// ==UserScript== // @name HTML5快速鍵hotkeys // @namespace // @version 1.3.1 // @license AGPLv3 // @author jcunews // @description HTML5快速鍵控制跳秒+速度+寬高比+截圖 // @match* // @match* // @match* // @grant none // @run-at document-start // @icon // ==/UserScript== // @match *://*/* /* 鍵盤快速鍵(大小寫通用): [A] = 後退 秒 1 [D] = 前進 秒 1 [←]左鍵 = 後退 秒 3 [→]右鍵 = 前進 秒 3 CTRL+[←]左鍵 = 後退 秒 30 CTRL+[→]右鍵 = 前進 秒 30 SHIFT+[←]左鍵← = 後退 秒 60 SHIFT+[→]右鍵→ = 前進 秒 60 SHIFT+[A] = 後退 秒 30 SHIFT+[D] = 前進 秒 30 SHIFT+Alt+[A] = 後退 秒 99999 SHIFT+Alt+[D] = 前進 秒 99999 CTRL+[,] = 後退 秒 1/30 CTRL+[.] = 前進 秒 1/30 SHIFT+[0] ~ [9] = 跳至 5%、15%、25%...95% Alt+[1] ~ [0] = 將音量改為 10%、20%...90%、0% Alt+[`] = 將音量改為 5% [-],[Z] = 速度 -0.2 倍(預設) [+],[X] = 速度 +0.2 倍(預設) SHIFT+[X] = 速度 +1 倍 [*],[C],SHIFT+[Z] = 速度復原 CTRL+['] = 更改預設速度 CTRL+[\] = 更改速度倍率 SHIFT+[S] = 截圖(JPG可改) 對於寬螢幕視窗: CTRL+6 = 變更寬螢幕內容的影片寬高比。 修正寬螢幕內容縮小為 4:3 電視格式的問題。 CTRL+7 = 更改內容的影片寬高比。 修正 4:3 內容拉伸為寬螢幕格式的問題。 CTRL+8 = 更改內容的影片寬高比。 修正 4:3 內容拉伸為寬螢幕格式的問題。 對於 4:3 視窗: CTRL+SHIFT+6 = 變更超寬螢幕內容的影片寬高比。 修正壓縮為 4:3 電視格式的超寬螢幕內容。 CTRL+SHIFT+7 = 縮放 4:3 信箱內容以刪除頂部+底部邊框的一半,同時也刪除一點左側+右側的內容。(這也可用於在寬螢幕視窗上半縮放超寬螢幕內容。 即 CTRL+6 的半縮放。) CTRL+SHIFT+8 = 變更寬螢幕內容的影片寬高比。 修正壓縮為 4:3 電視格式的寬螢幕內容。 對於任何視窗: CTRL+9 = 重置影片寬高比 */ ((eleOSD, osdTimer) => { //速度倍率 var incrementUnit = 0.2; //變更播放速率時螢幕右下提示 (OSD) 的持續時間(以毫秒為單位)。 設定為零或更少以停用。 var osdTimeout = 500; //截圖格式jpeg, png var imageFormat = "jpeg"; //鍵盤快速鍵。 // 每個鍵名可以是該鍵產生的字元(例如 'a'、'4'、'*' 等), // 例如 'Digit2'、'BracketLeft' 等兩種類型都區分大小寫。 //修飾符 = "C"、"S"和"A"的任意組合,大小寫通用,用於 Ctrl、Shift 和 Alt 鍵。 //caseSensitive = `true` 如果鍵名區分大小寫。如果省略,則預設不區分大小寫。 var keys = [ /*{ //0 to 9: 跳到 0%,10%,20%,...90% key: ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"], modifiers: "", func: (ele, key, keyIndex) => ele.currentTime = keyIndex / 10 * ele.duration },*/ { //shift+0 to shift+9: 跳到 5%,15%,25%,...95% key: [")", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "("], modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key, keyIndex) => ele.currentTime = (keyIndex + 0.5) / 10 * ele.duration }, { //Alt+1~Alt+0 = 將音量改為 10%、20%...90%、0% key: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"], modifiers: "A", func: (ele, key, keyIndex) => updAudioVolume(ele, (parseInt(key) * 1) / 10) }, { //Alt+` = 將音量改為 5% key: ["`"], modifiers: "A", func: (ele, key, keyIndex) => updAudioVolume(ele, 0.05) }, //前進後退 { key: ["a"], modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 1 }, { key: ["d"], modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 1 }, { key: "ArrowLeft", modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 3 }, { key: "ArrowRight", modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 3 }, { key: "ArrowLeft", modifiers: "C", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 30 }, { key: "ArrowRight", modifiers: "C", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 30 }, { key: "ArrowLeft", modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 60 }, { key: "ArrowRight", modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 60 }, { key: ["a"], modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 30 }, { key: ["d"], modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 30 }, { key: ["a"], modifiers: "SA", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 99999 }, { key: ["d"], modifiers: "SA", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 99999 }, { key: ",", modifiers: "C", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 1/30 }, { key: ".", modifiers: "C", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 1/30 }, //速度- { key: ["z","-"], modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => { key = ele.playbackRate - incrementUnit; if (key < 0.1) { key = 0.1; } else if ((key < 1) && (ele.playbackRate > 1)) key = 1; updVideoSpeed(ele, key); } }, //速度+ { key: ["x","+"], modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => { key = ele.playbackRate + incrementUnit; if (key > 16) { key = 16; } else if ((key > 1) && (ele.playbackRate < 1)) key = 1; updVideoSpeed(ele, key); } }, //速度+1X { key: ["x"], modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key) => { key = ele.playbackRate + incrementUnit; if (key > 16) { key = 16; } else if ((key > 1) && (ele.playbackRate < 1)) key = 1; updVideoSpeed(ele, 0.8+key); } }, //速度復原1x { key: ["c","*"], modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => {updVideoSpeed(ele, 1)} }, { key: ["z"], modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key) => {updVideoSpeed(ele, 1)} }, //ctrl+': 更改預設速度 { key: "'", modifiers: "C", func: (ele, key) => { if ((key = prompt("Enter media speed from 0.1 to 16 (inclusive).\ne.g.: 1 = Normal, 0.5 = Half, 2 = Double, 3 = Triple, etc.", ele.playbackRate)) === null) return; if (isNaN(key = parseFloat(key.trim()))) { alert("Input must be a number."); return; } updVideoSpeed(ele, (key = parseFloat(key.toFixed(1))) < 0.1 ? 0.1 : (key > 16 ? 16 : key)); } }, //ctrl+\: 更改速度倍率 { key: "\\", modifiers: "C", func: (ele, key) => { if ((key = prompt("Enter unit of media speed increment/decrement from 0.1 to 4 (inclusive).", incrementUnit)) === null) return; if (!isNaN(key = parseFloat(key.trim()))) { incrementUnit = (key = parseFloat(key.toFixed(1))) < 0.1 ? 0.1 : (key > 4 ? 4 : key); } else alert("Input must be a number."); } }, //截圖screenshot { key: ["s"], modifiers: "S", videoOnly: false, func: (ele, key) => screenshot() }, //對於寬螢幕視窗ctrl+6.7.8 { key: "6", modifiers: "C", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("scaleX(1.3333)", "Widescreen") }, { key: "7", modifiers: "C", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("scaleY(1.3333)", "Letterbox") }, { key: "8", modifiers: "C", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("scaleX(0.75)", "TV") }, //對於 4:3 視窗CTRL+SHIFT+6.7.8 { key: "Digit6", modifiers: "CS", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("scaleY(0.7168)", "Ultra Widescreen") }, { key: "Digit7", modifiers: "CS", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("scale(1.1666)", "Letterbox Half-Zoom") }, { key: "Digit8", modifiers: "CS", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("scaleY(0.5625)", "Widescreen On TV") }, //CTRL+9 = 重置影片寬高比 { key: "9", modifiers: "C", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("", "Reset") } ]; keys.forEach((k, s, m) => { if ((k.modifiers === undefined) || !k.modifiers.toUpperCase) k.modifiers = ""; s = k.modifiers.toUpperCase(); k.modifiers = {ctrl: s.includes("C"), shift: s.includes("S"), alt: s.includes("A")} }); //截圖設定 function screenshot(ele, cv) { if (ele = document.querySelector("video")) { cv = document.createElement("CANVAS"); if (cv.width = ele.videoWidth) { cv.height = ele.videoHeight; cv.getContext("2d").drawImage(ele, 0, 0); ele = document.createElement("A"); ele.href = cv.toDataURL("image/" + imageFormat); const VideoElement = document.querySelector('video'); const CurrentTime = VideoElement.currentTime; const Hours = Math.floor(CurrentTime / 3600); const Minutes = Math.floor((CurrentTime % 3600) / 60); const Seconds = Math.floor(CurrentTime % 60); const FormattedTime = `${Hours.toString().padStart(2, '0')}${Minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0')}${Seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; = document.title + `-${FormattedTime}.${imageFormat === "jpeg" ? "jpg" : imageFormat}`;// = "hidden"; document.body.appendChild(ele).click(); ele.remove(); return; } else { alert("The HTML5 video media has not been loaded yet."); } } else { alert("There is no HTML5 video on this page."); } }; var to = {createHTML: s => s}, tp = window.trustedTypes?.createPolicy ? trustedTypes.createPolicy("", to) : to, html = s => tp.createHTML(s); //提示框 function showOSD(s) { if (osdTimeout < 0) return; if (eleOSD) { eleOSD.textContent = s; } else { eleOSD = document.createElement("DIV"); = "position:fixed;z-index:999999999;right:.5rem;bottom:.5rem;margin:0;padding:.2rem .5rem .1rem .5rem;width:auto;height:auto;font:normal 16pt/normal sans-serif;background:#444;color:#fff"; eleOSD.textContent = s; document.body.appendChild(eleOSD); } clearTimeout(osdTimer); osdTimer = setTimeout(() => { eleOSD.remove(); eleOSD = null; }, osdTimeout); } function stopEvent(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); ev.stopImmediatePropagation(); } function updVideoSpeed(ele, spd, e) { // if ((location.hostname === "") && (e = ele.parentNode.parentNode).setPlaybackRate && (spd >= 0.25) && (spd <= 2)) { // e.setPlaybackRate(spd = parseFloat(spd.toFixed(1))); // } else ele.playbackRate = spd = parseFloat(spd.toFixed(1)); ele.playbackRate = spd = parseFloat(spd.toFixed(1)); showOSD("Speed " + spd + "x"); } function updVideoAspect(asp, label, s) { if (!(s = document.getElementById("vidAspOvr"))) document.body.appendChild(s = document.createElement("STYLE")).id = "vidAspOvr"; s.innerHTML = html(asp ? `video{transform:${asp}!important}` : ""); showOSD("Ratio: " + label); } function updAudioVolume(ele, vol, e) { if ((location.hostname === "") && (e = ele.parentNode.parentNode).setVolume) { e.setVolume(vol * 100); } else ele.volume = vol; showOSD("Audio " + (vol * 100) + "%"); } function isVisible(ele) { while (ele && ele.tagName) { if (getComputedStyle(ele).display === "none") return false; ele = ele.parentNode } return true } incrementUnit = parseFloat((incrementUnit < 0.1 ? 0.1 : (incrementUnit > 1 ? 1 : incrementUnit)).toFixed(1)); addEventListener("keydown", function(ev, ele, evkey, evcode, kkey) { if ((!(ele = document.activeElement) || !((ele.contentEditable === "true") || ["BUTTON", "INPUT", "SELECT", "TEXTAREA"].includes(ele.tagName))) && (ele = document.querySelector("video,audio"))) { keys.some((k, a, i) => { a = !!k.key.sort; evkey = k.caseSensitive ? ev.key : ev.key.toUpperCase(); evcode = k.caseSensitive ? ev.code : ev.code.toUpperCase(); kkey = k.caseSensitive ? k.key : (a ? => s.toUpperCase()) : k.key.toUpperCase()); if ( ((!a && ((kkey === evcode) || (kkey === evkey))) || (a && (((i = kkey.indexOf(evcode)) >= 0) || ((i = kkey.indexOf(evkey)) >= 0)))) && (k.modifiers.ctrl === ev.ctrlKey) && (k.modifiers.shift === ev.shiftKey) && (k.modifiers.alt === ev.altKey) && (!k.videoOnly || (ele.tagName === "VIDEO")) && (isVisible(ele) || (ele.tagName === "AUDIO")) ) { stopEvent(ev); k.func?.(ele, evkey, a ? i : null, k); return true; } }); } }, true); })();