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Twitch Enhancements

Automatically claim channel points, enable theater mode, claim prime rewards, claim drops, and add redeem buttons for GOG and Legacy Games on Twitch and Amazon Gaming websites.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Twitch Enhancements
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.5.3
// @description  Automatically claim channel points, enable theater mode, claim prime rewards, claim drops, and add redeem buttons for GOG and Legacy Games on Twitch and Amazon Gaming websites.
// @author       JJJ
// @match        https://www.twitch.tv/*
// @match        https://gaming.amazon.com/*
// @match        https://www.twitch.tv/drops/inventory*
// @match        https://www.gog.com/en/redeem
// @match        https://promo.legacygames.com/*
// @icon         https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.d71be224f193da01e7e499165a8981c5?rik=uBYlAxJ4XyXmJg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fpngimg.com%2fuploads%2ftwitch%2ftwitch_PNG28.png&ehk=PMc5m5Fil%2bhyq1zilk3F3cuzxSluXFBE80XgxVIG0rM%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
// Add logger configuration
const Logger = {
styles: {
info: 'color: #2196F3; font-weight: bold',
warning: 'color: #FFC107; font-weight: bold',
success: 'color: #4CAF50; font-weight: bold',
error: 'color: #F44336; font-weight: bold'
prefix: '[TwitchEnhancements]',
getTimestamp() {
return new Date().toISOString().split('T')[1].slice(0, -1);
info(msg) {
console.log(`%c${this.prefix} ${this.getTimestamp()} - ${msg}`, this.styles.info);
warning(msg) {
console.warn(`%c${this.prefix} ${this.getTimestamp()} - ${msg}`, this.styles.warning);
success(msg) {
console.log(`%c${this.prefix} ${this.getTimestamp()} - ${msg}`, this.styles.success);
error(msg) {
console.error(`%c${this.prefix} ${this.getTimestamp()} - ${msg}`, this.styles.error);
// Twitch Constants
const PLAYER_SELECTOR = '.video-player';
const THEATER_MODE_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'button[aria-label="Modo cine (alt+t)"], button[aria-label="Theatre Mode (alt+t)"]';
const CLOSE_MENU_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'button[aria-label="Close Menu"]';
const CLOSE_MODAL_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'button[aria-label="Close modal"]';
const THEATER_MODE_CLASS = 'theatre-mode';
const CLAIMABLE_BONUS_SELECTOR = '.claimable-bonus__icon';
const CLAIM_DROPS_SELECTOR = 'button.ScCoreButton-sc-ocjdkq-0.eWlfQB';
const PRIME_REWARD_SELECTOR = 'button.tw-interactive.tw-button.tw-button--full-width[data-a-target="buy-box_call-to-action"] span.tw-button__text div.tw-inline-block p.tw-font-size-5.tw-md-font-size-4[title="Get game"]';
const PRIME_REWARD_SELECTOR_2 = 'p.tw-font-size-5.tw-md-font-size-4[data-a-target="buy-box_call-to-action-text"][title="Get game"]';
// Redeem on GOG Constants
const GOG_CONTINUE_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'button[type="submit"][aria-label="Proceed to the next step"]';
const GOG_FINAL_REDEEM_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'button[type="submit"][aria-label="Redeem the code"]';
// Redeem on Legacy Games Constants
const LEGACY_GAMES_REDEEM_URL = 'https://promo.legacygames.com/royal-romances-cursed-hearts-ce-prime-deal/';
const LEGACY_GAMES_CODE_INPUT_SELECTOR = '#primedeal_game_code';
const LEGACY_GAMES_EMAIL_INPUT_SELECTOR = '#primedeal_email';
const LEGACY_GAMES_EMAIL_VALIDATE_INPUT_SELECTOR = '#primedeal_email_validate';
const LEGACY_GAMES_NEWSLETTER_CHECKBOX_SELECTOR = '#primedeal_newsletter';
let claiming = false;
// Check if MutationObserver is supported
const MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;
// Function to click a button
function clickButton(buttonSelector) {
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.addedNodes.length) {
const button = document.querySelector(buttonSelector);
if (button) {
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// Function to enable theater mode
function enableTheaterMode() {
const player = document.querySelector(PLAYER_SELECTOR);
if (player) {
if (!player.classList.contains(THEATER_MODE_CLASS)) {
} else {
Logger.error('Player not found');
// Function to hide the global menu
function hideGlobalMenu() {
const GLOBAL_MENU_SELECTOR = 'div.ScBalloonWrapper-sc-14jr088-0.eEhNFm';
const globalMenu = document.querySelector(GLOBAL_MENU_SELECTOR);
if (globalMenu) {
globalMenu.style.display = 'none';
} else {
Logger.error('Global menu not found');
// Function to automatically claim channel points
function autoClaimBonus() {
if (MutationObserver) {
Logger.info('Auto claimer is enabled.');
let observer = new MutationObserver(mutationsList => {
for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
let bonus = document.querySelector(CLAIMABLE_BONUS_SELECTOR);
if (bonus && !claiming) {
let date = new Date();
claiming = true;
setTimeout(() => {
Logger.success('Claimed at ' + date.toLocaleString());
claiming = false;
}, Math.random() * 1000 + 2000);
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
} else {
Logger.warning('MutationObserver is not supported in this browser.');
// Function to claim prime rewards with retry
function claimPrimeReward() {
const maxAttempts = 5;
let attempts = 0;
const tryClaim = () => {
if (attempts >= maxAttempts) {
Logger.warning('Max attempts reached for claiming prime reward');
const element = document.querySelector(PRIME_REWARD_SELECTOR) || document.querySelector(PRIME_REWARD_SELECTOR_2);
if (element) {
Logger.success('Prime reward claimed');
} else {
Logger.info(`Attempt ${attempts}/${maxAttempts}: Waiting for prime reward button...`);
setTimeout(tryClaim, 1000);
setTimeout(tryClaim, 2000);
// Function to claim drops
function claimDrops() {
var onMutate = function (mutationsList) {
mutationsList.forEach(mutation => {
if (document.querySelector(CLAIM_DROPS_SELECTOR)) document.querySelector(CLAIM_DROPS_SELECTOR).click();
var observer = new MutationObserver(onMutate);
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// Function to add the "Redeem on GOG" button
function addGogRedeemButton() {
const claimCodeButton = document.querySelector('p[title="Claim Code"]');
if (claimCodeButton && !document.querySelector('.gog-redeem-button')) {
const claimCodeWrapper = claimCodeButton.closest('.claim-button-wrapper');
if (claimCodeWrapper) {
const gogRedeemButtonDiv = document.createElement('div');
gogRedeemButtonDiv.className = 'claim-button tw-align-self-center gog-redeem-button';
const gogRedeemButton = document.createElement('a');
gogRedeemButton.href = 'https://www.gog.com/en/redeem';
gogRedeemButton.rel = 'noopener noreferrer';
gogRedeemButton.className = 'tw-interactive tw-button tw-button--full-width';
gogRedeemButton.dataset.aTarget = 'redeem-on-gog';
gogRedeemButton.innerHTML = '<span class="tw-button__text" data-a-target="tw-button-text"><div class="tw-inline-flex"><p class="" title="Redeem on GOG">Redeem on GOG</p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<figure aria-label="ExternalLinkWithBox" class="tw-svg"><svg class="tw-svg__asset tw-svg__asset--externallinkwithbox tw-svg__asset--inherit" width="12px" height="12px" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" x="0px" y="0px"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.3125 6.875V9.625C10.3125 10.3844 9.69689 11 8.9375 11H1.375C0.615608 11 0 10.3844 0 9.625V2.0625C0 1.30311 0.615608 0.6875 1.375 0.6875H4.125V2.0625H1.375V9.625H8.9375V6.875H10.3125ZM9.62301 2.34727L5.29664 6.67364L4.32437 5.70136L8.65073 1.375H6.18551V0H10.998V4.8125H9.62301V2.34727Z"></path></svg></figure></div></span>';
gogRedeemButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
const codeInput = document.querySelector('input[aria-label]');
if (codeInput) {
const code = codeInput.value;
if (code) {
navigator.clipboard.writeText(code).then(function () {
window.location.href = 'https://www.gog.com/en/redeem';
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = `
.claim-button-wrapper {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
margin-top: 15px;
.gog-redeem-button {
margin: 5px 0;
.tw-mg-l-1 {
margin-top: 10px;
.claimable-item {
flex-direction: column !important;
gap: 15px;
.tw-flex-grow-1 {
width: 100%;
// Function to redeem code on GOG
function redeemCodeOnGOG() {
navigator.clipboard.readText().then(function (code) {
const codeInput = document.querySelector(GOG_REDEEM_CODE_INPUT_SELECTOR);
if (codeInput) {
codeInput.value = code;
// Simulate input event to ensure any listeners are triggered
const inputEvent = new Event('input', { bubbles: true });
// Click the continue button after a short delay
setTimeout(() => {
const continueButton = document.querySelector(GOG_CONTINUE_BUTTON_SELECTOR);
if (continueButton) {
// Wait for the "Redeem" button to appear and click it
const checkRedeemButton = setInterval(() => {
const redeemButton = document.querySelector(GOG_FINAL_REDEEM_BUTTON_SELECTOR);
if (redeemButton) {
}, 500); // Check every 500ms for the Redeem button
}, 500); // Adjust the delay as needed
}).catch(function (err) {
Logger.error('Failed to read clipboard contents: ' + err);
// Function to add the "Redeem on Legacy Games" button
function addLegacyGamesRedeemButton() {
const copyCodeButton = document.querySelector('button[aria-label="Copy code to your clipboard"]');
if (copyCodeButton && !document.querySelector('.legacy-games-redeem-button')) {
const copyCodeWrapper = copyCodeButton.closest('.copy-button-wrapper');
if (copyCodeWrapper) {
const legacyGamesRedeemButtonDiv = document.createElement('div');
legacyGamesRedeemButtonDiv.className = 'copy-button tw-align-self-center legacy-games-redeem-button';
const legacyGamesRedeemButton = document.createElement('button');
legacyGamesRedeemButton.ariaLabel = 'Redeem on Legacy Games';
legacyGamesRedeemButton.className = 'tw-interactive tw-button tw-button--full-width';
legacyGamesRedeemButton.dataset.aTarget = 'redeem-on-legacy-games';
legacyGamesRedeemButton.innerHTML = '<span class="tw-button__text" data-a-target="tw-button-text">Redeem on Legacy Games</span>';
legacyGamesRedeemButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
const codeInput = document.querySelector('input[aria-label]');
if (codeInput) {
const code = codeInput.value;
if (code) {
navigator.clipboard.writeText(code).then(function () {
const email = GM_getValue('legacyGamesEmail', null);
if (!email) {
const userEmail = prompt('Please enter your email address:');
if (userEmail) {
GM_setValue('legacyGamesEmail', userEmail);
window.location.href = LEGACY_GAMES_REDEEM_URL;
} else {
window.location.href = LEGACY_GAMES_REDEEM_URL;
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = `
.copy-button-wrapper {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
margin-top: 15px;
.legacy-games-redeem-button {
margin: 5px 0;
.tw-mg-l-1 {
margin-top: 10px;
.claimable-item {
flex-direction: column !important;
gap: 15px;
.tw-flex-grow-1 {
width: 100%;
// Function to redeem code on Legacy Games
function redeemCodeOnLegacyGames() {
const maxAttempts = 5;
let attempts = 0;
const tryRedeem = () => {
if (attempts >= maxAttempts) return;
navigator.clipboard.readText().then(function (code) {
const codeInput = document.querySelector(LEGACY_GAMES_CODE_INPUT_SELECTOR);
const emailInput = document.querySelector(LEGACY_GAMES_EMAIL_INPUT_SELECTOR);
const emailValidateInput = document.querySelector(LEGACY_GAMES_EMAIL_VALIDATE_INPUT_SELECTOR);
const submitButton = document.querySelector(LEGACY_GAMES_SUBMIT_BUTTON_SELECTOR);
const newsletterCheckbox = document.querySelector(LEGACY_GAMES_NEWSLETTER_CHECKBOX_SELECTOR);
const email = GM_getValue('legacyGamesEmail', null);
if (!codeInput || !emailInput || !emailValidateInput || !submitButton) {
Logger.info('Waiting for elements to load...');
setTimeout(tryRedeem, 1000);
if (email && code) {
// Fill in the form
codeInput.value = code;
emailInput.value = email;
emailValidateInput.value = email;
// Ensure newsletter checkbox is unchecked
if (newsletterCheckbox) {
newsletterCheckbox.checked = false;
// Trigger input events
[codeInput, emailInput, emailValidateInput].forEach(input => {
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true }));
// Submit the form
setTimeout(() => {
Logger.success('Form submitted with code: ' + code + ' and email: ' + email);
}, 500);
}).catch(function (err) {
Logger.error('Failed to read clipboard contents: ' + err);
// Start the redemption process
setTimeout(tryRedeem, 2000);
// Function to open all "Claim Game" buttons in new tabs
function openClaimGameTabs() {
const claimGameButtons = document.querySelectorAll('div[data-a-target="tw-core-button-label-text"].Layout-sc-1xcs6mc-0.bFxzAY');
claimGameButtons.forEach(button => {
const parentButton = button.closest('a');
if (parentButton) {
window.open(parentButton.href, '_blank');
if (window.location.hostname === 'gaming.amazon.com') {
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations, obs) => {
const claimCodeButton = document.querySelector('p[title="Claim Code"]');
if (claimCodeButton) {
const copyCodeButton = document.querySelector('button[aria-label="Copy code to your clipboard"]');
if (copyCodeButton) {
observer.observe(document, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
if (window.location.hostname === 'www.gog.com' && window.location.pathname === '/en/redeem') {
window.addEventListener('load', redeemCodeOnGOG);
if (window.location.hostname === 'promo.legacygames.com') {
window.addEventListener('load', redeemCodeOnLegacyGames);
setTimeout(enableTheaterMode, 1000);
setTimeout(autoClaimBonus, 1000);
setTimeout(claimPrimeReward, 1000);
setTimeout(() => clickButton(CLOSE_MENU_BUTTON_SELECTOR), 1000);
setTimeout(() => clickButton(CLOSE_MODAL_BUTTON_SELECTOR), 1000);
setTimeout(hideGlobalMenu, 1000);
setTimeout(claimDrops, 1000);
setInterval(function () {
if (window.location.href.startsWith('https://www.twitch.tv/drops/inventory')) {
}, 15 * 60000);
let o = new MutationObserver((m) => {
let script = document.createElement("script");
script.innerHTML = `
// Add logger configuration for client-side script
const Logger = {
styles: {
info: 'color: #2196F3; font-weight: bold',
warning: 'color: #FFC107; font-weight: bold',
success: 'color: #4CAF50; font-weight: bold',
error: 'color: #F44336; font-weight: bold'
prefix: '[TwitchEnhancements]',
getTimestamp() {
return new Date().toISOString().split('T')[1].slice(0, -1);
info(msg) {
console.log(\`%c\${this.prefix} \${this.getTimestamp()} - \${msg}\`, this.styles.info);
warning(msg) {
console.warn(\`%c\${this.prefix} \${this.getTimestamp()} - \${msg}\`, this.styles.warning);
success(msg) {
console.log(\`%c\${this.prefix} \${this.getTimestamp()} - \${msg}\`, this.styles.success);
error(msg) {
console.error(\`%c\${this.prefix} \${this.getTimestamp()} - \${msg}\`, this.styles.error);
const openClaimGameTabs = () => {
// More specific selector targeting only prime offer buttons
const allButtonTexts = document.querySelectorAll('div[data-a-target="tw-core-button-label-text"]');
// Filter buttons to only include those with text "Claim Game" or just "Claim"
const claimGameButtons = Array.from(allButtonTexts).filter(button => {
const text = button.textContent.trim();
return (text === "Claim Game" || text === "Claim") &&
button.closest('a') && // Must be inside an anchor tag
button.closest('.prime-offer'); // Must be inside a prime offer
Logger.info(\`Found \${claimGameButtons.length} valid claim buttons\`);
// Open each valid claim button in a new tab
claimGameButtons.forEach(button => {
const parentButton = button.closest('a');
if (parentButton && parentButton.href &&
(parentButton.href.includes('gaming.amazon.com') ||
parentButton.href.includes('?ingress=twch'))) {
window.open(parentButton.href, '_blank');
const removeClaimedItems = () => {
// Find ALL items in the list, not just claimed ones
const allItems = document.querySelectorAll('.prime-offer');
let dismissedCount = 0;
let dismissButtons = [];
Logger.info(\`Found \${allItems.length} total items to dismiss\`);
// First collect all dismiss buttons - use multiple methods to ensure we catch all
// Method 1: Find buttons by attribute and data target
document.querySelectorAll('button[aria-label="Dismiss"][data-a-target="prime-offer-dismiss-button"]').forEach(btn => {
// Method 2: Find buttons by test selector attribute as backup
document.querySelectorAll('button[data-test-selector="prime-offer-dismiss-button"]').forEach(btn => {
if (!dismissButtons.includes(btn)) {
// Method 3: Find by class and structure if the above methods miss any
document.querySelectorAll('.prime-offer__dismiss button').forEach(btn => {
if (!dismissButtons.includes(btn)) {
// Deduplicate just in case
dismissButtons = [...new Set(dismissButtons)];
Logger.info(\`Found \${dismissButtons.length} dismiss buttons to click\`);
// Process dismiss buttons with a delay to avoid UI lockups
if (dismissButtons.length > 0) {
const clickNextButton = (index) => {
if (index < dismissButtons.length) {
try {
// Show progress in console
if (dismissedCount % 5 === 0 || dismissedCount === dismissButtons.length) {
Logger.info(\`Dismissed \${dismissedCount} of \${dismissButtons.length} items...\`);
} catch (e) {
Logger.error(\`Error clicking button \${index}: \` + e);
// Schedule next button click with a small delay
setTimeout(() => clickNextButton(index + 1), 75);
} else {
Logger.success(\`Completed! Dismissed \${dismissedCount} items total.\`);
// Look for any dismiss buttons that might have been missed
const remainingButtons = document.querySelectorAll('button[aria-label="Dismiss"]');
if (remainingButtons.length > 0) {
Logger.warning(\`Found \${remainingButtons.length} additional buttons to try\`);
// Try to click any remaining dismiss buttons as a final pass
remainingButtons.forEach(btn => {
try {
} catch(e) {}
Logger.success(\`Final dismissal count: \${dismissedCount}\`);
// Start the dismissal process
} else {
Logger.warning('No dismiss buttons found to click');
// Last attempt fallback - try to find any button with "Dismiss" in aria-label
const fallbackButtons = document.querySelectorAll('button[aria-label="Dismiss"]');
if (fallbackButtons.length > 0) {
Logger.warning(\`Fallback: Found \${fallbackButtons.length} buttons with aria-label="Dismiss"\`);
fallbackButtons.forEach(btn => {
try {
} catch(e) {}
Logger.success(\`Fallback dismissal completed: \${dismissedCount} items dismissed\`);
document.getElementById("PrimeOfferPopover-header").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("PrimeOfferPopover-header").innerHTML += `
<div style="display: flex; gap: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;">
<input type='button' style='border: none; background-color: #9147ff; color: white; padding: 10px 20px; font-size: 14px; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; flex: 1;'
class='tw-align-items-center tw-align-middle tw-border-bottom-left-radius-medium tw-border-bottom-right-radius-medium tw-border-top-left-radius-medium tw-border-top-right-radius-medium tw-core-button tw-core-button--primary tw-inline-flex tw-interactive tw-justify-content-center tw-overflow-hidden tw-relative'
value='Claim All'
<input type='button' style='border: none; background-color: #772ce8; color: white; padding: 10px 20px; font-size: 14px; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; flex: 1;'
class='tw-align-items-center tw-align-middle tw-border-bottom-left-radius-medium tw-border-bottom-right-radius-medium tw-border-top-left-radius-medium tw-border-top-right-radius-medium tw-core-button tw-core-button--primary tw-inline-flex tw-interactive tw-justify-content-center tw-overflow-hidden tw-relative'
value='Remove All'
o.observe(document.body, { childList: true });