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AutoGrind: Intelligent Bing Rewards Auto-Grinder

This user script automatically finds random words from the current search r###lts and searches Bing with them. Additionally, it auto clicks the unclaimed daily points from your rewards dashboard too.

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Jery Js
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AutoGrind: Intelligent Bing Rewards Auto-Grinder

AutoGrind is a powerful and mobile-friendly browser user script designed to automate the process of earning Bing Rewards. By intelligently searching for random words extracted from current search r###lts and auto-clicking unclaimed daily points, AutoGrind maximizes your rewards with minimal effort.

Install AutoGrind


  • Automated Searches: Automatically performs searches on Bing using dynamically extracted words from search r###lts.
  • Daily Points Collection: Auto-clicks to claim unclaimed daily points from your rewards dashboard.
  • Customizable Settings: Offers a range of settings to tailor the script's behavior to your needs, including maximum searches, timeout intervals, and more.
  • Cooldown Management: Includes an option to manage cooldown restrictions imposed by Bing, ensuring continuous operation without triggering anti-bot measures.
  • Simulate Real Browsing: Simulates real human search behavior by opening random links from search r###lts, potentially improving rewards and reducing the chance of restrictions.


  1. Install a User Script Manager: First, you need to have a user script manager installed in your browser.
  2. Install AutoGrind: Navigate to the AutoGrind script page and click on the "Install" button. Your user script manager should prompt you to install the script.
  3. Enable the Script: Ensure the script is enabled in your user script manager's dashboard.


After installation, visit Bing.com or your Bing Rewards dashboard. You'll notice an auto-search icon and a settings icon added to the page. Click on the auto-search icon to start earning rewards automatically or the settings icon to configure the script.


AutoGrind comes with several configurable options:

  • Max Searches: Set the maximum number of searches to perform.
  • Timeout: Adjust the timeout between searches.
  • Under Cooldown: Enable if facing cooldown restrictions.
  • Open Random Links: Enable to open random links from search r###lts.

These settings can be adjusted via the settings overlay, which can be accessed by clicking the settings icon.


The script can detect a special "&form=STARTSCRIPT" parameter in the url which triggers the auto search process automatically.
You can use this to your advantage by setting up a program like Python or AHK (or even the task scheduler) to auto run the script.

Here's a demo of how to do this with Task Scheduler: https://imgur.com/B3PnBb8

And here's an example written in AHK:

RunBingRewards(paths) {
SplashTextOn, 250, 25, Bing Rewards, Running Bing Rewards...
; Just fill in some random search terms to better randomize searches
searchTerms := ["japan", "cat", "dog", "novels", "anime", "movies", "food", "marvel", "#####", "noodles"]
query := "https://www.bing.com/search?q="
; Generates a random string of 1-5 words randomly
Random, loopCount, 1, 5
Loop % loopCount {
Random, randomIndex, 1, searchTerms.Length()
randomString := searchTerms[randomIndex]
query .= randomString . "%20"
query .= "&form=STARTSCRIPT"
; Run each browser and navigate to the generated search url.
for index, path in paths {
Run, %path% %query%
browsers := [".\imports\Microsoft Edge Beta.lnk", ".\imports\Microsoft Edge Dev.lnk", ".\imports\Microsoft Edge.lnk"]


Contributions are welcome! If you have improvements or bug fixes, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.


AutoGrind is open-source software licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


This script is intended for educational purposes only. Use it responsibly and at your own risk. The author is not responsible for any potential consequences of using this script.