Find legal acts and rules mentioned on webpages and provide links to their PDF documents.
the script reads for all the acts and rules mentioned in the article on the webpage, makes a list of it and provides direct accessible pdf's
on the right side of the page appears a small orange box where the list appears, its collapsible.
forget the hassle of finding the acts on google manually and downloading them and making it a lengthy process you can donwload the acts on one place.
in case the pdf is not found a google search page is shown which might have the pdf.
there was a problem that google used to give captcha which is solved by introducing a 10 seconds delay in every request. you can change it by changing the value on line number 22 change the value of "REQUEST_INTERVAL = 10000;"
the value is in milliseconds and its calculation is 1000ms=1 second, so for a minute you have to write 60000ms.