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proxies moddified khan hack

Here Is A Moddifed Version Of Khan Hack

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         proxies moddified khan hack
// @version      3.9
// @description  Here Is A Moddifed Version Of Khan Hack
// @author       proxyleft
// @match        https://www.khanacademy.org/*
// @grant        none
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/783447
// ==/UserScript==
// @license MIT
(function () {
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<button class="main" id="accordian">Toggle</button>
<div class="main" id="box2">
<center><p class="pdark" id="pdark"> KhanHack </p></center>
<button onclick="location.reload()" class="inputans">Reset Answer List</button>
<center><section><label id="ansHead">-Answers-</label></section></center>
<center id="mainCen">
<section><label id="ansBreak">&nbsp;</label></section>
<section class="toggleclass"><label>M also toggles Menu</label></section>
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border: 0;
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color: white;
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
.inputans:hover {
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text-align: center;
function get(x) { return document.getElementById(x); }
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darkToggle = get("darkToggle"),
ansbutton = get("inputans"),
ansbutton2 = get("inputans2")
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'use strict';
window.loaded = false;
class Answer {
constructor(answer, type) {
this.body = answer;
this.type = type;
get isMultiChoice() {
return this.type == "multiple_choice";
get isFreeResponse() {
return this.type == "free_response";
get isExpression() {
return this.type == "expression";
get isDropdown() {
return this.type == "dropdown";
log() {
const answer = this.body;
answer.map(ans => {
if (typeof ans == "string") {
if (ans.includes("web+graphie")) {
this.body[this.body.indexOf(ans)] = "";
} else {
answer[answer.indexOf(ans)] = ans.replaceAll("$", "");
const originalFetch = window.fetch;
window.fetch = function () {
return originalFetch.apply(this, arguments).then(async (res) => {
if (res.url.includes("/getAssessmentItem")) {
const clone = res.clone();
const json = await clone.json()
let item, question;
item = json.data.assessmentItem.item.itemData;
question = JSON.parse(item).question;
Object.keys(question.widgets).map(widgetName => {
switch (widgetName.split(" ")[0]) {
case "numeric-input":
return freeResponseAnswerFrom(question).log();
case "radio":
return multipleChoiceAnswerFrom(question).log();
case "expression":
return expressionAnswerFrom(question).log();
case "dropdown":
return dropdownAnswerFrom(question).log();
if (!window.loaded) {
window.loaded = true;
return res;
let curAns = 1
function freeResponseAnswerFrom(question) {
const answer = Object.values(question.widgets).map((widget) => {
if (widget.options?.answers) {
return widget.options.answers.map(answer => {
if (answer.status == "correct") {
var parNumCurAns = "parNum" + curAns
var createPar = document.createElement('section')
createPar.innerHTML = answer.value
}).flat().filter((val) => { return val !== undefined; });
return new Answer(answer, "free_response");
function multipleChoiceAnswerFrom(question) {
const answer = Object.values(question.widgets).map((widget) => {
if (widget.options?.choices) {
return widget.options.choices.map(choice => {
if (choice.correct) {
var parNumCurAns = "parNum" + curAns
var createPar = document.createElement('section')
createPar.innerHTML = choice.content
}).flat().filter((val) => { return val !== undefined; });
return new Answer(answer, "multiple_choice");
function expressionAnswerFrom(question) {
const answer = Object.values(question.widgets).map((widget) => {
if (widget.options?.answerForms) {
return widget.options.answerForms.map(answer => {
if (Object.values(answer).includes("correct")) {
var parNumCurAns = "parNum" + curAns
var createPar = document.createElement('section')
createPar.innerHTML = answer.value
return new Answer(answer, "expression");
function dropdownAnswerFrom(question) {
const answer = Object.values(question.widgets).map((widget) => {
if (widget.options?.choices) {
return widget.options.choices.map(choice => {
if (choice.correct) {
var parNumCurAns = "parNum" + curAns
var createPar = document.createElement('section')
createPar.innerHTML = choice.content
return new Answer(answer, "dropdown");