Derive image to the bottom of web page and fill the password gennerated by update date
// ==UserScript== // @name export image from myppt and lurl // @name:zh-TW 從myppt和lurl中導出圖片以及填寫密碼 // @name:en. export image from myppt and lurl // @namespace normaltool // @version 0.1.2 // @description:zh-tw 導出myppt和lurl的圖片在網頁的底部,並且自動填寫日期密碼 // @description Derive image to the bottom of web page and fill the password gennerated by update date // @author jw23 // @match https://** // @match https://** // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; var images = []; let deaultpassword = function(cssSelector){ try{ return /\d{4}-(\d{2}-\d{2})/.exec(document.querySelector(cssSelector).textContent)[1].replace('-','') }catch(e){ console.log("error in password:",e) } } if (document.URL.indexOf('') != -1) { fillPassword('#pasahaicsword',deaultpassword('.form-group.has-feedback')) let links = document.querySelectorAll("link[rel=preload]"); for (let link of links) { let imagesLinks = link.getAttribute('href'); images.push(imagesLinks) } } else if (document.URL.indexOf('')) { fillPassword('#password',deaultpassword('.form-group.has-feedback')) let scripts = document.querySelectorAll('.gameIn script') for (let script of scripts) { if (script.textContent.indexOf('canvas_img') != -1) { let res = /https:\/\/\/.+g/.exec(script.textContent) images.push(res[0]) } } } for (let image of images) { let img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = image = "100%" document.body.appendChild(img); } })(); // 从URL中提取文件名 function getFilename(url) { return url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } function fillPassword(selector, password) { let input = document.querySelector(selector) if (input !== null) { input.value = password; // document.querySelector('#main_fjim60unBU').click() } }