- Hover your mouse over the dropdown button to display links to all sizes variants for any Flickr photo.
- Left-click on a link to download the photo.
- Left-click on the "⊞" to enter preview mode.
- Enable "Preview mode auto-enter" and you can preview images just by hovering them with the mouse cursor.
- Widget to rotate, zoom in/out, toggle between fit to screen view and full-size view.
- Choose your color palette.
- Customizable keybindings in the settings.
- Left-click on the dropdown button to display the settings menu.
Tested and compatible with:
- Chrome + Violentmonkey/Tampermonkey
- Edge + Violentmonkey/Tampermonkey
- Firefox + Tampermonkey w/ Content Script API option set to "UserScripts API Dynamic"
- Opera + Tampermonkey
Default keybindings:
Key | Action |
_____________ | ___________________________ |
q | Dropdown navigate "up" |
w | Dropdown navigate "down" |
s | Save image |
e | Preview mode enter |
Escape | Preview mode exit |
> | Image rotate clockwise |
< | Image rotate c-clockwise |
+ | Image zoom in |
- | Image zoom out |
* | Image fit to screen toggle |