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2k09__ Bot Mode V-0.1


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// ==UserScript==
// @name         2k09__ Bot Mode V-0.1
// @namespace    -
// @version      0.1
// @description  -
// @author       2k09__
// @match        https://sploop.io/
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict'
alert('||~~ Commands: ||| !md -ab = AddBot ||| !md -rb ~~||');
$ = document.querySelector.bind(document),
botID = 0,
bots = [],
isBot = (window.location !== window.parent.location),
playerID, playerX, playerY,
ownerX, ownerY,
touchStart = {x: 0, y: 0},
keys = {}, weaponKey = "1"
) {
class Sploop {
static newKeyEvent(type) {
return function (eventObj) {
const { key, code } = eventObj;
window.KeyboardEvent = Object;
window.getEvents(type)[type == "keydown" ? 1 : 0].listener({key: key, code: code, isTrusted: 1, target: document.body, preventDefault: () => null});
window.KeyboardEvent = KeyBoardEvent;
static key = {
down: this.newKeyEvent("keydown"),
up: this.newKeyEvent("keyup"),
press(eventObj) {
static foodPlace() {
this.key.press({code: "KeyQ"});
this.key.press({code: "Space"});
this.key.press({key: weaponKey});
static spikePlace() {
this.key.press({code: "KeyR"});
this.key.press({code: "Space"});
this.key.press({key: weaponKey});
static trapPlace() {
this.key.press({code: "KeyF"});
this.key.press({code: "Space"});
this.key.press({key: weaponKey});
static newTouchEvent = function(type) {
return function (eventObj) {
const { x, y, id } = eventObj;
$("#game-canvas").getEvents(type)[0].listener({changedTouches: [{identifier: id, pageX: x, pageY: y}], preventDefault: () => null, stopPropagation: () => null});
static touch = {
start: this.newTouchEvent("touchstart"),
move: this.newTouchEvent("touchmove"),
end: this.newTouchEvent("touchend")
static spawn(name) {
$("#nickname").value = name;
$("#nickname").value = localStorage.getItem("nickname")||"";
static changeServer(serverID) {
$("#server-select").options[0].setAttribute("region", serverID)
$("#server-select").selectedIndex = 0;
window.Sploop = Sploop;
window.addEventListener("load", ()=> (Object.keys(window.getEvents()).length === 0) && (window.onbeforeunload && (window.onbeforeunload = null), window.location.reload()));
WebSocket.prototype._send = WebSocket.prototype.send;
WebSocket.prototype.send = function() {
if(!isBot) {
for(let bot of bots) {
ko: 11, //somethingOnBegin
Uo: 6, //moveByBitmask
yo: 13, //changeAIM
Eo: 2, //selectItemByID
Bo: 19, //attack
Co: 18, //stopAttack
zo: 10, //spawn
Do: 20, //scytheUpgrade
xo: 0, //selectItemByType
Lo: 5,//equipHat
Fo: 7, //sendChat
Oo: 14, //upgrade
jo: 12, //noting
So: 3, //pingStuff
Po: 23, //autoHit
Vo: 1, //moveToDir
No: 15, //removeMoveDir
Ho: 9, //touchStart
Wo: 4, //noting
Go: 8, //touchEnd
Qo: 24, //leaveClan
Yo: 21, //joinInClan
qo: 17, //acceptDecline
Zo: 25, //kick
Xo: 22, //createClan
if(![22, 25, 17, 3, 10, 11].includes(arguments[0][0])) (bot.contentWindow.ws || this)._send(...arguments);
if(this.HOOKED) return;
this.HOOKED = true;
window.ws = this;
var botSpwned = false;
this.addEventListener("message", (msg)=>{
const d = ("string" != typeof msg.data ? new Uint8Array(msg.data) : JSON.parse(msg.data))
if(d[0] == 35) {
if(isBot && !playerID) Sploop.touch.start({id: 1000, x: innerWidth/4, y: innerHeight/2})
playerID = d[1];
if(d[0] == 20) {
for(let i = 1; i < d.byteLength; i += 18) {
const id = d[i + 2] | d[i + 3] << 8;
const x = d[i + 4] | d[i + 5] << 8;
const y = d[i + 6] | d[i + 7] << 8;
if(playerID == id) {
playerX = x;
playerY = y;
if(!isBot) {
for(let bot of bots) bot.isLoaded && bot.contentWindow.updateOwnerPosition(x, y);
if(isBot) {
!botSpwned && (Sploop.spawn( "2k09__Bot", (botSpwned=1)))
if(!isBot) {
this.rg = this.url.split("//")[1].split(".sploop")[0].toLocaleUpperCase();
for(let bot of bots) {
isBot && (
window.onload = ()=> initBot(),
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "region", {
get: () => window.ownerServer,
set: () => true,
configurable: true
function initBot() {
window.changeServer = function(serverID) {
window.updateOwnerPosition = function(x, y) {
ownerX = x;
ownerY = y;
const angle = Math.atan2(ownerY - playerY, ownerX - playerX);
if (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(((playerX - ownerX)), 2) + Math.pow(((playerY - ownerY)), 2)) > 185) {
Sploop.touch.start({id: 1000, x: innerWidth/4, y: innerHeight/2})
Sploop.touch.move({id: 1000, x: innerWidth/4+50*Math.cos(angle), y: innerHeight/2+50*Math.sin(angle)});
Sploop.touch.end({id: 1000, x: innerWidth/4, y: innerHeight/2})
const onDeathCallback = function(changedList) {
const display = changedList[0].target.style.display;
if(display == "flex") Sploop.spawn("2k09__Bot");
const deathChecker = new MutationObserver(onDeathCallback);
deathChecker.observe($("#homepage"), {attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["style"]});
!isBot && (window.onload = ()=> initClient());
function initClient() {
function createBot(id) {
const div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = `<iframe id="bot${id}" src="https://sploop.io" width="300" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" style="width: 300px; height: 200px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0"></iframe>`;
const iframe = div.firstChild;
iframe.contentWindow.ownerServer = $("#server-select").selectedOptions[0].getAttribute("region");
iframe.onload = ()=>{iframe.isLoaded = true};
return iframe;
let placementkeys = {
spike: false,
trap: false
setInterval(() => {
if(placementkeys.spike) Sploop.spikePlace()
if(placementkeys.trap) Sploop.trapPlace()
}, 20);
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
if(e.code == "KeyV") placementkeys.spike = true;
if(e.code == "KeyF") placementkeys.trap = true;
if(!keys[e.keyCode]) {
keys[e.keyCode] = 1;
if(e.code == "Enter" && window.chat && window.chat.value != '') {
if(window.chat.value == "!md -ab") bots.push(createBot(bots.length))
if(window.chat.value == "!md -rb") {
for(let bID in bots) $(`#bot${bID}`).remove()
bots.length = 0
if(window.chat.value.split(" ")[0] == "/close") {
const id = window.chat.value.split(" ")[1] - 1
if(!bots[id]) return;
for(let bID in bots) {
if(bID > id && bID != id) $(`#bot${bID}`).id = `bot${bID-1}`
bots.splice(id, 1)
document.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
if(e.code == "KeyV") placementkeys.spike = false;
if(e.code == "KeyF") placementkeys.trap = false;
if(keys[e.keyCode]) {
keys[e.keyCode] = 0;
(function autoHeal() {
let allies = [], hp;
const { fillRect, clearRect } = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect = function () {
if (this.canvas.id === "game-canvas") allies = [];
return clearRect.apply(this, arguments);
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillRect = function (x, y, width, height) {
if(this.fillStyle == "#a4cc4f") {
allies.push({x: x + 45, y: y - 70, hp: Math.round((width / 95) * 100)});
if(allies.length == 1) hp = allies[0].hp;
fillRect.apply(this, arguments);
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
if(["1", "2"].includes(e.key)) weaponKey = e.key;
function ah() {
function getDelay(hp) {
var delay = 200;
if(hp < 90) delay = 130;
if(hp < 74) delay = 60;
if(hp < 36) delay = 45;
return delay;
if(hp < 100) Sploop.foodPlace();
setTimeout(()=>{ah()}, getDelay(hp));
(function hookEvents() {
_setTimeout = setTimeout; console._log = console.log; KeyBoardEvent = KeyboardEvent;
EventTarget.prototype._addEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function(event, handler, c) {
if (c==undefined) c=false;
if (!this.eventListenerList) this.eventListenerList = {};
if (!this.eventListenerList[event]) this.eventListenerList[event] = [];
EventTarget.prototype.getEvents = function(event) {
if (!this.eventListenerList) this.eventListenerList = {};
if (event==undefined) return this.eventListenerList;
return this.eventListenerList[event];
let array = [HTMLElement.prototype, window, document];
for(let obj of array) {
for(let prop in obj) {
if(!prop.startsWith("on")) continue;
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, {
get() {
return this["_" + prop];
set(value) {
this["_" + prop] = value;
if(prop == "onbeforeunload") return value;
this.addEventListener(prop.split("on")[1], value);