Userscript for Autodarts to switch to next player after 3 darts
// ==UserScript== // @id auto-next-player-for-autodarts@ // @name Auto next player for Autodarts // @namespace // @version 0.0.1 // @description Userscript for Autodarts to switch to next player after 3 darts // @author sebudde // @match* // @icon // @license MIT // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // ==/UserScript== (async function() { 'use strict'; const observeDOM = (function() { const MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; return function(obj, config, callback) { if (!obj || obj.nodeType !== 1) return; const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(callback); const mutConfig = { ...{ attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true }, ...config }; mutationObserver.observe(obj, mutConfig); return mutationObserver; }; })(); const setActiveAttr = (el, isActive) => { if (isActive) { el.setAttribute('data-active', ''); el.classList.add('active'); } else { el.removeAttribute('data-active'); el.classList.remove('active'); } }; const onDOMready = async () => { setTimeout(async () => { console.log('match ready!'); const matchMenuEl = document.getElementById('ad-ext-game-settings-extra'); let matchMenuContainer; if (matchMenuEl.children[0].classList.contains('adp_match-menu-row')) { // Autodarts Plus is active matchMenuContainer = matchMenuEl.children[0]; } else { // const matchMenuRow = document.createElement('div'); // matchMenuRow.classList.add('css-k008qs'); // = 'calc(var(--chakra-space-2) * -1 - 4px)'; // matchMenuContainer = document.createElement('div'); // matchMenuContainer.classList.add('css-a6m3v9'); // matchMenuRow.appendChild(matchMenuContainer); // document.querySelector('.css-k008qs').after(matchMenuRow); } const turnContainerEl = document.getElementById('ad-ext-turn'); let nextPlayerAfterSec = (await GM.getValue('nextPlayerAfterSec')) || false; const nextPlayerAfterSecBtn = document.createElement('button'); = 'nextPlayerAfterSec'; nextPlayerAfterSecBtn.innerText = 'Next Player'; nextPlayerAfterSecBtn.classList.add('adp_config-btn'); setActiveAttr(nextPlayerAfterSecBtn, nextPlayerAfterSec); matchMenuContainer.appendChild(nextPlayerAfterSecBtn); nextPlayerAfterSecBtn.addEventListener('click', async (event) => { const isActive ='data-active'); setActiveAttr(nextPlayerAfterSecBtn, !isActive); nextPlayerAfterSec = !isActive; await GM.setValue('nextPlayerAfterSec', !isActive); }, false); const config = {}; const playgroundEl = document.getElementById('ad-ext-turn').nextElementSibling; const nextPlayerBtn = [...playgroundEl.querySelectorAll('button')].filter(el => el.textContent.includes('Next'))[0]; const nextPlayerAfterSecDuration = 1; observeDOM(turnContainerEl, config, function(m) { m.some((record) => { if (record.type === 'attributes' &&'ad-ext-turn-throw') && nextPlayerAfterSec && nextPlayerAfterSecDuration > 0 && nextPlayerBtn && turnContainerEl.querySelectorAll('.ad-ext-turn-throw').length === 3) { const playerCount = document.getElementById('ad-ext-player-display').children.length; const isFirstPlayer = document.querySelector('#ad-ext-player-display > div:nth-child(1) >'); const dartsSumText = document.querySelector('.ad-ext-player-active').nextElementSibling.textContent; const dartsSum = dartsSumText.slice(dartsSumText.indexOf('#') + 1, dartsSumText.indexOf('|') - 1).trim(); if ((playerCount === 2 && !!isFirstPlayer) || (playerCount === 1 && dartsSum % 6)) { console.log('next');; return true; } } }); }); }, 100); }; observeDOM(document.getElementById('root'), {}, function(mutationrecords) { mutationrecords.forEach((record) => { if (record.addedNodes.length && record.addedNodes[0].classList?.length) { const elemetClassList = [...record.addedNodes[0].classList]; return elemetClassList.forEach((className) => { if (className === 'css-ul22ge') { onDOMready(); } }); } }); }); })();