You can also try these related scripts:
- Privacy Redirector - Redirect social media platforms to their privacy respecting frontends
- 复制ChatGPT的LaTex公式(Word文档专用) - Double click the LaTeX formula in the webpage, copy it to the clipboard, paste it into a Word document, and it will automatically convert to a formula editor
- Sci-hub button - Add sci-hub button on article page. Add sci-hub button after article link. Support Google scholar, bing academic and baidu xueshu. Jump CNKI English article to Chinese article.
- Wikitube - YouTube on Wikipedia & Wikiwand - Adds relevant YouTube videos to Wikipedia and Wikiwand.
- Ads DOM Remover - Removes Ad Containers from DOM (doesn't replace adblocker extension, but blocks dynamic content which the adblocker fails to block by removing whole sections from the HTML DOM.)