// ==UserScript== // @name b站回溯首页推荐换一换 // @namespace qwq0 // @version 0.4 // @description b站推荐换一换添加撤回按钮 // @author qwq0 // @match https://www.bilibili.com/ // @match https://www.bilibili.com/?* // @run-at document-start // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=bilibili.com // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (async function () { 'use strict'; if (location.pathname != "/") return; let history = []; let nowIndex = -1; let clickdButton = false; let clickdBacktrackButton = false; let oldFetch = window.fetch.bind(window); window.fetch = async (...param) => { if ( (clickdButton || clickdBacktrackButton) && typeof (param[0]) == "string" && ( param[0].startsWith("https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/wbi/index/top/feed/rcmd") || param[0].startsWith("https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/index/top/feed/rcmd") || param[0].startsWith("//api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/wbi/index/top/feed/rcmd") || param[0].startsWith("//api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/index/top/feed/rcmd") ) ) { if (clickdButton) { clickdButton = false; if (nowIndex < history.length - 1) { nowIndex++; if (nowIndex >= 1) backtrackButton.style.display = "block"; return history[nowIndex].clone(); } else { if (nowIndex == -1) { // 第一层点击按钮时尝试构造推荐响应 try { let feedCardList = document.querySelectorAll("main div.feed-card"); let cardDataList = []; for (let o of feedCardList) { try { let link = String(o.querySelectorAll(".bili-video-card__image--link")[0].href); let title = String(o.querySelectorAll(".bili-video-card__info--tit")[0].innerText); let cover = String(o.querySelectorAll("img")[0].src); // let bvInd = link.indexOf("/BV"); // let bvid = link.slice(bvInd + 1); cardDataList.push({ goto: "av", // bvid: bvid, uri: link, pic: cover, title: title }); } catch (err) { } } if (cardDataList.length == 0) throw "Unable to extract element"; let dataObj = { code: 0, message: "0", ttl: 1, data: { item: cardDataList } }; // console.log("test", dataObj); let response = new Response(JSON.stringify(dataObj), {}); history.push(response.clone()); nowIndex++; } catch (err) { console.error("build first rcmd failure:", err); } } /** * @type {Response} */ let response = await oldFetch(...param); history.push(response.clone()); nowIndex++; if (nowIndex >= 1) backtrackButton.style.display = "block"; // console.log(response.clone()); return response; } } else { clickdBacktrackButton = false; nowIndex--; if (nowIndex < 0) nowIndex = 0; if (nowIndex == 0) backtrackButton.style.display = "none"; return history[nowIndex].clone(); } } return oldFetch(...param); }; function parseHtmlString(htmlString) { let wrapper = document.createElement("div"); wrapper.innerHTML = htmlString; return wrapper.firstChild; } let buttonRoll = await new Promise(resolve => { let intervalId = setInterval(() => { let buttonRoll = document.querySelectorAll(".feed-roll-btn")[0]; if (buttonRoll != undefined) { resolve(buttonRoll); clearInterval(intervalId); } }, 150); }); let refreshButton = buttonRoll.children[0]; let backtrackButton = parseHtmlString(`<button style="margin-top: 10px;" class="primary-btn roll-btn"><span>回溯</span></button>`); buttonRoll.appendChild(backtrackButton); backtrackButton.style.display = "none"; refreshButton.addEventListener("click", () => { if (!clickdBacktrackButton) clickdButton = true; }, true); backtrackButton.addEventListener("click", () => { clickdBacktrackButton = true; refreshButton.click(); }); })();