You can also try these related scripts:
- 🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
- Forum Grandmaster for Discuz! (Final Version) - 🔊论坛网站页面美化、广告移除、功能增强。美轮美奂的视觉享受,安然恬静的论坛时光……
- Steam Bundle Sites Extension - A steam bundle sites' tool kits.
- Discuz-tail&replyTools - Discuz Tail & reply tool
- Steam Chinese Mark - mark url contains appid which support chinese & card info