e6ai Auto Tag

Automatically fills in the e6ai upload form with tags and other info from the image.

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  1. // ==UserScript==// @name e6ai Auto Tag// @icon https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/twitter/twemoji/assets/72x72/1f3f7.png// @description Automatically fills in the e6ai upload form with tags and other info from the image.// @license MIT// @version 1// @match https://e6ai.net/uploads/new// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest// @connect e621.net// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/exifreader@4.20.0// @namespace https://gfork.dahi.icu/users/25864// ==/UserScript==// @ts-check // use `deno check` to type-check this file/// <reference lib="DOM" />/// <reference lib="DOM.Iterable" />(() => {// only for typesimport("npm:@types/greasemonkey@4.0.7");import("npm:exifreader@4.20.0");});// Constants - Modify them to your liking/*** Put your name here* @type {string | undefined}*/const DEFAULT_DIRECTOR = undefined;/*** @type {string | null | undefined}*/const DEFAULT_SOURCE = undefined;/*** Tags/words that you use but they don't actually change anything* @type {Array<string | RegExp>}*/const IGNORE_TAGS = ["view", /^hi_?res$/, "photorealism", /$realistic/];/*** @type {boolean}*/const ADD_PARAMS_IN_DESC = true;/*** @type {boolean}*/const INCLUDE_ARTISTS = false;{// make file input bigger for easier drag and dropconst style = document.createElement("style");style.textContent = `input[type="file"] {border: 2px dashed #ccc;padding: 32px;background-color: transparent;}`;document.head.appendChild(style);}{// add file input event listenerconst fileInput = document.querySelector("input[type=file]");if (!(fileInput instanceof HTMLInputElement)) {throw new Error("File input not found");}fileInput.addEventListener("change", () => {const file = fileInput.files?.[0];if (!file) return;handleFile(file);});}/*** @param {File} file*/async function handleFile(file) {// get prompt from imageconst buffer = await file.arrayBuffer();const infoString = getImageInfo(buffer);if (!infoString) throw new Error("Image info not found");const info = parseImageInfo(infoString);const promptTags = info.prompt;if (!promptTags) throw new Error("Prompt is empty");// fill in form - sourceif (DEFAULT_SOURCE !== undefined) {if (DEFAULT_SOURCE != null) {const elem = document.querySelector(".upload-source-row input");if (elem instanceof HTMLInputElement) {elem.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest" });await setInputValue(elem, DEFAULT_SOURCE);await delay(250);}} else {const elem = document.getElementById("no_source");if (elem instanceof HTMLInputElement && !elem.checked) {elem.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest" });elem.click();await delay(250);}}}// fill in form - directorif (DEFAULT_DIRECTOR) {const elem = document.getElementById("post_directors");if (elem instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) {elem.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest" });await setInputValue(elem, DEFAULT_DIRECTOR);await delay(250);}}// fill in form - tagsconst tagsField = document.getElementById("post_tags");if (!(tagsField instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement)) {throw new Error("Tags field not found");}try {await setInputValue(tagsField, "");tagsField.disabled = true;tagsField.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest" });for await (const tag of cleanTags(promptTags)) {if (IGNORE_TAGS.some((ignore) =>typeof ignore == "string" ? tag === ignore : tag.match(ignore))) continue;await setInputValue(tagsField, tag, true);}} finally {tagsField.disabled = false;}// fill in form - descriptionif (ADD_PARAMS_IN_DESC) {const elem = document.getElementById("post_description");if (elem instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) {elem.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest" });await setInputValue(elem,"\n[section=Parameters]\n" + infoString + "\n[/section]",);}}}/*** Just setting `input.value = value` doesn't always work for some reason.** @param {Element} input* @param {string} value* @param {boolean} [add=false]*/async function setInputValue(input, value, add = false) {if (!(input instanceof HTMLInputElement) &&!(input instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement)) return;// retry setting value until it actually changeslet attempts = 0;while (true) {attempts++;const newValue = add && input.value ? input.value + " " + value : value;input.value = newValue;await delay(100);if (input.value === newValue) {if (attempts > 1) {console.warn(`Set ${input.id ?? input.tagName} value after ${attempts} attempts`,);}break;}}// dispatch events so the js on the page runs tooinput.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent("input"));input.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent("change"));}/*** @param {number} t*/const delay = (t) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, t));/*** Uses ExifReader to read the text embedded in the image.* For JPG reads the "UserComment" tag, for PNG reads the "parameters" tag.** @param {ArrayBuffer} imageBuffer*/function getImageInfo(imageBuffer) {const info = globalThis.ExifReader.load(imageBuffer);if (info.UserComment?.value && Array.isArray(info.UserComment.value)) {// JPEG imagereturn String.fromCharCode(...info.UserComment.value.filter(/** @returns {val is number} */ (val) => typeof val == "number").filter((char) => char !== 0),).replace("UNICODE", "");}if (info.parameters?.description) {// PNG imagereturn info.parameters.description;}}/*** Reads the parameters string that stable-diffusion-webui puts in images.** Example:* ```* foo, bar, baz* Negative prompt: a, b, c* Param: 1* ```* returns:* ```* {* prompt: ["foo", "bar", "baz"],* "negative prompt": ["a", "b", "c"],* param: ["1"],* }* ```** @param {string} infoString*/function parseImageInfo(infoString) {const tags = infoString.split(/[,;\n]/).map((tag) => tag.trim()).filter((tag) => tag.length > 0);let lastKey = "prompt";const info = /** @type {Record<string, string[]>} */ ({});for (const tag of tags) {const parts = tag.split(/:\s+/).map((part) => part.trim().toLowerCase());const [key, value] = parts.length === 1? [null, parts[0]]: [parts[0], parts.slice(1).join(": ")];if (key) lastKey = key;if (value) {if (!info[lastKey]) info[lastKey] = [];info[lastKey].push(value);}}return info;}/*** Takes tags from prompt and turns them into tags that exist on e621.** @param {string[]} promptTags*/async function* cleanTags(promptTags) {for (let tag of promptTags) {if (tag.length < 3) continue;// skip lora tagsif (tag.startsWith("<lora:")) continue;// change spaces to underscorestag = tag.replace(/\s+/g, "_");// remove (tag) and (tag:strength) syntaxconst strengthRegexp = /\((.*?)(:[\d.]+)?\)/;while (tag.match(strengthRegexp)) {tag = tag.replace(strengthRegexp, "$1");}// remove [tag] and [tag:strength] syntaxconst strengthRegexp2 = /\[(.*?)(:[\d.]+)?\]/;while (tag.match(strengthRegexp2)) {tag = tag.replace(strengthRegexp2, "$1");}// remove "by_" prefixif (tag.startsWith("by_")) tag = tag.slice("by_".length);// search for tag on e621try {const tagStats = await getTagStatsMemoized(tag);if (tagStats?.post_count && tagStats.category !== 6 &&(INCLUDE_ARTISTS || tagStats.category !== 1)) {yield tagStats.name;}const words = tag.split("_");if (words.length > 1) {// also try every word separatelyfor (const word of words) {if (word.length < 3) continue;const wordStats = await getTagStatsMemoized(word);if (wordStats?.post_count && wordStats.category !== 6 &&(INCLUDE_ARTISTS || wordStats.category !== 1)) {yield wordStats.name;}}}} catch (err) {console.error(`Failed to get data for tag ${tag}:`, err);continue;}}}const getTagStatsMemoized = localStorageMemoize("e6tag", getTagStats);/*** @param {string} tagName* @returns {Promise<E6Tag | null>}*/async function getTagStats(tagName) {// request main tag/** @type {E6Tag[]} */const [tag] = await fetchE6("/tags.json?", {"search[name_matches]": tagName,})// returns an object when empty for some reason.then((data) => Array.isArray(data) ? data : []);if (tag) {return tag;}// no main tag found. try to find an alias/** @type {E6TagAlias[]} */const [alias] = await fetchE6("/tag_aliases.json", {"search[name_matches]": tagName,}).then((data) => Array.isArray(data) ? data : []);if (alias) {const [tag] = await fetchE6("/tags.json?", {"search[name_matches]": alias.antecedent_name,}).then((data) => Array.isArray(data) ? data : []);return tag;}return null;}/*** Make a function remember its return value for a given set of arguments.** @template {Array<string | number>} Args* @template R###lt* @param {string} keyPrefix* @param {(...args: Args) => Promise<R###lt>} fn* @returns {(...args: Args) => Promise<R###lt>}*/function localStorageMemoize(keyPrefix, fn) {return async (...args) => {const key = `${keyPrefix}:${args.join(":")}`;const json = localStorage.getItem(key);if (json != null) return JSON.parse(json);const value = await fn(...args);if (value !== undefined) localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));return value;};}/*** @typedef {object} E6Tag* @prop {string} name* @prop {number} post_count* @prop {number} category - 0 = general, 1 = artist, 6 = invalid*//*** @typedef {object} E6TagAlias* @prop {string} antecedent_name* @prop {string} consequent_name* @prop {number} post_count*//*** @param {string} path* @param {Record<string, string>} [params]*/function fetchE6(path, params) {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {const url = new URL(path, "https://e621.net/");if (params) {for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(params)) {url.searchParams.append(key, value);}}// return fetch(url.href, {// .then((resp) =>// resp.status === 200 ? resp.json() : Promise.reject(resp.statusText)// );GM.xmlHttpRequest({method: "GET",url: url.href,responseType: "json",timeout: 10_000,onload: (resp) => {if (resp.status === 200) {resolve(resp.response);} else {reject(new Error(resp.statusText));}},onerror: (err) => {reject(err);},});});}