Download audio files with custom filenames based on nearby text content on Biligame Wiki pages
// ==UserScript== // @name Download Audio Button for Biligame Wiki with Custom Filename // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description Download audio files with custom filenames based on nearby text content on Biligame Wiki pages // @author XTer // @match *://* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_download // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; function downloadAudio(url, customName) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url, responseType: "blob", onload: function(response) { GM_download({ url: URL.createObjectURL(response.response), name: customName ? `${customName}.mp3` : url.split('/').pop(), saveAs: true }); }, onerror: function(error) { console.error('Download failed:', error); } }); } function cleanFileName(fileName) { // 去除各种括号及其内容 fileName = fileName.replace(/[\(\(]/g, '') // 移除小括号开 .replace(/[\)\)]/g, '') // 移除小括号闭 .replace(/[\[\【]/g, '') // 移除中括号开 .replace(/[\]\】]/g, '') // 移除中括号闭 .replace(/[\{{]/g, '') // 移除大括号开 .replace(/[\}}]/g, '') // 移除大括号闭 .replace(/[《〈]/g, '') // 移除书名号开 .replace(/[》〉]/g, '') // 移除书名号闭 .replace(/[「]/g, '') // 移除「开 .replace(/[」]/g, ''); // 移除」闭 // 替换Windows系统不允许的文件名字符 var invalidChars = /[\\/:*?"<>|]/g; // Windows系统不允许在文件名中使用的字符 var replacementMap = { "\\": "\", "/": "/", ":": ":", "*": "*", "?": "?", "\"": """, "<": "<", ">": ">", "|": "|" }; fileName = fileName.replace(invalidChars, function(match) { return replacementMap[match] || " "; // 替换为全角版本或空格 }); return fileName.trim(); // 去除前后空格 } function addDownloadButton(audioElement) { var button = document.createElement("button"); button.textContent = "Download"; = "10px"; button.onclick = function() { // Find the nearest element with class="voice_text_chs" for a custom filename var customNameElement = audioElement.closest('.visible-md').querySelector('.voice_text_chs'); var customName = customNameElement ? cleanFileName(customNameElement.textContent) : null; downloadAudio(audioElement.src, customName); }; audioElement.parentNode.insertBefore(button, audioElement.nextSibling); } setTimeout(function() { var audioElements = document.querySelectorAll('audio'); audioElements.forEach(function(audio) { addDownloadButton(audio); }); }, 4000); })();