// ==UserScript== // @name 学习通复制粘贴助手 Chaoxing Copy Helper // @namespace https://github.com/lcandy2/user.js/tree/main/websites/chaoxing.com/chaoxing-copy-helper // @version 1.4 // @author 甜檸Cirtron (lcandy2) // @description 📝解除超星学习通复制粘贴限制,解除学习通复制乱码问题;✨“一键复制题目”、“一键粘贴到答案”、“复制好友答案”等功能。🧹大小仅1.62KB,极小尺寸,无需任何权限,无需任何配置,安装即用。💛安全开源可读,无附加功能或远程代码,防止窃取其他信息 // @license AGPL-3.0-or-later // @copyright lcandy2 All Rights Reserved // @homepage https://greasyfork.org/scripts/496958 // @homepageURL https://greasyfork.org/scripts/496958 // @source https://github.com/lcandy2/user.js/tree/main/websites/chaoxing.com/chaoxing-copy-helper // @match *://*.chaoxing.com/* // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const removeCopyLimits = () => { document.body.removeAttribute("onselectstart"); document.documentElement.style.userSelect = "unset"; if (UE && UE.instants && typeof UE.instants === "object") { for (const [key, instance] of Object.entries(UE.instants)) { try { if (instance.options) { instance.options.disablePasteImage = false; } if (instance.removeListener) { instance.removeListener("beforepaste", editorPaste); } } catch (error) { console.error("[Chaoxing Copy Helper] Failed to remove copy limits from instance", key, error); } } } console.info("[Chaoxing Copy Helper] Removed copy limits."); }; const href = window.location.href; const addBranding = () => { addExamBranding(); }; const addExamBranding = () => { if (href.includes("exam-ans/exam/test")) { const markInfo = document.querySelector(".mark_info"); if (markInfo) { const branding = document.createElement("p"); branding.innerHTML = `已解除复制/粘贴限制<br><span style="font-size: 12px;">- 由 <a href="https://greasyfork.org/scripts/496958" target="_blank">学习通复制粘贴助手 Chaoxing Copy Helper 提供</a> -</span>`; markInfo.appendChild(branding); } } }; const removeDebuggerLimit = () => { const constructorHook = Function.prototype.constructor; Function.prototype.constructor = (s) => { if (s === "debugger") { return () => { }; } return constructorHook(s); }; }; setTimeout(() => { removeDebuggerLimit(); try { removeCopyLimits(); } catch (error) { console.error("[Chaoxing Copy Helper] Failed to remove copy limits.", error); } addBranding(); }, 1e3); })();