Easy way to show all comments.
These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
1.fix GM.setValue,GM.getValue bug in violentmonkey.2.add namespace.
re-format code
fix menu can't hide bug
fix the first post after refresh can't apply auto mode problem
add the automatic modeadd the menuadd the scroll to button functionctrl key behavior change : add the reverse modedetect object : remove the setTimeout, change to use setInterval to detect certain object(thanks copilot!)
1.Add "Most recent" Mode, and you can use double click and Ctrl + double click to switch between "All comments" and "Most recent".2.Reel problem fix - facebook has a bug for Reel, if you switched to "All comments" mode then go next post, next post will still show "All comments", but actually shows "Most relevant" comments, I can't fix facebook's bug, so i make this script works even when the mode is "All comments".3.Detect array update - as stated above, i have to increase the array size and Reel has the "Newest" mode, instead of "Most Recent" mode, i think they are the same thing. Anyway, don't know why Facebook decide put "Newest" only in reel.
Support Slovak, Slovenian.
support Hungarian.
add 'Most applicable' detector, i guess it just appear in marketplace item's post
bug fix
add Chinese(T&S) info