Tools for MilkyWayIdle. Shows total action time. Shows market prices. Shows action number quick inputs. Shows how many actions are needed to reach certain skill level. Shows skill exp percentages. Shows total networth. Shows combat summary. Shows combat maps index. Shows item level on item icons. Shows how many ability books are needed to reach certain level. Shows market equipment filters.
Tools for the game MilkyWayIdle.
Shows total action time.
Shows market prices.
Shows action number quick inputs.
Shows how many actions are needed to reach a certain skill level.
Shows skill exp percentages.
Shows total networth.
Shows combat summary.
Shows combat maps index.
Shows item level on item icons.
Shows how many ability books are needed to reach a certain level.
Shows market equipment filters.
Shows equipment value with enhancement simulation.
Shows alert of wrong equipment when producing or combatting.
Shows notification when action queue is empty.
And more.