Instagram website is more suitable for wide screens and for our eyes.
- /* ==UserStyle==
- @name Instagram dark and responsive
- @version 1.0.5
- @description Instagram website is more suitable for wide screens and for our eyes.
- @author BreatFR (
- @namespace
- @homepageURL
- @supportURL
- @license AGPL-3.0-or-later;
- @preprocessor stylus
- @var checkbox darkmode "Dark mode" 1
- @var checkbox hidescrollbars "Hide scrollbars" 1
- @var checkbox widemode "Wide mode" 1
- ==/UserStyle== */
- /* === Credits ===
- Website
- facebook
- mastodon
- telegram
- vk
- X (twitter)
- === Credits === */
- @-moz-document domain("") {
- /* ===================================================================================================================================
- Version
- =================================================================================================================================== */
- :root {
- --themeversion: 'Theme v1.0.5 by BreatFR \A';
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- .x9f619.xjbqb8w.x78zum5.x168nmei.x13lgxp2.x5pf9jr.xo71vjh.xseo6mj.x1uhb9sk.x1plvlek.xryxfnj.x1c4vz4f.x2lah0s.xdt5ytf.xqjyukv.x1qjc9v5.x1oa3qoh.x1nhvcw1::after {
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- /* ===================================================================================================================================
- Hide scrollbars
- =================================================================================================================================== */
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- :root {
- font-size: 1.2rem !important;
- }
- /* ===================================================================================================================================
- Dark
- =================================================================================================================================== */
- if darkmode {
- /* Splash screen */
- #splash-screen {
- background: #1e1e1e !important;
- color: #cbcbcb !important;
- }
- .xat24cr,
- .x12nagc.x182iqb8.x1pi30zi.x1swvt13,
- .x5ur3kl.x13fuv20.x178xt8z.x1roi4f4.x2lah0s.xvs91rp.xl56j7k.x17ydfre.x1n2onr6.x10b6aqq.x1yrsyyn.x1hrcb2b.x1pi30zi,
- .x6s0dn4.xrvj5dj.x1o61qjw.x12nagc.x1gslohp,
- header section {
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- ._aaic,
- ._aam1,
- ._abm4,
- ._ae1j,
- .xvbhtw8,
- .xyzq4qe,
- ._aak3,
- ._aatc ._aasi,
- ._aest,
- ._ae48,
- ._aa61,
- ._aauy,
- ._aa62,
- ._ab8s,
- ._ad8j ,
- ._aatg ._aatk._aatn,
- ._aatk,
- ._ab8q,
- ._ae1i,
- ._ae1k,
- .x7r02ix,
- ._aart,
- ._aart ._aaru,
- ._aac4._aac5._aac6._aj3f._ajdu,
- .x78zum5.xdt5ytf.x1iyjqo2.x5yr21d.xh8yej3,
- .x78zum5.xdt5ytf.x1iyjqo2.xg6iff7,
- .x9f619.x1n2onr6.x1ja2u2z,
- ._ab22,
- ._aasi,
- .xnz67gz,
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- button,
- div,
- h1,
- h2,
- h3,
- h4,
- h5,
- h6,
- label,
- p,
- svg,
- textarea,
- ._aad3,
- ._aaai,
- ._ac2a,
- ._alvs,
- ._alvs:visited,
- ._aacx,
- ._aaoe,
- ._aaqn,
- ._acao._acat,
- .x5n08af:not(input),
- .xzsf02u,
- .xqnirrm {
- color: #cbcbcb !important;
- fill: #cbcbcb !important;
- }
- a:hover {
- color: white !important;
- fill: white !important;
- }
- /* Links */
- a,
- a:visited,
- ._aaai,
- ._aaai:visited,
- ._aaqn,
- ._aaqn:visited,
- ._ap3a._aaco._aacw._aacz._aada._aade,
- ._aacz:visited,
- .x7l2uk3,
- .x7l2uk3:visited,
- .x9f619.x1n2onr6.x1ja2u2z.x78zum5.xdt5ytf.x193iq5w.xeuugli.x1r8uery.x1iyjqo2.xs83m0k > div > div > div > div:nth-child(4) > div,
- .x3nfvp2.x193iq5w > div > a > span > span {
- color: rgb(0, 149, 246) !important;
- }
- /* Loved */
- svg.x1lliihq.x1n2onr6.xxk16z8 path {
- fill: #fc5776;
- stroke: #fc5776;
- }
- /* Follow */
- ._ap3a._aaco._aacw._aad6._aade {
- color: white !important;
- }
- /* Followed */
- [style="display: inline-block; transform: rotate(180deg);"] > svg,
- ._ap3a._aaco._aacw._aad6._aade[dir="auto"] {
- color: #101010 !important;
- fill: #101010 !important;
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- .xlup9mm.x10ogl3i.x1kky2od > svg,
- [style="line-height: var(--base-line-clamp-line-height); --base-line-clamp-line-height: 16px;"] > .x1lliihq.x193iq5w.x6ikm8r.x10wlt62.xlyipyv.xuxw1ft {
- color: #1e1e1e !important;
- fill: #1e1e1e !important;
- }
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- .x1y1aw1k.x1sxyh0.xwib8y2.xurb0ha > div > div {
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- article[class="_aatb _aate _aatg _aati"],
- article[class="_aatb _aate _aatg _aati"] > div {
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- background: #1e1e1e !important;
- border: 1px solid;
- }
- ._aaqf._aaqh svg,
- ._aaqg._aaqh svg {
- height: 36px;
- width: 36px;
- }
- .x1eu8d0j {
- background: #1e1e1e !important;
- }
- /* Previous/next on menu profile */
- ._aao_ {
- padding-right: 3px;
- }
- ._afxx {
- background: url(;
- background-position: -294px -226px;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- height: 45px;
- width: 45px;
- }
- ._afxy {
- background: url(;
- background-position: -294px -226px;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- height: 45px;
- width: 45px;
- }
- /* Verified icons */
- svg.x1lliihq.x1n2onr6:not(.x1lliihq.x1n2onr6.x5n08af,.x1lliihq.x1n2onr6.xyb1xck,[style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px; position: relative;"] svg) {
- fill: rgb(0, 149, 246) !important;
- }
- /* Icons on profil's posts */
- [style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px; position: relative;"] svg {
- fill: white !important;
- }
- }
- /* ===================================================================================================================================
- Wide
- =================================================================================================================================== */
- if widemode {
- .xsdox4t,
- .x78zum5.xdt5ytf.x1iyjqo2.xg6iff7,
- .x6osk4m.x6osk4m {
- overflow-x: hidden;
- width: 100% !important;
- }
- main {
- max-width: calc(100% - 335px) !important;
- }
- main > [class="x1iyjqo2 xdj266r xkrivgy xat24cr x1gryazu x1ykew4q x38y82z xc73u3c x18d9i69 x5ib6vp x19sv2k2 x1wfb79h x1oyxtw5 x1k4gc0v x15w28ab x10rn61k"] {
- margin-left: 300px !important;
- max-width: 100% !important;
- }
- main > div > [style="max-width:630px;width:100%"],
- main > div > [style="max-width: 630px; width: 100%;"] {
- margin-left: 300px !important;
- max-width: calc(100% - 335px) !important;
- min-width: calc(100% - 335px) !important;
- }
- .x1okitfd {
- max-width: none !important;
- }
- article [class="x6s0dn4 xyzq4qe x78zum5 xdt5ytf x2lah0s xl56j7k x6ikm8r x10wlt62 x1n2onr6 x5ur3kl xopu45v x1bs97v6 xmo9t06 x1lcm9me x1yr5g0i xrt01vj x10y3i5r x13fuv20 xu3j5b3 x1q0q8m5 x26u7qi x178xt8z xm81vs4 xso031l xy80clv"] > div {
- width: 100%;
- }
- .x6s0dn4.xyzq4qe.x78zum5.xdt5ytf.x2lah0s.xl56j7k.x6ikm8r.x10wlt62.x1n2onr6.x5ur3kl.xopu45v.x1bs97v6.xmo9t06.x1lcm9me.x1yr5g0i.xrt01vj.x10y3i5r.x13fuv20.xu3j5b3.x1q0q8m5.x26u7qi.x178xt8z.xm81vs4.xso031l.xy80clv {
- border-radius: 16px !important;
- }
- li[class="_acaz"],
- [style*="width: calc(-2px + min"] {
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- height: auto !important;
- min-width: 100% !important;
- object-fit: cover !important;
- }
- .xvbhtw8.xixxii4.x13vifvy.xk3oba8.xh8yej3.x1mcj5oc,
- .x78zum5.x1q0g3np.xl56j7k.xh8yej3.x1xy6bms > div:nth-child(1) {
- max-width: calc(100% - 670px) !important;
- }
- /* Profile galery */
- .x1iyjqo2.xdj266r.xkrivgy.x4n8cb0.x1gryazu.x1ykew4q.x38y82z.xc73u3c.x18d9i69.x5ib6vp.x19sv2k2.x164vai7.x13ijfrp.xhwgc15.xkvl2z1.x58vhm7 {
- margin-left: 16.5%;
- max-width: calc(100% - 380px) !important;
- padding-top: 0;
- }
- /* Profile header */
- [class="x78zum5 xdt5ytf x1iyjqo2 xg6iff7"],
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- padding-top: 0;
- }
- header[class="xrvj5dj x1ec4g5p xl463y0 xwy3nlu xdj266r xh8yej3"] > section:nth-of-type(5):empty,
- header[class="xrvj5dj x1ec4g5p xl463y0 xwy3nlu xdj266r xh8yej3"] > section:nth-of-type(6):empty,
- header[class="xrvj5dj x1ec4g5p xl463y0 xwy3nlu xdj266r xh8yej3"] > section:nth-of-type(7):empty {
- display: none !important;
- height: 0 !important;
- margin-bottom: 0 !important;
- margin-top: 0 !important;
- padding: 0 !important;
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- header[class="xrvj5dj x1ec4g5p xl463y0 xwy3nlu xdj266r xh8yej3"] > section:nth-of-type(2) {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
- header[class="xrvj5dj x1ec4g5p xl463y0 xwy3nlu xdj266r xh8yej3"] > section:nth-of-type(1),
- header[class="xrvj5dj x1ec4g5p xl463y0 xwy3nlu xdj266r xh8yej3"] > section:nth-of-type(3),
- header[class="xrvj5dj x1ec4g5p xl463y0 xwy3nlu xdj266r xh8yej3"] > section:nth-of-type(4) {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- margin-top: 0;
- }
- header[class="xrvj5dj x1ec4g5p xl463y0 xwy3nlu xdj266r xh8yej3"] > section:nth-of-type(6) {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- margin-top: 0;
- padding: 0 20px !important;
- }
- /* Article content */ .x9f619.xjbqb8w.x78zum5.x168nmei.x13lgxp2.x5pf9jr.xo71vjh.x1uhb9sk.x1plvlek.xryxfnj.x1c4vz4f.x2lah0s.xdt5ytf.xqjyukv.x6s0dn4.x1oa3qoh.x1nhvcw1 > div {
- min-width: 100% !important;
- }
- ._aap0 {
- width: 100% !important;
- }
- /* Smiley */
- .xu96u03.xm80bdy.x10l6tqk.x13vifvy > div.x1uvtmcs.x4k7w5x.x1h91t0o.x1beo9mf.xaigb6o.x12ejxvf.x3igimt.xarpa2k.xedcshv.x1lytzrv.x1t2pt76.x7ja8zs.x1n2onr6.x1qrby5j.x1jfb8zj > div > div > div > div > div {
- background: #101010;
- }
- /* Article header home page */
- .x6s0dn4.x78zum5.x1q0g3np.x1nhvcw1.xh8yej3 > div {
- padding: 0 10px;
- }
- /* Comments home page */
- .x1lliihq.x1n2onr6 > .xvbhtw8.x78zum5.xdt5ytf.x5yr21d.x1n2onr6 > div {
- padding: 0px;
- }
- /* Sidebar */
- .x3hkoc4 {
- padding-left: 0px;
- position: fixed;
- right: 0px;
- width: 319px;
- }
- ._aap0 {
- width: calc(100% - 80px);
- }
- /* Messages */
- .x9f619.x1n2onr6.x1ja2u2z.x78zum5.xdt5ytf.x193iq5w.xeuugli.x1r8uery.x1iyjqo2.xs83m0k {
- padding-right: 10px;
- }
- span[style="line-height: var(--base-line-clamp-line-height);--base-line-clamp-line-height: 25px;"] {
- line-height: 40px !important;
- }
- }
- /* For instagram ad blocker browser plugin */
- #ad-shield {
- background: #101010 !important;
- color: #cbcbcb !important;
- left: 156px;
- }
- #ad-shield-main {
- background: #101010 !important;
- color: #cbcbcb !important;
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- left: 10px;
- max-height: 50%;
- overflow-y: auto;
- padding: 5px 10px;
- position: fixed;
- top: 70px;
- width: 300px;
- z-index: 9999;
- }
- #ad-hid-count,
- #ad-hide-username {
- background: #1e1e1e !important;
- color: #cbcbcb !important;
- }
- }