 9.42-9.3 17.11-20.87 17.11s-20.86-7.65-20.86-17.11V17.11zm145.02 345.22v19.94c0 4.69-3.91 8.61-8.6 8.61h-34.24v34.26c0 4.67-3.92 8.59-8.61 8.59h-19.96c-4.67 0-8.59-3.86-8.59-8.59v-34.26h-34.27c-4.69 0-8.61-3.87-8.61-8.61v-19.94c0-4.74 3.88-8.61 8.61-8.61h34.27v-34.26c0-4.73 3.86-8.59 8.59-8.59h19.96c4.74 0 8.61 3.92 8.61 8.59v34.26h34.24c4.74 0 8.6 3.97 8.6 8.61zm-61.44-124.22c36.98 0 70.56 15.04 94.83 39.35C496.96 301.7 512 335.25 512 372.31c0 36.99-15.04 70.56-39.3 94.83-24.32 24.31-57.89 39.35-94.88 39.35-37.03 0-70.56-15.04-94.84-39.3-24.32-24.27-39.34-57.86-39.34-94.88 0-37.06 15.04-70.61 39.31-94.89l.69-.63c24.24-23.9 57.53-38.68 94.18-38.68zm78.74 55.41c-20.09-20.11-47.96-32.58-78.74-32.58-30.5 0-58.14 12.25-78.19 32.02l-.55.6c-20.15 20.14-32.62 48-32.62 78.75s12.46 58.6 32.61 78.75c20.1 20.13 47.98 32.6 78.75 32.6 30.76 0 58.65-12.47 78.77-32.58 20.11-20.12 32.58-48.01 32.58-78.77 0-30.75-12.47-58.61-32.61-78.79zM56.81 242.28c-1.18 0-2.24-5.2-2.24-11.57 0-6.38.94-11.53 2.24-11.53h56.94c1.19 0 2.25 5.2 2.25 11.53 0 6.39-.94 11.57-2.25 11.57H56.81zm90.78 0c-1.19 0-2.24-5.2-2.24-11.57 0-6.38.93-11.53 2.24-11.53h56.94c1.18 0 2.24 5.2 2.24 11.53 0 6.39-.94 11.57-2.24 11.57h-56.94zm90.77 0c-1.18 0-2.24-5.2-2.24-11.57 0-6.38.93-11.53 2.24-11.53h56.94c1.18 0 2.24 5.15 2.24 11.49a175.09 175.09 0 0 0-16.44 11.61h-42.74zM56.94 308.52c-1.18 0-2.24-5.2-2.24-11.57 0-6.39.93-11.58 2.24-11.58h56.94c1.18 0 2.24 5.19 2.24 11.58 0 6.37-.93 11.57-2.24 11.57H56.94zm90.77 0c-1.18 0-2.24-5.2-2.24-11.57 0-6.39.93-11.58 2.24-11.58h56.94c1.18 0 2.24 5.19 2.24 11.58 0 6.37-.93 11.57-2.24 11.57h-56.94zM57.06 374.8c-1.18 0-2.24-5.2-2.24-11.59 0-6.36.94-11.56 2.24-11.56H114c1.19 0 2.25 5.2 2.25 11.56 0 6.39-.94 11.59-2.25 11.59H57.06zm90.78 0c-1.19 0-2.25-5.2-2.25-11.59 0-6.36.94-11.56 2.25-11.56h56.94c1.18 0 2.24 5.2 2.24 11.56 0 6.39-.94 11.59-2.24 11.59h-56.94zM106.83 17.11c0-9.42 9.29-17.11 20.86-17.11s20.86 7.65 20.86 17.11v74.85c0 9.42-9.32 17.11-20.86 17.11-11.57 0-20.86-7.65-20.86-17.11V17.11zM22.98 163.64h397.39V77.46c0-5.79-4.73-10.51-10.52-10.51h-38.1c-6.39 0-11.57-5.2-11.57-11.57 0-6.38 5.18-11.58 11.57-11.58h38.1c18.59 0 33.7 15.12 33.7 33.71v136.81c-7.59-2.62-15.41-4.73-23.44-6.29v-21.38h.26H22.98v223.16c0 5.78 4.72 10.51 10.51 10.51h188.86c2.15 8.02 4.86 15.84 8.12 23.36H33.71C15.13 443.68 0 428.61 0 410.02V77.55c0-18.6 15.1-33.71 33.71-33.71h40.67c6.38 0 11.58 5.21 11.58 11.57 0 6.39-5.2 11.59-11.58 11.59H33.71c-5.79 0-10.53 4.7-10.53 10.51v86.16h-.2v-.03zm158.94-96.69c-6.37 0-11.57-5.2-11.57-11.57 0-6.38 5.2-11.58 11.57-11.58h77.55c6.39 0 11.59 5.2 11.59 11.58 0 6.37-5.2 11.57-11.59 11.57h-77.55z"/></svg>'); var oldSvg = btn.querySelector('path'); var svgClass = oldSvg.getAttribute("class"); oldSvg.replaceWith(newSvg); // we need to add the original class to the new SVG newSvg.setAttribute("class", svgClass) // todo: change click event handler where.insertBefore(btn, where.firstChild); btn.firstChild.setAttribute("title", "Fahrt in den Kalender eintragen"); btn.firstChild.setAttribute("aria-label", "Fahrt in den Kalender eintragen"); btn.firstChild.onclick = addToCalendar; = myCalendarButtonId; } function createElementFromHTML(htmlString) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = htmlString.trim(); // Change this to div.childNodes to support multiple top-level nodes. return div.firstChild; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getSiteName() { var loc = window.location.href; if(loc.match(/https:\/\/fahrtauskunft\.avv-augsburg\.de\/sl3\+\/trip\/\d+\?/)) { return "avv"; } else if(loc.match(/https:\/\/bahnland-bayern\.de\/de\/moby\/efa\/app\/trip\/\d+\?/)) { return "moby"; } else { return "unknown"; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addToCalendar() {'addToCalendar'); // main info var mainInfo = document.querySelector('section >h2 + div > div > div:has( > p)') || document.querySelector('section >h2 + div > div > div > div:has( > p)'); var divs = mainInfo.querySelectorAll('p'); var from = divs[0].innerText; var to = divs[1].innerText; from = from.replace(/^.*?:/g, 'Fahrt von'); to = to.replace(/^.*?:/g, 'nach'); var x = mainInfo.querySelectorAll('p')[2].innerText.matchAll(/(Abfahrt|Ankunft) am ([0-9\.]*) um ([0-9:]*)/gm); x = Array.from(x)[0]; var dt = x[2]; // here we still have a bug: if the user asked for an arrival time, the date of departure may actually be the previous day var tm = x[3]; var ySelector = ''; switch(getSiteName()) { case "avv": //ySelector = 'main section section div > p:not([style*="color"]):not([aria-hidden])'; ySelector = 'div[id^="trip-overview-description-"] > div > div > div > div > span'; break; case"moby": ySelector = 'div[id*="trip-overview-description"] div[style*="flex-direction"] > span'; break; default: console.error('Unknown site name: ' + getSiteName()); return; // should never happen } var y = document.querySelectorAll(ySelector); var tStart = innerTextWithoutChildren(y[0]); var tEnd = innerTextWithoutChildren(y[1]); // duration is split across multiple tags, if over 59 minutes. One for hours, one for minutes. Todo: combine (text, not numbers!) // but it is not used anyway, so dump it // var duration = y[2].innerText; + ' ' + to + ' ' + dt + ' ' + tStart + '-' + tEnd); var description = ""; unsafeWindow.bAbAn = false; // false: ab, true: an // step-wise info divs = document.querySelectorAll('div:has(>h3) > div > div > div > div > div'); divs.forEach((div) => { //console.log(div); var cls = div.getAttribute("class"); var p = div.querySelector('div.' + cls + ' > div > div > p,div.' + cls + ' > div > div > span'); if(p != null && div.querySelector('div.' + cls + ' > div > div >div > div > div > p') != null && div.querySelector('div.' + cls + ' > div > div > div > svg') == null) { // departure or arrival step var time = p.innerText; var station = div.querySelector('div.' + cls + ' > div > div >div > div > div > p').innerText; var platform = ""; // no platform can happen if(div.querySelector('div.' + cls + ' > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > p') != null) { platform = div.querySelector('div.' + cls + ' > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > p').innerText; } var means = ""; if(div.nextSibling != null) { div.nextSibling.querySelectorAll('div > div > div > span:not(:has(+ p))').forEach(function(item) { means += item.innerText + " "; }); div.nextSibling.querySelectorAll('div > div > div > span:has(+ p)').forEach(function(item) { means += item.nextSibling.innerText + " "; }); means = means.trim(); } description = description + genAbAn() + ' ' + time + ' ' + station + ' ' + platform + ' ' + means + '\r\n'; } else { var walkElements = div.querySelectorAll('div.' + cls + ' > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div + button > span > div > div >div > p'); // if(walkElements.length > 0) { //walk/wait step walkElements.forEach((walk) => { description = description + walk.innerText + '\r\n'; }); } else if(div.querySelector('div.' + cls + ' > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > p') != null) { // means of transport step means = div.querySelector('div.' + cls + ' > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > p').innerText; var directionElement = div.querySelector('div.' + cls + ' > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > p + div > p,div.' + cls + ' > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > p + div > span'); var direction = ""; if(directionElement != null) { direction = directionElement.innerText; } //var direction = div.querySelector('div.' + cls + ' > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > p + div > p,div.' + cls + ' > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > p + div > span').innerText; var durationElement = div.querySelector('div.' + cls + ' > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div + button p'); var duration = ""; if(durationElement != null) { duration = durationElement.innerText; } description = description + ' ' + means + ' ' + direction + ' ' + duration + '\r\n'; } } });; //'start: ' + dt + ' - ' + tStart); //'makeDate: ' + makeDate(dt, tStart)); ical_download(from + ' ' + to, makeDate(dt, tStart), makeDate(dt, tEnd), description); } function innerTextWithoutChildren(element) { return [], function(a, b) { return a + (b.nodeType === 3 ? b.textContent : ''); }, ''); } function genAbAn() { var retVal = (unsafeWindow.bAbAn) ? "an" : "ab"; unsafeWindow.bAbAn = !unsafeWindow.bAbAn; return retVal; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // helper functions to create and download ical // based on function ical_download(eventName, dtStart, dtEnd, description) { //name of file to download as const fileName = 'fahrt.ics'; var now = new Date(); var ics_lines = [ "BEGIN:VCALENDAR", "X-LOTUS-CHARSET:UTF-8", "VERSION:2.0", "PRODID:", "METHOD:PUBLISH", "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE", "TZID:Europe/Berlin", "X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Berlin", "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT", "TZOFFSETFROM:+0100", "TZOFFSETTO:+0200", "TZNAME:CEST", "DTSTART:19700329T020000", "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=3", "END:DAYLIGHT", "BEGIN:STANDARD", "TZOFFSETFROM:+0200", "TZOFFSETTO:+0100", "TZNAME:CET", "DTSTART:19701025T030000", "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=10", "END:STANDARD", "END:VTIMEZONE", "BEGIN:VEVENT", "UID:fahrt-" + now.getTime() + "", "CLASS:PUBLIC", "SUMMARY:" + eventName, "DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:" + ISOdateString(dtStart), "DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:" + ISOdateString(dtEnd), "DTSTAMP:" + ISOdateString(now), "DESCRIPTION:" + description.replace(/\r\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\n/g, '\\n'), "LAST-MODIFIED:" + ISOdateString(now), "END:VEVENT", "END:VCALENDAR" ]; //var dlurl = 'data:text/calendar;base64,' + btoa(ics_lines.join('\r\n')); var dlurl = 'data:text/calendar;base64,' + b64EncodeUnicode(ics_lines.join('\r\n')); try { saveCalendar(dlurl, fileName); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } } // instead of btoa(), we use this, because the strings are unicode function b64EncodeUnicode(str) { // first we use encodeURIComponent to get percent-encoded Unicode, // then we convert the percent encodings into raw bytes which // can be fed into btoa. return btoa(encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function toSolidBytes(match, p1) { return String.fromCharCode('0x' + p1); })); } //iso date for ical formats function ISOdateString(d) { if(typeof d != 'object' || != 'Date') { throw new Error('Parameter is not a date!'); } else { return d.getFullYear() + zeroPadding(d.getMonth() + 1) + zeroPadding(d.getDate()) + 'T' + zeroPadding(d.getHours()) + zeroPadding(d.getMinutes()) + zeroPadding(d.getSeconds()); } } //zero padding for data fixes function zeroPadding(s) { return ("0"+s).slice(-2); } function saveCalendar(fileURL, fileName) { var save = document.createElement('a'); save.href = fileURL; = '_blank'; = fileName || 'unknown'; var evt = new MouseEvent('click', { //'view': window, 'bubbles': true, 'cancelable': false }); save.dispatchEvent(evt); } function makeDate(sDate, sTime) { var dateParts = sDate.split("."); var timeParts = sTime.split(":"); // month is 0-based, that's why we need dataParts[1] - 1 var retVal = new Date(+dateParts[2], dateParts[1] - 1, +dateParts[0], +timeParts[0], +timeParts[1]); return retVal; }