Thanks to cigoz (anda)
// ==UserScript== // @name - Game Settings 2 // @namespace // @version 1.0.1 // @description Thanks to cigoz (anda) // @author Attack - F8 // @match // @icon  // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const settings = { "Afk Botting": false, "Anti Afk": false, "Auto Split": false, "Auto Spawn": false }; const $ = window.jQuery; if(null != localStorage.getItem('custom-settings')) { const lastSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('custom-settings')); for(let item in settings) { settings[item] = lastSettings[item]; }; }; // SYMBOLS = INTERVALS / VARIABLES, DO NOT CHANGE!. let 鱂=+[],勤,鱀=+[],勉,鱁=+[],鱃,鱄; function change(e) { 鱀 = e.clientX; 鱁 = e.clientY; }; const functions = { x: function() {}, b: function() {}, autospawn: function(d) { if(d == true) { 勤 = setInterval(() => { if(document.getElementById("avModal").style.display == 'block') { setTimeout(function() { window.closeAdvert(); setTimeout(function() { window.setNick(document.getElementById("nick").value); }, 2e3); }, 3e3); }; }, 10); } else { clearInterval(勤); 勤 = null; }; }, autosplit: function(d) { if(d == true) { 勉 = setInterval(() => { $("#canvas").trigger($.Event('keydown', {keyCode: ' '.charCodeAt(0)})); $("#canvas").trigger($.Event('keyup', {keyCode: ' '.charCodeAt(0)})); }, 1); } else { clearInterval(勉); 勉 = null; }; }, afkbotting: function(d) { function triggerC() { $('#canvas').trigger($.Event('keyup', {keyCode: 'C'.charCodeAt(0)})); $('#canvas').trigger($.Event('keydown', {keyCode: 'C'.charCodeAt(0)})); }; function swi() { switch(鱂) { case 0: $('#canvas').trigger($.Event('mousemove', {clientX: document.getElementById("canvas").width / 2, clientY: -34e6})); break; case 1: $('#canvas').trigger($.Event('mousemove', {clientX: 34e6, clientY: document.getElementById("canvas").height / 2})); break; case 2: $('#canvas').trigger($.Event('mousemove', {clientX: document.getElementById("canvas").width / 2, clientY: 34e6})); break; case 3: $('#canvas').trigger($.Event('mousemove', {clientX: -34e6, clientY: document.getElementById("canvas").height / 2})); break; }; triggerC(); }; if(d == true) { 鱃 = setInterval(function() { 鱂++; if(鱂 >= 4) { 鱂 = 0; }; swi(); }, 3e3); } else { clearInterval(鱃); 鱃 = null; $('#canvas').trigger($.Event('keyup', {keyCode: 'C'.charCodeAt(0)})); }; }, antiafk: function(d) { if(d == true) { document.getElementById("canvas").addEventListener("mousemove", change); 鱄 = setInterval(function() { $("#canvas").trigger($.Event('mousemove', {clientX: 鱀 - 1, clientY: 鱁})); $("#canvas").trigger($.Event('mousemove', {clientX: 鱀, clientY: 鱁})); }, 2e4); } else { document.getElementById("canvas").removeEventListener("mousemove", change, false); clearInterval(鱄); 鱄 = null; }; } }; const newSettingNav = document.createElement('div'); const newSettingBtn = document.createElement('button'); newSettingBtn.setAttribute('settings-nav', 'game2'); newSettingNav.setAttribute('settings', 'game2'); newSettingNav.classList.add("settings-page"); = 'none'; newSettingBtn.onclick = function() { document.querySelectorAll('.modals .modal.settings .body .settings-nav button:not([settings-nav="game2"])').forEach(btn => { btn.classList.remove("active"); btn.addEventListener("click", function() { newSettingBtn.classList.remove("active"); = 'none'; }); }); document.querySelectorAll('.modals .modal.settings .body .settings-page:not([settings="game2"])').forEach(wrap => { = 'none'; }); newSettingBtn.classList.add("active"); = 'block'; }; newSettingBtn.innerText = 'Game 2'; document.querySelector('.modals .modal.settings .body').appendChild(newSettingNav); document.querySelector('.modals .modal.settings .body .settings-nav').appendChild(newSettingBtn); let b = 0, z = 1; for(let item in settings) { let x = b & 1; b++; x = !x; const settingWrapper = document.createElement("div"), setting = document.createElement("div"), checkbox = document.createElement("div"), input = document.createElement("input"), label = document.createElement("label"); settingWrapper.classList.add("settings-wrapper"); setting.classList.add("setting"); checkbox.classList.add("checkbox"); input.type = 'checkbox'; input.checked = settings[item]; = item.toLowerCase().replaceAll(' ', ''); input.onchange = function() { settings[item] = input.checked; functions[](input.checked); localStorage.setItem('custom-settings', JSON.stringify(settings)); }; functions[](settings[item]); label.setAttribute('for',; label.append(document.createElement("span"), item); x ? (newSettingNav.appendChild(settingWrapper), settingWrapper.appendChild(setting)) : (newSettingNav.lastChild.appendChild(setting)); setting.appendChild(checkbox); checkbox.append(input, label); }; })();