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Hack - hamrocsit.com

4/4/2023, 4:33:28 PM

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Hack - hamrocsit.com
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @version     0.3
// @grant       none
// @license     GNU GPLv3
// @author      imxitiz
// @match       https://hamrocsit.com/*
// @description 4/4/2023, 4:33:28 PM
// ==/UserScript==
try {
// Check if tucsitnotes is defined before accessing its properties
if (typeof tucsitnotes !== "undefined") {
tucsitnotes["hassubscription"] = "1";
tucsitnotes["is_user_login"] = "1";
// Check if toggleTheme function exists before calling it
if (typeof toggleTheme === "function") {
} catch (e) {
console.error("ERROR:::::", e);
// Check if .modal-dialog element exists before manipulating its style
var modalDialog = document.querySelector(".modal-dialog");
if (modalDialog) {
modalDialog.style.cssText = "max-width:none; margin:20px";
// Check if .style-switcher element exists before manipulating its style
var styleSwitcher = document.querySelector(".style-switcher");
if (styleSwitcher) {
styleSwitcher.style.display = "none";
// Check if .modal-dialog-scrollable element exists before manipulating its style
var modalDialogScrollable = document.querySelector(".modal-dialog-scrollable");
if (modalDialogScrollable) {
modalDialogScrollable.style.height = "none";
// Check if any .course-single-tab .nav .nav-link elements exist before iterating and changing color
var navLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".course-single-tab .nav .nav-link");
if (navLinks.length > 0) {
navLinks.forEach((link) => (link.style.color = "#00af92"));
// Find and remove the element with class ".footer" within the "footer" element
var footerElement = document.querySelector("footer");
if (footerElement) {
// Create a style element
var styleElement = document.createElement("style");
// Set the CSS rules for hiding .modal-footer
styleElement.textContent = ".modal-footer { display: none !important; }";
// Append the style element to the document head
// @media (min-width:576px) {
// .modal-dialog {
//  /*! max-width:var(--bs-modal-width); */
//  /*! margin-right:auto; */
//  /*! margin-left:auto */
// }
// }